
stranger going through my things

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Munchkin, I'm sorry this happened. Regarding your Social Security card, 1-800-772-1213 is Social Security's national 800 number. They're available from 7am to 7pm every day for every time zone. They can give you some advice on what to do. You should probably check all the employers listed on your earnings record every May or June to be sure that nobody else is using your number.
You should call the credit reporting agencies (Equifax, etc) and get an alert put on your SSN. That way they should, in theory, check with you if anyone tries to get credit using your SSN.
There are some very disturbed people out there. You live there now, she lost it and may not be okay with it. She might be just unwell and wanted to be in there and scope out your things. There might not even be a dress, maybe she never had one, and again is just unbalanced. Clearly she lied and clearly she was nosing around, I would have a report filed and maybe have the landlord call her and tell her she is not to come back, that there is a report on file. You might need a restraining order though they are ultimately of limited value, it is better to be safe than sorry.
Date: 4/1/2007 4:36:02 PM
When FI arrived at my apartment, the front door was wide open. As he walked into my apartment, a woman came walking down the hall towards him. He said ''Hi. Who the hell are you?''

OK, whoa. Rule number 1. If you arrive home and something is off (i.e. the front door is wide open and you didn''t leave it that way), leave immediately and call the police. This situation could have been a lot worse if the junky previous tenant had been high, irrational, and armed.
I''ve had someone go into my apartment when I''m not home and it is the WORST feeling. It was before my boyfriend officially lived together...I stayed at his place every night but still had my own apartment that was more like a storage space. It didn''t even have electricity. There would be a week where I wouldn''t even step foot in the place. But I ALWAYS locked my door. One time I went home and realized my door was unlocked. Stuff had definitely been moved around. Luckily I didn''t have anything of value there. But I''m almost 100% postitive it was the weird flirty maintenance man who lived below me. I should have reported him, but nothing was missing and I officially moved out the next day anyway.

If I ran into that woman I would NOT have been nice. I can''t believe someone would think that is okay!!!!! I''m really interested in how this works out for you.
OMG, That makes me sick. I hope that is the last you''ll hear of her. Have someone clear & bless you ring for you to clear the negativity associated with her handling it. They can do the house as well, you can do it yourself, info on the web. Best wishes to you.

Not to creep you out but Did you see the movie The House of sand and fog? It''s so much like what you''ve experience. Be careful...
God I am sorry this happened to you. I would be sick if someone did that to me, I get upset if someone flips through my paper when I''m getting a refill at Caribou but this doesn''t compare in scope.

I hope they find the woman and make her answer for her lies and invasion.
Date: 4/2/2007 11:45:41 AM
Author: JCJD
Date: 4/1/2007 4:36:02 PM
When FI arrived at my apartment, the front door was wide open. As he walked into my apartment, a woman came walking down the hall towards him. He said ''Hi. Who the hell are you?''
OK, whoa. Rule number 1. If you arrive home and something is off (i.e. the front door is wide open and you didn''t leave it that way), leave immediately and call the police. This situation could have been a lot worse if the junky previous tenant had been high, irrational, and armed.
my thoughts as well!! although it sucks to have you''re things gone through, at least yall are ok and weren''t physically harmed. i''d definitely change your bank accounts & credit cards asap. and put an alert on your credit report just in case she did get a hold of those numbers.
From your first post, the drug thing came into my mind, especially when you said she went through your precriptions. She was looking for cash & drugs - thought she came upon pay dirt with your scipt pad. And, her drug problem probably existed while in the house losing it to a tax lien. Also, she may have been looking for drugs *she* left behind.

Aside from reporting this to the police, I would also think about taking out a restraining order (if that is possible). I would be very careful to protect your identity.

Also, if she did not have permission to enter your property, the police could pick her up for questioning. After your last post, this sounds like more of a thing for the narcotics department.
My DH buys forclosures and while a *few* are good, hard working people who just got in above their heads MOST are people at the end of their rope. Lots of criminals & addicts. Always messy situations. We were meeting with a lady about buying her property and she actually went upstairs (while we were still there) to shoot up!
Very sad. I would never under estimate an addict. If she had your pad she will find a way to make it work. She is obviously desperate. I agree calling the SS is a good way to start. I have never heard of anyone getting a new number but then again I don''t know anyone who has had their card stolen. On their website it says you cannot get a new number if there is no evidence that she is actually USING your number. You can get an application online here. I agree calling the credit agencies is key! I would maybe look up her name (if you know it) on your country''s prision page. It is all public and you can see if she has been arrested, what for, and a mug shot. That way you know what you are dealing with.
Date: 4/2/2007 3:51:40 PM
Author: SanDiegoLady

Date: 4/1/2007 5:41:35 PM
Author: justjulia

Date: 4/1/2007 5:23:36 PM
Author: Ellen
Munchkin, how creepy. I can only imagine how you feel...

What has me wondering is, how did she know you were gone? If she knocked, just because someone doesn''t answer doesn''t mean no one''s home....And why did she feel she had so much time to snoop? Most people who break in, are in and out quickly, even though we don''t think she was in there to steal stuff, still...

Let us know what happens.
Good points, Ellen.
Did your boyfriend by chance see the car she came in? What in the world was she after? I''d get the boyfriend to work with a police artist to draw her face up and compare to others on file....
You know, this poses a good point. Had she done it before? How long had she been watching your place.. Scary.. psyco freak..
I guess it was silly to say have it drawn, because you know who it is and where she is. I guess I was worried that y''all wouldn''t be able to track her down. But apparantly she isn''t too hard to find.

Your story gives me the heebie jeebies. I know you have them, and are having a hard time shaking them. Your were violated and it is a very intense emotional invasion. Please know we are all sincere with concern. And so grateful that you were not physically hurt.

For a speedier healing, please consider that this ZOMBIE was not in her right mind and what you think she saw, she didn''t. She only had tunnel vision. I am sure she is not coming back...she knows what you have and got all she wanted. Fortunately she wasn''t a THIEF...(bare with me-I am not implying she had an ounce of intregrity) I mean your wedding band would have been easily transported in a pocket to the local pawn shop. We already know druggies aren''t too smart-she wasn''t in a coherent state of mind. She may have touched your "unmentionables" and other things...but she didn''t have a perverted agenda...I do hope you can find some solace in my feeble attempt to comfort you.

I realize my text to follow is sort of a hijack on the thread, as it is not exactly the same situation, but I have something I think might be an eyeopener to many.

Years ago, while dating my husband, I lived with a roomate. She was impressed with his car and financial standing and one day she came home to the apartment...which was 2B and out of habit did the same routine as normal. Parked, walked up the stairs, used her key to unlock the door, closed the door behind her, put down her things...stood there in awe as she realized my Knight in Shining armor had bought us all new furniture. She looked around amazed at the transformation...entered her room and was even more elated that he had also bought her all new furniture. She stood there removing uncomfortable work clothes and EUREKA...she realized she was standing half dressed in the wrong apartment!!

She grabbed her clothing and shoes and ran out of Building 529 and into building 519 where OUR 2B was located.
She was in tears and begged me to go back with her as she couldn''t remember if she had locked the apartment she illegally had just entered.

We found out the management felt it was too pricey and too inconvenient to carry a different key for all 400+ apartments. Their solution...? Every 2nd floor apartment B had the same key/all 3rd floor D''s were the same-etc. I am sure none of you living in apartments are sleeping after reading this. I don''t mean to pass the HeeBees around, just wanted to remind everyone that it is possible that your place can be violated more easily than you think. Before learning about the prescriptions and medical pad connection-I was sure this too was Munchkins'' story exclamation.

Munchkin, you need to be proactive on this one. Follow the advise given, and try to nail this nut case! There just might be a helpless toddler left at home alone as this SKUM bag is out feeding her addiction. You never know where your involvement may lead to in helping society, and better yet helping yourself heal.


PS. Had you been at the airport...this would have just been normal security procedure...right?? They even touch your toothbrush!

PSS. RE KEY Board...rekey! Now! (well, if you are reading this in the AM-wait util normal hours...rates are lower!
Any updates munchkin?
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