
The House Hunters Thread

Oh gecko, I''m so sorry to hear about all the bad news.
I hope you can find a house you love when the time is right.

NEL - We''ll call a RE agent next week to see if we can work with her, and we''ll go from there. I really hope she can help us find the pefect house for our budget.
Date: 10/23/2009 9:43:54 AM
Author: NewEnglandLady
Gecko, to be honest I think the fact that you would probably not be buying a house if it weren''t for the tax credit and downpayment assistance means that waiting might be for the best right now. I was listening to 2 coworkers yesterday who both bought a condo because of the tax credit and are now starting to regret their decision. One was talking about how she stretched her budget and is now frustrated with the constant budgeting (plus she borrowed money from her mom and regrets that) and the other ended up buying a place that wasn''t quite what she and her husband wanted (too small), but they''re stuck there for a few more years. I definitely think it''s a good idea to wait until Adam passes the bar (exciting!) and for things to be a little more settled. I know the frustration--D and I started looking last year before he was finished with all of his professional exams and ended up putting our search on hold when the market tumbled and took our investments with it. I felt so defeated, D finished his exams and we started looking again when we felt more ready.

We are still in house limbo, but I think we are going to take a break. We''re not looking at any other houses, just trying to figure out if this is the move we want to make. We are absolutely terrible with big decisions (obviously). I think for now I''m going to sit back and share the excitment of other people''s experiences while we figure things out!

By the way, thank you again, NF!
Yeah. My biggest hang up is that we''re talking kids soon. And I really wanted to have the house figured out and done before then. That said, we''ve got this dining room that flat out does NOT get used. It''s a dumping ground, and where we sit when we have people over. And it has a closet. So we could do a quick switcheroo and make it into a nursery if we needed to.

At the very least I need to take a break until after the holidays!
Oh, Gecko... I''m so sorry!!
When does Adam take his bar?

I totally understand your disappointment, but like you said, the logic is starting to emerge... Perhaps it''s for the best?
Huge hugs to you!!

NEL, I have to admit that I *kinda* had a snicker when you said you''re taking a break... didn''t you say that earlier in the thread? Even if you''re on a ''break'', you KNOW you''ll be watching the listings like a hawk, right?

My car seems to be running okay, so that''s good news.

The bad - they''re calling for horrible weather tomorrow... rainy, windy, chilly... So we may postpone moving til Sunday. I really don''t want to move on my birthday, but there''s really no other choice but this weekend. We could move out the 31st, but being Halloween a lot of our helpers have kids/stuff to do. Darned rain

Anchor, YAY for pre-qualification!!! Good luck!

Gleam, Welcome to the madness!!! Lots of house dust to you!!

So I probably won''t be posting much after tonight... boxing up the ''ole computer, and we aren''t getting internet access set up in the house until Wednesday, I think.

A funny thing happened last night...
I work night shift, and drove in. I parked in the garage, and called DH to let him know I was there, and that the car didn''t poop out on me. So he says he''s on his way out the door to go to Rite Aid to pick up some milk. Okay... so he leaves the apartment, and says "There''s a kitten on our doorstep!", and proceeds to play with it and pet it. I''m in a rush to get into work... he says he''ll go to the store, and he''ll call me later.
Then I get a text... a picture of a black kitten in OUR kitchen!!! lol... that kitty snagged DH''s heart! I get home this morning, and DH is like, "Can we keep her??"
We were planning on getting another kitty once we were moved into the house, anyway... funny how things work out.

She looks about 4 months old. She''s very friendly and playful. We''re gonna put up some "Found Kitty" flyers in the area. She has no collar, but seems pretty adapt to people... we live on a VERY busy four-lane street (not very outdoor cat friendly). It''s a rare site to see a kitty roaming around here. I wonder if she belongs to anyone, though. So we''ll do the flyers, and see how things work out. In the meantime, at least she is safe and has some food...
And I thought Salem was unhappy BEFORE! He''s pretty ticked now.
She''s all black, just like him... in fact, she looks almost exactly like him. Same color, same eyes. Her tail''s really fluffy, though, and his isn''t.
He''s content to watch her, from a distance. But she''s really curious, and you can just tell that she wants to make friends with him... he won''t let her within 5 feet of him, though. DH kept her in the bathroom overnight - I let her out when I got home.
If she''s a stray, we''ll end up keeping her... I just hope they adjust to each other.
I definitely understand--our plan was to be in a house this this fall and start TTC in the spring, so we're in the same boat. We have a guest bedroom in our rental that we could turn into a nursery, but I don't think I'll be able to "nest" as much in a rental as I would in our own home. But it would work. Things will work out the way they're supposed to for both of us, I know it.

Our realtor emailed me last night to ask if we've come to any decision and I called D to ask his opinion about what to tell her. The conversation ended up in an argument and he made a snide comment about the pressure of buying a house vs. the pressure to get married, which really struck a nerve with me. This is how I know we need to take a break from house hunting--it's starting arguments!

ETA: Lynnie, how cute that your DH was bowled over by the kitty!! She sounds ADORABLE! Keep us updated!
Geko - I''m sorry it didn''t work out this time. As my DH always tells me: patience is a virtue.

Lynnie - Awwww. Kittens are so cute. No more cats for us though.

Anchor - Yay for getting a pre-approval! Good luck with your hunt!

NEL - We were under a lot of pressure to buy a house too. It started right after we got married in 2005 and we just were not ready. We needed some time to settle in as newlyweds and pay off some debt, etc. It feels good to finally be in that place though
We lived in a rental when we had our son and it was hard to nest since the place wasn''t ours. I''m really excited about decorating and doing house projects already!

I got an email from our agent today and the required FHA repairs have been made and approved!! We are doing a final walk-through on Tuesday and then closing on Friday the 30th!
YAY! I''m going to start packing this weekend. I also need to go through old papers and clothes. No need to move unnecessary junk!
Lynnie - Too cute on the kitty! That''s adorable.

Diva - Happy packing! Congratulations on closing nest week! That''s fantastic!

Adam takes the bar in Feb. Gets his results in June/July. *sigh*

NEL - I hear ya on the not being able to "nest" as much in an apt. But if that''s what happens, we''ll make it work! I''m sorry that the stress is causing you guys to fight.
It really is amazing how much tension a big decision like that can create!
Gleam, Diva0413, Anchor, Part Gypsy, LauraLoo, any updates from you ladies? Did anybody find anything they loved this weekend??

Gecko, how are you holding up? I hope this weekend was relaxing for you with the new goal in mind!

And I hope the rest of you are all doing well (either packing or unpacking)!

This weekend was good, I definitely needed a break. Our RE called to tell us that the seller is willing to put a one-year warranty on the house as an incentive for us to buy, whch makes me think they are pretty motivated to sell. Still not itchin'' to put in an offer, though.
Date: 10/26/2009 3:55:36 PM
Author: NewEnglandLady
Gleam, Diva0413, Anchor, Part Gypsy, LauraLoo, any updates from you ladies? Did anybody find anything they loved this weekend??

Gecko, how are you holding up? I hope this weekend was relaxing for you with the new goal in mind!

And I hope the rest of you are all doing well (either packing or unpacking)!

This weekend was good, I definitely needed a break. Our RE called to tell us that the seller is willing to put a one-year warranty on the house as an incentive for us to buy, whch makes me think they are pretty motivated to sell. Still not itchin'' to put in an offer, though.
Then don''t.
IMO anyway.

I had to laugh at the thought of a relaxing weekend. My mom and I drove up to see my sister and nephew (4.5 hours) in Canada Saturday, and then came back Sunday, since one of my cousins from CA that we hadn''t seen in 5 years was in Ontario as well. It was fun, but a hugely crazy busy tiring weekend. Poor little guy has a cold too, so he was asleep most of the time, LOL.

At this point... we''re sitting tight on the house front. If they extend the tax credit we might look a little more seriously, but for now we''re going to wait and see what the future holds.
Hey guys!

Quick post... the entire downstairs of my house STINKS. Kilz primer is so noxious!!!

So we''re in! We moved Saturday, in the rain. We had a total of 10 people, though, so it went pretty quickly.

One of our friends brought one of his friends to help. So we''re finishing unpacking the truck into the house, and the guy goes, "Hey, do you guys want a pool table? A buddy of mine is trying to give one away". Of course, DH is all over that, and now there''s a pool table in the garage. I don''t mind much. It''ll be cool once we have all our apartment crap out of the basement, and the pool table in there.

My brother was supposed to paint the LR & DR last week... that fizzled out, because his GF dumped him, and he was mopey and miserable all week

The DR is primed, and the LR needs to be sanded, then that''ll be ready to prime. Still need to prep the hallway and master BR. We haven''t touched the kitchen or bathrooms yet.

The car is acting up again - I think it''s the transmission. I don''t know what to do about that yet. Maybe we''ll buy a cheapie to get us through the winter... I dunno.

I promise to post before and after pics, when I get them. We still have to make our final paint color choices, and get a new showerhead ASAP. The one that''s here is super strong, like a firehose! It feels like a zillion needles stabbing you!

NEL, Gecko''s right... it''s really a huge decision. I know you''ll do what''s right for you

Gecko, I hope they decide to extend the credit! It''s been such a crazy roller coaster for you, and I really hope things work out!

DivaD... CONGRATS!!! 2 days!!! You must be ecstatic!

Kitties are good... they''re actually getting along now. They sniff each other without growling or hissing! It''s so cute... the little one (DH has named her Midnight) follows Salem around and copies everything he does. If he sits, she does. If he lays on his left side, she will. It''s funny.

I hope everyone else had a good weekend!
Lynnie, so much going on with you, such exciting stuff!

First, 10 movers! That sounds fabulous! We moved on January 1st this year in the middle of a snowstorm, so I definitely understand the frustrations of moving in a storm--at least having so many people helps!

Second, a pool table? That''s fantastic!! What a nice bonus!

Third, I find the breakup between your brother and his girlfriend to be poorly timed :) She could have waited a little longer!

Fourth, so sorry to hear about the car--how unfortunate that it JUST got fixed and is giving you problems!

And finally, don''t stay in those primer fumes too long!! You don''t want to faint and fall in the paint!

The sellers of the house we''re interested are becoming a little more desperate. Over the weekend, they offered a 1-year warranty on the house, then yesterday our RE emailed me to tell me that they''re willing to buy the first year of flood insurance and that we could put in "any offer we feel is comfortable" and they''d work with it. We told our RE agent that we are willing to go back and see it again this weekend (and bring D''s father), but that we are leaning towards not putting in an offer. We were planning to low-ball anyway, and the 1-year warranty/flood insurance is just a drop in the bucket, so not really worth taking into consideration.
Lynnie! So much progress! That''s fantastic!!!

NEL - So, are you going to go and look again?

As for me... back up the roller coaster... The house is still listed as active. On all sites. Our realtor is on the prowl - and pissed, since if they decided not to accept the lease offer, they should have called! So... a small, itsy bitsy, little glimmer of dare we say hope...
Gecko, if the lease was accepted, would they have taken the listing down by now? I only ask because the whole process of when to change the status from "active" is befuddling for me--a house would have an accepted offer and still be listed as active until all of the contigencies have been filled. Since this owner is leasing instead of selling, it seems like the process would be much quicker...I''m keeping my fingers crossed for you! Let us know when you have an update.

Yep, going for a third viewing this weekend. Meh.
Date: 10/29/2009 5:44:00 PM
Author: NewEnglandLady
Gecko, if the lease was accepted, would they have taken the listing down by now? I only ask because the whole process of when to change the status from ''active'' is befuddling for me--a house would have an accepted offer and still be listed as active until all of the contigencies have been filled. Since this owner is leasing instead of selling, it seems like the process would be much quicker...I''m keeping my fingers crossed for you! Let us know when you have an update.

Yep, going for a third viewing this weekend. Meh.
The listing would still be up, but with a change of status. From active to pending, keep showing etc. SOMETHING should have changed on the status.
Date: 10/30/2009 9:11:46 AM
Author: geckodani

Date: 10/29/2009 5:44:00 PM
Author: NewEnglandLady
Gecko, if the lease was accepted, would they have taken the listing down by now? I only ask because the whole process of when to change the status from 'active' is befuddling for me--a house would have an accepted offer and still be listed as active until all of the contigencies have been filled. Since this owner is leasing instead of selling, it seems like the process would be much quicker...I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you! Let us know when you have an update.

Yep, going for a third viewing this weekend. Meh.
The listing would still be up, but with a change of status. From active to pending, keep showing etc. SOMETHING should have changed on the status.
Ah, got it. Yes, the status should have changed in some way. D and I have been house hunting long enough for offers to be put in on houses we were thinking about--the status always changes immediately after the offer is accepted. It might still be "active", but there is always a disclsoure (i.e. "owner will accept additional offers until all contingencies have been filled" or something). How frustrating for you, Gecko! Let me know what you find out!
Gecko - good luck. Hope you get some news.

NEL - Sounds like they''re getting desperate to sell the house. I wonder why? At least you''d have a hope of thinking that your low-ball offer might be accepted. And then you''d have money to reno it to exactly what you want. Keep us posted on what you all think of it this weekend!
NEL Wow your situation sounds so much like ours! Except you are probably getting oceanfront gorgeous property for the same price we paid for our little ranch outside SF.

Anyway, we had the same thing happen. The realtor called our agent and all but begged us to make an offer. How it was explained to me is that if a home is overpriced and thus it sits on the market, it gets a "stigma". I.e., everyone starts to think "what''s wrong with it???" and so won''t make offers when in reality the only thing that is wrong with it is the high pricetag!

So assuming that you get all proper inspections I wouldn''t hesitate to make a low offer on the house.

If you could get the house for a low enough price would you be psyched? Or still iffy?
drk, it seems they are getting desperate because the house didn't sell this summer and we're now heading into winter. I think Neatfreak hit the nail on the head--they priced the house too high and didn't drop the price until it was too late. My theory is that they were hoping it would sell for a premium in the summer months and likely missed out on any serious potential buyers. They have lowered the asking price and I feel that it's much more reasonable, but still not a bargain by any means.

Neatfreak, I thought of you when our RE agent reached out to us earlier this week. I sort of scratched my head wondering why they priced it so high all through the summer if they were ultimately willing to take so much less. D and I talked briefly tonight about the price where we'd be psyched to get it. Since the listing agent told us to make any offer we feel comfortable making, we may try to offer as much as 20% less than asking (if we decide to make the offer). If we could get it for that, we'd be pretty happy.

D and I always said that if we move, we'd move to San Francisco. We should just swap houses sometime! I'll even take care of your adorable dogs!! :) You'd get stuck cleaning up sand constantly, I'm sure. This is why the mud room is essential...
Oh wow, I hadn''t checked this thread in awhile--alot to catch up on. Can''t wait to find out what you decide.

As for house before TTC, before''s ideal, but not necessary and everything can''t be perfect. We had the baby before the house (and before any "real" furniture). We made an offer when I was about 7 months and closed when the baby was just born, moved in probably when she was 4 months (I stayed with family while the house was furnished/prepped). It was challenging, but if we did it and it worked out well in the end.
NEL - heck, if you really liked the house, but just decided that you''d never get it for an amount you''d be happy with, I would pick a number I would love to get it for (assuming I loved the place), and offer that. Period. Take it or leave it. You''re not desperate, they are. If they don''t want to pay their mortgage over the winter, and possibly into next summer, they''ll take what they can get! Get your agent to give theirs the story that you''re a young couple just starting out, and that $XX is the absolute max you can afford. At the rate they''re going, I wouldn''t be surprised if they''d accept. Asl long as you''re sure you''d be happy there. If not, keep on looking. It did sound pretty awesome though!

Sounds like you''re in the opposite situation to us. We paid full asking because it was slightly below our absolute max, and although the house had been on the market for 3 weeks by the time we offered, we knew it appealed to a limited audience, and that the owner could well afford to continue living there while working on his next place. He was in no rush to sell, and sooner or later, would have found someone who would buy it for full price. If you love your place, sounds like you''re in a great bargaining position!
Date: 10/30/2009 9:36:28 PM
Author: NewEnglandLady

Neatfreak, I thought of you when our RE agent reached out to us earlier this week. I sort of scratched my head wondering why they priced it so high all through the summer if they were ultimately willing to take so much less. D and I talked briefly tonight about the price where we'd be psyched to get it. Since the listing agent told us to make any offer we feel comfortable making, we may try to offer as much as 20% less than asking (if we decide to make the offer). If we could get it for that, we'd be pretty happy.

My guess? They *thought* it was worth a lot more than it really was, so they fought their agent (or their agent is not a good one and priced it too high!) got it priced too high, and now are beat down and defeated. And scared of losing even more money if the market drops again.

Just my guess-but our agent says it happens pretty often. I remember Haven was looking at a house she loved and I want to say they even made an offer on it that was rejected...and then she checked up on it months later and it had sold for a TON less than she offered (I think!). So I think people just are tired of being in "selling" mode, or they get desperate, and just want to be done with it.

I know I get to that point sometimes where I will pay ANYTHING just to be done with whatever I am doing.

Anyway, my point is that this sounds like a great house for you if the price was right. So make it the right price. If they meet you there you'll be psyched. And if they don't-so what? You know you wouldn't be devastated.

That was the approach we took with our house. I could have taken or left it. But now that we've been in it, and fixed it up to our liking, I LOVE it and can't imagine us living in any of the other houses I thought I liked better before.

And we can house swap anytime you want! My family lives in MA-and I LOVE Newfies! I'll house sit.
NF, I think you are right about the agent. I found out yesterday that the agent is a family friend and I think the friendship they have made the listing agent list the house for more than she probably normally would have. I can understand that, I wouldn''t want to tell my friend that her house wasn''t worth what she thought it was, but at the same time the result is that the house has been on the market for nearly 9 months now.

We went back for a third time. I noticed A LOT of little maintenance issues...nothing you wouldn''t expect from any house, it just seemed like more than average. We walked away still liking the house, but feeling like we would only be willing to buy it for a good deal. Dan wants to offer 27% below the asking price and I want to offer 20% below. The listing agent said to offer whatever we feel is comfortable, so we have nothing to lose. If it''s too low for them, fine.

So we''ll see. I''ve reached out to our RE agent to get her opinion, but right now I just feel that if it''s meant to be, it will happen. If not, that''s fine, we were eager to take a break until after the holidays, anyway.
Looks like they were still negotiating the lease terms; they are still planning on leasing it. *shrug* Whatever at this point.

NEl - If you can get it for a steal, that would be awesome!
Hey all, just checking in. NEL, just wanted to say not seriously looking. We only looked at two homes, both which we''re in our neighborhood, because we want to stay in our neighborhood. We like our house alot, the only thing we can''t "change" is that s that it is on a very small lot with no driveway/garage, so have to park across the street. Both places we looked at were a little larger but more importantly had driveways/and or garages. However the one I liked got snatched up. Gecko I understand your frustration because though we knew it had sold through our realtor, the for sale sign in their yard wasn''t taken down for a couple weeks after that.

What we''ve been doing instead is going to make our bedroom and main bathroom nicer, which is the area that was neglected the most in all our renos. Our littlest one finally moved out of our bedroom so we can finally address this. Over the last couple weekends we updated our closet (tore out old dysfunctional shelving, reprimed, wallpapered, and installed new storage and hanging racks. Previously the design of the closet was such that all the clothes ended being hung outside the closet, now the clothes are back in the closet! Will post pics.

Here it is after. This closet is mainly for my husband (I have an armoire for my clothes) but we now have seperate areas for our shoes, and seperate hanging racks for our stuff. Before this our shoes just got mixed up in a big pile on the floor, and my clothes ended up getting smushed into a corner behind his stuff. Yay!

In case you are wondering why the closet might look odd, our bedroom lost it''s closet during the initial reno (part of a hallway and a closet became part of the square footage for the main bathroom). So my husband built a closet in the corner of the room.

One more pic, with clothes actually INSIDE the closet.

Good luck everyone with house luck, both in finding the right one and in house projects.

Gecko, I''m surprised they''re still negotiating the lease''s been a couple of weeks, which seems like a lot of time for lease, but what do I know.

Party Gypsy, that closet remodel looks fantastic!! How smart to add two rods to one side of the closet--very efficient!
D and I agreed on an offer price and are going to submit the paperwork either tonight (hopefully) or tomorrow night. Work is really nuts for both of us this week, so it just depends on which night we can get out before 8!

The listing agent claims another couple came for a 3rd viewing on Sunday, but I don''t even know if that''s true. The worst-case scenario is that we both submit an offer, I guess, and even if that is the case, I''m not getting into a bidding war.

Anyway, I''m keeping my fingers crossed that this somehow works out!
NEL - Let us know how it goes! Sounds like if you get it you''d be happy ''cause it''s a good price, but if not, you won''t be crushed, which isn''t a bad place to be at.

part gypsy - nice closet redo!
DH and I are officially homeowners!
Our closing was on Friday and we moved on Saturday. It was exhausting but I''m already loving having our own place. I will post some pics here soon - our computer should be set up and ready to go tonight.
nel - good luck and keep us posted!!