
The Daily Happy Hour -- Starting TODAY!


Mar 26, 2006
Hey kids! I am instituting a daily happy hour and everyone is welcome to join!

The rules:

- ONLY happy stuff in this hour!

- We are all on different times but I'm thinking we can go with 5 pm where ever YOU are. Oh... and 5 pm is totally arbitrary. If "happy" starts for you earlier than 5 o'clock You Time, that is one million percent cool!

- Points for pics of whatever you are drinking (alcoholic or not!) and double points for you WITH your drink! (These "points" of course mean absolutely nothing... as with so many things in life... but you get the *point*! :lol: )

Who's in?!?
I’m in!

So’s Gracie.
After finding out at noon at DH has been "furloughed" as of RIGHT NOW I may have drank the rest of a bottle of wine. With another rapid chilling in the freezer. Such is life!
I poured a large, cold glass of Villa Maria Sauvignon Blanc about 20 minutes ago. It was 8pm, but I've only just had chance to get my pj's on & chill.

I poured a large, cold Happy Hour at 4.10pm on Tuesday. It was a long day & it's not like I can drive anywhere!

Having to moderate though, as I would happily do Happy Hour every night at the moment. So along with the body of a 20 year old due to my daily HIIT classes online with the kids, I would also come out of lockdown in a few months a raving alchie :lol:
I am in!

Pic is my dog in front of the cocktail created for me by the manager of my favourite cocktail bar in Bath. :))

DK :))


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I went off to do some actual work and came back to an awesome and very happy hour!!!

And here I was afraid when I posted this this morning that no one would want to join me!

Oops — my pic didn’t attach!
I love that glass and your choice of drink!

Thank kae kae! That is one of my many MANY vintage glasses, which is something I collect. This glass was made by Central Glass Works in Wheeling, WV. This pattern was produced from the 1910s to 1930s.

ETA, it's hard to tell in this pic, but the glass is actually lavender colored.
Thank kae kae! That is one of my many MANY vintage glasses, which is something I collect. This glass was made by Central Glass Works in Wheeling, WV. This pattern was produced from the 1910s to 1930s.

ETA, it's hard to tell in this pic, but the glass is actually lavender colored.

Love it!
image.jpg5:13 pm here. Just got off “work” and saw it’s happy hour. Just having water, but i saw your vintage glass and see you collect. Here is a pic of my vintage glasses. The smalls are the size of aperitif or sherry glasses (small) and the bigger ones are prolly wine glasses. They belonged to my grandmother and are apparently from somewhere around 1920s. That’s all I know. @Dee*Jay do they look like anything you could identify?

Oh, and we’re supposed to have carpet installed tomorrow in two bedrooms. The installers were to call today with the time frame for tomorrow. I’ve been emptying dresser drawers and disassembling beds (while working...). At 4:00 nobody had called... so I called them. Oh yah, they’re canceled cuz of the order to shelter in place. Uhm, you might have called so I have somewhere to sleep for a month... :)
image.jpg5:13 pm here. Just got off “work” and saw it’s happy hour. Just having water, but i saw your vintage glass and see you collect. Here is a pic of my vintage glasses. The smalls are the size of aperitif or sherry glasses (small) and the bigger ones are prolly wine glasses. They belonged to my grandmother and are apparently from somewhere around 1920s. That’s all I know. @Dee*Jay do they look like anything you could identify?

Oh, and we’re supposed to have carpet installed tomorrow in two bedrooms. The installers were to call today with the time frame for tomorrow. I’ve been emptying dresser drawers and disassembling beds (while working...). At 4:00 nobody had called... so I called them. Oh yah, they’re canceled cuz of the order to shelter in place. Uhm, you might have called so I have somewhere to sleep for a month... :)

Aw, Ringo, I'm afraid I'm going to disappoint you. From the pic the most I can tell is they appear to have molded stems and possibly a small round lip around the top, but I really need to touch them to say more. The style is very typical depression glass though, as is the color. In honor of your grandmother I'll drink from something yellow tomorrow!
Not a disappointment. they’re still pretty and they were my yiayia’s that i never met. So... the molded stems mean like there is a seam? Yes. And the rounded lip, it‘s hard to tell. These are whisper thin and many of them are chipped. I don’t use them, they’re just on display. image.jpg
@Dee*Jay it certainly was a gorgeous day today!
just saw this too late, but I'm in tomorrow! Plan de Dieu - is it wrong to find that funny? (gallows humor as a coping mechanism only, I promise). also, I totally want a lavender glass to drink out of, and whatever fancy ice cream looking business missy has going on, but we're set on never shopping again so I'm mostly drinking vodka and water with some lime juice which I'm pretty sure is signs 2 through 7 that one is developing a drinking problem. As I said to my husband this afternoon, if I weren't breastfeeding I'd be drinking ALL DAY
What is this amazing deliciousness?

Hi @OdetteOdile, It's a Vanilla Bean Ice Cream Soda float. Pretty much it’s just sugar and vanilla boiled in some water then mixed with seltzer water to give it some fizz. The vanilla flavor is amped up with whole vanilla bean in addition to vanilla extract. Vanilla bean cream soda poured over vanilla ice cream. May be the best vanilla drink ever.

I feel like ice coffee this AM..

Screen Shot 2020-04-03 at 6.31.55 AM.png

Strong, black and cold. Very refreshing at 6:33 AM. Ready to start the day.
Too early to start drinking for me, still on tea at the mo as it is only 16:20 in UK!

DK :))
image.jpg5:13 pm here. Just got off “work” and saw it’s happy hour. Just having water, but i saw your vintage glass and see you collect. Here is a pic of my vintage glasses. The smalls are the size of aperitif or sherry glasses (small) and the bigger ones are prolly wine glasses. They belonged to my grandmother and are apparently from somewhere around 1920s. That’s all I know. @Dee*Jay do they look like anything you could identify?

Oh, and we’re supposed to have carpet installed tomorrow in two bedrooms. The installers were to call today with the time frame for tomorrow. I’ve been emptying dresser drawers and disassembling beds (while working...). At 4:00 nobody had called... so I called them. Oh yah, they’re canceled cuz of the order to shelter in place. Uhm, you might have called so I have somewhere to sleep for a month... :)

@ringo865, these glasses are gorgeous! I love that they are from the 20's, so cool.

Cute Idea @Dee*Jay! I'll be back later with some kind of beverage.