
The LIW Small Talk Thread

Date: 1/11/2010 12:16:46 PM
Author: Hudson_Hawk
damn girl, that''s some diet food there!
going to PR in less than a month and I am not bathing suit ready. at all.
umm i''m having a breakfast bar as i run out the door

have a great day, and if someone declares the date and time of the ST G2G while i''m gone, make it colorful so i notice it
I don't normally post here, but I didn't want to start a thread, and I need to yell, so forgive me:


He left my car unlocked Saturday afternoon after he brought the cat food inside and this morning I discovered someone had kindly opened the doors and relieved me of my new GPS unit and iPod mini circa 2004.


Also, my mom is going to kill me because I promised not to leave my GPS unit in the car anymore after someone smashed the window in and stole my last one over Thanksgiving, and obviously I did.


I hope everyone else is having a better monday!!!

Also, my lunch: packet of tuna, honey mustard, broccoli slaw, and a sweet multigrain roll. Plus a small Fiber 1 yogurt and some hostess 100 cal strawberry cupcakes! Man those things are tiny...

ETA: I have decided to maim, not kill, my boyfriend. He's too cute to go away forever.
It''s about damn time!! Morning!

Squirrly, if you come to Seattle, we will make a GTG. It needs to happen!

Dude. Sillyberry I would also kill my BF if he did that. As well as make him replace everything. Bad BF!
Turkey sandwich w/ turkey, lettuce and green peppers only and jenny craig honey mustard pretzels oh and a banana.

My first JC weigh in is tomorrow! I haven''t cheated AT ALL! I even only had ONE glass of wine all week! According to my scale I''m down 3 already. 7 to go!

SB - Um that royally blows! Does insurance cover it?
Your lunch sounds yummy!

Bummer about your car. I believe your car insurance should cover a break in, whether the door was unlocked or not. If it doesn''t, then it''s time for dear BF to take a trip to Best Buy to replace it.
Lunch - lean cuisine (some noodle chicken thing, I don''t know. They''re all the same...), string cheese and pomegranate applesauce.

T-12 days!!!
We booked our honeymoon today!!!!! Wooooo!!!!!
whole wheat tortilla turkey wrap with low fat cheese, fat free mayo, and lettuce and tomato. Carrots for side. 100 calorie pudding for dessert if i want!
FYI: Mint tea = barftastic.
Date: 1/11/2010 12:31:26 PM
Author: sunnyd
FYI: Mint tea = barftastic.

Lies! Mint tea = delicious!
Date: 1/11/2010 12:32:19 PM
Author: ladypirate
Date: 1/11/2010 12:31:26 PM

Author: sunnyd

FYI: Mint tea = barftastic.

Lies! Mint tea = delicious!

Ditto! Ginger tea is also super duper yummy!
Date: 1/11/2010 12:32:19 PM
Author: ladypirate

Date: 1/11/2010 12:31:26 PM
Author: sunnyd
FYI: Mint tea = barftastic.

Lies! Mint tea = delicious!
LOL. Maybe I made it wrong.
It smells gross.
Date: 1/11/2010 12:29:49 PM
Author: ladypirate
We booked our honeymoon today!!!!! Wooooo!!!!!
High five! Where are you going LP? J and I having been putting everything on our travelperks Visa so hopefully we''ll be booking ours soon too!
Date: 1/11/2010 12:31:26 PM
Author: sunnyd
FYI: Mint tea = barftastic.
I love a good peppermint tea!
Thanks y''all.

I still haven''t received my insurance money from the last lost GPS...I should probably call my insurance company and kvetch. I''m currently living in a much less safe place than where my car is insured, so I''m always a little scared of them finding out and raising my rates. I don''t know if that fear is dumb or not.

Oh, and HH - congrats on the little one!

And mint tea is yummy. But right now my favorite is a makeshift Earl Gray Tea Latte: Heat 1/4 skim milk and tea bag in microwave, add a tablespoon of Torani sugar-free vanilla syrup, fill cup with boiling water.

Like the London Fog latte at Starbucks, but a whoooole lot cheaper.
I agree Sunny, minty warm anything is gag a riffic. Bleh!
Date: 1/11/2010 12:33:50 PM
Author: winelover23
Date: 1/11/2010 12:29:49 PM

Author: ladypirate

We booked our honeymoon today!!!!! Wooooo!!!!!
High five! Where are you going LP? J and I having been putting everything on our travelperks Visa so hopefully we''ll be booking ours soon too!

Eastern Europe for 3 weeks! I''m really glad we saved those frequent flier miles!
Did anyone watch 2100 on the Discovery channel last week? Terrifying. It was about global warming and the future of the planet. Apparently we''ll have reverted to the feudal system by 2100. It was so fascinating!
Date: 1/11/2010 12:38:49 PM
Author: ladypirate

Date: 1/11/2010 12:33:50 PM
Author: winelover23

Date: 1/11/2010 12:29:49 PM

Author: ladypirate

We booked our honeymoon today!!!!! Wooooo!!!!!
High five! Where are you going LP? J and I having been putting everything on our travelperks Visa so hopefully we''ll be booking ours soon too!

Eastern Europe for 3 weeks! I''m really glad we saved those frequent flier miles!
3 weeks?! Wow! Lucky you, that''ll be fun!
Date: 1/11/2010 12:38:24 PM
Author: winelover23
I agree Sunny, minty warm anything is gag a riffic. Bleh!
You drink Rumpleminz though.
Date: 1/11/2010 12:40:35 PM
Author: sunnyd

Date: 1/11/2010 12:38:24 PM
Author: winelover23
I agree Sunny, minty warm anything is gag a riffic. Bleh!
You drink Rumpleminz though.
Ya, ice cold though! Clear warm minty liquid just makes my stomach turn. Now if it were a white chocolate peppermint mocha that''d be a different story because it has um, CHOCOLATE!

LP - Wow that sounds amazing! Where all are you going? I''m going to Ireland in 2012! J and I are just doing a week in Mexico but since neither of us have been we''re still pretty stoked!
Aaaaannnd we''re back.
Date: 1/11/2010 1:09:36 PM
Author: sunnyd
Aaaaannnd we''re back.
Does the PS IT team not know that I rely on this forum to get me through the day? I''m having a panic attack over here!
Date: 1/8/2010 9:33:55 AM
Author: Hudson_Hawk
TP-I saw your post on the bridal bootcamp thread with your tofu recipe. It looks really good. I''ve never been a fan of any kind of soy other than edemame, so the idea of tofu and the texture is a huge challenge for me. But I know it''s really good for you so....

How''s your working out going?
Morning everyone. Catching up after being gone since Wednesday. Made it through something like 10 pages so far. Lots more to go.

So far:
WL is opening a sweat shop.
HH has crazy pets who eat gross stuff.
Lots of talk about butt sniffles & plugs.

I love the tofu recipe.
Working out??
I lifted weights for awhile the other day....
Actually, I was doing pretty well until I got bad cramps (period & flu stuff -- fun) and had to stop for a few days. Now I''m trying to get back into a routine.
We''re flying into Prague and then traveling wherever we feel like it (definitely Poland & Turkey) then ending up in Vienna to fly home. I''m super jazzed about it.
I''m still hungry...wonder why
So NY ladies...when is good for you to meet up? HH can do the evening of either the 22nd or 23rd. I can do either day - I just need time to get out of work and get into the city.
LP that sounds awesome! What a great honeymoon! I wish J and I could have been able to pull something like that off, but when you go from engaged to hitched in less than 4 months its hard to get it together!!

Your pictures are going to be so cool!
green tea = the best invention ever.

tastes yummy, helps curb appetite, clear skin, and burn fat. is there a greater tea on the planet? i think not!