
So who got snow from the storm?

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We live north of Toronto, in Ontario. We knew this was coming so had our generator ready, and DH got our son''s family''s generator ready too yesterday. Surprisingly, nothing happened until about 10 am this morning, and, of course, it hasn''t stopped all day. Not much blowing snow, but about 6" accumulation so far.. Due to the approaching Christmas season, many shops and restaurants opened on time.

I''m tired of winter already although the season hasn''t even officially begun. Even though we decided in the spring (much needed home renovations and redecorating) that we wouldn''t do our usual "escape to the sun" routine in February; on the sly today, I''ve been pricing out resorts.
This is our fourth storm in four weeks!!! Enough!!

Any of you folks who live in southern climates and are longing for snow, want to do a house exchange????
Diamondsrock and Nebe, both of you are from MA? I''m your neighbor to your north and I think we got about 9 inches, as predicted. It''s hard to tell. I went out to dig my car out so the snow plow guy could plow our complex''s driveway, and the snow was heavy! I heard it''s supposed to turn to freezing rain at some point but I don''t think that''s happened yet.

I wonder if we''ll have a delayed opening tomorrow...
Date: 12/16/2007 3:29:22 PM
Author: Ellen

Date: 12/16/2007 3:09:50 PM
Author: strmrdr
7-8 inches so far here in N IL. from this one.

btw: I deny that I brought any any snow anywhere!!!
You can deny it all you want. WE know.

Is it still snowing there strm?

Just a light dusting since 1am when the plows went thru by the looks of it.
I went out and moved my car so it wouldnt get plowed in and the windshield just has a bit on it.

Ellen says:

Perry, wow, 7 snows already?? That''s a lot. We probably haven''t had 7 snows in the last 3 years put together.

There were a few in November too.... Actually, only one of them has been "heavy." Overall, we have about the same amount of snow on the ground as normal years at this time, we just got it in more smaller snows.

Beau13 says:

Driving is a pain! Most of you people are getting DIAMONDS for Christmas, while I, got snow tires! LOL. They aren''t cheap!

I feel your pain, and you are so totally correct. I just put new tires on my care 2 weeks ago. Focus was on finding tires with good winter traction and good traction on cold wet & slipery roads.... Not easy to find for 165-70-R13 tires. I had to order them from Canada.

Ellen, and the rest of you; I hope you all enjoy the snow...

If any are lonely and miss it.... come and visit...


Here in south central Pennsylvania, we were all ready for the snow/sleet/snain mix that was going to hit us... and ended up with just rain. Although because much of the rain froze overnight last night, there were downed trees and we lost power for a while.

For those who are snowed in... hope you have enough liquor and DVDs to keep ya going! LOL! My husband is from Maryland where all the news reports prior to a winter storm depict the crowds stocking up on milk and toilet paper. As I am a native New Englander, I always tease my DH that in Connecticut, we made sure to hit the liquor store and video store before a storm. Gotta have the necessities you know...

And yes, the liquor store was packed here on Friday. Not, uh, that I have first hand knowledge of course...

Date: 12/16/2007 5:37:50 PM
Author: zoebartlett
Diamondsrock and Nebe, both of you are from MA? I''m your neighbor to your north and I think we got about 9 inches, as predicted. It''s hard to tell. I went out to dig my car out so the snow plow guy could plow our complex''s driveway, and the snow was heavy! I heard it''s supposed to turn to freezing rain at some point but I don''t think that''s happened yet.

I wonder if we''ll have a delayed opening tomorrow...

Yup! I''m a MA resident and have been for most of my life. We had 12" on Thursday and another upteenth inches today. We''re also getting another 1/4-1/2" of ice tonight so I don''t know how roads are going to be tomorrow. I''m supposed to go to breakfast and then to finish a final with a friend tomorrow and now I''m not sure the campus will be open!!
It''s juuuuuust starting to rain now too. Great!
Nebe -- I feel your pain. I''m taking an exam tomorrow, in addition to proctoring and grading an exam. Our campus NEVER closes down, so no chance of a snow day. If only we could follow Joolskie''s suggestion and get out the eggnog instead of studying.
I''m here about 5 miles from Boston and we got hit hard! My husband drove to work on Thursday and it took him 5 1/2 hours to get home- it''s a twenty minute drive- yikes!

Usually it''s hits more north and west of us, but we got at close to a foot during both storms- our lawn has about 4-5 feet of snow heaped up on it after all the shoveling. I''m from TX so this shoveling is killing me- I had to learn how to lift with my legs- my poor back

Definitely got a work out today-but the snow certainly does put me in the baking spirit...mmmm- peanut butter and chocolate chip cookies!

Extra bonus- our Christmas lights look even better reflecting off the white stuff!
We didn''t get hit too hard (or what I would consider too hard) here in Chicagoland...but I believe we have about 6-8 inches on the ground. The snowplows were out all night last night and kept waking me up with their scraping and clanging and beeping when they were backing up. I guess I''d rather lose a little sleep than drive on snow-covered roads, so I''m not complaining.
San Diego Lady...get out of this thread!!
Out! There are some things we get to call our own. And this snow thing belongs to us.

You and your pacific ocean. You and a view to the Cat. The Del. The Zoo. The coaster...The trolley...the sand...THE SUN!!! Now get out of here!
Be off with you! Skadaddle!!§
ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. DNS, I am howling here.

Holy crackers...did you have to tell me about the lights at the Del? Before we got rescued by the 200 lbs of canine fur shedding attack dogs...that was going to be my Christmas Present. A suite for a week over Christmas. Oh how beautiful it must be. I am so glad you LIVE there. I mean, I think you really get it. I heart you too!! §
Date: 12/16/2007 9:35:13 PM
Author: SarFarSuperstar
I''m here about 5 miles from Boston and we got hit hard! My husband drove to work on Thursday and it took him 5 1/2 hours to get home- it''s a twenty minute drive- yikes!

Usually it''s hits more north and west of us, but we got at close to a foot during both storms- our lawn has about 4-5 feet of snow heaped up on it after all the shoveling. I''m from TX so this shoveling is killing me- I had to learn how to lift with my legs- my poor back

Definitely got a work out today-but the snow certainly does put me in the baking spirit...mmmm- peanut butter and chocolate chip cookies!

Extra bonus- our Christmas lights look even better reflecting off the white stuff!
Date: 12/16/2007 11:37:17 PM
Author: SanDiegoLady


Does it help that for the past TWO WHOLE DAYS I wore a turtleneck sweater in our 65 degree weather today?
I promise its been getting down into the mid THIRTIES over night.. Brrrrrrrrr!!!! Why I don''t know WHAT you''re talking about!! The SUN? Hm.. wouldn''t that mean WARMTH? I''m wearing knee high sox, I swear!!

Once I lived where there was snow.. and.. yes.. you''ll never believe it.. I moved. To a land where, while it still gets to be *koff* what I consider ''chilly'' it is still bearable.. AND AND know what, know what? I even still wear GLOVES in the mornings cause um, its cold in my car and SOMETIMES I EVEN have oh what''s the stuff called? OH YES! ICE on my windshield..

I heart you even though you''re in the frozen tundra....



*eta... I was at at the Del last night.. its all decorated in its beautiful splendor of 100,000 beautiful Christmas lights.. you should come see!
Oh for God''s sake, cry me a river.
That''s SHORTS weather for us.

One more for good measure.
I live in MA and we''ve gotten quite a bit of snow considering how early in the season it is.

I live on the South Shore but work up near the North Shore and it took me 9 and a half hours to get home from work last Thursday when we had our first big storm. I was completely insane by hour 6. It is no fun being stuck in the car with no water, no food and a bladder that wants attention ASAP!

I''m jsut hoping we''re getting all the bad weather out of the way nice and early in the season, kind of like a little gift from Mother Nature.

It is cold, even here where we live in Calif. It is raining too. I had to put another blanket on top of our down comforter. ha ha ha ha.



I bought some heavy wool socks from LLBean and have to wear gloves when I go out grocery shopping, ha ha ha.

OK, now we are really going to hear it from our friends back east. HA!!!


We have flannel sheets on the bed right now.
Oh boy are we gonna get it ha ha ha.

Montreal is covered in snow...over 2 feet of it!
Keepingthefaith, it took you 9.5 hours to get home on Thursday???
That''s kind of a long commute anyway, to go fromt he north shore to the south shore and vice versa. 9.5 hours...I can''t get over it.
SDL and Linda, I think, after reading about your "frigid" waether out there, that I should step up to the plate and help you out. I mean, really, what are friends for?

So, I am going to take all your diamond jewelry from you, as it''s FAR too cold to be wearing any ICE right now. I mean, you guys are freezing as it is, I can''t imagine wanting to add to that.....Please hand it over, I will take very good care of it all.


Date: 12/17/2007 7:31:53 PM
Author: zoebartlett
Keepingthefaith, it took you 9.5 hours to get home on Thursday???
That''s kind of a long commute anyway, to go fromt he north shore to the south shore and vice versa. 9.5 hours...I can''t get over it.
Me either. I''d be looking for a new job, a LOT closer.
Date: 12/16/2007 2:19:13 PM
Author: Blenheim
Mimzy, I didn''t realize you were in Detroit! I''m in AA -- we could get together sometime!

Hubby and I didn''t bother checking the forecast until around midnight last night, when we started to wonder when the snow was predicted to stop. I''m kicking myself now -- we''ve been meaning to go get firewood for a couple of weeks now, and yesterday would have been ideal.

Snow on my car--

Blenheim that''s awesome! I just moved downriver from Ypsi. We totally should
Hey Ellen,

You are making me laugh so hard. Well..... I don''t have much diamond jewelry, I have a lot of Padparadscha jewelry. ha ha ha. I will NEVER give that up.

I am in Ohio and we did get a good amount of snow...I LOVE IT! I WANT MORE!!! Come February I am so ready for spring, but right now I am hoping for a white Christmas!
More snow expected here, maybe arriving Thursday morning. I think we could get 6 inches. I heard a little fun fact on the way to work this morning. The DJ was saying that we''ve gotten more snow so far this year than we did all last year.
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