
Started collecting gems just for fun, & pics of Gene garnet

Re: Started collecting gems just for fun, & pics of Gene gar

Yeesh...I don't know about the rest of you, but I definitely think the morganite looks flesh colored. Weird, it's my first "flesh colored" gem.

Anyway that's it for now, I'll have more pics next month though, I'm sure. Hope some of you enjoy the pics :)

ETA - forgot to mention that all pics were taken in indirect sunlight with no manipulation (with my trusty iphone), except for two of the fluorite pics, which were taken with a flash.
Re: Started collecting gems just for fun, & pics of Gene gar

Wow, you have really expanded your collection. Congrats on the new gems!

It's great to hear about your experiences with wonderful sellers. I haven't purchased from Yvonne, but have checked out her gems. I have purchased from Chris, and he was a delight!
Re: Started collecting gems just for fun, & pics of Gene gar

Trill - thank you! I'm glad you liked the pics, etc. I really enjoy taking pics of my new gems and I have fun posting about them over here. I'm just adding things along to this thread as they come along. The collection is definitely growing, you're right :). I'm a complete gem addict, lol.

As far as Chris and Yvonne - I've dealt with Chris several times now and have had very good experiences, and Yvonne I've dealt with too many times to count - I can definitely recommend both of them!
Re: Started collecting gems just for fun, & pics of Gene gar

New gems for the collection thread...I've been picking these up here and there, but hadn't posted some in a while :)

Let's see...first up is my new pair of mahenge rounds, intended for studs, at 4.5 mm each and .98 tcw. These are from the same parcel as my nice mahenge cushion came from, they're so lovely and honestly far prettier than I can manage to show. They just seem to be alive with sparkle and color! Portuguese cut.




Re: Started collecting gems just for fun, & pics of Gene gar

a bit more...


Re: Started collecting gems just for fun, & pics of Gene gar

Also picked up a lovely merelani mint cut by John at Gemrite, purchased from PSer jstarfireb. approx. 5.5 mm round and .84 ct




Re: Started collecting gems just for fun, & pics of Gene gar

Another tsav, my darkest yet and beautiful in color! .84 ct, 5.1 mm cushion cut, bought from MTG (in fact first pic belongs to MTG, rest are mine). This is one of the hardest gems I've tried to photograph yet; it's actually quite sparkly and really pretty, it has a blue modifier that really pops especially in incandescent. It's a pretty amazing color IMO, I wish I could get the pics to show that!!




Re: Started collecting gems just for fun, & pics of Gene gar

One pic of all of my loose green and yellow garnets

Re: Started collecting gems just for fun, & pics of Gene gar

A small pr of Ceylon blue sapphires that I also want for stud earrings; these are just 4.2 mm. I'm having a hard time getting nice pics of these also, but here's some temporary ones. tcw is 1.04 I believe, one is a bit bottom heavy.




Re: Started collecting gems just for fun, & pics of Gene gar

I have a couple of others than I didn't get to, but I need to get some pics uploaded to my computer and don't want to mess with it...we'll save those for next time. Hope you enjoyed the pics :)

Planning to get two prs of studs made with the small pairs, but not sure what I want to do with the tsav and mint - I really just wanted them bc they were pretty and affordable, lol.
Re: Started collecting gems just for fun, & pics of Gene gar

Love those sapphire stud stones! And your pics of the garnet capture its sparkle and brightness nicely.
Re: Started collecting gems just for fun, & pics of Gene gar

Love the mint! And I could still just fall into that lovely Ceylon trilliant, lovely deep color. You've been busy -- nice collection & glad you're having fun! I'm having fun looking at them.

--- Laurie
Re: Started collecting gems just for fun, & pics of Gene gar

My favorite is the Gene color change garnet. I love the color changers!! :appl: :appl:

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