
So sad....we need a new listkeeper :-(

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Hooray!!!! The ring is beautiful and your story is just so cute!! Congratulations!!
Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU, everyone! You guys have all been wonderful during my LIW status, offering tips, advice, a kind ear, etc. I''m soooo glad I found PS when I did (and I''ll stay here for the Brides Worldwide board...I heard The Knot boards can be nasty).

Being engaged doesn''t feel much different. However, I''m just incredibly happy and giddy. This morning, my boyfriend told me that he kept catching himself smiling for no apparent reason (other than the fact that we''re finally engaged!).

Becky P, since you were the first to ask, I think it''s only fair that you become the next listkeeper. Does anyone have any objections?

I want to take more pictures but alas it''s a cloudy day in NY and I''m stuck in the office! I PROMISE I''ll take tons when the sun comes out.
Date: 6/28/2007 11:35:01 PM
Author: IrishAngel
Wow...your ring is gorgeous! That''s so sweet how he put the box next to the g-pig. My piggy is my baby as well, alongside the two brats whom we call dogs.
Congratulations! Take yourself off the list!
Don''t you LOVE g-pigs? I used to have 5 but two died from old age (one was 3 and the other 4).
I never thought I can get attached to rodents but they''re so fun with their wheeking, popcorning, and cuddly personalities!

My fav pig (Elsa, who''s mentioned above) LOVES being petted and whenever someone enters the room she runs up to the side of the cage and extends her neck so that the person will pet her. My boyfriend even takes naps with one of our pigs - she rests on his neck and they snore together. So cute!

Anyway the reason the proposal was so special is because we love our piggies so much! I have pictures of them in my cubicle at work, and whenever our friends come over they always go play with our pigs. Our friends and family always ask us about them too, and we really do talk about them like they''re our kids!
Congratulations! I love your proposal story, too! And your ring is GORGEOUS! I can''t wait to see more pics! You''ll have to start a thread in SMTR when you get a chance to take pictures!
Date: 6/29/2007 9:23:57 AM
Author: JenStone

Don''t you LOVE g-pigs? I used to have 5 but two died from old age (one was 3 and the other 4).
I never thought I can get attached to rodents but they''re so fun with their wheeking, popcorning, and cuddly personalities!

My fav pig (Elsa, who''s mentioned above) LOVES being petted and whenever someone enters the room she runs up to the side of the cage and extends her neck so that the person will pet her. My boyfriend even takes naps with one of our pigs - she rests on his neck and they snore together. So cute!

Anyway the reason the proposal was so special is because we love our piggies so much! I have pictures of them in my cubicle at work, and whenever our friends come over they always go play with our pigs. Our friends and family always ask us about them too, and we really do talk about them like they''re our kids!
I have a chinchilla and a hedgehog. I am so attached to both of them. The chinchilla is almost 15! They maybe rodents, but they are just too cute not to love.
Congratulations! Beautiful ring! What a sweet way to propose!
Jen congrats, you have been very patient! The ring is just lovely. Wear it in the best of health!
YAY - Congratulations! So happy for you!
Date: 6/29/2007 9:20:13 AM
Author: JenStone

...Being engaged doesn''t feel much different. However, I''m just incredibly happy and giddy. This morning, my boyfriend told me that he kept catching himself smiling for no apparent reason (other than the fact that we''re finally engaged!)...
You mean your fiance, right?
Big congrats and gorgeous ring!
Congratulations Jen!! Your ring is lovely, but we need more pics to get the full effect!
Congrats Jen!!!
Congrats Jen, I came online and said lets see who got engaged today and then i saw your post, I''m so happy for you guys and what a lovely proposal story, Now where are the rest of the pics, you know us one is not enough.
Congratulations, Jen Stone!
Your ring is just gorgeous.

(My bro and I used to take our guinea pigs for rides down the sidewalk in his Tonka dump trucks when we were little!)
YES, I love pigs!!! Their personalities and noises are so funny! Popcorning is the cutest ever and watching them run across the floor is priceless. The one I have now (Trixie) is 6 yrs old already but she''s still goin strong! My last one died when she was 7.
We got hooked because when I was younger I wanted a hamster but my parents didn''t want a ''mouse'' in the house. I went to the pet store and convinced my parents to get me a g-pig and they''ve been hooked ever since! Everyone that has seen our pigs thinks they''re the cutest little animals, and I can''t say I disagree.
My brother has had 2 so far, including one rescue that wasn''t with us for more than 2 yrs. =( They''re great pets and I love how your fiance incorporated them into your proposal!!
Congratulations!!! Please post more pics of your beautiful ring - and some of your guinea pigs as well!!
Congratulations!!!!! What a beautiful ring!!!
Congrats!!!!!! Loving the ring
The ring is gorgeous! I just love it! The proposal is incredibly sweet....that''s what I hope for....simple, sweet, and just the two of us. Lucky girl! Congrats!!!
Congratulations, Jen! Your proposal was so sweet, and that ring--gorgeous. I can''t wait to see more pictures.

I love guinea pigs, too. I don''t have any of my own, but when in the first grade we had one as a "class pet" so I used to ask my mom to put loads of carrots in my lunch box. She was so proud that I was eating so many carrots until she came to parent night and met our little pet. Anyway, I''ve loved those little guys ever since then.
Yay! I am so happy for you! How exciting!!!
Congrats and enjoy that lovely ring!!! Wonderful news.
Once again, thank you everyone! I''m soooo happy!!!

I will start a thread in SMTR right after this, but I wanted to post pictures of my piggies first....

This is Elsa. You can''t see from this picture but she has looonnnggg hair and she''s just so pretty. My sister thinks this picture is freaky because of the way her front paws are positioned but I think it''s adorable!

This is Emma. She''s the oldest of the three, and she loves taking naps on my fiance''s neck.

Your piggies are sooooo cute!! Elsa looks like she is playing the piano, and Emma looks like such a sweetie. LOL, I like this SMTG!
Lastly, this is Ebi. We rescued her from an animal shelter (someone had dropped her off saying "I didn''t know guinea pigs live for so long - I can''t do it anymore."
) She is part teddy so she has a tuft of fuzzy fur running down from the top of her head down her back.

My goodness, Ebi is adorable too!! (How do you pronounce that? Ebi...) I love her nose
Date: 6/30/2007 3:13:44 PM
Author: JenStone

Ebi is pronounced Eh-bee. I love that name! She always looks so clueless and confused but she''s the loudest pig we have! You can hear her wheeking from upstairs when she''s hungry!
That is a cute name! LOL, she me
Jen your pigs are so cute!!! I could just eat them all up. I just took some pictures of Trixie the other day...we should start a g-pig thread!
Thank you SOOO much for the guinea pics JenStone!!! > Their sweet faces are just PRECIOUS!!!
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