
Suggest me please yellow stones!


Jan 19, 2012
I already ordered a few gemstones in the last months, so I was browsing a lot of vendors. I really would like to have a yellow gem, but I just don’t know the gems good enough, and I don’t know what I should look for. A heliodor, a yellow zircon or what else? My budget is under 300 USD, so sapphires or tourmaline’s are not an option I’m afraid.

If someone comes across a nice yellow stone, just please, post it here. Cut and size are not important, it could be smaller and any kind of cut.
Chrysoberyl, extremely durable and hard, great sparkle, untreated, reasonably priced and undervalued. You can't ask for much more. They're either a golden yellow or a greenish yellow.
Heliodor, sphene and scapolite are pretty, but are better as pendant stones.

For rings, I agree with mellowyellowgirl and TL, chrysoberyl is the way to go and will reiterate what they say. They are gorgeous IRL, untreated and 8.5 on the Mohs hardness scale. Yay!! Score! I just love my chrysoberyl. I had certainly heard of them, but did not want one or know they were so beautiful until I came onto Pricescope. I’m so glad I bought some. Mali garnets can be very pretty too. As far as yellow tourmaline, I personally only love canary tourmaline enough to buy. Someone on here has a gorgeous one. It’s in the yellow thread. I think they might be kind of pricey, but they are so hard to find, and I’ve never purchased one, so I’m not sure.
There's also a yellow sapphire, but most of it is diffused and you have to pay extra for a lab report. It's also more expensive than chrysoberyl, especially for an untreated stone, if you can find one.
Another vote for chrysoberyl! Same family as alexandrite, durable, and inexpensive. Definitely an under appreciated gem, IMO. Outside of PS, of course. ;-) Here's a pic of mine. IMG_9948.JPG
B5B425DB-92DA-49F0-A181-3B61E6964C70.jpeg 1510FCD9-1E94-4C35-A0DE-8079E8AAFAAF.jpeg How exciting for you!
Personally I love the warm yellow of Danburite. Originally I wanted a yellow zircon but the colour became really ugly after heating...

Chryso is a more greenish apple yellow while Danburite has more warmth
Chryso is a more greenish apple yellow while Danburite has more warmth
There's warmer buttery yellow chrysoberyl as well.
A yellow tourmaline and chrysoberyl I picked up from Mastercut Gems. The tourmaline is under 100 and the chryso under 200!]

Can you post some pictures of that Mastercut Chryso, Burmesedaze? I had been eyeing it for a while and it looks like you got a great price on it. Perhaps you could post a shot in the 'vendor/buyer' thread. Congrats on snagging it!
At first, thank you all for your suggestions, and I'm going to go through all of them.

Chrysoberyl!!!! I love mine so much!!!! It's so sparkly and beautiful and apparently quite durable too!

Chrysoberyl, extremely durable and hard, great sparkle, untreated, reasonably priced and undervalued. You can't ask for much more. They're either a golden yellow or a greenish yellow.

Heliodor, sphene and scapolite are pretty, but are better as pendant stones.

For rings, I agree with mellowyellowgirl and TL, chrysoberyl is the way to go and will reiterate what they say. They are gorgeous IRL, untreated and 8.5 on the Mohs hardness scale. Yay!! Score! I just love my chrysoberyl. I had certainly heard of them, but did not want one or know they were so beautiful until I came onto Pricescope. I’m so glad I bought some. Mali garnets can be very pretty too. As far as yellow tourmaline, I personally only love canary tourmaline enough to buy. Someone on here has a gorgeous one. It’s in the yellow thread. I think they might be kind of pricey, but they are so hard to find, and I’ve never purchased one, so I’m not sure.

Thank you for your suggestions with chrysoberyl. I've tried to look for one without green undertone, but haven't found any. It does not mean, that I will give up!

@chroman - thank you, but I think the yellow, what I would like in sapphire, is above my Budget.

@Acinom - your yellow danburite is beautiful!

@elle_71125 - thank you for your suggestions of Zircon! I have seen this stones, and I'm really tempted. I just wanted to see, if there are other possibilities!
Just be careful of stones that seem to be rather soft or less durable. This is obviously another shut out to Chrysoberyl:Up_to_something2:
Sapphire! Here's a medium yellow without green:

Next for me is chrysoberyl...then Mali garnet...then Danburite....

If you're doing a pendant, I'd consider zircon, and lately some nice yellow Mexican opals are coming out and you can get them in big sizes.

I adore zircon and its sparkle but I get so touchy wearing it as a ring.

Hehe I feel much more zen sporting the chrysoberyl ring!

@mellowyellowgirl - is this your zircon or chrysoberyl ring in your last post?


I've got a pink and a blue zircon. Wanted a tougher big stone that was affordable so went with chrysoberyl for the yellow.

I've got a pink and a blue zircon. Wanted a tougher big stone that was affordable so went with chrysoberyl for the yellow.

Ok! Thank you!

I have looked at your threads, and I have found the one where you write about your new chrysoberyl. It’s really interesting, how greenish it looks on the pictures of the vendor, and how yellow it is on your picture. I wouldn’t like to have a greenish tint, but now I’m even more insecure, because your stone has no green tint IRL.
Ok! Thank you!

I have looked at your threads, and I have found the one where you write about your new chrysoberyl. It’s really interesting, how greenish it looks on the pictures of the vendor, and how yellow it is on your picture. I wouldn’t like to have a greenish tint, but now I’m even more insecure, because your stone has no green tint IRL.

No there is no green at all irl and I've worn it in all sorts of conditions. The lightest it goes is a lemon yellow.

I love green and would have enjoyed the greener tint but I wanted a cheapie yellow stone as well (yellow dbl ring is a bit much sometimes) so I bought this being ok with whatever it shifted between the two shades. I can understand why you'd worry if you didn't want any green at all though.
I adore zircon and its sparkle but I get so touchy wearing it as a ring.

Hehe I feel much more zen sporting the chrysoberyl ring!


Not to threadjack, but I love this ring! To me that is the perfect chrysoberyl color. I have one that is more green (green yellow or yellow green). I've been looking for a more yellow chrysoberyl for a while but they are hard to come by, most are either greenish or brownish. Yours looks like it displays some dispersion too!
Ok! Thank you!

I have looked at your threads, and I have found the one where you write about your new chrysoberyl. It’s really interesting, how greenish it looks on the pictures of the vendor, and how yellow it is on your picture. I wouldn’t like to have a greenish tint, but now I’m even more insecure, because your stone has no green tint IRL.

I second the suggestion for chrysoberyl! A nice chrysoberyl can be found within your budget. If you don't like green, then you can maybe look for straw colored ones (light yellow)? If you are OK w golden yellow (i.e. potentially brown at times), there's hessonite as well.

Yellow grossular garnet below

No green in either one for sure!
Some Mali garnets can be overly brownish, just something to consider if that bothers you. When cut well, they're very sparkly. Come to think of it, most yellow gem species can be overly brown and that includes chrysoberyl. I have seen lemony yellow ones though. I have one, but most of mine have a tinge of green. I tend to avoid golden yellows, but that just my preference. Some people prefer golden yellows.

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