
The House Hunters Thread

Ohhh NEL! That house is lovely! Man I miss classic New England style with shingles and wood trim!! Best of luck going through the inspection and getting to closing!
Thank you everyone for the compliments! We love it, especially how traditional and classic it is.

Harleigh...I agree with the other ladies that you should investigate the other house. It IS a big decision, and I think everyone must second guess themselves some. I think it would be better to investigate and know for certain then always wonder. the exterior and the pic of the inside! Hope it all works out.

For those who asked, it is a four bedroom home, plus a bonus room over the garage (craft/sewing for me, extra tv and gaming for DH, eventually toys for kiddos). There is a formal dining room and living room, which we are turning into an office area. There are two staircases, one at the front entrance area, and one that goes up into the bonus room (which is connected to the rest of the house, the upper floor has a long, straight hallway) and is off the kitchen, right near the garage entrance into the house. Our favorite room is the sunroom, we think we will be spending a lot time out there! We originally wanted three bedrooms, but the four is nice because our families are out of town so always having a dedicated guest room will be great.

Well, we have had a few more loan complications today. I spent a good chunk of time on the phone with the IRS (whoopee!) today in order to receive faxes of the transcripts of past tax years. In the end, we are having to drop DH off the loan completely due to his self employment/business ownership. Our loan officer said it would take the remaining two weeks to gather all the paperwork on his business, and it will be a huge he recommended dropping him off the loan completely. He will remain on the title, though. I already threatened him bodily harm if he divorces me and leaves me with all of this...
Once the business has been going for two years this fall, we will do the necessary things to get him added to the loan. Ugh, if only we had known what a pain business ownership/self employment would be for the loan process! We have great credit, and enough cash on hand to do this, but have to be judged by the lower standards due to all the loan fiascos of the past few years.

DH has the plumber all lined up, and we need to get some contractors out to quote us on the fence. So much to do! At least because I work in retail, we have access to plenty of free boxes--have already started packing and culling out the stuff we need to get rid of. Fortunately, that pile keeps growing! Less to pack, less to take with!
Hi Ladies,

Well, it''s Progress Report week, but I wanted to touch bases with you before bed. Thank you NEL, MTG, Lynnie and Amandine for stepping in and being the voices of reason for me. This has been such a whirlwind of the past few days that I''m not really sure which end is up. I am so very appreciative to have you all here as a sounding board. I''ve decided that telling anyone I know and taking pictures of homes is jinxing me, so no more pictures and no more telling anyone but you guys...think it''ll work???

NEL...your house is gorgeous, congratulations! I LOVE the look of your new home, and I love how old it is...the history of those old homes fascinates me, but I am hoping you will sneak us a shot of that master suite that''s been upgraded/redone,''s sounds amazing!

So...onto my news...DH pulled out of the house first thing this morning, which after our discussion yesterday I meant assumed he was going to submit a lowball offer on the original home that just came back on the market. Apparently he would like to sit on things for a bit and see what happens with the housing market. We seem to have this pattern of getting really excited about a home, me, simply because I would like a space to call my own and him because of the investment opportunities, so we are in a holding pattern again.

I have been feeling down in the dumps today, so I tried to speak with DH about it when I got home today and somehow manage to express how this whole situation is making me feel. I haven''t mentioned this before, but he has stated several times before that he would like to stay in the house we''re in now and get a "vacation" home somewhere along the coast and so asked how was I feeling about that now? I was taken aback, of course, because I thought we had already had that discussion. I reminded him I don''t need a huge house, but I hate that I have no real space in this house to call my own, and that I don''t really care if it''s in a fancy neighborhood, but that we need to find a larger home so that we can continue to coexist happily. He seemed really irritated with me and I just looked at him and asked where this was coming from...he said he just thought he''d throw it out there again and see if I''d changed my mind.
I again said that I want a larger space for ALL of our belongings, and if when we find THAT space, we still have enough money left over for a little fun, great, but his idea of splitting our belongings between two homes just doesn''t work for me at all...I think he''s nuts.

So, there you have my frustration. He said he would speak to our REA (who was severely PO''d at our dropping the other house, BTW, but as DH says, it''s not his life savings being put towards it!) while they''re at work tomorrow and see what he can find out about the original house. I agree there may be something scaring off potential buyers, but the main thing is the price tag is still too high for us even at the low price per s/f, so we may just have to wait and see if it comes down. There are a few other homes we''ve had our eyes on, but nothing like this one, so I figure if it''s meant to be, well then, it''ll be, right?

DH is working Tuesday and Wednesday, so hopefully I''ll have more time to get on here and catch up with everyone. Thank you again for sharing how much all of you have been through on your home really does help to put things into perspective for me.

Big hugs,

Hi ladies! I''ve only got a few minutes...congrats to everything for everyone that''s happened as of late!

NEL - how''s the pooch?

We are currently in negotiations on a new contract! We submitted yesterday morning with a deadline of 4pm today for a response, the responded before 8pm last night. There counter is good, but this house has been on the market for over a year and half, we''re going to counter once more and hope they accept! I''ll keep you all posted!

Out of the over 100 houses we''ve viewed in person (more than a 1,000 online!) this is the first house we''ve seen that we can actually see ourselves living in more long term, and not just as an interim place to live for the next few years...we''re so excited/anxious. Please send DUST!

Amandine, I'm so sorry that the loan (and DH's self-employment) has been such a road block! You are going to be SO excited when you close on this house! Also, I'm interested in your fence quotes--I've been trying to figure out how many linear feet of fence we might need and have been browsing fencing types. I never realized how many options there are...

Harleigh, I'm so sorry this has been such a roller coaster ride for you. I COMPLETELY understand how frustrating it is when you feel like your DH isn't on the same page at all. It's even more frustrating when you feel like you're on the right track, then he throws a monkey wrench in the plans, right?

This is going to sound like a "me" post, but I had the same experience with D about a month ago and just wanted to share. We spend a lot of time up in NH--maybe 1 - 2 weekends a month. We ski/ice climb in the winter and hike/kayak/rock climb in the summer. We've always talked about buying a second home up there since we enjoy it year-round and think it would be great to have a second home to take the family.

About a month ago, D decided that he'd rather buy the vacation home first. His reasoning was sound--we could buy something on the cheap side, pay it off in a few years, then still buy our primary home before our future children were in school. I didn't want to say "absolutely not!!" right away because I could tell he really liked this idea, but for me, buying a vacation home before we found our primary home wasn't a feasible option. Instead of shooting down his plan, I put together my own plan. I wanted him to know that the vacation home was important to me, too, but wasn't my first priority. So I put together a very reasonable plan (reducing our primary home budget, which we did, living on his salary and saving my salary + his annual bonuses for the vacation home) which would allow us to buy the vacation home sooner rather than later without having to take on another mortgage. He was on board with this plan and we are both very happy with the goal.

If you would prefer to focus on buying a new primary home before thinking about the vacation home, I would gently guide him back in that direction. Let him know that a vacation home on the coast is a priority for you, as well, but that a new house where you have your own space is the bigger priority. I am a planner by nature, especially when it comes to anything financial, so putting together a plan so that he knows it's a priority might be a good idea (depending on your DH).

I really hope that this all works out for you, Harleigh, I definitely sympathise with you since we've been house hunting for so long and DH and I have not always been on the same page at all. We are now both very excited about our house and the vacation home plan, but it took a LONG time to get there!

ETA: Audball, woohoo!! I hope it all gets wrapped up soon!! I know you'll be relieved when this part is over. Our pooch is doing okay--we have an appt. on Thursday to find out if we need to drive down to Virginia for surgery on Sunday (home inspection is Saturday)
Amandine: Hope all works out. The house is beautiful. Best of luck!

Harleigh: Im so sorry you are having to go through this. I dont really understand the mindset of your DH. I would want a place big enough for all our stuff to live happily together as well. You just want a little nook to call your own, nothing wrong with that!

As for us we got a verbal acceptance on the ratified contract from the short sale bank yesterday - BUT they want to reduce the commission on both real estate agents now. They both said alright, so hopefully the actual paper signing off will happen soon. Closing is scheduled for 4/28, so come on people!!!
I have a question for everyone! I am trying to sell my home. I think I have staged it well but I wanted to know what makes or breaks a home when you walk through. I''m not just talking about # of bedrooms or bathrooms but more like the details- how furniture is arranged, paint colors, window treatments, cleanliness, how stuff is arranged in closets/cabinets/etc. I know some of this is personal taste but I just want our open houses to be as productive as possible so I figured it wouldn''t hurt to come ask for some opinions from people who have recently done the whole house hunt thing.


If you want I can snag some of the pictures from my listing online to show how things are right now. I don''t want to thread jack though so let me know if you''d rather I start an entirely new thread.
Date: 4/13/2010 7:05:14 PM
Author: Clairitek
I have a question for everyone! I am trying to sell my home. I think I have staged it well but I wanted to know what makes or breaks a home when you walk through. I''m not just talking about # of bedrooms or bathrooms but more like the details- how furniture is arranged, paint colors, window treatments, cleanliness, how stuff is arranged in closets/cabinets/etc. I know some of this is personal taste but I just want our open houses to be as productive as possible so I figured it wouldn''t hurt to come ask for some opinions from people who have recently done the whole house hunt thing.


If you want I can snag some of the pictures from my listing online to show how things are right now. I don''t want to thread jack though so let me know if you''d rather I start an entirely new thread.

Maybe start a new thread?

I sold a house myself (no agent, and did the viewings ourself too) and my hint would be to depersonalise the whole damn house - eveything. Then de-clutter. I did viewings without the kettle and toaster as they blocked the lines of the kitchen

We lived out of our cars for weeks while we held viewings to have a ''show home''. We took the bins out of the bathroom and kitchen. The laundry was empty and we washed and dried the minimum amt of clothes overnight and hid everything else in our car. We stripped the cupboards and wardrobes and only had ''show'' items in the closets - believe me they will look! Took the toaster and ketter out of the kitchen and hid them in our cars you name it we drove around with it.

I sold to the 1st buyers who walked through the door. But held viewings to antsy them up until they laid down a deposit.

Once I de-cluttered (no personal pictures - not one, they need to see themselves living in the home and can''t do it if they see you. Put mirror up where you can. We girls love to look at ourselves and then psychologically they are ''seeing'' themselves in ''their'' new home!) the main issue was upkeep. It is hard to clean a whole house spick and span before a viewing so we only used one bathroom and kept the others locked off so they only needed a spruce not top to toe cleaning. We also filled the bath for viewings but let the radox (blue) bubbles expire - a cute look I stole from bathroom show rooms.

If you are interested: this is cute. Before a viewing we tried to shoo the cat out because some folks don''t love cats. So out he went. Then as DH did a final walk through he noticed feathers on the patio. Henry (cat) had killed a bird on the patio with moment to spare before the prospective buyers arrived. So DH had to get out the hoover out of the car and clean up the feathers that blew around the yard while keeping one eye out for the cat and the other for the buyers. He kept the cat out, cleaned up the body and feathers, got the hoover back into his car and drove it up the street all before they arrived! Phew.

Oh yeah, I decided to keep cars out of the drive. I felt they obscured the view of the house. Some believe nice cars enhance the niche value of the home I believe that evena nice car prevents the buyer parking out front and getting a 1st view - all essential to feel the place is theirs!

Phew, are you still there? Did I lose you? Seems I have a lot of thoughts on the matter. Hope some of it helps....
Date: 4/13/2010 7:05:14 PM
Author: Clairitek
I have a question for everyone! I am trying to sell my home. I think I have staged it well but I wanted to know what makes or breaks a home when you walk through. I''m not just talking about # of bedrooms or bathrooms but more like the details- how furniture is arranged, paint colors, window treatments, cleanliness, how stuff is arranged in closets/cabinets/etc. I know some of this is personal taste but I just want our open houses to be as productive as possible so I figured it wouldn''t hurt to come ask for some opinions from people who have recently done the whole house hunt thing.


If you want I can snag some of the pictures from my listing online to show how things are right now. I don''t want to thread jack though so let me know if you''d rather I start an entirely new thread.

We sold our house to the first couple who came the day it went on the market. The first thing buyers see is the landscaping and entrance - keep the lawn mowed, mowed, mowed, water, water and water so grass looks fresh. Fresh flowers inside, bowls of lemons in kitchen. Look at pictures of the model homes- we had staged bottles of mineral water, LOL... to give it that look! We also knew when the best light came when you entered the front door, and scheduled the appointment for that time- the magic hour!

My husband had added wood floors, french doors inside, lots of trim work, crown molding, and these details made the house stand out from other comparables on the market. Same house, entirely different well appointed interior. We also live with less so from the day we listed, we were already living minimally, and had no clean up to do. We kept the house kind of spare in terms of furnishings and our stuff and that made a difference. We had tons of photos, but they are all black and white and sepia tinted so looked sort of arty, rather than personal- they didn''t hold back our sale. Good luck, its bittersweet when you get an offer, I cried and cried, cause I loved the house so much- it was my first home, but the new owners love it too.
Congrats Audball! I hope everything works out for you!

Thanks, NEL...have I ever mentioned that I wish we lived closer to one another???
How is your dog's eye? Are you going to have to head down to Virginia or do they think it can be dealt with at home? I hope he's doing better and that the vet bills aren't too bad! ETA: just saw your reply up above...I'll keep my fingers crossed that you won't need to drive down to Virginia and that the inspection goes well on Saturday!

I didn't think your post sounded too "me-ish" at all...I appreciate the perspective and I totally agree with it. I have never once shot down the idea of a vacation home with DH, but I agree maybe I need to plan it out better for him to understand where I'm coming from. Instead of working on my Progress Reports tonight I did a little research and have some solid numbers to present to DH. To do this I really think we need to broaden our search area and not necessarily ONLY focus on the higher end areas that DH looks at as investments and I'd just be thrilled to live in for a few years. Heck, if we branch out our search we could buy a decent-sized home for well-below our price range still in areas I like and grew up around, and like you suggested, NEL, have money towards a vacation home a lot sooner. I think I also need to put it into perspective that if we do try to purchase one of these higher end homes, there won't be any need for a vacation home because we won't be able to afford to go on one for a very long time!
DH has called a few times about other things today and I decided not to get into any house discussions with him...he didn't mention anything about his friend (our REA) and they're working at the firehouse together today, so I'm thinking it might be stressful for him, too, and frankly, I'm just tired. I bookmarked several homes that I thought were in good areas for much less $ per square foot than the one area of focus, so maybe this weekend we can go drive around and just check out the areas and see what comes of it. I will definitely keep you posted...

rhb, thank you, you are so right...I have no idea where DH comes up with this stuff! Before we got married we had agreed we need a bigger place soon, and we've been married almost two years now! Too many of my belongings, craft supplies, jewelry making stuff and just about anything fun I own is STILL all in boxes on top of my queen-size bedroom set from the master bedroom at my house here in a tiny spare room. DH is fine as long as he has his office and big-screen TV's...that's all he really needs room for, apparently.
Somewhere I know he realizes we truly do need a larger space, but sometimes I think he just forgets (or hopes I do!) and we end up back at square one, and for a man who hasn't had a house payment in several years, I think he's gun shy about actually committing to buying a house, that is, of course, after his initial knee-jerk reaction to immediately put offers in on houses we've barely seen! Thanks for your support!

This is a busy week at school, so I think just kicking back and looking at our options and making a plan seems like a good idea to me. Now I'm off to finish grading a few more assessments before bed and planning out tomorrow...I forgot I have to work our Reading Night at school tomorrow, so hopefully I can get on PS for a little while after school hours and check back in with everyone.

Lots of dust to all of you waiting on counter-offers, contracts, inspections and everything else home-buying related! Thanks for all the pictures of your new homes...they are all gorgeous!
NEL I am glad you have some great news, beautiful home! But I am still sending you and Harleigh dust!

Just stopping by for a quick update: we go into underwriting officially today now that we're done building a huge paper trail for them to have fun with. The appraisal came back great, so that is off our shoulders. Hopefully it goes well we'll hear back in 3-4 days!

ETA: Clairitek if you haven't started a thread yet, I'd love to help out. The house we bought/are buying was professionally staged before the open house and I really think it made a difference.
NEL: great house, lovely and unique (and spacious)!

Quick question for househunters (small thread jack) since some of your house descriptions got me thinking. We are renovating and expanding our house--how important are separate walk in closets to you? VS one large walk in?

Just curious..I''m not much of a clothes person, so though I might ask those in the market.
Hmm..well the house we bought doesn''t have walk-ins at all since it''s an older starter home. I LOVE walk-ins though. In my current apt DH and I share a really large walk-in and that''s fine. But some people are looking for his and her walk-ins. How much smaller would the his and hers be compared to the really large walk-in?
Date: 4/14/2010 8:58:00 AM
Author: SarahLovesJS
Hmm..well the house we bought doesn't have walk-ins at all since it's an older starter home. I LOVE walk-ins though. In my current apt DH and I share a really large walk-in and that's fine. But some people are looking for his and her walk-ins. How much smaller would the his and hers be compared to the really large walk-in?
Actually the size would be the same. Combining walk ins just allow us to move the hallway to the side and have a clean wall space facing the master bed (for flat screen, etc). His and hers could be either side of the walk in but I know some do like their own space.
Date: 4/14/2010 9:01:48 AM
Author: janinegirly
Date: 4/14/2010 8:58:00 AM

Author: SarahLovesJS

Hmm..well the house we bought doesn''t have walk-ins at all since it''s an older starter home. I LOVE walk-ins though. In my current apt DH and I share a really large walk-in and that''s fine. But some people are looking for his and her walk-ins. How much smaller would the his and hers be compared to the really large walk-in?
Actually the size would be the same. Combining walk ins just allow us to move the hallway to the side and have a clean wall space facing the master bed (for flat screen, etc).

Then I''d say do his and hers because that way you cover all your bases, unless moving the hallway would really create a better space.
Date: 4/14/2010 9:02:46 AM
Author: SarahLovesJS

Date: 4/14/2010 9:01:48 AM
Author: janinegirly

Date: 4/14/2010 8:58:00 AM

Author: SarahLovesJS

Hmm..well the house we bought doesn't have walk-ins at all since it's an older starter home. I LOVE walk-ins though. In my current apt DH and I share a really large walk-in and that's fine. But some people are looking for his and her walk-ins. How much smaller would the his and hers be compared to the really large walk-in?
Actually the size would be the same. Combining walk ins just allow us to move the hallway to the side and have a clean wall space facing the master bed (for flat screen, etc).

Then I'd say do his and hers because that way you cover all your bases, unless moving the hallway would really create a better space.
Welll that's what I'm saying. By moving the hallway, you create a cleaner space facing the master bed (for flat screen etc). Otherwise you are facing a hallway. To me (personally) a large walk in has same appeal as 2 smaller his and her spaces..but guess that's why i was curious what others thought.
Oh and congrats (@SarahlovesJS) on the progress in the paperwork!!

so sorry for threadjack!!!
Harleigh, you have such a great head on your shoulders. It sounds like focusing on areas where you can get more for your money would be ideal so that a.) he doesn't feel overwhelmed by the mortgage payments after not having one for so long (which, again, is amazing!) b.) you can have the space you want and be under budget and c.) you can focus on getting a vacation home at some point in the future. I know your husband is focused on this being an investment, but you don't want him to lose sight of the fact that it will be your home, first and foremost. It needs to meet all of your needs and not be a financial burden, which means that looking in other areas could be your best option. I have no doubt that you and your DH will come together and find a house you love, but I'm finding that it's very common to have several bumps in the road before getting there.

Janinegirly, personally, I don't care about closets. I think some of this has to do with the type of houses I prefer. I love older homes, which have notoriously small closets. I've never had a walk-in closet, nor do I own a lot of clothes, so a nice closet has never been a priority of mine. I was recently talking with a friend of mine who has lived in LA most of her adult life and recently moved to Colorado. She was talking about the fact that her boyfriend's master bedroom did not have a walk-in closet and she was horrified...but again, I think that is because walk-in closets are more prevalent on the west coast (or L.A., particularly). It sounds like your neighborhood is made up of charming older homes and the fact that you would have a walk-in closet at all might make you stand out.

I will say that when we came across the house we just bought, I thought the walk-in closets were a nice perk. Like I said, it was never a priority of mine, but when I saw the master had two walk-in closets I thought "wow, that really would be nice". The thing is, I would have been more than happy with one.

ETA: all of your home projects sound amazing, Janinegirly, I have no doubt they will come out looking perfect!

SarahlovesJS, congrats on getting through all of that paperwork!!
thanks NEL. You'' re right that we are also in a older home so the walk in is in the new space only. I suppose the challenge is that we are creating the space so I"m scared of making a mistake. If it was already there I wouldn''t be bothered, hehe.

any updates on your end?
I think having one large walk-in closet would be more than sufficient--I don''t think you can make a mistake either way! :)

You already applied for the permits, correct? I''m excited for you!

No updates here--the sellers signed the initial offer and our inspection is set up for Saturday afternoon. The purchase and sales agreement is scheduled to be signed by 4/27, which gives us plenty of time to find our own lawyer. Also, I''ve started to shop mortgages (again) and would love to find a rate lower than 5.25%. Lots going on--I''m interviewing for a new job next week, we have the issue with Byron''s eye which is likely going to result in a tirp down to VA Sunday - Tuesday, we are still planning our vacation to Hawaii next month, D knocked himself unconscious ice skating on Sunday (fun trip to the ER), our younger dog has a lump on his neck which I''m having aspirated Saturday before the inspection and our car is in the shop! When it rains, it pours!!
Date: 4/14/2010 10:21:06 AM
Author: NewEnglandLady
I think having one large walk-in closet would be more than sufficient--I don't think you can make a mistake either way! :)

You already applied for the permits, correct? I'm excited for you!

No updates here--the sellers signed the initial offer and our inspection is set up for Saturday afternoon. The purchase and sales agreement is scheduled to be signed by 4/27, which gives us plenty of time to find our own lawyer. Also, I've started to shop mortgages (again) and would love to find a rate lower than 5.25%. Lots going on--I'm interviewing for a new job next week, we have the issue with Byron's eye which is likely going to result in a tirp down to VA Sunday - Tuesday, we are still planning our vacation to Hawaii next month, D knocked himself unconscious ice skating on Sunday (fun trip to the ER), our younger dog has a lump on his neck which I'm having aspirated Saturday before the inspection and our car is in the shop! When it rains, it pours!!
Oh my goodness--I had no idea. That's a lot to handle..poor D and doggies. Well the house is the turning point! Good luck on are they trending right now? With your solid credit and savings you should do just fine. I got lucky in that I work at a bank so got an employee rate. We also refinanced once rates bottomed. Talk about making alot of work for ourselves though!

We did submit for permits. Once approved, digging begins!
Keep us posted on inspection and rate shopping, I"m excited for you!! And dust on job interview too :).

PS My parents have an old house too--1760's I believe. Love old houses!
Thanks for the tips everyone! I asked my realtor about de-personalizing the place and she didn''t say it was terribly important (though maybe she was just being nice?). The only pictures that are up of us are our wedding pictures. I even took a couple down but I think I''ll take some more down for this weekend''s open house. I know we will have at least one repeat visitor who is bringing his wife back after seeing our place on Sunday!

After my work day is up I''ll start a new thread and post some pictures from our listing. Thanks for the help given already. It is much appreciated.
Our home inspection was yesterday, went as expected. No real issues, just needs some maintenance and love! We don''t close until 5/27, and still have a lot of mortagage work ahead of us, but still, I want to go and start buying brushes and picking out paint colors! So excited!
Oooo LOTS going on!

Congrats NEL; the home is gorgeous!!! I somehow missed the pictures and whatnot from the previous page. Lots of dust that everything goes smoothly!

Makingthegrade: Congrats on the home inspection!

Our update:

-Finally approved by the short sale bank. All is well

-Our final mortgage commitment just came in too, a little tweaking there (we actually asked for too much closing costs as a seller''s concession! go figure)

-Inspection came in perfect. Yay!

-Our appraisal came in MUCH higher than we expected and like 7k more than we are paying. PLUS we never really knew the total sq footage because they didn''t measure the newly finished rooms, but it came in at 2024 sq. feet - which I''m very happy with!

-Closing exact 2 weeks from today!!!
Clairitek, congrats on having a second viewing already! That''s great! All of your hard work on that bathroom is going to pay off, I have no doubt! I like to say that I pay no attention to anything having to do with staging--I always told our broker that I didn''t care about paint colors or things that could be changed very easily. But, I have a feeling that it all crept into my subconscience. The first home we put an offer on always had this really nice candle burning in the smelled like a fresh-baked pie or something and I would always say "I can see myself cooking in this kitchen". Our broker kept joking that the candle worked :)

MTG, yay for the inspection going well!! I faxed all of our financial documents to two mortgage brokers and two banks today, so I''m right there with you on all things mortgage related. I have a huge file with all of our paperwork in it and I haven''t even gotten to the nitty gritty stuff (we don''t close until June 23rd). How is it going for you?

rhb, lots of good news! The inspection went well, the appraisal went well and you are moving in 2 weeks!!! Have you started packing??
Date: 4/14/2010 3:22:36 PM
Author: NewEnglandLady
Clairitek, congrats on having a second viewing already! That''s great! All of your hard work on that bathroom is going to pay off, I have no doubt! I like to say that I pay no attention to anything having to do with staging--I always told our broker that I didn''t care about paint colors or things that could be changed very easily. But, I have a feeling that it all crept into my subconscience. The first home we put an offer on always had this really nice candle burning in the smelled like a fresh-baked pie or something and I would always say ''I can see myself cooking in this kitchen''. Our broker kept joking that the candle worked :)

MTG, yay for the inspection going well!! I faxed all of our financial documents to two mortgage brokers and two banks today, so I''m right there with you on all things mortgage related. I have a huge file with all of our paperwork in it and I haven''t even gotten to the nitty gritty stuff (we don''t close until June 23rd). How is it going for you?

rhb, lots of good news! The inspection went well, the appraisal went well and you are moving in 2 weeks!!! Have you started packing??

We have only packed a few boxes! Ahhh!!

Good luck with the mortgage search, I swear that one of the HUGEST pains!
Thanks everyone!!

WE HAVE A NEW CONTRACT!!! WOO-HOO!! So worth losing the last house, this one is so much more *US*! Estimated closing date of 5/12/10 if we can get it all done in time...

Front_Country House.JPG
And the back

After all these years in apartments/townhouses...we are so looking forward to having a half acre with nobody on top of us!

Back_Country House.JPG
Date: 4/12/2010 4:34:05 PM
Author: NewEnglandLady
I really think it will be smoother this time around--first, we know exactly what to expect since we''ve gone through most of this process already and second, I really just don''t see anything in this house that is a potential red flag.

To celebrate, I''m attaching a couple of photos--they aren''t the best photos because I took screenshots from the virtual tour, but they''ll do for now:

The first photo is the front of the house--I don''t love the exterior as much as I loved the exterior of the last house (back on page 15, I think), but the maintenance will be SO MUCH easier. The part on the right is the original house built in 1775. It contains three bedrooms (they will be kids'' bedrooms and a guest room), the living room, the family room, the dining room, the office and most of the kitchen. The part in white and the area to the left is all new (added 10 years ago). The room over the garage is a huge master suite. I actually don''t mind that this part of the house is new. D and I each have our own walk-in closet and the master bath is huge with a fabulous soaking tub and double sinks. A mud room was also added on the ground floor.

NEL -- I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this one! It''s gorgeous.
Date: 4/13/2010 7:05:14 PM
Author: Clairitek
I have a question for everyone! I am trying to sell my home. I think I have staged it well but I wanted to know what makes or breaks a home when you walk through. I''m not just talking about # of bedrooms or bathrooms but more like the details- how furniture is arranged, paint colors, window treatments, cleanliness, how stuff is arranged in closets/cabinets/etc. I know some of this is personal taste but I just want our open houses to be as productive as possible so I figured it wouldn''t hurt to come ask for some opinions from people who have recently done the whole house hunt thing.


If you want I can snag some of the pictures from my listing online to show how things are right now. I don''t want to thread jack though so let me know if you''d rather I start an entirely new thread.

We''re not house hunting right now, but I think this would be very useful info. to have. I''ve love to see a new thread so the info. doesn''t get lost in this one.
NEL -- I grew up in a really old house in New England, so I''m used to not having walk-in closets. I''ll say though, once you DO get one, you''ll never want to go back. I love having so much storage space now!