What a beautiful ring! I too started out with a 3/4ct diamond, but in a yellow gold, plain cathedral setting - sooo not my taste now. Your ring is much more stylish and lovely; I really like it. Best wishes on your husband finding a new job soon - keep us posted.
Date: 1/13/2009 5:46:59 PM Author: Kaleigh
What a gorgeous radiant, I think the setting is lovely!!! I hope your husband finds a job soon!! Hand pics please!!
What a classic gorgeous ring. You''ll never get tired of it or think it looks dated!!! And don''t be hard on Jared. I know they have gotten some bad reviews on here. But maybe it''s partly because they''re so big with so many locations, there are bound to be some bad experiences but there are certainly some good experiences with them too. How did you find their customer service (or did you fiance go on his own?).
Anyway, the setting looks perfect!!!
We ended up getting our setting at Jared too (center stone at Good Old Gold!!!). I''ll be posting pics and reviews soon (he hasn''t actually proposed yet
This was an upgrade, we''ve actually been married for 6 years.
I searched and searched for the setting I wanted. I found something close at a local jeweler, but it was uber expensive and although we like to support rhe local businesses here, with our current financial situation it wasn''t possible.
I bought a setting for my late mother''s engagement ring diamond at Jared, and they were nice and had a good quality product so we gave them another try.
The guy I worked with at Jared was very nice. I looked at a lot of settings and this one was THE one. The price was ok, and now that I have the setting, the more I like it and don''t want to trade up later. I got their jewelry plan so they''ll rhodium plate as necessary and check for loose stones, etc. So, it works for us. I would recommend them for something like a setting but I have no idea about their diamonds. They were mega-impressed....the salesman was like, wow, a VVS2! It was a little weird but I took it as a compliment, LOL.
I''m glad you guys like it, I got a lot of ideas from looking at pics on here.
Your ring turned out beautifully! I am so happy to hear that you had a wonderful experience with your purchase...that really does make such a difference!
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