
The interiors of your homes!

I got DH to set up a bench area for me in our little lean-to conservatory. Otherwise, that would all be in my kitchen too, vying for space with the project antique sewing machines and the essential items of who knows what that he regularly brings into the kitchen to work on... We're not what you'd call tidy people. :bigsmile:
Very nice, DandiAndi! Your home is so spacious and uncluttered and the kitchen is beautiful! Love those comfy sectionals, too!
Oooh, I am loving this thread. Very pretty houses ladies.
Thanks ladies! I do love our home, but the downside to building on half an acre is all of the landscaping and decking to do... AHHHHH it's taking forever!!!!!!!
DandiAndi|1318852174|3041902 said:
Thanks ladies! I do love our home, but the downside to building on half an acre is all of the landscaping and decking to do... AHHHHH it's taking forever!!!!!!!

Oh, we can very much relate to that! We have .78 acre, and my poor hubby is bearing the brunt of that! I like working on decorating the inside but I don't enjoy yard work at all! I like to plan it, though! ;))
I am loving seeing how homes look in different countries, as well as different styles and tastes :love:

My favourite picture of the interior of our house was taken at Christmas, which explains a lot of the decor :naughty:
Natsplat - I love that photo! Gorgeous floors!! And, I love the tree and other holiday decor too!!! If you don't mind my asking, what country are you in? Fireplace is super-cute. Does it work? And, I'd guess it's an older home based on the molding around the light fixture? Maybe a flat?

I love all of the photos! Your homes are so nice!! I could never post a photo here, as my home as a rather unfortunate excess furniture mish-mosh vibe at the moment. Working on it. Room by room, I guess is the best way. Sigh.
Loves Vintage: Thank you :) I'm in the UK (London), and the house is a terraced Georgian townhouse.
The outside view of the other side of our road from our bedroom window:

The fireplace will work. The previous owners cut it off, but we've cleaned and inspected the flues, and my dad works in fires, so we shall eventually have a working fire there - when we get round to it...! :eek:
Nats, I want to live in LONDON!!! super cool

Wow so many beautiful homes and awesome decorations! :appl: :appl: :appl: great job!
natsplat|1318874195|3042074 said:
Loves Vintage: Thank you :) I'm in the UK (London), and the house is a terraced Georgian townhouse.
The outside view of the other side of our road from our bedroom window:

The fireplace will work. The previous owners cut it off, but we've cleaned and inspected the flues, and my dad works in fires, so we shall eventually have a working fire there - when we get round to it...! :eek:

:appl: :appl: :appl: So charming!! I love how each front door is painted a different color!! Oh, potentially dumb question, but "terraced" mean you have a little garden area? We have such a thing called "garden apartments" here in the US, but it just means that the apartment is at garden level. It does not necessarily have a garden!!
Terraced means the houses all have shared walls.

I love georgian houses and am looking for a detached Georgian home as my ultimate house!
Ooo rosetta, that would be gorgeous :love: This place needs a lot doing to it still, but works-in-progress are fun...

...aren't they...? :errrr: :errrr: :shock:

Thanks Skippy :) London is cool enough, when people aren't rioting ;)
Thank you Loves Vintage :D I never noticed how cunning our neighbours have been with their door colours until you pointed it out! Our door is a greeny-aqua colour, just FYI :mrgreen:
thanks everyone for posting pictures. I am a voyeur at heart, love looking at interiors of houses and also how people decorate. If I had cable I would be addicted to HGTV! I have posted some pics sporadically in the family and home section but frankly my house is too messy to take pics at this time.
What I would love to do is post pictures of my sister in law's house, especially around Thanksgiving or some other holiday. She lives in a historic house and also loves "junking" so the interior is a melange of many found pieces that work well together, or if not, reupholstered or tweaked so they do. She also has collections of various pottery and Jadeite that is displayed. She is not afraid of color but makes the bold colors work. I say SIL but my brother in law is an equal partner in the esthetics department as well (when they first dated they would go junking and antiquing together). He is so nitpicky for example in their 2nd home, he wouldn't allow the microwave in the kitchen because it didn't fit the esthetics of the retro refrigerator and stove they had (it was kept in the pantry).
You're doing great nats! I love the proportions of Georgian homes, but they do need a lot of tlc as they are so old. I'm so pleased to see you enjoying your beautiful home.

I'm a loooong way from finding my dream home though. :eek:
I love looking at all the pictures! Our house is...a mix. Lots of color and it's changing all the time. The kitchen has been painted 4 times in 10 years, and once the rest of the cabinets are replaced and possibly the counters, it will be repainted...again. The kitchen is more country, and the rest, I wouldn't know what to call it..a hodgepodge of things I like.

The pics are of my computer desk in the kitchen, the cabinet JD and my dad did for my roosters and the living room after we got new couches this past Spring. Pretty bare in the living room right now..I have a bunch of blue and white Swedish plates from my Gramma that I used to have on the walls and we need to put back up. I love blue and orange together. Someday the floors will be replaced w/wood..soon I hope.

Basically our house is a 10 year work in progress. No hope for an end in sight..



part gypsy|1318882829|3042205 said:
thanks everyone for posting pictures. I am a voyeur at heart, love looking at interiors of houses and also how people decorate. If I had cable I would be addicted to HGTV! I have posted some pics sporadically in the family and home section but frankly my house is too messy to take pics at this time.
What I would love to do is post pictures of my sister in law's house, especially around Thanksgiving or some other holiday. She lives in a historic house and also loves "junking" so the interior is a melange of many found pieces that work well together, or if not, reupholstered or tweaked so they do. She also has collections of various pottery and Jadeite that is displayed. She is not afraid of color but makes the bold colors work. I say SIL but my brother in law is an equal partner in the esthetics department as well (when they first dated they would go junking and antiquing together). He is so nitpicky for example in their 2nd home, he wouldn't allow the microwave in the kitchen because it didn't fit the esthetics of the retro refrigerator and stove they had (it was kept in the pantry).

I'm a voyeur at heart, too, and I'm totally addicted to HGTV. It's fun to see how other people decorate their homes.

The builder and our landlord chose our condo's style (we're renting). I think all the units are the same or mostly the same on the inside. Luckily, I love what they chose. The only thing is that it's very, very beige. Walls are beige. Wall to wall carpeting is beige. Tiles around our fireplace are beige. Light maple cabinets are...yep, beige. I'm so happy that our furniture and artwork has lots of color, otherwise, it'd be a very drab place to live.
I want to play! :wavey:

These are pictures of my desk in my library (yes, there are actual books in there).

I don't actually try to do anything on it, I just like to look at the little knick-knacks, many of which are family heirlooms.

For instance, the clay rooster is a whistle that my handicapped great aunt made in the 1940's. It doesn't actually whistle, but it's cool. I tend to collect things based on the criteria "Well, I've never seen that before," and it comes home with me.

Don't worry, the rest of my house is not this cluttered.

Okay, I lied, most of my flat surfaces have various little collections, but this is my favorite stuff. :bigsmile:




Last one!

I actually found the seashell ( on the stick/stand ) on a beach and made the stand out of an old bedpost. The bedpost also yielded several candleholders. The little scene with the mermaids strumming guitars is a Peruvian retablo made inside a piece of bamboo. I've had the glass elephant since I was 12.

No one who visits ever pays any attention to my desk, so I'm enjoying finally telling people about the things . . .

Thanks for visiting! :wavey:

I like seeing your collections! It looks special.
Loved seeing your pictures Natsplat, packrat, and ilander! I hope we'll get some more pictures posted!
I am loving this thread, thought I would join you guys!











This thread is fabulous - all your homes are gorgeous. Adding a few of mine: I just found a couch after two solid months of searching, and I'm feeling houseproud!

New Apartment, Random 013.jpg

New Apartment, Random 015.jpg
Shut the front door, Circe, is that a herringbone floor I see?!! And black, steel windows with outside ironwork?!! Swoon!

btw, do you mind sharing where you got the cabinet? I'm looking for one just like it.
Circe, I love your style.
Small small house, but hey, it's mine. :)




DandiAndi's home is so uncluttered she makes me feel like a hoarder who needs to be profiled on A&E! :cheeky:

Circe has a very cool space with great furnishings. And that floor; oh, my!

Natsplat, that is a beautiful Georgian! The history! Oh, my gosh . . .

I want the view from Bright Ice's back door; and I'm inviting myself to Karen's for her next party 'cause it looks so welcoming. :bigsmile:
This thread is more fun than I thought it would be! Love "visiting" everyone! :appl:

@Circe; Were you the person looking for the big city rental a couple of months back? What a great building, love the iron!
HollyS|1319081575|3043978 said:
DandiAndi's home is so uncluttered she makes me feel like a hoarder who needs to be profiled on A&E! :cheeky:

Circe has a very cool space with great furnishings. And that floor; oh, my!

Natsplat, that is a beautiful Georgian! The history! Oh, my gosh . . .

I want the view from Bright Ice's back door; and I'm inviting myself to Karen's for her next party 'cause it looks so welcoming. :bigsmile:

Those are my EXACT thoughts, he he!!

I love love love everyone's house. Brightice, that view is absolutely TDF!!

The interior of my house is just like DandiAndi's actually, very uncluttered. I actually refrain from buying furniture cos I love the uncluttered look, much to the annoyance of DH, lol! :naughty:

Love all the 4-poster beds btw. That's what I want next time I go bed-shopping.