
The funniest vanity license plates you have seen?

We don’t call them ‘vanity’ plates here, they’re personalised number plates. I have one, (used to have 2), they make your car less of a target for theft, because the plates are more easily recognisable than silver BMW (for example)

A famous comedian here had COM 1C and a famous magician had

The DVLA refused to release PEN 15 :lol:
I've seen one that said Cat Lady. There were little cat figurines all along that flat area between the back seats and the back window. The little stick family was on the back window too. It was one lady stick figure and a whole mess of cat stick figures. Probably one of the funniest plates I've seen so far.

The other day I saw one that said CoolKid - that made me giggle. My favorite tho was Obi One (as in Obi-Wan or at least that's how I read it lol).

I've seen some other clever plates but for the life of me I cannot remember any more.
I was a bit startled to see one that read: MOHEL
But then, why shouldn't he be able to advertise his services that way?

Another read LUB DUB (a cardiologist?)
I've also seen EGDBF (a musician? music teacher? )

I also saw ILUVSX.
Since this thread came was initiated we have purchased a personalized plate for my DH truck. I wish I could say here what it says but I will tell you it relates to his fire department career. We have been talking the last few days about moving out of California in a few years, and I just realized we would lose our plate. Now, I am not sure if we can go.
I had a patient that had a camry convertible with the Vanity plate "topless". I have one, but it's my nickname and first letter of my last name.
BTW, I can't believe some of the ones shown here that got past their respective states' DMV.
I saw a truck once with the stick family except the mom figure was missing. The guy had a huge circle around the missing figure. Pointing to the circle was "space open - apply within"

Vulgar one I saw that I can’t believe made it through Illinois DMV—-CVNT.
SUV with female driver. Go figure.
When I drove a minivan I got a plate that said IGAVEUP

Hahaha LOVE that. I need that plate. :P2

Vulgar one I saw that I can’t believe made it through Illinois DMV—-CVNT.
SUV with female driver. Go figure.

Ugh, that is pretty tasteless. Cannot believe it got through the DMV.:???:
I can't believe that one got through either. When we applied we had to explain what our wording meant, even though it was pretty obvious.
Haha how can we ever forget the license plate from the show Seinfeld.


The New York ASSMAN License Plate from Cosmo Kramer’s 1973 Chevrolet Impala, as seen in the episode “The Fusilli Jerry” from the television series 'Seinfeld'.
The plate = Asscher man

DF what will your new license plate read if you sell your Octavia? Cmon please give us a little hint so we know what you have up your sleeve...:Up_to_something:
Not funny but kinda cool, there is a tesla around here with "FUELESS" on the plate and i had many moons ago BLUDIVA (what else? :lol-2: ) it's a very old nickname that still use when i need an anonymous alias...the car was a pretty sky blue-grey color and i still miss it sometimes. :D

My plate on Billy Ray Jr.
DF what will your new license plate read if you sell your Octavia? Cmon please give us a little hint so we know what you have up your sleeve...:Up_to_something:
I have a lobster on my car but you only pay a bit more in Maine for it, it is not personalized.

The funniest or maybe wittiest plate I ever saw was back in my Raleigh NC days - mid 90s.


also in Raleigh I saw:

Saw this yesterday: FULOBUL

Lots around here with variations on NOFUEL
Clever one a few weeks ago had octane in chemical symbol.

ETA: had one around for awhile that was SPAMMER... Quit seeing it just before police announced they had arrested a guy sending fishing emails and stuff. May have been a coincidence, but I have always wondered.
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BTW one of our mutual co-workers almost became "road krill." She was driving her compact car on the interstate when a semi driver - apparently high at the time - rammed her car with the front of the semi and continued to push it down the road for several miles, not even aware that the car was stuck to the front of his truck. This was several years ago and I don't recall the details of how the truck driver was finally made to get off the road safely, but I think the highway patrol was involved. Anyhow, the co-worker was shaken but not injured. Her car, however, was toast.

She's not the only one - this one was quite a big story over here, seems she undertook rather than leaving the tanker driver space...

And this is why you should always 'shoulder check' rather than relying on your mirrors. Oh, and don't be afraid of actually using the accelerator pedal - the number of people I see dawdling onto the motorway from the slip road, rather than positively accelerating to match the main carriageway's traffic speed, never fails to astound me.

EDIT: Just re-read this and it sounds like I'm implying your co-worker was at fault - that was not my intention, more that I wanted to highlight the need to give lorries space and pro-actively manage one's risk when driving!
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It not a vanity plate per say, but Arkansas has a diamond in the background of their license plate. Who wouldn't want a blingey license plate?

Since I am not getting my dream car the MG I will share with you the Vanity plates I would've requested if available.
Feel free to use these plates if anyone has or is getting an MG.


or if that was taken




and just for a more complete pic. Wouldn't this be the perfect plate for this car?

You have excellent taste in Britsh classic cars, @missy ;)) :D

At least in the hot states in the US, they should be less rusty than over here, with the salt-laden roads and generally damp weather for half the year!