
Specific Gravity of Grade B Jadeite

Have you gotten your stuff yet?

No. I added stuff so she said she would wait. Plus I not at home until after New Year. So she said ok. Plus I adding more things when I go home. I can see wechat and all. Just difficult to buy because I don’t like logging into my account when I am away.
I'm in research phase now so give me your opinions guys.

Would this be too murky?

I want as big as possible for the next green and a lighter tone. I'm ok tending towards blue or yellow green.


This one patchy. May not light up like a bulb in plain daylight. Ask for daylight pics. And height. Must be high domed.
Am travelling again. To head for the alps. I cannot buy. :cry2::cry2::cry2:.

Hi @ChaiK
Where in the Alps will you be precisely ? I will be in Avoriaz, French side.
Hehehe I managed to score an icy green scenery pendant. Pictures later as the screen grab sux.

My small pendant. Screenshots taken with aluminium foil backing. You can see it under various lights.

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@mellowyellowgirl, wait till you really cannot buy. You would be crying your eyes out. I saw the cabbages, 100 fortune, 白菜, 百財, I cannot buy.:cry2: Wail....:cry2::cry2::cry2:

I LOVE cabbages too but I will keep them to a backup list for 2019 or beyond muahhahaha.
What are cabbages???

Gorgeous pendant @Burmesedaze! I like it better without foil. Can't wait to see it's relative size!

It's SMALL like maybe 2 fingers' width and 1 joint high? Haha but it's icy and a nice green with translucent patches. Reminds me of seaweed with its horizontal pattern. I've asked for it to be set with backing that can be opened.

It's the 1st time since I've staked out livestreams that I come across this. The usual are opaque and not icy green, or else lean blue or olive green.
I was eyeing this from YY's stock. With the huge price diff, I think I can live with livestream's smaller size.

It's SMALL like maybe 2 fingers' width and 1 joint high? Haha but it's icy and a nice green with translucent patches. Reminds me of seaweed with its horizontal pattern. I've asked for it to be set with backing that can be opened.

It's the 1st time since I've staked out livestreams that I come across this. The usual are opaque and not icy green, or else lean blue or olive green.

Can YY set stuff? That would be handy.
What are cabbages???

Gorgeous pendant @Burmesedaze! I like it better without foil. Can't wait to see it's relative size!

I love it too !
Lovely color, good size, nice translucency combined with nice carving, all that at a great price !
Sighs ... I wish I could speak mandarin ... sighs ....
Can YY set stuff? That would be handy.

They do at extra cost. For their own stuff and livestream stuff too. So much more convenient. 18k and diamonds.
They do at extra cost. For their own stuff and livestream stuff too. So much more convenient. 18k and diamonds.

That is fantastic! Thank you.
Ok. I broke my no buy. Because of this icy green scenery pendant. Also a small ruyi head but not as exciting as this rmb 2200 pendant. Less overall green more white so I think it's priced correctly. Less than last night's. No master carver but carving looks good too.

Measurements for this new one are L 31.3mm, B 22mm widest, 2.3mm.

Last night's: L 28.4mm, B 18.4mm, 2.3mm.

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I would laugh at you @Burmesedaze but people in glass houses should not throw stones!

Will totally laugh at you if I make it to end of Jan! :mrgreen2::P2

It is lovely though!!!! Congrats! And a great size too!

Lace earrings were a hit! Kid kept touching them and was fascinated! He thought they were snowflakes so it's a winner in terms of Christmas jewellery. Kid is keeping them in his room to examine whenever he feels like it....this is why I buy 2 pairs!
I would laugh at you @Burmesedaze but people in glass houses should not throw stones!

Will totally laugh at you if I make it to end of Jan! :mrgreen2::P2

It is lovely though!!!! Congrats! And a great size too!

Lace earrings were a hit! Kid kept touching them and was fascinated! He thought they were snowflakes so it's a winner in terms of Christmas jewellery. Kid is keeping them in his room to examine whenever he feels like it....this is why I buy 2 pairs!

I love your kid based on your description of him and his love for CS! Wait till he signs up to be a PSer :P

I can't help it... these icy coloured ones don't come by regularly...if fate throws them at me 2x in 2 days... who am I to say NO.

I decided I will collect donuts and these. FOCUS.
They are small though. I think big ones only factories supplying YY or higher end clients will have them as the material and risk are higher in cost. But you never know....

Both pendant sellers are different and they both said the ones on livestream were the leftovers from a sold lot.

Back to the bargain bin.
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But I scored an unheated red leaf and an even smaller but greener icy green scenery :)

Leaf L 34.4 B 19 widest Thickness 3.2
Green pendant L 27.6 B 10.7 Thickness 2.5

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Noticed the blue too... because blue jadeite (besides the winter-day / smoke - like cold gray called 'blue' sometimes) is only on record from Japan - the blue colour appearing as veins in jadeite rock of the kind geologists talk about & no more (www).

Either this blue is entirely new, perhaps such a rarity that it never made enough news to be remembered by - or the colour is not natural after all.

Thinking out loud
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