
The LIW Small Talk Thread

Date: 12/22/2009 4:41:43 PM
Author: TheBigT
Hi Elle! It''s going Great! I just had my last exam of the semester and DH is taking me out for dinner!

How are you?
Awww, yay! How did your exam go? Where is he taking you?

I''m good. Just waiting for 5.
Woohoo! Feel good to be done?

Elle he should find the most sparkly diamond and buy it for you as punishment.
Date: 12/22/2009 4:46:30 PM
Author: sunnyd
Woohoo! Feel good to be done?

Elle he should find the most sparkly diamond and buy it for you as punishment.
He better be buying me one of those fricken octavia asschers!
I''m sooo glad to be done. This finals period was, like, the worst ever. It just lasted so long!
He''s taking me somewhere that''s a surprise but I''m pretty sure it''s sushi, which I haven''t had in a very long time! Ot, okay, a couple of weeks, but it feels like a long time!

Hope everyone''s had a nice day!

Do you guys get Xmas Eve off from work?
Date: 12/22/2009 4:50:05 PM
Author: TheBigT
I''m sooo glad to be done. This finals period was, like, the worst ever. It just lasted so long!
He''s taking me somewhere that''s a surprise but I''m pretty sure it''s sushi, which I haven''t had in a very long time! Ot, okay, a couple of weeks, but it feels like a long time!

Hope everyone''s had a nice day!

Do you guys get Xmas Eve off from work?
mmmm nom nom nom! i love sushi! enjoy your dinner!

our office closes at 1 pm on xmas eve.
I'm off xmas eve! Today is both Tues and Thurs, and tomorrow is Fri!

Enjoy your dinner T!
Date: 12/22/2009 4:47:53 PM
Author: elledizzy5

Date: 12/22/2009 4:46:30 PM
Author: sunnyd
Woohoo! Feel good to be done?

Elle he should find the most sparkly diamond and buy it for you as punishment.
He better be buying me one of those fricken octavia asschers!
Uh, yeah!
Glad I didn't open my Christmas present while my boss was here.

$100 gift card to Nordstroms.

The part that bugs me a bit is that he had a phone conversation with his S.O. the other day talking about what to get people who work for them. (I try not to listen, but the door is open and he's about 10 feet away -- plus the office is completely quiet and he talks loud)
They got through a few people from the other office they have together and then I heard him say "Um. Well. She doesn't have a lot of clothes so maybe a gift card from Nordie's"

Yes. It is true. I am no good at fashion (remember the sweater?) so hate shopping and wear the same 5 tops or so because they are comfortable and I like them. And I suppose you could assume I wear the same pants all the time since I found a pair I liked and bought several of them.

But still.
To have that conversation with me sitting right here...

ETA: Don't get me wrong. I do appreciate it. $100 is a great and I certainly wasn't expecting it.
Date: 12/22/2009 5:26:14 PM
Author: TooPatient
Glad I didn''t open my Christmas present while my boss was here.

$100 gift card to Nordstroms.

The part that bugs me a bit is that he had a phone conversation with his S.O. the other day talking about what to get people who work for them. (I try not to listen, but the door is open and he''s about 10 feet away -- plus the office is completely quiet and he talks loud)

They got through a few people from the other office they have together and then I heard him say ''Um. Well. She doesn''t have a lot of clothes so maybe a gift card from Nordie''s''

Yes. It is true. I am no good at fashion (remember the sweater?) so hate shopping and wear the same 5 tops or so because they are comfortable and I like them. And I suppose you could assume I wear the same pants all the time since I found a pair I liked and bought several of them.

But still.

To have that conversation with me sitting right here...

ETA: Don''t get me wrong. I do appreciate it. $100 is a great and I certainly wasn''t expecting it.

Aw, see, I view that more as like -- men think women love to shop. They know they pay you nothing, so they think maybe getting you a gift card to Nordstrom will allow you to go out and have fun shopping and do something nice for yourself!
Date: 12/22/2009 5:47:52 PM
Author: TheBigT

Date: 12/22/2009 5:26:14 PM
Author: TooPatient
Glad I didn''t open my Christmas present while my boss was here.

$100 gift card to Nordstroms.

The part that bugs me a bit is that he had a phone conversation with his S.O. the other day talking about what to get people who work for them. (I try not to listen, but the door is open and he''s about 10 feet away -- plus the office is completely quiet and he talks loud)

They got through a few people from the other office they have together and then I heard him say ''Um. Well. She doesn''t have a lot of clothes so maybe a gift card from Nordie''s''

Yes. It is true. I am no good at fashion (remember the sweater?) so hate shopping and wear the same 5 tops or so because they are comfortable and I like them. And I suppose you could assume I wear the same pants all the time since I found a pair I liked and bought several of them.

But still.

To have that conversation with me sitting right here...

ETA: Don''t get me wrong. I do appreciate it. $100 is a great and I certainly wasn''t expecting it.

Aw, see, I view that more as like -- men think women love to shop. They know they pay you nothing, so they think maybe getting you a gift card to Nordstrom will allow you to go out and have fun shopping and do something nice for yourself!
Thanks. Much better way to look at it. And it certainly was a kind gesture.

I''ve had a wacked out day. Found out I lost a whole bunch more weight, asked my dude BFF to be my Man of Honor, and FI took me out for sushi/Asian food for dinner (celebrating my graduation). BUT I also: cried myself to sleep last night, woke up crying, got a hole chewed in the blanket my mom bought me a few years ago (I have an unusual attachment to this blanket--she hardly ever surprised me with Christmas gifts, and this was one of the few surprises I ever got), and due to the crying I have had a headache all day long.


In other news I''m still waiting for grades to get posted to FINALLY find out if I freaking graduated or not.

I like small tables on gemmies btw. I''ve been wearing a big white CZ for the past few days and it has the biggest dang table and it BUGS ME. Very unlike my Barry Bridgestock gemmies which have nice small tables...
Hello, hello!

Vacay starts tomorrow
Totally psyched.

Hope everyone has a great week!!
It''s my first day of nothing to do and I woke up at 5am.

Freke, you''re funny. I''ve no doubt whatsoever that you will graduate this semester. Congrats on your Dude of Honor ("DOH!"). And - crying yourself to sleep and waking up still crying (and the subsequent headache) is a horrible feeling - but sometimes that process is necessary. Hope you''re feeling at least a little better!
*yawn* morning all!
Morning Small Talkers!

Sorry you had such a messed up day, Freke.
Hope today goes better! Um... still no grades? Are you KIDDING me! UGH!

MK - Yay for vacation! We''ve missed you around here!

BigT - I cannot believe you woke up at 5 am. I have NEVER woken up that early unless I had to be at the airport, and even then you need the jaws of life to get me out of bed.

Jcar - Good morning! How''s WoW going?
elle -good, except i totally had a dream about it last night. hellloooo nerd-dom. oh, and i realized i can bring my laptop in and play during breaks...... don''t worry, the laptop still stays at home.

lmao at the news right now. our channel 13 has the most rediculous news casters ever. i am sure they are all bright and intelligent people, however i feel like i am watching the college version of the news. BUT, it makes me laugh, so i will still watch them!! :P
Date: 12/23/2009 9:33:18 AM
Author: jcarlylew
elle -good, except i totally had a dream about it last night. hellloooo nerd-dom. oh, and i realized i can bring my laptop in and play during breaks...... don''t worry, the laptop still stays at home.

lmao at the news right now. our channel 13 has the most rediculous news casters ever. i am sure they are all bright and intelligent people, however i feel like i am watching the college version of the news. BUT, it makes me laugh, so i will still watch them!! :P
Hahahha. Was it a good dream?

I feel that way when I go to the more remote areas of Michigan and catch the news. It does look like a high school news production! I also laugh.
My friend S''s aunt died and the funeral is this morning. She had pancreatic cancer. She left behind three young children, and was only in her 40s.

Date: 12/23/2009 9:44:47 AM
Author: elledizzy5
My friend S''s aunt died and the funeral is this morning. She had pancreatic cancer. She left behind three young children, and was only in her 40s.

my thoughts are with her family.

question - how cheesy is it that i am buying a dish set from safeway (like a publix) for a giving tree gift?

also, question for black berry users. do you go to your carrier and complain about the outages? to me, if you are paying for service, and it goes out for 8 hours, you should get a free day.
Date: 12/23/2009 9:44:47 AM
Author: elledizzy5
My friend S''s aunt died and the funeral is this morning. She had pancreatic cancer. She left behind three young children, and was only in her 40s.

Ohhh, really sad! Pancreatic cancer is awful. Hope your friend is doing ok. Poor kids!
Date: 12/23/2009 9:51:16 AM
Author: jcarlylew

Date: 12/23/2009 9:44:47 AM
Author: elledizzy5
My friend S''s aunt died and the funeral is this morning. She had pancreatic cancer. She left behind three young children, and was only in her 40s.

my thoughts are with her family.

question - how cheesy is it that i am buying a dish set from safeway (like a publix) for a giving tree gift?

also, question for black berry users. do you go to your carrier and complain about the outages? to me, if you are paying for service, and it goes out for 8 hours, you should get a free day.

I''m not sure Jcar - but I''m really getting pissed off at the outages. I don''t know who to complain to!
Date: 12/23/2009 9:53:46 AM
Author: TheBigT

Date: 12/23/2009 9:44:47 AM
Author: elledizzy5
My friend S''s aunt died and the funeral is this morning. She had pancreatic cancer. She left behind three young children, and was only in her 40s.

Ohhh, really sad! Pancreatic cancer is awful. Hope your friend is doing ok. Poor kids!
She''s probably OK, but those kids... man.
Stupid blackberry service. Makes me remember how tough life was before I had internet access in my pocket.
Date: 12/23/2009 10:05:44 AM
Author: TheBigT
Stupid blackberry service. Makes me remember how tough life was before I had internet access in my pocket.
Hahaha. So true!

I will not be getting another BlackBerry. They''re simply too slow.
Good morning MK, BigT, jcar, and elle!

elle--((hugs)) to your friend and her family. The holidays are such and awful time to lose loved ones.

In other news--holy cow is it white here in DC. A and I got home last night from vacay (my sister is a Master now! yay!) and it''s just a winter wonderland down here. Minus the fact that they don''t really plow any side streets...

I was trying to keep up with ST over the weekend...yeah, right. I got through about 5 pages from Friday and realized I should just give up and jump back in today!

Hope you all had a wonderful 5 days!
Yay! Welcome back, VC!

Very jealous of your snow!!
Welcome back, VC!

I was too lazy to get out a spoon this morning, so I stirred milk into my coffee by blowing in it. Think I can patent that?
Date: 12/23/2009 10:20:49 AM
Author: TheBigT
Welcome back, VC!

I was too lazy to get out a spoon this morning, so I stirred milk into my coffee by blowing in it. Think I can patent that?
HAHA. Crazier things have been done.

I usually pour my milk first...then when I add the coffee it just mixes itself!
Date: 12/23/2009 10:20:49 AM
Author: TheBigT
Welcome back, VC!

I was too lazy to get out a spoon this morning, so I stirred milk into my coffee by blowing in it. Think I can patent that?

Love it.
Date: 12/23/2009 10:17:30 AM
Author: elledizzy5
Yay! Welcome back, VC!

Very jealous of your snow!!
I''m happy that we missed the actual falling of the snow and just get to enjoy how pretty and white it is. I guess the city was a disaster all weekend AND they closed all federal offices on Monday since no one could get anywhere! So for my 5 day vacation, I only have to take 1 day of leave!