
* - - - - - - - - - The Ladies In Waiting List! - - - - - - - - - *

Hello! May I be added to the list??

We are looking at rings and seem to be on a by-next-May timeline, just due to personal circumstances. I don''t think anything will happen before this Christmas, though. He''s spending Thanksgiving with my family, and I have a sneaking suspicion he''ll ask for a blessing from my parents then. I also don''t think he''s already bought anything... I won''t see him again until the week after Christmas
, so I think that''s probably the absolute soonest anything could happen...

Best of luck to all you lovely ladies!
Hi MissKitty -

I have not been here in a long while, can you please remove me from the list? I broke up with my BF of 6 yrs a couple of weeks ago. It''s so sad to think about how I was so ready for marriage and then it all comes down to this.

Take care ladies and good luck to you all!
Friday night update! Quite a bit of shifting, and this month''s clean-up reminder:

Letthesunshine, we''ll miss you. Sorry to see you leave the list, but it''ll be nice to see you back some day. All the best to you!

Big congrats to #7 ringless. Enjoy your move to BWW!

A nice big welcome to brandithib, IrisAccents, Echidna, brown_eyes, and Ms. Raptor! Hope your stays on the list are short and sweet

Princess_Dreamer, you''re all switched!

Lastly, if you see your name in bold text on the list, it means that you''re in danger of leaving the list due to inactivity. Please check in and let us know how you are; we hate to see people leave the list just from lack of posts! I''ve copied the "last post date" from ckrickett''s findings, but I''ll be re-checking for next month''s clean-up.

And now, without further ado, the 100 lovely ladies who make up the current LIW list!

1. Galateia
2. nebe
3. waitingpatiently
4. hisdiamondgirl
5. KCCutie
6. Dreamgirl
7. Lexie
8. ILoveSpinel
9. smithsmith
10. Namaste
11. Blackpaw
12. HappyCat
13. misskitty
14. SailorsSweet<3 Last Post - 4/8/2009
15. aVogueIdea
16. MrsHToBe
17. audball
18. prettylnpink419
19. mariewest
20. LtlFirecracker
21. lemony Last Post - 7/12/2009
22. fuzzers
23. Prinny Last Post - 7/12/2009
24. Pushin40
25. Resonance.Of.Life
26. 4ever
27. NakedFinger
28. mochamamasita
29. newbie777
30. Deia
31. iheartbora
32. AllieGator
33. DiamondseekersDaughter
34. Ashley21
35. stepcutgirl
36. Rock_of_Love
37. December Moon
38. Jessie702
39. Callisto
40. Margot
41. CurlySue
42. prettybaby
43. FroggyMont
44. Laura27
45. TiffanyLady
46. rialaine Last Post - 7/13/2009
47. CristinaRuns26.2
48. Little Monster
49. madiamondgirl Last Post - ????
50. elation
51. susied
52. Princess_Dreamer
53. dragonfly411
54. Vip0802
55. Annette510
56. Lovetothinkdiamonds Last Post - ????
57. Carabelle Last Post - 7/24/2009
58. Bagel_bandit
59. katomm
60. Skychick
61. Winelover23
62. MermaidKelly
63. sillyberry
64. Iluvbooks
65. boobookitty
66. lilyfoot
67. vc10um
68. Winks_Elf
69. Lozza
70. LuckyesheFSIL
71. Jessa
72. crossmyfingers
73. Parsley
74. TooPatient
75. Patiently_Waiting
76. AustenNut
77. SparklyRing
78. Yvette
79. radiantlvr329
80. Princessdijon
81. Gurlwithadream
82. Dinamit
83. Round Halo Lover
84. Amzizzle
85. daleysmom
86. hoyalawya
87. pickydiamondlover
88. girlygirl29
89. babycush
90. jenmarie
91. blueberrydot
92. Suny27
93. UnderBlue
94. justginger
95. ashleyrose36
96. brandithib
97. IrisAccents
98. Echidna
99. brown_eyes
100. Ms. Raptor
p.s. Winks_Elf, just saw your thread...I''ll take you off the list on the next update. Congrats
Hi, Misskitty! I know I''m not LIW, but my future sister in law is!
Anywho, I was checking out this thread and I was wondering if PrincessDijon (#80) will have to be taken out since she just had a breakup? It doesn''t help LuckyesheFSIL in regards to moving up on the list but for the sake of keeping the list accurate and move the other ladies up some more, I though I should point it out. I hope you don''t mind!
Nice catch! I saw her thread, but totally forgot to update that on the list. It''ll go in the next update. Thanks.
Please take me off the list #59. Will not be joining BWW. Posting thread now. Thanks!
Can i please be added to the list (hopefully not for very long)?

Please add me: Vetrogrl!!! I didnt realize the list was updated
Hi guys -

I''m new to pricescope, although I''ve been "lurking" around for a while. Just a little bit about me - we''ve been together for almost six wonderful years, there was good, there was bad, and then there was the engagement talk.

And boy did it not go well! This happened sometime last year, followed by a time-off. But we''re back together now.

And I''m still waiting.....for the ring, which we put down a deposit today!!! Our anniversary is right after Christmas, so I''ve got a little while to go.

Sending ~*dust*~ to all the ladies in waiting :)
Can I be added to the list please? Thanks!
hellloooooo ladies!

sign me up to the list please!

it''s probably far too premature because i only met my honey six months ago but we''ve already talked about the "M" word!!!!

****buckets of lucky dust for everyone****

May I ask to be added to the list as I have been with my man for 4 yrs now and I as well as he are feeling the marriage vibe!
My thread hasn''t had pics put up yet and the story,but take me off the list! I got engaged!
Update coming tomorrow! I''m on a different computer, and don''t have access to the spreadsheet.
List update time!

I''ve done this month''s list clean-up. Very sorry to see some names leave the list, but if any of the ladies who have been removed due to inactivity would like to re-join, I''ll be happy to add you to the next place on the list.

Now that the tidying up has been done, let''s extend some congrats to the ladies leaving the list in our favorite way -- Winks_Elf, katomm, and Amzizzle are now engaged! All the best to you ladies, and please feel free to stick around on the LIW board

Welcome, Asscher Girl, vetrogrl, milano1516, Express, luckynumber, and peterspixie!! It''s great to have you here, and I hope you enjoy your (short! sweet!) stay on the LIW list.

The List, as of 11-4-09:

1. Galateia
2. nebe
3. waitingpatiently
4. hisdiamondgirl
5. KCCutie
6. Dreamgirl
7. Lexie
8. ILoveSpinel
9. smithsmith
10. Namaste
11. Blackpaw
12. HappyCat
13. misskitty
14. aVogueIdea
15. MrsHToBe
16. audball
17. prettylnpink419
18. mariewest
19. LtlFirecracker
20. fuzzers
21. Pushin40
22. Resonance.Of.Life
23. 4ever
24. NakedFinger
25. mochamamasita
26. newbie777
27. Deia
28. iheartbora
29. AllieGator
30. DiamondseekersDaughter
31. Ashley21
32. stepcutgirl
33. Rock_of_Love
34. December Moon
35. Jessie702
36. Callisto
37. Margot
38. CurlySue
39. prettybaby
40. FroggyMont
41. Laura27
42. TiffanyLady
43. CristinaRuns26.2
44. Little Monster
45. madiamondgirl
46. elation
47. susied
48. Princess_Dreamer
49. dragonfly411
50. Vip0802
51. Annette510
52. Bagel_bandit
53. Skychick
54. Winelover23
55. MermaidKelly
56. sillyberry
57. Iluvbooks
58. boobookitty
59. lilyfoot
60. vc10um
61. Lozza
62. LuckyesheFSIL
63. Jessa
64. crossmyfingers
65. Parsley
66. TooPatient
67. Patiently_Waiting
68. AustenNut
69. SparklyRing
70. Yvette
71. radiantlvr329
72. Gurlwithadream
73. Dinamit
74. Round Halo Lover
75. Amzizzle
76. daleysmom
77. hoyalawya
78. pickydiamondlover
79. girlygirl29
80. babycush
81. jenmarie
82. blueberrydot
83. Suny27
84. UnderBlue
85. justginger
86. ashleyrose36
87. brandithib
88. IrisAccents
89. Echidna
90. brown_eyes
91. Ms. Raptor
92. Asscher Girl
93. vetrogrl
94. milano1516
95. Express
96. luckynumber
97. peterspixie
Can I be added to the list? Hoping this isn''t a jinx :)

I''ve posted a couple times with some random questions but might as well officially introduce myself on here. My boyfriend and I have been together about a year and a half, and living together now for almost 6 months. We''ve been talking about getting married since pretty early in our relationship and it''s pretty much assumed by now, other than him being a little scared about the cost of the ring. We''ve talked about rings a bit (well, mostly I''ve talked and he''s rolled his eyes
), but I think now we are finally getting to the point where he is becoming open to actually going to stores to look together, and he''s said that it''ll be said and done with by mid next year. Right in time for our 2 year anniversary, I think would work out perfectly :)
Wow, the list moves really quickly! I''ve jumped almost 20 spots in...two weeks? Here''s hoping lots and lots of us get off the list over the upcoming holiday season!
This list sure moves FAST!!! LuckyesheFSIL''s ring has been ordered!!! My brother placed the order and did all that stuff on Monday of this week! He''ll be sending the diamond up to ID Jewelry in New York to be set once the ring has been made by Gabriel and Co. I don''t think he''ll propose this year, but 2010 isn''t that far away!! I''ll update everyone on their development and post pictures once the ring is in his possession!

*****DUST DUST DUST****** to all you wonderful ladies on the List!!!
OMG, I''m #15.. *hyperventilates*.
Less than 2 months until the end of our timeline.. hopefully it comes sooner-than-later, though!
Wooo! Number 23!

Is it kind of sick and twisted that I have a personal goal of getting to atleast #20 before BF proposes?
Date: 11/4/2009 7:27:26 PM
Author: 4ever
Wooo! Number 23!

Is it kind of sick and twisted that I have a personal goal of getting to atleast #20 before BF proposes?

Yeah, like you''d be really upset if it happened before that?

Wow, I''m up to 64 already! Hope that''s a good sign - I sure do need some good news soon.
Date: 11/4/2009 7:41:47 PM
Author: crossmyfingers

Date: 11/4/2009 7:27:26 PM
Author: 4ever
Wooo! Number 23!

Is it kind of sick and twisted that I have a personal goal of getting to atleast #20 before BF proposes?

Yeah, like you''d be really upset if it happened before that?
lol I guess not.
But getting to number 20 would seem like an a away
I joined the list on September 1st of this year and I was #108. Now, two months later, I''m up to 69!!! That''s almost 40 spots!
OOO! number 97 is that lucky? lol
Date: 11/4/2009 7:27:26 PM
Author: 4ever
Wooo! Number 23!

Is it kind of sick and twisted that I have a personal goal of getting to atleast #20 before BF proposes?
Not unless it''s twisted that I DON''T want to get to 50 before my BF proposes.

But that is so not going to happen because I''m #59 already
hi everyone!! could i please be added to this list? i just joined the community and after 5 years together on the 14th, my bf and i are shopping for a ring! no better place than pricescope to find the perfect ring! (but probably not the perfect man :P)
thank you!
OMG i''m number 96, don''t wanna jump too high too fast!

buffer me ladies!!!!

Date: 11/5/2009 12:09:55 PM
Author: lilyfoot

Date: 11/4/2009 7:27:26 PM
Author: 4ever
Wooo! Number 23!

Is it kind of sick and twisted that I have a personal goal of getting to atleast #20 before BF proposes?
Not unless it''s twisted that I DON''T want to get to 50 before my BF proposes.

But that is so not going to happen because I''m #59 already
Ok, so who do u think will win? You get engaged before you get to #50 or I get engaged after/when I get to #20?
WOW the list is moving fast!