
Star ruby with rose cut diamond ring CAD

And, once again, here is a picture of the inspiration ring which took my breath away. Since the ruby in mine is so much smaller, the shank diamonds really add a lot. The decending sizes remind me of the rays a pulsar star!

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I love it! It looks great on your finger, coverage is perfect :kiss2:
A piece of beautiful art!
Wow how cool is that!!! I love a good flower style halo and yours is beautiful!!!
@Bluegemz, you have such a flair for finding the most awesome and unexpected jewels!
It's beautiful!
Thankyou, @clumberlove ! The coverage issue was a big one for me since I got it in size 8.5 so that it can be worn on a few fingers. So relieved that it doesn’t appear to be too small on me.

Much appreciated, @lilmosun , thank you!

Thanks, @arkieb1! I didn’t feel that another halo style with differently cut diamonds would really work with the stone without overpowering somehow. The rose cuts give enough light, but don’t compete. Relieved it worked out !

You’re a dear, @stracci2000! Such a lovely compliment. Thank you! :)
It turned out so beautifully Blugemz! Such an unearthly, mesmerizing ring. What a star! It was worth the wait!:appl:
Wow! It's absolutely gorgeous.
Bluegemz, your new ring is incredibly beautiful.

I don't know if having two rays of the star line up E-W was by accident or design, no matter which, that alignment is perfect!
That ring is perfect for you, @Bluegemz, hope you enjoy the heck out of it! I never paid attention to star sapphires or rubies before coming on PS. Now I always think of you when I see them :-)
Thank you, @ilovegemstones ! This whole project forced me to practice patience...the stone took weeks upon weeks to arrive, and so on. You are right, It was worth the wait !

@natasha-cupcake , greatly appreciate the compliment!

@prs, thanks! The alignment was kind of implied rather than directly apoken about. So glad The symmetries aligned together!

@leslie1956 , that is delightful! I’m so glad that you are seeing the stars more now, and thank you for the kind wishes.:) I understand...after coming on PS, I pay much more attention to gems which I hadn’t much focused on before.
Wow! Very beautiful!
Here is an indoor picture...I don’t think I can capture what the rose cuts look like easily.

Oh wow!
Its So beautiful on you Blue!
I forgot who said it and on which thread but, it is most definetely a piece of jewelry that you just want to eat because it looks so gemmy and gorgeous!
I'm so happy for you, you finally have your star ruby . :kiss2:
& it is every bit as stunning and more as your inspiration picture. I truly think that the size of your gem with your rose cuts has a more equal proportion.
Also I love how youve described it energy wise, how your blue stars seem so open, like calm water but this ring is quite the opposite with a focused intention; exactly like the inside of a pulsar star! What a beautiful ring to represent the present-tence of your life!
Thank you, @txgreeneyes :)

@Garnetgirl, thank you for the kind words! Your post inspired me to have a look at the proportions of the inspiration ring again. I agree with you, I like them in my ring a bit better. It occurred to me that the inspiration ring looks more exotic whereas mine kind of crosses into a different look all because of the proportions. The star ruby in mine is pushed down into the setting a little, to hide a side imperfection near the bottom side. It kind of gives it a more sleek appearance. With regards to the rose cut sizes, I got lucky because I pretty much guessed about the mm sizes without actually measuring anything. It was a matter of having been way over tired...thankfully the CADS really made it possible to gauge. With regards to the embodiment of the ruby, that is what I’m focusing on in my life, which amounts to streamlining a lot of things to focus on things which are most important. Like choosing energy expenditures wisely, so that living life comes from the inside out.
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Yes, that star looks so yummy, like a sweet little red candy!:love:
Gorgeous! :love:
It is stunning. The end result appears perfectly balanced.

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