
Somebody's Gotta Buy This Piece!

Aw thanks @Mrsz1ppy, you have an amazing collection so your comment is high praise.
Since @Mrsz1ppy shared her lovely Shopgoodwill find over on my "show me your extra wide bands" thread, it piqued my interest, and I went over for a look-see. Found this poor, forlorn sweetheart that's seen better days. Can someone here find it in their hearts to rescue her?


Ladies—my heart did a pitter pat at this one. True antique asscher. I DM’ed for price $16.5k until Friday and then goes to listed price. If we weren’t in the midst of a massive remodel, this baby would me mine mine mine!

Larger finger gals, full diamond eternity band, looks to be single cuts, one diamond there looks not so great so maybe ask for a clearer picture:

Ladies—my heart did a pitter pat at this one. True antique asscher. I DM’ed for price $16.5k until Friday and then goes to listed price. If we weren’t in the midst of a massive remodel, this baby would me mine mine mine!

This is amazing
Van Craeynest fans with a size 5.75 finger…



I ended up getting this! super cute!! (will update with photos)
PS. personal experience with the seller was okay but not great. Hard to get any information about the item out of them. Especially won't recommend if you are in the states as I inevitably got into a dispute with dhl despite outlining the import HTS and what not.

Have you received this yet?
I’m super curious to hear what you think about it! :)
Have you received this yet?
I’m super curious to hear what you think about it! :)
I did! The vendor went MIA after I informed them about being hit by import tax so I had to bail it out myself. But I did, and I like it a lot! The sapphires are silky royal blue, like a Pailin/Burmese color if that makes sense.
I have it pinned on my blazer so here's a pic of it in action:
It has a French hallmark and a marker mark which makes it all more exciting for the antique junkie that I am:lol: I went to look at all online resources but couldn't find who the marker was ... still trying!

The style reminds me of this brooch I saw on an ig vendor's account, like its big sister. That particular vendor tore it apart (!!!) and sold each stone individually. Sigh.
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You wear it gorgeously!
Silky Royal blue :love:
I did! The vendor went MIA after I informed them about being hit by import tax so I had to bail it out myself. But I did, and I like it a lot! The sapphires are silky royal blue, like a Pailin/Burmese color if that makes sense.
I have it pinned on my blazer so here's a pic of it in action:
It has a French hallmark and a marker mark which makes it all more exciting for the antique junkie that I am:lol: I went to look at all online resources but couldn't find who the marker was ... still trying!

The style reminds me of this brooch I saw on an ig vendor's account, like its big sister. That particular vendor tore it apart (!!!) and sold each stone individually. Sigh.

I love that brooch and would love to find sapphires/rubies cut as cushions to match the diamonds. It would make for the most amazing set of bands ever!
I love that brooch and would love to find sapphires/rubies cut as cushions to match the diamonds. It would make for the most amazing set of bands ever!
Now that's a dangerous idea... :kiss2:
@lovedogs and @YadaYadaYada — It was me! I‘m the new owner of the VC ring! I had a beautiful set but it was always too big for me so I sold it to an incredibly lovely PSer and have been waiting (not so patiently) to find one my size with some width. This checked all the boxes and I’m so excited!

@YadaYadaYada — thanks so much for posting this! I totally would have missed it without you!
@lovedogs and @YadaYadaYada — It was me! I‘m the new owner of the VC ring! I had a beautiful set but it was always too big for me so I sold it to an incredibly lovely PSer and have been waiting (not so patiently) to find one my size with some width. This checked all the boxes and I’m so excited!

@YadaYadaYada — thanks so much for posting this! I totally would have missed it without you!

She’s the best!
@lovedogs and @YadaYadaYada — It was me! I‘m the new owner of the VC ring! I had a beautiful set but it was always too big for me so I sold it to an incredibly lovely PSer and have been waiting (not so patiently) to find one my size with some width. This checked all the boxes and I’m so excited!

@YadaYadaYada — thanks so much for posting this! I totally would have missed it without you!

Lucky you. It's gorgeous.
The ruby version of Gilda. $18,000. Someone...!

The ruby version of Gilda. $18,000. Someone...!

I would love to own a Glenda! It is not on my cards right now. Here is another Glenda that I have been eyeing for months, in case it helps someone else.
