
Stone Size and Setting Questions


Mar 13, 2012
My search for a tsavorite continues. I heard back from AJS but was told that they had nothing for me and that they cut mainly ovals. Another vendor was supposed to get back to me but after a follow-up e-mail I still haven't heard from them so I think it best to let it go at that. I am learning that patience is a must in the colored gem world. I heard back from BB after I e-mailed him that I was not interested in the 1.41 cushion. He has two new stones he felt might interest me. He labeled the new stones medium plus with a secondary blue modifier. He forwarded photos but I think I am learning enough to know that they tell nothing and have requested straight-on hand shots taken under different lighting conditions which will probably be forwarded after the weekend.

Prior to even seeing good shots of these stones I have some concerns. I have never purchased a stone meant to fit a specific setting before. My pendant measures exactly 6.5 square. One stone being offered is a 1.24 cushion, measuring 6.55 x 5.9. I am wondering about the stone sitting properly. The second stone is a 1.66 cushion and measures 6.95 x 6.4. It was explained that the stone can be custom cut to bring the longer side in. The stone is costly and I am not certain that I would want to go this route.

Any thoughts about how the first stone will sit in the setting or whether cutting down a stone is advisable would be appreciated.

I would not cut down an expensive stone. It might change the color of the stone, and who takes the risk if something happens during the cutting?

As for the other stone, I would go to the jeweler who is going to set your stone and ask about the measurements.

Out of curiosity, did BB tell you that the other stone had a yellow modifier?
+1. Also, you pay for weight that will then be cut away & not for the purpose of improving the stone's performance. Risk, in fact, of the opposite happening. Keep looking -- it's out there for you.

--- Laurie
Pregcurious, I was told that both stones have the blue modifier that I want. I don't as yet have a jeweler to set any stone I might purchase (whether it be now or in the future) but I do have one or two names. I have bought several diamonds from a well-known Pricescope vendor and the last time I asked him to have his bench set two spessartite stones for me (the setting for the earrings were not purchased from him nor were the stones), while he was not at all unpleasant, he let me know that it was a favor so I don't feel comfortable going back to him.
I was not aware that a re-cut on a stone could change the color. I am, as you pointed out, concerned with the possibility that something could go wrong, plus I would be paying for a higher priced stone that was going to lose weight. There would also be a fee to re-cut the stone.

Of course, all of this might be moot as the photos I saw were not all that flattering even to my untrained eye although I have a feeling that they were not representative of the stones.
I agree about the larger stone Jewel Freak. Thanks for your imput. However, I am interested in the 1.24 ct stone but only if it will sit right in the pendant. I don't know how much leeway there is when setting stones. I have a pair of the "famous" IDJ jackets for my 5mm diamonds and for some reason I was originally sold the wrong size. Another pricescoper clued me into the fact that my jackets were designed to hold 5.8 mm stones. When my diamonds were in the jackets, they didn't look right. There was an airline that drove me crazy and I exchanged the jackets.
Do you remember when you first started looking that I asked why you were trying to fit an expensive stone into a setting because it had limitations - this is precisely why. It's never advisable to start with the setting and work backwards because it's not just about length and width but depth plays a phenomenal part in how a gem sits in the setting. You will get there eventually but you've tripled the headaches when searching for a stone.

Fingers crossed these new ones fit the bill.
Trust me, LD, I have learned my lesson!
Still, I would be curious to know whether the pendant prongs could be adjusted in for the smaller stone's smaller side, or whether that .5mm would be too great? Would it look uneven if one side the prongs were closed more than the other, or is such a discrepancy a minor one?

I was hoping someone from this forum had perhaps switched out a larger stone with a smaller one or maybe has some knowledge about the mechanics of setting stones. .6mm seems like a large amount to me.
Below is a very poor photo of my pendant. Tara3056 saw a photo of the pendant when it was up for sale so she knows how truly lovely it is. Neither my iPad nor my camera can take a decent close-up of stones. The pendant has lovely double claw prongs.
BB did not think that it would be a problem to purchase and set a smaller stone and offered his bench. I am having trouble imagining how a smaller stone would look in the setting.


Thanks for the links. I think I will pass on a re-cut.
If you are particular about the fit, it is likely that it will bother you as you will see that it is off-square and on the shorter end, you are likely to see the metal base underneath.
I agree with Chrono. An off square stone will not fit correctly in that setting and it will look very odd in the perfect square frame, setting off the difference in shape.
Thanks. The search will continue. I am not rushing things or giving up yet but at some point I just may chalk this up to experience and either look for a less expensive stone (a spessartite perhaps to match a pair of earrings that I already own) or have one precision cut for the pendant and then find a great tsavorite without being encumbered by any limitation other than my budget.
Chrono|1362404151|3395814 said:
If you are particular about the fit, it is likely that it will bother you as you will see that it is off-square and on the shorter end, you are likely to see the metal base underneath.

This is exactly what I was asking and wondering. So, unfortunately, it looks like the hunt continues. To those in the know, how much mm room do you think the OP has in varying from the dimension of the prongs?

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