
The Cupcake Thread!

This one, Chocolate cake and leftover Caramel frosting from my Thanskgiving cupcakes, with a little chocolate frosting on top. For some reason, these cupcakes came out much smaller than all my others. No idea why!

Ok, just two more. Ok maybe one more b/c I can''t seem to attach one

I made these for a friend''s son''s holiday party. Chocolate cake, white icing and sprinkles!

May I get your caramel icing recipe?
I had to share my friends cupcakes. Aren''t they beautiful!

hi miss dixie...sorry i don''t check in on PS very often but when i do this is the thread i peek into!! honestly i do not know what tips i use half the time. i have over 20 of them and many of the same ones or same ones but diff brands...and i just choose by ''what do i want to do today'' kind of thing. or also how my frosting is...if its looser i will choose a smaller tip and thicker can take larger tips to make great swirls. but mostly i use 1C, 1B, 1E and some really large random ones i bought online in Australia that don''t even have #''s on them.

i have a ton more pictures too but just haven''t really had time to do anything with them. for my realtor this holiday, i did his xmas gifts to clients, 37 dozen over 4 days, yes it was CRAZY. i am so glad it''s over...breaktime!!!! happy cupcaking holidays everyone.
This thread is sinful! I find myself checking in often to see what new yummy treats you all have posted. I wish I could reach through my computer screen and taste all of them! There are some very talented bakers in this thread! I might have to make a batch myself just to get over my craving.

Dreamgirl I LOVE your pizza cake.... what a creative idea!! It is adorable. Great Job!!
Just wanted to pop in and say hi! All the cupcakes and cakes posted have been beautiful! Here is a cupcake order I just finished for a baptism.

Dixie love all the beautiful cupcakes, very talented!!! Sizzle, your friends cupcakes are beautiful!

Steph, those are gorgeous, love the decorations!!
You are so talented!
Thanks, Skippy! I forgot to add these pics Christmas cupcakes I gave out to friends:)


Everyone''s cuppies are fabu! Drooling all over my screen.....

I''m making homemake puff pastry for beef wellington and chaussons aux pommes--too bad pastry doesn''t photograph very well

Wow Mara, those are some freakin gorgeous cupcakes!

A friend of mine who knows how crazy cuckoo I am about red velvet gave me a tin of the Sprinkles RV cupcake mix. I made them for Christmas dinner and I have to say, they were DELISH. Way better than the RV cupcakes they actually sell in the Sprinkles store. I don''t know why that is, but that was my experience! (Which is great, cuz they sell the cupcakes for something like $3-4 each, and the mix is only about $15 and makes almost 2 dozen in my hands!!)
I remember seeing this thread or reading about the cupcake theme in the hangout or ring section of this forum - I was hoping to bring the two together!

A love for cupcakes and a love for jewelery/rings...although it isn't edible or worth very much, I ran into this lovely piece of art...on Etsy...anybody ever seen one of these?

My apologies for not offering any real cupcakes...just thought you might get a kick out if this! Isn't it cute????

Date: 12/24/2008 2:40:07 AM
Author: pennquaker09
May I get your caramel icing recipe?

Pennquaker, my icing recipe is pretty simple. For 1 dz, 4 T of butter, about 4 T of cream cheese. Add somewhere between 2-3 cups powdered sugar. I usually find that I need more sugar than I think or than a recipe calls for in order to frost all the cupcakes. Then, just melt some of the Kraft caramels and add in according to taste.
Very simple and not an exact recipe. I like to add cream cheese to my icing b/c I think it''s too sweet otherwise. If I want more of a cream cheese flavor, I add 6 or 8 T of cream cheese. For 2 dz, I usually put in 6 T of butter and closer to 4 cups powdered sugar.

Mara, I understand about not knowing which tips you use. I have a handful and generally just pick one. One of these days (when I have a coupler), I''m going to try them all and take pictures so I can remember the differences. Good tip about choosing based on frosting consistency, I hadn''t thought of that. I actually found a one day class in February that I''m excited to take. I hope I''ll learn how to perfect my technique and learn something new. More pics when you have time!

Steph, your cupcakes look great! Congrats on your business taking off!

Skippy, thanks! It''s fun trying new recipes.

Sizzle, those cupcakes are nice and creative!
Thanks, Dixie. Your creations look great too! What is the name of your class you are taking? I would love to take a class on decorating.
Wilton has classes typically at Micahels and/or craft stores around the US. My friend took the first basic one, it was 3 weeks I think but she didn't learn all that much. We are lucky enough to have a cake place near us, and another one like 45 min away that specializes in cakes and decorating so it's a good place to get supplies locally and also take some specific classes. My pal and I took the Yule Log and holiday cake class 2 weeks ago, it was fun!! But they do get pricey, like $70 for 3 hours, so I have to pick and choose what I really want. I want to take a specific class on gumpaste flowers at some point soon to learn how to make roses. I tried with like 5 online tutorials and a book and they still look like peonies haha.

Though like with anything else I think it's practice practice! My piping was nowhere near as good even a few months ago. So just keep doing it. Also I love looking at Flickr photos of cupcakes, there are so many imaginative and talented decorators on there! Just go onto flickr and seach for 'gorgeous cupcakes'...there is a pool of pictures. Or be specific to what you want, like 'strawberry cupcake' and you can see how everyone did their strawberry cupcakes.

I made an amazing eggnog cheesecake for holiday that got all the's from Dorie Greenspan's Tall and Creamy Cheesecake recipe (google it) and I just subb'd eggnog for 2/3 of the cream and added 1/3 of sour cream, added a ton of cinnamon and nutmeg and some rum. It was amazing!
Thanks for the heads up on the Michaels classes. I read about them one time, but didn''t want to commit to a few weeks worth. I am going to try to find a Saturday class somewhere to take. Your eggnog cake sounds so yummy!
Thanks Steph! I think the class is just called "Cupcake Decorating". It''s at a local cake supply shop. I would try there for classes. This one is $45 which seems expensive to me for a few hours but worth it if I can learn to sharpen my skills. I''m excited!

Mara, your eggnog cheesecake sounds great! There are so many flavors to try, it''s hard for me to pick the next one. I think I might try a coconut flavor. I don''t like coconut but I know so many people do. I also want to try a pb cupcake again and add a bit more cocoa to the red velvet that I made. I made snickerdoodle cookies so now I want to try that as a cupcake too. So many to try!!

Steph, if you don''t mind sharing, what tips do you generally use for your cupcakes?
Here''s the two I made for Christmas. First is Red Velvet with a Cream Cheese frosting. These all came out blurry and I have no idea why.

Here''s the plain Red Velvet to see the color. I think the picture looks more pink but the cupcake looked red.

This one is a Chocolate cupcake with Cream Cheese filling with Chocolate frosting. These were tasty but very rich!

Last one, this is the Chocolate cupcake before I added the frosting. Originally, the recipe called for a glaze but as you can see, the top did not look good at all! I don''t know what I did wrong but the filling just didn''t look pretty enough for a glaze. I think I want to try these again and put more chocolate batter on top of the cream cheese and try it with the glaze.

Dixie, your cupcakes look so tasty! I usually use a 2D or 1M tip. I just make sure I use the larger ones, they make nicer swirls, but the frosting has to be the right consistancy or it will drip out of them. Still working on my swirls too:)
I found a couple pictures of some cupcakes that I made last year and thought I would post them for fun!
This first one is what I made for my fiance''s 24th Birthday.....

And these are just some I made the next day for Easter! Nothing fancy, but they sure were yummy!!

Beautiful cupcakes and I remember how delicious they were!!! You are the BEST cupcake maker EVER!!!
Wow, Missjaxon. Those are beautiful. I really love the colors on the chocolate ones and your swirls are perfect. Nice job!!
Date: 1/1/2009 8:34:39 AM
Author: steph72276
Wow, Missjaxon. Those are beautiful. I really love the colors on the chocolate ones and your swirls are perfect. Nice job!!
Ditto, they are wonderful Missjaxon!!!

I love the textured look to the frosting in pic 1!! Cool, they look like roses!
Date: 1/1/2009 1:11:27 PM
Author: Skippy123
Date: 1/1/2009 8:34:39 AM

Author: steph72276

Wow, Missjaxon. Those are beautiful. I really love the colors on the chocolate ones and your swirls are perfect. Nice job!!
Ditto, they are wonderful Missjaxon!!!

I like that a lot you know what tip you used to get that look? That is so cool!

I love the textured look to the frosting in pic 1!! Cool, they look like roses!
Aww Thank You ladies! I''ve never actually taken any courses or anything, but my Momma is a wonderful cake/cupcake decorator. I have learned from watching her. In both pictures I used a 1M tip, but the icing in the first picture was a bit thicker so it made a really nice texture and it tasted really yummy too! I actually am going to be baking a batch today because this thread has given me and intense cupcake craving that I just MUST get out of my system!! I wish I was your neighbors I would sure love to taste all of your beautiful yummies!
Don''t know if anyone has posted these before (pardon my double post if so) but i thought they were so pretty--i haven''t seen them in stores around here but i think i may ask my local cake supply place to bring some pkgs in
