
SYTYCD, I'm a huge softie!

Okay, I feel sort of stupid, but even AFTER Nigel went on and on about how Twitch and Allison were not exactly fan-favorites, I was STILL surprised that Jordan was not sent home. I totally thought "this one's in the bag, Jordan and Ricky are going home" and I was completely wrong.
thing2of2|1310675003|2969045 said:
decodelighted|1310674319|2969033 said:
TONS of Emmy nominations today for the SYTYCD team. Choreography nods for Mia, NappyTabs, Mandy Moore, Stacey Tookey and Travis Wall ... PLUS ... FINALLY ... host nom for Cat!

FINALLY! I have a giant crush on Cat...she's the best! I loved her dress last night!

Okay, so speaking of Mia Michaels, where is she this season? She hasn't choreographed anything yet, has she? I don't keep up with the gossip so I'm not sure what happened with her not being on the judging panel this year AND apparently not choreographing anything.

I think part of Mia being MIA (hah!) is that she had a personal tie to Ryan, so would have had an obvious bias toward her as a judge, and an unfair advantage if she was working as a choreographer with her since they've worked together so much previously.

I'm so sad my precious Mitchell is gone! I blame Tyce (am I the only one who hates him?) I'm now on team Sasha all the way.
I thought it was really telling when Nigel was begging "America" to vote for Jordan on performance night and Neil P.H. was saying how he had never really connected with Clarice. And Mitchell's routines were kind of all over the place (partially due to that horrible flight attendant thing he got stuck with). I guessed correctly but it could be that I just guessed with who I liked the least and it worked out to match - ha ha.

I did like that Jess was appropriately shocked when he beat Ricky out to be safe -- gave him a less cocky feel I thought. He's really been growing as a dancer - even if he is so short and can't really do any of the lifts.

I'm sad that they are doing all new All Stars next week - give me more twitch and catherine!!
Okay. I'm just gonna say it. Melanie is WAY ANNOYING. I am sick to pieces of her "who me?" giggly delight at hearing the most over the top gushing EVAH on this show. Geez, judges .... why not just cut eveyone else right now & have Melanie sit on the stage crosslegged eating soup for the remainder of the summer. YAWNSVILLE.

I like Marko WAY better NOW. Without cloying, face-squishing, Beanie Baby come to life Mel-LAME-ie. More TWITCH!!! He is the dopeness. And can we just eliminate BROADWAY and BOLLYWOOD from the genre pool? If I have to watch one more Fosse-oscopy. I am gonna plotz.
Deco, while I'm totally drinking the Melanie kool-aid, I do get where you are coming from. She's still my faves, but that's how I roll: I fall in love with someobody during auditions and I can't let them go. Fortunately (for you), nobody I've rooted for has ever won, haha. I do love Marko more now, though. I'm a sucker for the shy, humble types and he genuinely seems to be both. And I LOVE Twitch. It was great seeing him last night. I'd sort of love to see him dance with Marko, but maybe that's because I loved the Twitch/Alex NappyTabs routine so much.

And the Fosse choreography. Egads. When I saw the group number last night I thought "This is either Tyce or somebody totally making fun of Tyce". Steph, I am definitely not a Tyce fan, either.

I feel like I'm the only one who doesn't like Sasha. I love a kick-butt girl, but I also love a graceful girl. She's got the kick-butt, but no grace.

I'm interested to see Lady Gaga as a judge next week. And excited to see Anya again as an all-star.
Another Tyce hater here. He either does horrible horrible broadway or he copies other successful choreographers' styles

I LOVE Melanie until I see her not dancing . Love Marko all the time- he is cutie and an awesome dancer. Somedays I really like Sasha and some days she annoys me - and I think her solos have been kind of lazy and not as impressive as they should be.

More Twitch! Less Comfort!!

I am not looking forward to Lady Gaga (don't get me wrong - I totally appreciate her ability to claw a niche out of the pop scene but I'm so over her right now - it just seems like she is trying SOOO hard )- although I DVR the show so I can thankfully fast forward through whatever craziness ensues.

Did they announce the all-stars for next week? (see comment above about fast forwarding through everything via DVR - ha)
stephb0lt|1311349402|2974593 said:
thing2of2|1310675003|2969045 said:
decodelighted|1310674319|2969033 said:
TONS of Emmy nominations today for the SYTYCD team. Choreography nods for Mia, NappyTabs, Mandy Moore, Stacey Tookey and Travis Wall ... PLUS ... FINALLY ... host nom for Cat!

FINALLY! I have a giant crush on Cat...she's the best! I loved her dress last night!

Okay, so speaking of Mia Michaels, where is she this season? She hasn't choreographed anything yet, has she? I don't keep up with the gossip so I'm not sure what happened with her not being on the judging panel this year AND apparently not choreographing anything.

I think part of Mia being MIA (hah!) is that she had a personal tie to Ryan, so would have had an obvious bias toward her as a judge, and an unfair advantage if she was working as a choreographer with her since they've worked together so much previously.

I'm so sad my precious Mitchell is gone! I blame Tyce (am I the only one who hates him?) I'm now on team Sasha all the way.

Oh that's right...I vaguely remember something about that from last season. Did she teach Ryan or something?

The Tyce routine was awful. I also hate hate HATE the stupid Broadway numbers. The Bollywood one was actually pretty fun...I like Bollywood more than Broadway!

My fave by far is Sasha. Her and Twitch's routine was great! Wednesday was the first night I actually voted and I voted for Sasha 11 times. :cheeky: The girls are definitely my favorites overall. I like Marko but the boys aren't really doing it for me this year. I really am not a fan of Jess although I do think his routine with Kathryn was his best this season.

I loved Neil Patrick Harris as a judge-he was great! And he is ridiculously handsome. I don't watch the TV show he's in so I guess I don't see much of him, but I kept looking at him like this :love: and telling my husband to look at how handsome he was! :cheeky:

I'm interested to see Lady Gaga next week. Is she a judge? Or a performer? I remember when she performed a few years ago and it was the first time I'd really seen her on TV!

ETA forgot to say how much I LOVE Desmond Richardson and Dwight Rhoden! The routine they did for Katee and was it Will? a few seasons ago is probably my favorite routine of all time!
I love this show and glad I found this thread... though I have to wait to not read it on Thurs & Fris which is when my DH downloads them and I watch them.

my faves this season are Melanie, Tadd & Marko. Jess irked me at the beginning, due to his cocky attitude, but he is slowly irritating me less and less.

I surprisingly liked Jesse Tyler Ferguson more as a guest judge than Neil Patrick Harris. I thought Neil was a little too honest, and somehow think that the guest judges should be a bit kinder than Nigel & Mary. I found it hilarious when Cat said, "I never thought Doogie Howser would ever say that to me." Neil's really been trying to disassociate himself with that old character. anyway, funny how Jesse openly jokes about his homosexuality and Neil doesn't mention his at all. not that he has to, but it seems like he really keeps his private life private.

Lady Gaga should be fun. even though she looks weird, she did have a lot of good advice for the kids on American Idol.

I'm bummed we won't be seeing Alex Wong dance this season.

I know they haven't danced yet, but I predict the two that didn't go home last week will this week: Jordan & Ricky. next week Caitlyn & Jess. then Sasha and Tadd. then Marko, and Melanie will win it. do they send home a pair every week? when does it change to just sending one person home?

I also didn't get Nigel's comment about all that he was left with for breakfast was soggy cornflakes. I mean I got what he meant, but don't understand why he shouldn't have said that. I tried to think of the sexual innuendo and could only think of something really disgusting and inappropriate so that can't be it (I hope).
noelwr|1311596544|2976262 said:
I also didn't get Nigel's comment about all that he was left with for breakfast was soggy cornflakes. I mean I got what he meant, but don't understand why he shouldn't have said that. I tried to think of the sexual innuendo and could only think of something really disgusting and inappropriate so that can't be it (I hope).

I think he was just trying to come up with a boring breakfast to contrast to the hot and sexy breakfast Sasha and Twitch had, but somehow it got misconstrued as an inappropriate comment.
I totally have a crush on Marko! He's an amazing dancer, and I just love the quiet, shy boys. He seems so down to earth too. I also love Tadd for his playfulness and that smile is just adorable!
Noel, I wasn't a huge fan of Neil Patrick Harris as a judge, either. I thought he was a bit cocky for somebody who had limited knowledge of dance styles and terminology. Granted, I'm not saying I do, but I probably wouldn't be comfortable judging on SYTYCD, either. Now if Travis or a similar judge wants to be critical, I think it's fine because the technical advice is likely very helpful. And I also loved it when Cat made the Doogie Howser comment. But I love her always.

And as for the soggy cornflakes comment, I think the disgusting and inappropriate thought you had is the exact reason everybody was laughing. I think he meant the comment to mean something far more innocent, but Nigel sort of has a reputation for being a perverted old man, so the soggy cornflakes thought was just...well, gross.
So what did y'all think of last night's performances? And Lady Gaga?
I totes didn't get that double female warrior Sasha/Melanie/Sonja dance that had everyone in a tizzy. They were just clunking around like Frankenstein. What was EVERYONE BUT me watching???

How funny is it that Lady Gaga HATES NappyTabs. She basically called them HACKS on national television .... TWICE! Rob Marshall had to step in and be all ... no, they're brills! I guess we can surmise that Laurieanne Gibson (Gaga's dancemistress) has a serious agenda/hate/jealousy? against The Tabs Two.

My poor Catelynn didn't fare so well last night. She got outdanced by all the other girls fo' sure. She's just so darn cute though. She's got that same smile that Kelly Clarkson, Kris Allen and even Lauren Froderman has. America is a SUCKER for that Osmondy grin. But don't think that's gonna carry her in this field. Unless America is turned off by Jordan's SNOOKI-ness and votes her out on principal.

How do I love thee, Mandy Moore! Man she really squeezes the dust out of those retro songs and makes them into new scrumptious nuggets to chaw on.

Who is gonna win this? What choreographers are gonna get slammed by the Celeb Judges next week? (Last week NPH rammed into Tyce but good .... to my deeeeelight!). What did y'all think??????
decodelighted|1311866434|2978918 said:
I totes didn't get that double female warrior Sasha/Melanie/Sonja dance that had everyone in a tizzy. They were just clunking around like Frankenstein. What was EVERYONE BUT me watching???

How funny is it that Lady Gaga HATES NappyTabs. She basically called them HACKS on national television .... TWICE! Rob Marshall had to step in and be all ... no, they're brills! I guess we can surmise that Laurieanne Gibson (Gaga's dancemistress) has a serious agenda/hate/jealousy? against The Tabs Two.

My poor Catelynn didn't fare so well last night. She got outdanced by all the other girls fo' sure. She's just so darn cute though. She's got that same smile that Kelly Clarkson, Kris Allen and even Lauren Froderman has. America is a SUCKER for that Osmondy grin. But don't think that's gonna carry her in this field. Unless America is turned off by Jordan's SNOOKI-ness and votes her out on principal.

How do I love thee, Mandy Moore! Man she really squeezes the dust out of those retro songs and makes them into new scrumptious nuggets to chaw on.

Who is gonna win this? What choreographers are gonna get slammed by the Celeb Judges next week? (Last week NPH rammed into Tyce but good .... to my deeeeelight!). What did y'all think??????

YES TO ALL OF THIS! I liked the Sonja piece but I didn't think it was as amazing as everyone else did. I do think it showed (IMO at least) that Sasha is better than Melanie! I'm probably biased because of my huge crush on Sasha, though.

And Gaga was throwing out the BURNS to Nappy Tabs! Although wasn't the choreographer of the other routine with the rose not Nappy Tabs? It was some skinny dude with a beard I haven't seen before.

I have to say that I liked Gaga as a judge except for the burns, because I like Nappy Tabs! Although I did agree with her that the lyrical hip hop number with the rose by skinny dude was kind of crappy. And I was surprised the judges were into the Nappy Tabs janitor routine because I thought Ricky blew it. Also, Gaga's love for Ricky was silly because he pretty much sucked last night. NO IDEA why he's still there.

Marko was great but other than that I'm all about the ladies. Oh and I hate Jess-he sucks! Part of the problem is that he's a tiny man, but I just dislike his personality and I don't think he's that talented. I think him and Ricky are the next guys to go for sure. And Catelynn might be going home tonight...she just didn't stack up to the other ladies!
I'm glad to hear you ladies weren't blown over by the Sonja lady-warrior routine. I had to rewind it after the judging because I thought "What? Did I miss something?" I watched it again and it still didn't do much for me. There weren't even any powerful jumps in the piece.

I really liked the Marko/Ricky NappyTabs routine (reminded me of Alex and Twitch) and was a bit disappointed that all of the judges were a bit "meh" about it. Except for Lady Gaga, who clearly hates NappyTabs.

I really thought they were going to call Catelynn out for constantly looking at the audience instead of her partner during that foxtrot, but they didn't. I actually like Catelynn, even if she is a little dance-competitionesque.

Was it just me or was Nigel essentially instructing America that Ricky should go home?

Lady Gaga was a better judge than I expected. It's odd, half of the time I felt like she knew what she was talking about (I agreed about the rose), but the other half of the time I thought she was talking out of her hoo-ha (like when she was talking about Catelynn's trophy hands).

I think it might be Catelynn and Ricky going home tonight, but I'd rather see Jordan and Jess go.
totally agree - the sonja warrior women dance wasn't that great.

lady gaga did not annoy me nearly as much as I thought she would although there was an abundance of fast forwarding through stupid comments at my house :Up_to_something: If I would have heard her bashing NappyTabs I probably would have felt more annoyed by her.

that other guest judge needs to lay off the fake-tan right now!

my fav's are still Melanie and Marko. Seconds would be Tad and Sasha. For some reason I can't get fully on the Sasha-train, some dances I really like and some dances she seems too ....idk - masculine?
okay, I am finally up to date. my review:

I liked Lady Gaga judging, but did anyone catch the fly that sat on her hat? made me think she was dirty or smelly or something. also she had an extension or something taped to the side of her head. the other guest judge was so red, I had to adjust the color on my tv (Gamergirl). I totally agree that Sasha seems very manly. ugh.

I really didn't like the Nappy Tabs number danced by Ricky and Marko. nor did I think they danced it well, either. how the heck did Ricky get through as one of the top two this week? I'm not sorry to see Jess go, though. he moves his eyebrows up and down too much. and his lack of height bothers me.

I enjoyed the piece by the Legion of Extraordinary Dancers. the tallest guy was super cute.

my faves are still Melanie and Tadd, but you can totally see that the choreographers are choosing the best dance pieces for Melanie and Marko. I wasn't moved at all by Marko's dance for his mom. not sure what all the weeping was about.
NEL - I can't stand Sasha. You are not alone.

I didn't get that Sonja/warrior woman routine either and my husband and I sat there aghast for about 5 minutes that everyone thought it was so wonderful.

I cannot stand Ricky. I think that Lady Gaga's fans saved him from getting sent home. DAMN YOU LADY GAGA FANS!!!!!!!!!!!

I think Melanie is going to win.

All in all, I'm kind of meh about this season. I was so so so so so happy to have Lady Gaga AND THEREFORE MARK KANEMURA on that stage again. I still lurve him. So far that's the highlight of this season for me.
I love love love Marko. Such a crush!
Melanie has this in the bag with Marko at a close second!
the warrior still wondering what all the accolades were about?
FrekeChild|1312204603|2981554 said:
NEL - I can't stand Sasha. You are not alone.

I didn't get that Sonja/warrior woman routine either and my husband and I sat there aghast for about 5 minutes that everyone thought it was so wonderful.

I cannot stand Ricky. I think that Lady Gaga's fans saved him from getting sent home. DAMN YOU LADY GAGA FANS!!!!!!!!!!!

I think Melanie is going to win.

All in all, I'm kind of meh about this season. I was so so so so so happy to have Lady Gaga AND THEREFORE MARK KANEMURA on that stage again. I still lurve him. So far that's the highlight of this season for me.

thing2of2|1312243277|2981890 said:
FrekeChild|1312204603|2981554 said:
NEL - I can't stand Sasha. You are not alone.

I didn't get that Sonja/warrior woman routine either and my husband and I sat there aghast for about 5 minutes that everyone thought it was so wonderful.

I cannot stand Ricky. I think that Lady Gaga's fans saved him from getting sent home. DAMN YOU LADY GAGA FANS!!!!!!!!!!!

I think Melanie is going to win.

All in all, I'm kind of meh about this season. I was so so so so so happy to have Lady Gaga AND THEREFORE MARK KANEMURA on that stage again. I still lurve him. So far that's the highlight of this season for me.

I'm not afraid of you T2. Bring it.
FrekeChild|1312247588|2981954 said:
thing2of2|1312243277|2981890 said:
FrekeChild|1312204603|2981554 said:
NEL - I can't stand Sasha. You are not alone.

I didn't get that Sonja/warrior woman routine either and my husband and I sat there aghast for about 5 minutes that everyone thought it was so wonderful.

I cannot stand Ricky. I think that Lady Gaga's fans saved him from getting sent home. DAMN YOU LADY GAGA FANS!!!!!!!!!!!

I think Melanie is going to win.

All in all, I'm kind of meh about this season. I was so so so so so happy to have Lady Gaga AND THEREFORE MARK KANEMURA on that stage again. I still lurve him. So far that's the highlight of this season for me.

I'm not afraid of you T2. Bring it.

Oh it's already been brought! Sasha outdanced Melanie in that stupid warrior dance-ADMIT IT.
thing2of2|1312247709|2981955 said:
FrekeChild|1312247588|2981954 said:
thing2of2|1312243277|2981890 said:
FrekeChild|1312204603|2981554 said:
NEL - I can't stand Sasha. You are not alone.

I didn't get that Sonja/warrior woman routine either and my husband and I sat there aghast for about 5 minutes that everyone thought it was so wonderful.

I cannot stand Ricky. I think that Lady Gaga's fans saved him from getting sent home. DAMN YOU LADY GAGA FANS!!!!!!!!!!!

I think Melanie is going to win.

All in all, I'm kind of meh about this season. I was so so so so so happy to have Lady Gaga AND THEREFORE MARK KANEMURA on that stage again. I still lurve him. So far that's the highlight of this season for me.

I'm not afraid of you T2. Bring it.

Oh it's already been brought! Sasha outdanced Melanie in that stupid warrior dance-ADMIT IT.

I heartily agree that Sasha can out stupid-dance anyone :devil: LOL
thing2of2|1312247709|2981955 said:
FrekeChild|1312247588|2981954 said:
thing2of2|1312243277|2981890 said:
FrekeChild|1312204603|2981554 said:
NEL - I can't stand Sasha. You are not alone.

I didn't get that Sonja/warrior woman routine either and my husband and I sat there aghast for about 5 minutes that everyone thought it was so wonderful.

I cannot stand Ricky. I think that Lady Gaga's fans saved him from getting sent home. DAMN YOU LADY GAGA FANS!!!!!!!!!!!

I think Melanie is going to win.

All in all, I'm kind of meh about this season. I was so so so so so happy to have Lady Gaga AND THEREFORE MARK KANEMURA on that stage again. I still lurve him. So far that's the highlight of this season for me.

I'm not afraid of you T2. Bring it.
Oh it's already been brought! Sasha outdanced Melanie in that stupid warrior dance-ADMIT IT.
Uh. I was so bored in the first ten seconds of that routine that I stopped watching it. So, I'd say that's not a fair "bringing". Or "broughten".

Oh man. I crack myself up.

But really, I didn't really pay attention to that routine.
Watching the solos however...yeah, Melanie was wicked good.
I'm sorry but the other two female solos really were kind of forgettable compared to hers. And true, that might just mean she's a better choreographer, but hey, that's artistry too!

I still love Marko most though, he's just so darn happy when he's dancing and makes everything look so effortless, it's crazy.
I feel like I had a lot of opinions while watching the show last night, but all I can remember this morning is that I hope I don't have to see another wacking dance.

I liked Caitlynn more last night and liked Sasha even less--everbody seemed to rave about the wall dance, though, so maybe that will keep Sasha safe.

I did love Melanie's solo, but I didn't love her so much in the NappyTabs routine. I loved the routine (and always love Twitch), and I liked her some of the time, but she wasn't as sharp as I thought she'd be. She's still my favorite, but I don't know, this season has just sort of fizzled for me. I'm such a Debbie Downer.

I did, however, LOVE seeing Kent last night. Love him. And I've always loved Jaime. I still occasionally youtube that hummingbird + flower routine she did with Hok in season 3. It's one of my favorite SYTYCD routines. So yeah, I was actually more excited about the all stars than this seasons dancers last night.

ETA: I liked Christina Applegate as a judge. She was really nice, but not in a smiles-and-nods kind of way.
i thought the stand out was melanie's solo. who else did i like? hmmm? geez, i actually am blanking on a lot of the performances. oh, i did like the tadd chandelier routine that nigel knocked. and before watching last night i would have said caitlynn's going home but now i'm not so sure (i still hope she does though). as for guys, i'm hoping marko & tadd stick around. ricky's hit or miss for me; although he is a talented dancer. tadd's just so charming at everything he does & such a cutie too. and marko's flat out fantastic.
Just watched it on the DVR and I wasn't wowed! I have to admit that Melanie's solo was fantastic-probably the best routine of the night! None of the routines really blew me away. I liked the NappyTabs one the best, but agree that Melanie wasn't fantastic in it. Maybe she was just outdanced because Twitch is SO good?

And I always think it's weird when they throw in random dance styles, especially so late in the season, but at least the Wacking style was an entertaining one!