
Ten shrimpy pics

Neat Kenny! Thanks for sharing.
Thanks guys for not laughing me off PS.
How lame, saving shrimp fry.
I guess I get pleasure out of very simple things.

Cehrabehra, what a bummer your 3 goldfish died so quickly.
I bought two little fantail goldfish a few days ago and both died.
I'm sure the water's fine; all the other goldfish are fine.

I'm sure you know about the nitrogen cycle for new set ups since you've had tanks, and gradually changing temp and water for the noobs.
Healthy goldfish are pretty hardy so they must have been ill and they couldn't take the stress of the move.

Maybe where you are (China, right?) there is chlorine (or something else) in the water you must remove.

My main tank is nothing much, just a 30-gal with 3 $1.99 fantail goldfish and a pleco and now 9 shrimp (one died last night).
Just like as I read on google these shrimp change from transparent to opaque shortly before dying.
I had thought I had gotten one of a different species.
I'll post a pic of the tank.

I love goldfish.
They are cheap, beautiful and don't fight or swim in a nervous erratic way.

That corner 55-gal tank still needs silicon repair (one of my many pending projects).

Waterlilly, I'm amazed your shrimp lived 8 years.
I read ghost shrimps only last for 1 to 2.

Last night as I was drifting off to sleep stupid me realized I'm quickly going to have a problem.
Too many shrimp.

I'll have to find neighbors with Oscars... or get some tempura batter.

Sparkleyheart, I can put them back in the main tank when they are around 1/2 inch.
It depends on the size of my goldfishs' mouths.

Gailey, they are ghost shrimp and they eat anything they can find, even algae if there is no other food.
They will swim up side down to get the floating flakes and they'll fight over food too.
I read about one that stole a meal from another and the owner said the shrimp strut around afterwords all proud.
Talk about projection.

I read about the amano shrimp, but those are around $5 each IIRC.
These were 33 cents.
Hahaha. I'll buy a big snazzy diamond but I out on shrimp.

Soon, like you, I'll be raising brine shrimp for my kids.

I looked in 3 pet shops last night for a sponge filter and could not find one.
I'll get one but it would need to cycle for a month to build up the good bacteria.
But yes they are good for fry since infusoria build up on them.
I'm also going to look for Java moss today.
Those are crawling with microscopic fry food.
Kenny you take fantastic photos

I can't say I've ever seen shrimp this closely and personally outside of a platter at safeway.
Actually I'm a little embarrassed some are not sharper.
Even clean aquarium glass reduce sharpness, especially if you take the pic at an angle.
But if you take it head-on with flash it reflects. ARG.

I want to buy some slave flash units.
Date: 4/20/2010 10:02:05 AM
Author: Gailey
Date: 4/20/2010 9:26:00 AM

Author: rhbgirl24

Aww! I''ve had a lot of experience with ghost shrimp in my planted tanks. And yes, they multiply, but fish usually eat the youngins, so glad you moved them so you can watch the development!
You sound like my kind of girl rhbgirl! I have planted tanks too! You should start a thread on them!

I HAD planted and marine reef tanks. Will be set back up after our move.
Kenny, your sponge won''t take a month. When you get the it, bung it inside the filter on your bigger tank and it should be good to go within a few days. Keep a check on your ammonia & nitrite etc, but I''m guessing if you seeded your existing filter with water and "gunk" from your bigger tank you should be OK. I mean how much amonia can those little guys produce?

Kenny the shrimp breeder - who''d have thought! Well done!

Do Ghost shrimp eat Daphnia? If they do, I would move them on to that after the infusoria. Good call about the Java moss, but don''t expect to find them again until they are bigger.

I would get a piece of sinking driftwood and tie the moss on to it with fishing line. Logs seem to produce no end of algae that should keep the little darlings full.
Gailey, actually main 30-gallon tank has always had two filters running side by side.
One is large enough for a 50-gallon and the other small one, rated for a 15-gallon, is just extra and kept "seeded" and running for hospital emergencies - like this.
So the filter in the little 10-gallon maternity ward is fully cycled, and all the water came from the big tank.

I'm shopping for a foam filter today.
That's a great idea to rub the new foam onto the old filter media to pick up some gunk, which contains the good bacterial and infusoria needed to clean the water.
Thanks for the suggestion.
So... ten shrimp, .33 cents each = $3.30. Wait a few more days and you''ll increase your shrimp holdings to about 40 for $3.30. Why doesn''t this ratio/strategy work for stock or for my 401K?

Awesome macro pictures! That''s not an easy task and those images were crystal clear. I''m envious. I just set up a reef tank and hope to do some macro ricordea pics soon. I''d be happy if they turn out a fraction as well as yours!

Totally awesome pics and project Kenny! Kudos to you.
Date: 4/20/2010 2:49:43 PM
Author: treefrog
I just set up a reef tank and hope to do some macro ricordea pics soon.

Mmmm Reef Tank!!!
I love coral reef tanks, but they are sooo expensive, and lots of work but so worth it.
My friend had one and it was so cool to watch the corals and all the sea creatures.
Did you get any of those colorful clams?

I can sit there literally for hours and watch the action like it was a movie.
For me the shrimp always stole the show.

Yes, do take lots of pics and post them.
Omg, that''s so cool! Great pics as always :)
Those are awesome pictures!
Such a proud papa...maybe you should post over on the newborn thread!
I loved the pictures Kenny! Your shrimp are adorable.
Yummie recipe (if you just escaped from a shrimp or fish egg.)

Boil smashed lettuce.
Allow to cool.
Extract a jarful of ripe earthy-smelling slimy water from the filter of your mature aquarium.
Add lettuce gruel.

Leave uncovered in light window for 4 days, not too much direct sunlight.
Water will turn cloudy after 1 or 2 days. That's the bacteria.
In a couple more days the smell will subside and the water will clear as microscopic critters multiply that eat the bacteria.

In the dark, place a light next to the jar.
A shimmering cloud will form near light - those are the microscopic critters you want to feed to your babies.
Suck some out with turkey baster and feed to fish fry.

This infusoria culture pic is on day 2. (Edit, opp sorry, pic a little too big, that 900 px thing should be for horizontal pics not vertical ones.)

I finally found some of those foam/sponge filter thingies - only $8.

Instead of using it as intended, with an air pump and and air stone, I'm connected it to the input of my external filter.
Now the whole system will be silent.

The bubbling ones are very noisy.

i want some Shrimp Scampi.
We are crazy fish people too Kenny! Here is a picture of our cutie little shrimp

Cool Val.
Great pic.
Your plants are so perfect.

Hey maybe I''ll show your shrimp to my shrimp.

They could say they met online.
Date: 4/20/2010 7:15:51 PM
Author: IdLikeToBuyAVal
We are crazy fish people too Kenny! Here is a picture of our cutie little shrimp
Now that looks like an Amano shrimp.

Awesome filter set up. Did you find any java moss Kenny?
@ Kenny

Our fish are networking...through a diamond forum...There''s irony in that somehow!

Our shrimp are tiny little shrimp (not as big as amano''s) but I''m not sure of the scientific name. He''s resting on a piece of stargrass (it''s about 2 1/2-3" tall on the substrate).

We have two planted tanks right now, a 20 gallon long and a 40 gallon breeder, and three non-planted, a 55 gallon, a 20 gallon long, and a 29 gallon. We''re hoping to upgrade to a 120 gallon later this year after the wedding
Date: 4/20/2010 7:33:36 PM
Author: IdLikeToBuyAVal
@ Kenny

Our fish are networking...through a diamond forum...There''s irony in that somehow!

Our shrimp are tiny little shrimp (not as big as amano''s) but I''m not sure of the scientific name. He''s resting on a piece of stargrass (it''s about 2 1/2-3'' tall on the substrate).

We have two planted tanks right now, a 20 gallon long and a 40 gallon breeder, and three non-planted, a 55 gallon, a 20 gallon long, and a 29 gallon. We''re hoping to upgrade to a 120 gallon later this year after the wedding
A kindred spirit! In my heyday I had 13 tanks up and running. Please post pics of your tanks. I am sure Kenny won''t mind. You can see mine in the pets gallery.
Date: 4/20/2010 7:21:33 PM
Author: Gailey
Did you find any java moss Kenny?

No, darn it.
But I did buy a Japanese Moss Ball .

It seems to have a surface that would host lots of tiny crawly things.
Date: 4/20/2010 8:48:17 PM
Author: Gailey
Please post pics of your tanks. I am sure Kenny won''t mind.

Yes, do.
I don''t mind.

Oh? There''s a pet gallery?
You come across as a genuinely good person, Kenny.

(p.s. Cool pics!)
How fun Kenny! Thanks for sharing. I would have probably let them get eaten
Date: 4/20/2010 9:35:41 PM
Author: kenny

Date: 4/20/2010 7:21:33 PM
Author: Gailey
Did you find any java moss Kenny?

No, darn it.
But I did buy a Japanese Moss Ball .

It seems to have a surface that would host lots of tiny crawly things.
Kewl. I''ve had cladophra balls before. I want to know how new balls grow. Haven''t figured that out yet.
I love your pictures.. thank you for sharing... (and please post more when you can!!) :D
Love of all and for all :) .... You are such a sweetie :)
Hey Mom, don''t you want some cocktail sauce with your brother?

Aww! It''s so great to have aquarium lovers on here too! Here is a picture of our 40 gallon planted. This is a pretty old picture before we did some rescaping. It was a jungle!
