
~~~~~~~~~~----The Ladies in Waiting List----~~~~~~~~~~

Congratulations Phdecorate! Can't wait to see more pictures!

I've also underlined people who haven't checked in 6 months

1 Lexie
2 Deia
3 Vip0802
4 Patiently_Waiting
5 titian23
6 MayFlowers
7 IndyLady
8 DuckLovingVegan
9 Snow_Miser
10 Glitz
11 maebelle
12 vintagelover
13 SomethingSinful
14 Lislis89
15 TwinkleStar
16 nurse
17 snow12
18 CaprineSun
19 dandyandi
20 Cupcake28
22 jlp86
23 mmi
24 Sun-Shine
25 shanshans2005
26 somedaysunday
27 LJL
28 midwestlegal
29 lktx
30 madelise
31 jessib11
32 ycenvy
33 dragonfly411
34 blackkatya
35 NicaK
36 Ravenne
37 kjai
38 cupcakebelle
39 hpl312
40 kittykat717
41 ovallvr
42 twistedprincess
43 leeona
44 lilcubby76
45 sweetpea&babycorn
46 serinatran
47 taco185
48 pandabee
49 univoftexasbabe
50 peonia
51 LoveLikeCrazy
52 Mico
53 audball
54 petit_bijou
55 DiamondBug8
56 gatorblue
57 Schafenm
58 Chewbacca
59 trueblue101
60 prettylnpink419
61 BeautyQueen
62 ILoveSpinel
Eek, from 94 to now 30!! >_<
Goodness me, I've moved up 8 or so places in one month! I'll be top ten in no time. :tongue: Nice turnaround though!

Madelise, you are almost in the business end of the list. :Up_to_something:
Congrats mmi! Can't wait to see more pictures!

I've also bolded everyone who needs to check in or lose their spot!

If anyone has introduced themselves please tell me here, I'm away on vacation and don't have enough time to comb for posts!

1 Lexie
2 Deia
3 Vip0802
4 Patiently_Waiting
5 titian23
6 MayFlowers
7 IndyLady
8 DuckLovingVegan
9 Snow_Miser
10 Glitz
11 maebelle
12 vintagelover
13 SomethingSinful
14 Lislis89
15 TwinkleStar
16 nurse
17 snow12
18 CaprineSun
19 dandyandi
20 Cupcake28
22 jlp86
23 Sun-Shine
24 shanshans2005
25 somedaysunday
26 LJL
27 midwestlegal
28 lktx
29 madelise
30 jessib11
31 ycenvy
32 dragonfly411
33 blackkatya
34 NicaK
35 Ravenne
36 kjai
37 cupcakebelle
38 hpl312
39 kittykat717
40 ovallvr
41 twistedprincess
42 leeona
43 lilcubby76
44 sweetpea&babycorn
45 serinatran
46 taco185
47 pandabee
48 univoftexasbabe
49 peonia
50 LoveLikeCrazy
51 Mico
52 audball
53 petit_bijou
54 DiamondBug8
55 gatorblue
56 Schafenm
57 Chewbacca
58 trueblue101
59 prettylnpink419
60 BeautyQueen
61 ILoveSpinel
I hear ya Madelise and Chewbacca - I think I started in the 80s somewhere and now I'm 26. I know list-cleaning is a good chunk of the movement but its still hurting my brain.... I hope I don't go lower than 20 - I'm already horrified that Miley Cyrus got engaged before me - I can't deal with the pressure!!
Lol! The Miley Cyrus thing flipped me out a little too :loopy:
Congrats to trueblue101!

This will be my last update, hopefully we get the new listkeeper sorted out soon! The Ladies that need to check in soon are still bolded

1 Lexie

2 Deia
3 Vip0802
4 Patiently_Waiting
5 titian23
6 MayFlowers
7 IndyLady
8 DuckLovingVegan
9 Snow_Miser
10 Glitz
11 vintagelover
12 SomethingSinful
13 Lislis89
14 TwinkleStar
15 nurse
16 snow12
17 CaprineSun
18 dandyandi
19 Cupcake28
21 jlp86
22 Sun-Shine
23 shanshans2005
24 somedaysunday
25 LJL
26 midwestlegal
27 lktx
28 madelise
29 jessib11
30 ycenvy
31 dragonfly411
32 blackkatya
33 NicaK
34 Ravenne
35 kjai
36 cupcakebelle
37 hpl312
38 kittykat717
39 ovallvr
40 twistedprincess
41 leeona
42 lilcubby76
43 sweetpea&babycorn
44 serinatran
45 taco185
46 pandabee
47 univoftexasbabe
48 peonia
49 LoveLikeCrazy
50 Mico
51 audball
52 petit_bijou
53 DiamondBug8
54 gatorblue
55 Schafenm
56 Chewbacca
57 prettylnpink419
58 BeautyQueen
59 ILoveSpinel
#3?! :errrr:

hopefully this will be remedied soon! ^_~ congrats to maebelle for being our new list keeper and *dust* to all you lovely ladies!
maebelle|1334007805|3166868 said:
Actually, I forgot to bold #7 epicure. I accidentally put 2/12/12 in my spreadsheet even though it's been since 2/23/11 since she posted.

I have an awesome google doc spreadsheet where people will turn yellow when they have posted for 3 months and red when they haven't posted for 6. Whenever I want to do a cleaning I just see who has an indicator light and then check to see if they've posted more recently. It is awesome :)

maebelle, any way you can pass this along to me ;)
Let me try to figure this out in an acceptable forum friendly way. I'll get it to you!
make a copy doesn't work, but i emailed it to myself ;)
Please remove me from the list! SO popped the question 2 weeks ago! :D