
Small things that make you happy!


Jul 7, 2013
I'll start, in no particular order...

Finding a double-yolk egg

Finding an extra hot wing in a KFC Mighty Bucket for One

Winning the money back on a 1 GBP scratch card

Being given a 35 GBP beauty voucher when I only paid 30 GBP for it

Watching the dog chases the sun in the garden and laying in the warm spots

The cat coming up to me for a cuddle immediately joined by the dog

The dog wanting a cuddle for no apparent reason

Watching the wildlife in the garden eating the food I have put out for them

Finding the wren has returned to build a new nest under the porch above my back door

DK :))
I’ll play!
My first coffee being juuust right so it feels like I just gave myself a caffeine hug;
The cats snuggling in with the dogs;
Watching Min and Otto’s sinuous happy tails;
Watching Otto try to work out how the tap works (he’s so close yet so so far away from working it out cos.. plumbing and he’s a cat);
Seeing the pugs speed over to me when I call;
Getting a SOQL query to pull the right data when the rest of my team thought it couldn’t be done;
Turning up at our local for dinner and a pint and being given a preview tasting of the really good new snacks menu (tonight!);
DH surprising me with a Lego bonsai because he knew I had a crappy day at work yesterday.
1. Greeting my fiancé each month when he comes home from his merchant mariner job would be number one.
2. Days off from work
3. Wine!
4. A good cup of coffee or chai
5. Any meal my fiancé cooks
6. Bubble baths
7. My BS reality shows :tongue:
8. Day/ weekend trips
9. Staying home and being a bum.
10. Scrolling through price scope
Here are some of mine:

1. Pretty colourful gems. They're both small and they make me happy every time I look at them. :D

2. Scooping up the cat for a cuddle right after he's crawled from underneath a blanket. He's all warm and sleepy, and very susceptible to cuddles and kisses.

3. Going out on the balcony, opening the window and spending a couple of minutes observing the sky and looking at the mountains in the distance.

4. Putting headphones on and playing music the second I walk out the door. Makes me feel like my life has a soundtrack.

5. Fountain pens and glass dip pens, wet ink on paper. So old fashioned, so elegant, and yet so out of place in the modern world, it almost serves as a tiny escape.

6. Knitting/crocheting while watching a movie or series positioned in the 19th/early 20th century. Like Downton Abbey or a movie adaptation of a Jane Austen novel. Makes me think of a simpler life, devoid of the stress and mental fatigue I experience on a daily basis.
My sweet husband's thoughtfulness and constant support. Not a small thing per se but the #1 thing that makes me happy-he is always here for me no matter what. He is my soft place to fall in a harsh and challenging world

My kitties despite their bad behavior at times. Yes I am talking about you Sir Oliver

Cycling by the sea. Just being by the ocean and cycling is freeing and feels so wonderful. It brings me joy and allows me to be in the moment which for me is not an easy task

Speaking with my friends who get me and whom I get. Having their support and love and acceptance for who I am without needing me to change into being someone else. Being loved for who one is is a very powerful thing IMO

My family..we might not always agree or get along (mom and I are too much alike perhaps lol) but I love them unconditionally as they love me and that is everything

Getting into my comfy bed at night after an exhausting day where we've cycled 60 miles. Nothing feels better

A warm shower when I am cold or sweaty

A big warm hug when I need love and comfort

My delicious (If I say so myself haha) black coffee. Nothing is better when we first wake up. The smell, the taste, ahhhh

Listening to my favorite music. I love many different genres and artists and it just depends on my mood at that time. It really brings me into a different head space and allows me to be in a state of bliss

Being engrossed in a really good book where time just seems to stop and flies by at the same time if you get what I mean

Hiking out in nature with my dh. Nothing like it. The peace and beauty all around. As if we were the only ones with the wildlife. Heaven

There's so much more but for a start this will do :)
Oh how could I forget. Ice cream makes me happy too :)

When the hummingbirds return and one flits in front of my window to let me know it is time to put out the feeders!

Catching the scent of wisteria in my favorite place as I walk or bike!

Looking down at my rings and catching my diamond in a particularly beautiful moment!

Having just the right song come on at just the right time during a car ride!

An insanely good cup of coffee or flavor of ice cream hitting at just the right moment!

Having a great hair day! Or clothes-fitting-nicely day! Or clear skin day!

Those first spring days when the weather is warmer, the sun is bright and lasts longer, the birds are busy and singing away, and the air is fresher! It's as if happiness burst onto the land and it spreads into my bones.

Waking up to a particularly cozy bed!

Having our fluffy siberian climb up on the crook of my hip for her own nap while I nap!
Sorry. I think a picture is worth a thousand (or more) words.
Having a purring kitty on my lap brings me so much joy

Those rare times when the cat wants to snuggle

When my chai tea tastes just right in the morning

Playing in my jewelry box

Long hugs from DH

Putting the final polish on a piece of jewelry that I just made

Going to bed on Friday night when I know I don't have anywhere to go on Saturday morning.

Staying home all weekend with no plans and no obligations.
Love this thread, what a great idea @dk168!

Here are mine:

Taking a nap with Dexter on my hip

Strolling through an antique store or flea market with Sinatra playing in the background.

A hot shower on a cold morning, nothing better

Going bowling with the family (one of our favorite family things to do)

Decorating the house for the latest holiday

Driving alone in the car and having Pandora randomly play all my favorite songs

Spotting wildlife in the backyard, love when the bunnies and woodchucks are out together

Golden hour, when the sun is going down but there is still that golden sunlight all around

Having a lazy Sunday

Having coffee in comfy clothes while rocking in my chair and looking at PS, like right now ;)2
Love this thread! Here are mine:

The sound of my daughters laughing together

My hummingbird friend returning to say hello every morning

Sitting around the dining table sharing a meal with my hubby, daughters and their boyfriends. A rare occurrence with everyone's schedules.

Sitting on the beach watching the sunset

Snuggling with a blanket and a good book
Listening to the sound of heaving rain hitting the roof of my RV while I am nice and cosy snuggled up in bed (the camping season is about to start with the first trip out over the Easter weekend, can't wait!).

Rainbows cheer me up.

The smell of the air after a thunderstorm.

DK :))
What a lovely thread, @dk168!

+1 to ice cream

+1 to curling up with a good book

snuggling with a sweet sleeping puppy

walking through the woods on a sunny day
my daughter saying "love you" every time we end a phone call

the return of the hummingbirds always makes me smile

the sight of the first bulbs of spring coming up in my garden

watching the mother birds feed their babies

trying a new recipe that turns out great

good chocolate

good wine

finishing a long delayed project in the house, big or small
So many things. Birds chirping, squirrels twitching their tails. The rabbit that lives under our porch/pine tree. Rain. Butterflies. Bees. The little chickadees that have a nest under our eave. The house finches......
I see a common theme so far.

Animals. Animals bring happiness.

It was great watching a squirrel trying its best to eat the remaining fat blocks on the bird feeder. The cheeky thing ate most of the others!

DK :))
-When my kids were little, hearing their laughter and giggles made me happy.

-Now that they are away for college, getting texts from them (at least 1x every 2 days) makes me happy, because I know they are thinking of home, and mom.

-Dh watching the same TV show or movie with me makes me happy, because most of the time he watches sports on another TV in another room.

-Cuddling with my furbaby, and getting greeted with kisses from my furbaby makes me happy.

-Wine and cheese on my weekend indulgence nights
I forgot to mention the one thing that prompted me to start this thread, DOH!!!

Opening a packet of mixed root vegetable crisps to find more than the usual amount of beetroot ones which are my favourite!

DK :lol-2:
Any of my kids laughing. They are all adults, but it still makes me happy. Especially when my daughter gets tickled and she laughs so hard tears are rolling down her face.

My husband makes me happy. I am thankful for every day we get to spend together.
I wasn't sure how retirement was going to go since he would be gone for days sometimes on his job. It's better than I could have imagined.

Seeing animal videos on the internet~whether it be tiktok or FB. It is my opinion that animal videos are the finest use of social media.

Kisses from my son

A smile from my golden

The smell of eucalyptus

Hot cross buns

Lunch with hubby

Hot chips with pepper sauce

A new Chinese series that makes me swoon


A nap on the couch
Freshly brewed coffee to start the day

When my cake rises beautifully without crack on the surface

Seeing a rainbow

Having a date with a good friend

Getting to eat food I crave

Hearing a cat purr

Admiring my small collection of blings

Admiring beauty of the nature eg sunset, beautiful plants, flowers & trees
This is so nice! I’ve been trying harder to seek out joy lately. My list in no particular order-
My dog snoring next to me on the sofa
The sun! Haven’t seen a lot of it lately
AirPods and Apple Watch make it much easier to take my music along with me
Sitting outside with a book, music and drink
New baby granddaughter
Sparkly jewelry ( I wore my jewelry during the pandemic because it brightened my day )
The beach
My garden

A clean kitchen. I've found the prettiest microfibre tea towels that makes every surface spotless!

My bike. Clothing that looks like jewellery (sparkly kicks, gold or silver metallic jackets, etc)

When I had Covid back in March 2022, I lost my sense of taste and smell, and I really missed not being able to smell the coffee and more importantly, my pets!

So I started scent training by sniffing my spices in the kitchen, and was grateful for the ability to taste and smell to return in no time.

DK :))
Really bad puns

Soft pillows
My tiny, 10 point, GIA Fancy Red diamond.
It's such a clean pure traffic-light red.
So many that GIA grades Fancy Red are actually quite brown and dull.
I love to watch the shadows on the ground of tree leaves dancing in a gentle breeze.
The fresh air after rain.
Gently moving my sunlit Octavia just a tad when it's sending an intense beam of fire to my eye; I'll slowly move it so the color goes from red to orange to yellow to green to blue to violet. :kiss2:
The I Love YOUs when my daughter call or texts everyday.

Walking beach, collecting shells

Watching squirrels (regulars) eat food I put out for them and come to my door to see my cat

Arya (cat), laying in the sun20230122_084307.jpg20220402_103826.jpg