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Yeah. My biggest hang up is that we''re talking kids soon. And I really wanted to have the house figured out and done before then. That said, we''ve got this dining room that flat out does NOT get used. It''s a dumping ground, and where we sit when we have people over. And it has a closet. So we could do a quick switcheroo and make it into a nursery if we needed to.Date: 10/23/2009 9:43:54 AM
Author: NewEnglandLady
Gecko, to be honest I think the fact that you would probably not be buying a house if it weren''t for the tax credit and downpayment assistance means that waiting might be for the best right now. I was listening to 2 coworkers yesterday who both bought a condo because of the tax credit and are now starting to regret their decision. One was talking about how she stretched her budget and is now frustrated with the constant budgeting (plus she borrowed money from her mom and regrets that) and the other ended up buying a place that wasn''t quite what she and her husband wanted (too small), but they''re stuck there for a few more years. I definitely think it''s a good idea to wait until Adam passes the bar (exciting!) and for things to be a little more settled. I know the frustration--D and I started looking last year before he was finished with all of his professional exams and ended up putting our search on hold when the market tumbled and took our investments with it. I felt so defeated, D finished his exams and we started looking again when we felt more ready.
We are still in house limbo, but I think we are going to take a break. We''re not looking at any other houses, just trying to figure out if this is the move we want to make. We are absolutely terrible with big decisions (obviously). I think for now I''m going to sit back and share the excitment of other people''s experiences while we figure things out!
By the way, thank you again, NF!
Then don''t.Date: 10/26/2009 3:55:36 PM
Author: NewEnglandLady
Gleam, Diva0413, Anchor, Part Gypsy, LauraLoo, any updates from you ladies? Did anybody find anything they loved this weekend??
Gecko, how are you holding up? I hope this weekend was relaxing for you with the new goal in mind!
And I hope the rest of you are all doing well (either packing or unpacking)!
This weekend was good, I definitely needed a break. Our RE called to tell us that the seller is willing to put a one-year warranty on the house as an incentive for us to buy, whch makes me think they are pretty motivated to sell. Still not itchin'' to put in an offer, though.
The listing would still be up, but with a change of status. From active to pending, keep showing etc. SOMETHING should have changed on the status.Date: 10/29/2009 5:44:00 PM
Author: NewEnglandLady
Gecko, if the lease was accepted, would they have taken the listing down by now? I only ask because the whole process of when to change the status from ''active'' is befuddling for me--a house would have an accepted offer and still be listed as active until all of the contigencies have been filled. Since this owner is leasing instead of selling, it seems like the process would be much quicker...I''m keeping my fingers crossed for you! Let us know when you have an update.
Yep, going for a third viewing this weekend. Meh.
Ah, got it. Yes, the status should have changed in some way. D and I have been house hunting long enough for offers to be put in on houses we were thinking about--the status always changes immediately after the offer is accepted. It might still be "active", but there is always a disclsoure (i.e. "owner will accept additional offers until all contingencies have been filled" or something). How frustrating for you, Gecko! Let me know what you find out!Date: 10/30/2009 9:11:46 AM
Author: geckodani
The listing would still be up, but with a change of status. From active to pending, keep showing etc. SOMETHING should have changed on the status.Date: 10/29/2009 5:44:00 PM
Author: NewEnglandLady
Gecko, if the lease was accepted, would they have taken the listing down by now? I only ask because the whole process of when to change the status from 'active' is befuddling for me--a house would have an accepted offer and still be listed as active until all of the contigencies have been filled. Since this owner is leasing instead of selling, it seems like the process would be much quicker...I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you! Let us know when you have an update.
Yep, going for a third viewing this weekend. Meh.
Date: 10/30/2009 9:36:28 PM
Author: NewEnglandLady
Neatfreak, I thought of you when our RE agent reached out to us earlier this week. I sort of scratched my head wondering why they priced it so high all through the summer if they were ultimately willing to take so much less. D and I talked briefly tonight about the price where we'd be psyched to get it. Since the listing agent told us to make any offer we feel comfortable making, we may try to offer as much as 20% less than asking (if we decide to make the offer). If we could get it for that, we'd be pretty happy.