
The New Bachelor

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Date: 1/6/2009 4:27:27 PM
Author: Dreamgirl
That''s what I''m sayin!! How cute your FI watches with you. FF used to watch all the seasons with me but said he couldn''t take it anymore because it was fake to him and the relationships don''t last....
He was actually going to watch this season, because he liked Jason, and really thought it would be a different feel. That all changed when he saw De''anna. That and he wasn''t impressed with any of the girls, except for the Cowboys cheerleader, of course
Date: 1/6/2009 12:42:13 PM
Author: Namaste
Date: 1/6/2009 12:35:28 PM

Author: Dreamgirl

I had a feeling she would show up. But now the question is, are they playing with our heads teasing us that D comes back and sticks around or does she really just come back once and he turns her away? Hmmmm....because you know they like messing with your head while showing previews. I recorded it so I''m going to look back at the preview when I get home tonight. Wouldn''t that be something if he got back with her...

YES this is what I was thinking.. I think they may be playing with our heads.

Cause seriously, is she that OUT OF HER MIND to show up on the show and ask Jason to take her back? There''s gotta be some kinda twist where it''s not really what it appears to be in the previews they showed last night...

Otherwise, the girl has some serious issues...
That''s what I was thinking too. They always show previews that mess with our heads!

I wasn''t too impressed with any of the girls. No favorites yet.

Deanna letting Jason propose was horrible! Very wrong!

Who was the Bachelor from Tennessee?
Date: 1/6/2009 4:54:17 PM
Author: snlee

Date: 1/6/2009 12:42:13 PM
Author: Namaste

Date: 1/6/2009 12:35:28 PM

Author: Dreamgirl

I had a feeling she would show up. But now the question is, are they playing with our heads teasing us that D comes back and sticks around or does she really just come back once and he turns her away? Hmmmm....because you know they like messing with your head while showing previews. I recorded it so I''m going to look back at the preview when I get home tonight. Wouldn''t that be something if he got back with her...

YES this is what I was thinking.. I think they may be playing with our heads.

Cause seriously, is she that OUT OF HER MIND to show up on the show and ask Jason to take her back? There''s gotta be some kinda twist where it''s not really what it appears to be in the previews they showed last night...

Otherwise, the girl has some serious issues...
That''s what I was thinking too. They always show previews that mess with our heads!

I wasn''t too impressed with any of the girls. No favorites yet.

Deanna letting Jason propose was horrible! Very wrong!

Who was the Bachelor from Tennessee?
I think the Bachelor from Tennessee was Dr. Travis Stork? He is on the new daytime show "The Doctors".
I was not at all happy to see Deanna back
. It''s like she is thinking that things did not work out with Jesse so why not butt in here. I hope he tells her to get lost!

As for the girls...I do not care for the stalker/dental hygenist at all, but maybe she will normal up a bit. I did like the girl that he gave the first impression rose to, though...she seemed genuinely nice.
I can't believe he put that dental hygenist thru to the next round. Are you kidding me?!? I agree with you on the girl he gave the first impression rose to. I was watching his reaction as they got out of the limos and I saw him light up when she came out. She could have worn a better (not so much falling out of) a gown though

Looks like he keeps her around for a while and the mother of that little girl who's a widow...
Date: 1/6/2009 5:11:33 PM
Author: Dreamgirl
I can''t believe he put that dental hygenist thru to the next round. Are you kidding me?!? I agree with you on the girl he gave the first impression rose to. I was watching his reaction as they got out of the limos and I saw him light up when she came out. She could have worn a better (not so much falling out of) a gown though

Looks like he keeps her around for a while and the mother of that little girl who''s a widow...
I agree on that dress...she was falling out of they not have mirrors????
Okay, just watched the end. Why are some women SO crazy? There ALWAYS are those loons.
I think Jason seems really sweet. I love that his son is there and honestly so wonder how Melissa (is that her name?) could leave her 14 month old
DD is the same age I would NEVER leave her to be on a reality show. The dental chick DOES seem like a stalker. I was literally shooting SHUT UP to the screen. But he must be braver than I would be since he gave her a rose. Hot dog thing WAS strange. Very odd. The salsa girl that quit her teaching job also kinda crazy.

So I am SO angry that Deanna is back with her tail between her legs. She had her chance. STOP TOYING WITH HIM! Seriously! Hopefully he will stay strong and see her for what she really is.
Why is Deanna back? I didn''t get the watch the entire episode.
Um yeah. I would have a really hard time leaving my 4 year old, much less a 14 month old...something isn''t right about that!
bebe, I am guessing she wants another chance. It was in the previews for the season so we haven''t really seen it yet.

Steph, I know...odd right?
I agree. I couldn''t even imagine leaving a 14 month old.

I thought the vote box was very odd. They all thought they are voting a girl to leave the show. Then Chris says, "you''re leaving, but you''re leaving WITH a rose"...what???
Date: 1/6/2009 7:01:57 PM
Author: snlee
I agree. I couldn''t even imagine leaving a 14 month old.

I thought the vote box was very odd. They all thought they are voting a girl to leave the show. Then Chris says, ''you''re leaving, but you''re leaving WITH a rose''...what???
I''m guessing they were just doing this to stir up some drama. You could tell the girl was really hurt by it, but she didn''t react to it in a very mature way.
Date: 1/6/2009 5:03:48 PM
Author: Libster
I think the Bachelor from Tennessee was Dr. Travis Stork? He is on the new daytime show 'The Doctors'.
I KNEW I recognized that guy from somehwere!!

I'm not sure that he proposed to the girl, but it was that really nice teacher. I wanna say 1st graders?

ETA: The entire first page of google says he's dating Carrie Underwood. n/m
Yeah, I think he broke up with the teacher a long time ago, and that has been the rumor that he has been spotted around Nashville with Carrie Underwood...they both seem really nice, hope it works out!
I almost spat out my food when I was watching the show on DVR last night and saw Deanna come out onto the balcony. I then googled "Deanna Pappas the new Bachelor" and one of the first links came up with this line that made me laugh so hard.

"Eager Reality Puppet Deanna Pappas Trotted Out Like Prize Heifer On ''The Bachelor''"

This really made me look at Deanna in a new light. I wasn''t even aware that she and Jesse had broken up! The last story I had read about her was how she was going to be wearing a Monique Lhuillier gown at her wedding in the Bahamas this coming May. Whoops. I am so behind on celebrity gossip. Maybe I need to incorporate The Superficial back into my daily morning reading.

I concur that stalker dental hygienist was creepy. I also found salsa job-quitter weird as well as the jewelery designer from LA. Oh not to mention the wedding coordinator from TX who I could have SWORN was in her 30s! I was totally shocked to hear that she was only 26. I seriously think some of these women lie about their age. I did like first impression rose girl though.

What WAS with all the exposed, unsupported boobs?? I was watching the show with FI and he was shocked that these women were dressing in such low-cut unflattering gowns. I would think from watching The Bachelorette that they would have figured Jason didn''t seem like the type to be caught up in cleavage. Ick.
Date: 1/6/2009 7:21:26 PM
Author: steph72276
I''m guessing they were just doing this to stir up some drama. You could tell the girl was really hurt by it, but she didn''t react to it in a very mature way.
She behaved very immaturely. When Jason gave her the rose......if I was him, I''d be like "uhhh on second thought" and swipe the rose away from her. I wouldn''t want someone like that to be my child''s step mother..
Date: 1/7/2009 12:58:05 PM
Author: Dreamgirl

Date: 1/6/2009 7:21:26 PM
Author: steph72276
I''m guessing they were just doing this to stir up some drama. You could tell the girl was really hurt by it, but she didn''t react to it in a very mature way.
She behaved very immaturely. When Jason gave her the rose......if I was him, I''d be like ''uhhh on second thought'' and swipe the rose away from her. I wouldn''t want someone like that to be my child''s step mother..
We''re talking about the woman that left a previous ER on the FI''s pillow in the middle of the night, right? I think that immature is an overstatement...
Who is the girl that wore the animal print gown? I think she might have been one of the first to get out of the limo.
She seemed ok, but then again I didn''t get to watch the entire episode.
Date: 1/7/2009 1:14:48 PM
Author: meresal
Date: 1/7/2009 12:58:05 PM

Author: Dreamgirl

Date: 1/6/2009 7:21:26 PM

Author: steph72276

I''m guessing they were just doing this to stir up some drama. You could tell the girl was really hurt by it, but she didn''t react to it in a very mature way.
She behaved very immaturely. When Jason gave her the rose......if I was him, I''d be like ''uhhh on second thought'' and swipe the rose away from her. I wouldn''t want someone like that to be my child''s step mother..

We''re talking about the woman that left a previous ER on the FI''s pillow in the middle of the night, right? I think that immature is an overstatement...

I think we''re talkin bout the girl who all the girls thought they were going to vote off... but then she ended up getting a rose to stay. Her reaction to all the ladies was a bit immature. I wouldn''t have wanted her to keep the rose if I was Jason...

The woman who left the ER on the pillow I think was the drunk wedding planner girl. She was definitely interesting...
Date: 1/7/2009 1:18:09 PM
Author: bebe
Who is the girl that wore the animal print gown? I think she might have been one of the first to get out of the limo.
She seemed ok, but then again I didn''t get to watch the entire episode.
I think that was Lauren. She''s a teacher...
Date: 1/7/2009 1:24:51 PM
Author: Namaste

Date: 1/7/2009 1:14:48 PM
Author: meresal

Date: 1/7/2009 12:58:05 PM

Author: Dreamgirl

Date: 1/6/2009 7:21:26 PM

Author: steph72276

I''m guessing they were just doing this to stir up some drama. You could tell the girl was really hurt by it, but she didn''t react to it in a very mature way.
She behaved very immaturely. When Jason gave her the rose......if I was him, I''d be like ''uhhh on second thought'' and swipe the rose away from her. I wouldn''t want someone like that to be my child''s step mother..

We''re talking about the woman that left a previous ER on the FI''s pillow in the middle of the night, right? I think that immature is an overstatement...

I think we''re talkin bout the girl who all the girls thought they were going to vote off... but then she ended up getting a rose to stay. Her reaction to all the ladies was a bit immature. I wouldn''t have wanted her to keep the rose if I was Jason...

The woman who left the ER on the pillow I think was the drunk wedding planner girl. She was definitely interesting...
Yeah. We''re talking about her. ha! And the crazy drunk wedding planner. She certainly was interesting...
I agree some of these ladies looked way older than their age.
I think the Deanna thing is staged. I can''t imagine SHE approached ABC and said she wanted to do that. I am betting they contacted her.

HOw about ''feet girl''? SHE was weird. I think it is funny to see the pained looks on these guys faces when these girls are reading them poems or sharing their hot dog theories. I can''t believe he kept that nut. And stalker woman. I think she has a pretty sizeable overbite, which was only odd because of her obsession with her line of work. She almost looks like she has dentures that are too big for her mouth. And those fake teeth? Did that bring anyone else back to the one where the girl took the orange and made those fangs out of them on the one one one date. I can remember the pained look on the guys face but I can''t remember his name.
Date: 1/7/2009 4:24:49 PM
Author: Allisonfaye
I think the Deanna thing is staged. I can''t imagine SHE approached ABC and said she wanted to do that. I am betting they contacted her.

HOw about ''feet girl''? SHE was weird. I think it is funny to see the pained looks on these guys faces when these girls are reading them poems or sharing their hot dog theories. I can''t believe he kept that nut. And stalker woman. I think she has a pretty sizeable overbite, which was only odd because of her obsession with her line of work. She almost looks like she has dentures that are too big for her mouth. And those fake teeth? Did that bring anyone else back to the one where the girl took the orange and made those fangs out of them on the one one one date. I can remember the pained look on the guys face but I can''t remember his name.
"Next up is a recap of the “most embarrassing” date in Bachelor history: Kristen’s orange peel teeth from Season 8. In her update, Kristen pulls out some more orange peel teeth. It’s cute. Kristen has a man in her life and we are shown that he has his very own set of orange peel teeth! I’m not sure if they are dating or married, but I love them together."

I''m trying desperatley to find thie picture!! LOL!!!
Yea, I can''t wait for tonight. They replayed the first episode this weekend and hubby saw the last part where they did the rose ceremony and then scenes from the season...he said, okay I''ll watch it with you! Haha, can''t wait!
Date: 1/12/2009 10:43:42 AM
Author: steph72276
Yea, I can''t wait for tonight. They replayed the first episode this weekend and hubby saw the last part where they did the rose ceremony and then scenes from the season...he said, okay I''ll watch it with you! Haha, can''t wait!
LOL Steph, your hubby is too cute! Love that!!!
Date: 1/7/2009 4:24:49 PM
Author: Allisonfaye
HOw about 'feet girl'? SHE was weird. I think it is funny to see the pained looks on these guys faces when these girls are reading them poems or sharing their hot dog theories. I can't believe he kept that nut. And stalker woman. I think she has a pretty sizeable overbite, which was only odd because of her obsession with her line of work. She almost looks like she has dentures that are too big for her mouth. And those fake teeth? Did that bring anyone else back to the one where the girl took the orange and made those fangs out of them on the one one one date. I can remember the pained look on the guys face but I can't remember his name.
hahahaha! Oh you are hilarious! Your post made me laugh out loud it was so funny to me.

And yes, I remembered the girl with the orange in her teeth. That's what this reminded me of too. I can't believe he gave her a rose...
I''ll more than likely DVR tonight''s episode. It will be on for 1.5 hours!!! (I know last week I said I''d watch the first half and record the rest but I got sucked in.)
We''re going to watch this season of The Bachelor! We watched it a few years ago, but then stopped when I was finishing grad school last year.

I didn''t watch the show with this Deanna person, but it sounds like she''s on to stir up some drama.

I think this bachelor seems pretty nice, but a little stiff, ya know? I love that he doesn''t do a good job of hiding his reactions from his facial expression when the women act crazy, his responses are classic.

Don''t you just love it how all the women are playing up their desire to be moms because they know this guy has a child? I bet if he was the main event on a world-traveling rodeo show they''d all be touting their desire to see the world and raise cattle. Love it.

I liked the girl who got the first impression rose. She looks like Sandra Bullock, doesn''t she?
Date: 1/12/2009 6:45:01 PM
Author: Haven
I liked the girl who got the first impression rose. She looks like Sandra Bullock, doesn''t she?
She seems pretty nice. (so far anyway) and does look a little like Sandra now that I think of it...
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