
Small Hauyne and Luc Yen Cobalt Spinel

Beautiful ring!!! Love the color. =)
I too wanted something different so had decided to look for a bright yellow center stone. But after a month of looking with a lot of help from others (a PSer offered her yellow tourmaline, a vendor tried cutting a few stones...), I just couldn't find the right yellow to go with the hauynes. Yvonne offered to look for one at the Vegas show and before she left, we agreed a paraiba cab would be a great alternative.

Besides I don't have a cab so I think this counts as something different, right? :)
Wow, such beautiful colour in these spinels!

Diane, I love the ring you've had made. Truly spectacular.
Arrived today :)


and because I was home when it arrived and always wanted to take one of those outdoor shots...

lilmosun said:
Arrived today :)


and because I was home when it arrived and always wanted to take one of those outdoor shots...

OMG that is mind-blowing! The glow of your paraiba is out of this world, and the bright hauynite really complement the center stone. Yvonne knocked this on edit of the part. It looks like a nuclear radioactive ring, it's so ridiculously bright! [emoji7] I really really love this. If you ever decide to let it go, I will be first in line!!
Please say you will post a ton more photos??
@lilmosun, thats a really great combination! :love:
Thanks Aracadian and mochiko :)

It doesn't have the sparkle of my faceted paraibas (or DianeM's killer ring) but am happy I went with a cab because the setting sits lower than I am used to. I can't say enough about how wonderful it is to work with Yvonne.

I wore it to the Intergem show today (most of my vendors skip this one due to the holiday so no misbehaving on my part to report) and got quite a few compliments on it.

Here is a picture of it from the side:


Here is a picture sitting in a dark room with only my monitor in front of me and a table top lamp off to the side.


Admittedly, it looks best outdoors where it totally lights up :love: My husband has those CFL bulbs all through the house...I keep wondering what his response would be if I asked him to change them so I could admire my stones in better lighting (and take decent pictures to post here) :think: But guess I should let him save on lighting since he doesn't question my spend on jewelry, right? :lol:
That is now one of my favorite rings of yours, lms! Beautiful and it sure does light up in the sun - looks practically nuclear.
Thank you..laughing at the nail polish (not sure I'd get away with it at the office.

My original intent was to show off the hauynes a bit more like your ring does now thinking about using some as melee for a moonstone ring. Just need to make sure it compliments but doesn't hide the blue adularescent effect. These little stones are so bright, pure in color and saturated, I've learned that they can be difficult to match with other stones and will highlight any negative modifiers. Your idea of using a diamond was perfect. I am totally in love with the hauyne blue (not fortunate enough to own any luc yen cobalt spinels) and highly recommend them. Just be sure to use an experienced bench as they are brittle.

Would love to see what other hauyne stones or jewelery others might have. I am addicted. (Marlow - if I lived in Germany, I'd be hoarding these).
Gorgeous ring Lilmosun!
Pretty ring, lilmosun! I've wondered about that combination so it's great to see it IRL. And yes, I do believe it counts as something different! ;) Well done. :)
Your ring turned out great!

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