

Date: 5/5/2010 2:50:26 PM
Author: harshilzaveri

Date: 5/5/2010 2:44:26 PM
Author: LovingDiamonds

Date: 5/5/2010 2:25:53 PM

Author: harshilzaveri

This is Harshil Zaveri from

I am writing this message to clarify that the post by member ''LovingDiamonds'' is referring to his purchase from Thaigemstore and NOT from my company

The way the post has been made, it appears that he is referring to purchase from my company - which is absolutely not the case.

His original post about the doctored pictures can be seen here, on the basis of which it is clearly evident that LovingDiamonds is referring to his purchase from Thaigemstore:

(11th post from top)


This thread is about Thaigemstore and that''s who I referred to.

For those who would like to see the doctored photos from THAIGEMSTORE compared to what I received they''re here:-

I will really appreciate if you add the word Thaigemstore to your first post in this thread!
It can''t be edited now - you only have 10 minutes or so to edit a post. I think you''ve made your point in this thread and I''m sorry if it caused confusion.
Thanks for the clarification.

LovingDiamonds said:
I wouldn''t touch them with a bargepole.  Not only do they highly doctor their photographs to make the gem look 100% better they somehow manage to doctor their videos too.  I have no idea how they do it but if you look in the Vendor photo/our photos thread you''ll see an horrific example of 2 stones I bought from them.  Neither looked anything like the picture/video and when I emailed them saying I wanted to return them they said they would refund me only if I gave them positive feedback!

I am Thaigemstore Owner, I respect all about your comment about photo and video and we also trying improve our service. BUT I NEVER SAID to lovingDiamond that i would refund you only if you gave us positive feedback, YOU LIE LovingDiamonds
Re: Re:

Bluehunter said:
LovingDiamonds said:
I wouldn''t touch them with a bargepole.  Not only do they highly doctor their photographs to make the gem look 100% better they somehow manage to doctor their videos too.  I have no idea how they do it but if you look in the Vendor photo/our photos thread you''ll see an horrific example of 2 stones I bought from them.  Neither looked anything like the picture/video and when I emailed them saying I wanted to return them they said they would refund me only if I gave them positive feedback!

I am Thaigemstore Owner, I respect all about your comment about photo and video and we also trying improve our service. BUT I NEVER SAID to lovingDiamond that i would refund you only if you gave us positive feedback, YOU LIE LovingDiamonds

How dare you. You sell shoddy gemstones, you doctor photographs and videos and then you excuse me of lying? You're the liar.

For those who want to see proof these are their photos and what I got ........ make up your own minds!

Why would I lie about your response to me when I wanted to return the stones? There'd be no reason to lie.

Sapphires from Thaigemstone.jpg

Wow... I'm speechless! Vendor pics for the most part always look somewhat different, but these are like not even remotely the same stones. Yikes.
I am sorry LD is about as good as it comes with being can tell the vendor pics have either been enhanced on picassa i think it is they have a button that makes pics look more "vivid" and stand can tell by the pixels in those pics that something computerized has been done..just compare to likle a Precision gem or any other custom cutter can see the pixels ahve a consistant color coordination where as this vendors pics have a very splotchy and bright overlap..anyways..I know someone who bought a large deep green tsavorite from these guys...paid well in excess of a couple grand..after testing it was found to have some kind of filler in the stone to cover up a crack or whether Thaigemstore knew about it or not when they sold it i do not know
Re: Re:

Bluehunter said:
LovingDiamonds said:
I wouldn''t touch them with a bargepole.  Not only do they highly doctor their photographs to make the gem look 100% better they somehow manage to doctor their videos too.  I have no idea how they do it but if you look in the Vendor photo/our photos thread you''ll see an horrific example of 2 stones I bought from them.  Neither looked anything like the picture/video and when I emailed them saying I wanted to return them they said they would refund me only if I gave them positive feedback!

I am Thaigemstore Owner, I respect all about your comment about photo and video and we also trying improve our service. BUT I NEVER SAID to lovingDiamond that i would refund you only if you gave us positive feedback, YOU LIE LovingDiamonds

Dood this is not a good look. :shock:

I doubt she's lying because you also offered to refund me too, then you had the nerve to ask me to change my feedback. I never change feedback.

This is a consumer board first and foremost, no reason for any of us to lie about the stones we've gotten from vendors.

The ironic thing is that, by bringing this thread up to the top of the board again, more people are rereading it and coming to their own conclusions. It would have been better to just let it lie quietly.
Not only that, but disagreeing with what a customer says is one thing - calling him/her a liar is an entirely different matter. For the future, I'd suggest something like:
"I am the owner of XYZ store. I am sorry that there was a miscommunication between User A and myself, however, I in no way meant to imply that he/she would need to change her rating to do a return. I apologize for the confusion and will make an effort to be more clear in the future."

Even if you think a customer is lying, addressing them as such on a consumer board is just foolish. Let's hope you do as you say and work on taking more accurate photographs (stay away from the Exposure slider, for example!) that way it won't be as much of an issue going forward.
Having a vendor potentially yell "YOU LIE" at me on a consumer advocate board is enough to make me stay far away from their store.
I have given my customer everyday with my best service,
For anyone who want to retune item,. I send the email about how to retune, and said in the email that I will not charge the 10% restocking fee, and for anyone who bought 1 item and want to retune I even refund for their postage too. Every day I look for better thing for my customer. I sold a gemstone for $10.00 in auction even know I paid it for $100.00 and I am still happy because I know that my customer will be happy when their received my gemstone. I understand about my photo and video, I have been trying to fix that problem with my staff everyday!

I am selling gemstone on eBay for more than 7 years. I never said to any of my customer about “giving me a positive and I will accept the retune,”

I am selling only NATUARL gemstone With CERTIFICATE as you already know
I never lie to my customer, I only want everyone to have their good collection of gemstone!
good to hear you recognize the photo problems..that is a breath of fresh air at least
I never received certificates with my purchases. To clarify - what proportion of your gemstones are certified?

The problem with the video/photos you've known about for over 2 years. When I bought my stones from you I told you that they had been grossly misrepresented and not anything like the photos OR videos. You've done absolutely nothing for 2 years to improve that. Your auctions still bear no relation to what you sell and what the customer receives.

Also, ask yourself this? What would I have gained from lying? The photos that I've shown above really speak volumes on their own don't you think?
LovingDiamonds said:
I never received certificates with my purchases. To clarify - what proportion of your gemstones are certified?

The problem with the video/photos you've known about for over 2 years. When I bought my stones from you I told you that they had been grossly misrepresented and not anything like the photos OR videos. You've done absolutely nothing for 2 years to improve that. Your auctions still bear no relation to what you sell and what the customer receives.

Also, ask yourself this? What would I have gained from lying? The photos that I've shown above really speak volumes on their own don't you think?

Some of my stone included certificate and some not, Certificate really cost money and I cannot afford all my stone for certificate
The photo above is an old bad photo done from Thaigemstore i understand. However we may have been using a different camera lens and lighting to show that photo to the world? I suggest Pricescope should have a standard of camera model, lens type, lighting and background to use, so we all can speak up the same story. As I said I know I have done a bad job with the photo and video in the pass and will try to improve it,

My problem in this topic is not about the photo. But what you said on this post that " I will only accept the retune if you give me the positive," That is the problem and it is NOT true! When you wanted to retune item, I am happy to accept with no problem. Only thing that I ask you to do is to send the retune item with registered mail because it will not stop at the custom and i can get it faster
Well it's my word against yours. I'm sure that forum members can make up their own minds.
I know I have.

The vendor may have enhanced their pictures, but IMO you have done similar by posting the worst example pic you could in your post.
colormyworld said:
I know I have.

The vendor may have enhanced their pictures, but IMO you have done similar by posting the worst example pic you could in your post.

:roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:
Rollyeyes aside you more than likely got what you paid for.
Please keep the personal attacks off the forum or this thread will be closed and other actions taken.
A lot seems to be happening here that could have been solved with more open and straight up business practices. I'm speaking from over 35 successful years in retail sales. What has been forgotten is that while the customer may not always be right they still are the customer. Returns are part of the business and rather than let one become an issue it would be better to handle it quickly and remember that a well handled return is an oppotunity to make a customer for life. A lot of my co workers wonder how I can maintain my sales at a high level yet consistantly handle as many returns as I do. If they understood that their customer has a problem and is looking for help in resolving it, that the customer will come back to the person that is interested in helping them resolve that problem, and that the sale doesn't end when the customer goes out the door, then that co worker would have a lot more people asking for them by name like I do.

I've worked in everything from electronics, to auto repairs and it all boils down to professionalism. LD is the customer and TGS is the store. TGS has blown that opportunity to make that customer for life, and now it's in this forum for everyone to see. TGS it seems, has forgotten who really signs the paycheck. The customer.

I have purchased twice from Thaigemstore, and received excellent customer service. For one of the stones, after I requested a return, I was refunded my money and I didn't have to ship the stone back. It took just a little over 2 weeks to arrive, and I received a full refund after I emailed their customer service and complained that my package hadn't arrived in a timely manner. Both stones looked just like the picture. I spent a relatively small amount on each, under $30, for a total of $60.

That being said, I am very disappointed to hear of the customer service that my fellow PS'ers have received from Thaigemstore, and I am appalled that Thaigemstore would have the audacity to call LovingDiamonds a liar. Truly, I have no words. Bluehunter, if you do intend to continue posting here, I encourage you to offer LovingDiamonds a sincere apology on behalf of your company. Until you do so, I doubt that any poster from this board will be able to think of your company without recalling this incident.

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