
Tax Rebate Approved!

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Date: 1/26/2008 2:23:36 PM
Author: strmrdr

Date: 1/26/2008 12:58:42 PM
Author: meresal

I''m currently trying to track down where it is coming form... gimmie a few and I''ll get back to you.

However, I got into a hrorrible situation, where I was fired for absolutely no reason right after moving across the state, and had to fight to get on Unemployment. I have to say, it is very hard to get ppl off their couches to find a job when you are getting a check every 2 weeks as if you had a job still. You get these checks for the same amount of time that you worked at your previous employer, with a cap on the amount you can recieve in the yr, that is a %''age of what you made at that job. And, if you happen to get a job before the money runs out... say you lose that new job in 3 months, you can go back and start claiming on that previous unemployment money again.what''s left of it). I guess I don''t understand why just handing out more umemployment $$ will help. Why not give it to the people that say, were physically hurt on the job(due to the company''s fault, not their own) and will not be able to find jobs bc of this ie, in a wheelchair or loss of apendages). I can see that as a legitimate reason. Just a thought...
Where do you live?
Around here its 6 months max and a lot of people have ran out without finding new jobs because there are not enough jobs. (actualy 26 weeks but for the first and last week you dont get a check)
We are also required to apply for atleast 3 jobs a month or be going to school to get a check.
Which is why every time any job opens they get 2-300+ applications.
STRM--- I live in Texas. What I stated earlier, is completely correct for TX. I was required to send 3 applications a week. However, that could mean going on monster and applying to 3 random job on maonday morning and being done for the week. Also, there is a very random chance that they will even call and require you to submit your application logs. You don''t get $$ for the first week, however, it is prorated onto the first check you actually recieve from them, which is your 3rd week of unemployment. I also had to fight the company to get on unemployment, which left me jobless and without anything but BF''s income for a month, before the state sided with me.
And yes, the fact that evey job I applied to was also being applied to by like 5000 other ppl, led me to looking in the newspaper on Sunday''s and craigslist daily.
Date: 1/26/2008 2:28:17 PM
Author: strmrdr

Date: 1/26/2008 12:32:09 PM
Author: Mara
boo hoo we won''t get anything according to Greg. he also says we are paying for it as it comes out of taxpayers pockets? i never follow this stuff as i am too lazy and he is so into it i can just tap into him for the cliff notes version, but yeah during an election about an agenda.
The only way the goverment can pay for this is too borrow more money and increase the debt and print more money too cover it.
Not only do the taxpayers have too pay the original amout but the interest on it also.
But the worst part of it for you is printing more money weakens the dollar and makes your bling! as well as eveyday goods more expensive.
Within ~12 months this so called rebate will have cost anyone that got one more than the rebate amount.
SMTR... I don''t know if I completely agree with this statement just yet. I am calling some friends I have a and trying to find out some more info about where this money is coming from. I''m not so sure that it is being borrowed.

And I''m not getting into an arguement about small business healthcare... I don''t know enough to even act like I do. I was trying to point out, that some of the ppl recieving this $$ are just putting it towards WalMart and Target; that some of it will be going to help keep some of the businesses in th eUS alive through hard times llike these.
Date: 1/26/2008 5:13:46 PM
Author: meresal

STRM--- I live in Texas. What I stated earlier, is completely correct for TX. I was required to send 3 applications a week. However, that could mean going on monster and applying to 3 random job on maonday morning and being done for the week. Also, there is a very random chance that they will even call and require you to submit your application logs. You don't get $$ for the first week, however, it is prorated onto the first check you actually recieve from them, which is your 3rd week of unemployment. I also had to fight the company to get on unemployment, which left me jobless and without anything but BF's income for a month, before the state sided with me.
And yes, the fact that evey job I applied to was also being applied to by like 5000 other ppl, led me to looking in the newspaper on Sunday's and craigslist daily.
wow in Texas that means you could get unemployment for 20 plus years?
OK, I see why you don't think it needs extending but most states are 6 months and an extension would really help the people there!
Date: 1/26/2008 5:39:11 PM
Author: strmrdr

Date: 1/26/2008 5:13:46 PM
Author: meresal

STRM--- I live in Texas. What I stated earlier, is completely correct for TX. I was required to send 3 applications a week. However, that could mean going on monster and applying to 3 random job on maonday morning and being done for the week. Also, there is a very random chance that they will even call and require you to submit your application logs. You don't get $$ for the first week, however, it is prorated onto the first check you actually recieve from them, which is your 3rd week of unemployment. I also had to fight the company to get on unemployment, which left me jobless and without anything but BF's income for a month, before the state sided with me.
And yes, the fact that evey job I applied to was also being applied to by like 5000 other ppl, led me to looking in the newspaper on Sunday's and craigslist daily.
wow in Texas that means you could get unemployment for 20 plus years?
OK, I see why you don't think it needs extending but most states are 6 months and an extension would really help the people there!
From the way that I understood it, is long as you have money that is left to be drawn on, and you are meeting your criteria (ie, resumes sent, ect.)... you can still collect your unemployment for as long as it takes. In Texas they set you up with a bank acct, send you a debit card, and the checks are directly deposited into that account.

Ohh, and I believe unemployment is completely based on how long you worked for the company. EX) I worked for my company for 4 months, so I got unemployment from Sept-Dec every other week. But if I had gotten another job in Nov, and then left in Feb, I could go back and apply to reinstate my last 2 months of unemployment checks. It seems that Tx might have it alot better off than most other states. I knew nothing about the entire system until I was forced right in the middle of it. I'm guessing that's how most people find out about all this stuff anyway.

Like you and you healthcare problem. I'm very sorry to hear about it. It seems that it has been a very trying time for you.
extending unemployment gets the $ out there faster: no wait until after april 15 because the system is already in place and the money can get out there NOW. people who would otherwise have been kicked off unemployment will have $ to spend and will spend it on the necessities.

additionally, there is no way unemployment can match my working salary..........

as i stated above, the money to pay for this rebate will be borrowed and we the taxpayers will get to pay for it plus interest. unless those people getting the rebate take that money and spend it on american made products and goods, that money will go back to the very people we borrowed from, specifically china among others. thus a vicious cycle in which our economy worsens.

what saddens me is that to be a good american means spending money. we hear it all the time and we hear it now: spend to bolster our economy. but when people do spend, don''t save and get into trouble whether from sheer foolishiness or medical calamatiy, we brand them as irresponsible. so damned if you do and damned if you don''t.

movie zombie

ps this is not an us v. them situation: our whole economy is at stake. if we don''t shore up the least of us but continue to concentrate wealth in the hands of the few, we''ll see a further spiral down into recession. in that scenario the gloves may come off and those who have the most may wish they had shared a bit more to maintain their economic advantage. its called the common good.
Date: 1/27/2008 2:23:02 AM
Author: movie zombie
extending unemployment gets the $ out there faster: no wait until after april 15 because the system is already in place and the money can get out there NOW. people who would otherwise have been kicked off unemployment will have $ to spend and will spend it on the necessities.

additionally, there is no way unemployment can match my working salary..........

as i stated above, the money to pay for this rebate will be borrowed and we the taxpayers will get to pay for it plus interest. unless those people getting the rebate take that money and spend it on american made products and goods, that money will go back to the very people we borrowed from, specifically china among others. thus a vicious cycle in which our economy worsens.

what saddens me is that to be a good american means spending money. we hear it all the time and we hear it now: spend to bolster our economy. but when people do spend, don''t save and get into trouble whether from sheer foolishiness or medical calamatiy, we brand them as irresponsible. so damned if you do and damned if you don''t.

movie zombie

ps this is not an us v. them situation: our whole economy is at stake. if we don''t shore up the least of us but continue to concentrate wealth in the hands of the few, we''ll see a further spiral down into recession. in that scenario the gloves may come off and those who have the most may wish they had shared a bit more to maintain their economic advantage. its called the common good.

Movie Zombie, thank you for stating that very astute TRUTH.
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