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Sorry for the delay there -- had to get a few things done! But back to the important stuff...
Mreader, the stone is from Russia. Here is a short article from GIA on Russian emerald if you have any interest: https://www.gia.edu/gems-gemology/spring-2020-gemnews-russian-emerald I also read some longer, more detailed, articles on this topic while I was considering buying but I can't find them at the moment. Senility at 50 is a terrible thing!
MRB, be careful what you wish for -- I have an iphone and I'm not afraid to use it!
Lykame, I took a video of the stone loose when I went to see it for the first time. If I can (a) find it, and (b) figure out how to post it, I will!
Catmom, I love everything too!!!
Alex, it is very clear! There is some jardin that I see running horixontally across the stone if I turn it into the light just right, but under normal wearing I don't notice it at all.
Thank you Sparkles!
Dmndsr4evr, it is sooooo dangerous to be in such close proximity to Ilya! When I'm downtown I have to stop myself from just "swinging by" sometimes to see what's going on!
ItsMainlyYou, the sun shots are my favorite!
Lulu, the color makes me really happy - minty and fresh!
Lonysis, sorry for the short reply before, I was bolting around a bit. There were two other emeralds that came in the parcel with this one, but they sold rather instantly I'm afraid. BUT! If you would like one I'm just reach out to Ilya and see what he may be able to get. And thanks for clueing me in that the ring was up on the Ivy & Rose instagram page -- I had no idea!
Thank you diamondringlover!
MissGR, I've always wanted a three stone ring like this but never though I'd be able to find a "big" unoiled/untreated emerald I could afford so this is a bucket list piece for me!
Lemon, I wish I had more technical knowledge to share however I am the first to admit what I DON'T know would fill and ocean! When I was considering buying I did a bit of reading about the elements that make emerald emerald rather than beryl, but I don't trust myself to accurately convey any of that information!
Thank you Lambie! I will try to get some more pics that do a better job of showing the true color. What I see on my hand is generally darker than some of the shots I posted because I was trying to show the "steps" and that exercise lent itself to the lighter colored shots.
Elle, that you so much! GG is very similar in color (in person) to the petals on Clover, which is an absolute favorite of mine!
Ah Yenny, you're so sweet!
Oh no worries love! I just like debating such things and learning about them. There's so much to learn in the colored stone world and your stone is a very interesting example of the green beryl vs. emerald conversation.
Regardless it's such a bright and happy ring, like a tall glass of springtime! & I do hope you enjoy her & get lots of wear out of her!