
The Official List Thread

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Welcome, girls! I gotcha!
Teebee- so glad someone else on here is from OK. I was scanned the introduce yourself section to see if there were other okies.

Anyhow, the raging beast has been tamed for now. We actually went and looked at rings this weekend. It was weird not just looking on-line. Thanks to all of the great posts from everyone on here, I was a much more educated person going into this process!
Just to let you know, I''ll probably be absent or close to it for the next two weeks. But I''ll definitely be back by the 21st, so post up and I''ll catch you when I can!!
Ok girls, I''m jumping in! My bf and I have been together for almost 3 years, moved in together last month, and are inching ever closer to the (eek!) proposal. Could you add me to the list???
Put me on the list too please!
Welcome Jenjen & CareBear!!
Hey Ladies!! First I would like to say that i love this site!!! It''s sooo nice to know that i am not alone! Secondly ADD ME to the LIST!!!

SOOOOO glad I found this site AND that I am in such GREAT company !
Welcome CanadianGal!
Wow, three new LIW!!! Jenjen, Carebare and Canadiangal, come on over to the "introduce yourself" thread and fill us in a bit on you and your soon-to-be FIs!!
Okay GG,
I''ve been all wrapped up in my world of grad school and work, and specifically came back here to check on you.
Looks like you''re still holding down the fort!
I''m crossing my fingers for good news soon.
Hello :)

Can you add me to the list too?

My bf and I have been together just over three years. We met while working at a ski resort...I was a "host" and he was (still is) a children''s snowboard instructor. I was telling people to slow down on the beginner run and he had his students throw snowballs at me. Later that week when I was working at the top of one of the main chairlifts he asked me to go night skiing but I thought he was just kidding so I ignored him and then later that night I realized he was asking me out! The next day I was so nervous to see him but when I finally did I asked him if he wanted to go for lunch before I said anything else. He is the sweetest, most understanding, patient perfect match for me. I can''t wait to marry him!! I think we are getting engaged soon but will wait to get married until after he finishes school (Spring 2006). Still I am excited to be able to wear an e-ring and let everyone know how much I love him and how excited I am to be with him :) *sigh*

snow_happy, what a sweet story! Snow can be just so romantic!

Welcome to the list!
Cross me off...He finally cracked! He proposed on Saturday (see ...And another one bites the dust...) and I am on cloud nine!!!!!!
Hooray heather!!!
I think that VAgal13 has something to tell us? Hmmmmm??
Thanks for the page, Blueroses.
This is the only thread I''m subscribed to, so when I get an email from here I remember to take some time and come check the place out!

...Life''s just been so crazy... learning my new job and training a new girl for my old job... I hardly have any time to play anymore!!
Hopefully things will settle down in a week or so.

VAgirl, wassup?!?!?!
ME TOO!!! I am new to pricescope but I have been dating my boyfriend for just over four years....I am definately a "lady in wating''! Thanks!
Welcome, Matatora! :)
Paging GG!

Island Dreams and JennyAnn2 are officially crossed off!
Hi Guys:

I''m new to this forum. Please add me to the LIW list.


Duh... I even congratulated jennyann2 on her thread, but for some reason totally spaced taking her off the list!
I missed Island Dreams, though. Thanks, jenwill. :) I''ve been so busy with my new job I can hardly even check the boards anymore!!
(I love it, though, so it''s totally worth it!)

Welcome, pearberry! :)
Thanks Goldengirl! I was hoping to get engaged last year but I guess I was wrong. I am definitely hoping to get engaged this year. I have already gave him an idea of what kind of ring I like. But again, it''s up to him. Patience is a virtue. I just don''t have that!! It''s kind of good to know that I''m not the only one that feels this way. I don''t want to pressure him into getting me the ring or the whole thought of rushing us into an engagement but I just feel like I can''t wait any longer!! Ahhhhhhhhhh!!!
I have a half strike. I was asked... But I it has been left up to me to decide on the ring... Ugh... that means it may never happen!!!!LOL
You got it, Mine... half-strike coming right up! :)

Croi ever get the second half of hers??
GG, I think Croi and her boy have the stone and are in the process of setting it with Mark Morrell...I think?....that second half-strike will be along soon!!

I noticed in another thread that ootthibo is engaged now....just FYI!

Absolutely nothing (NOTHING...NOTHING!!!) to report on my end, but hope we'll have some news from others (AmberGretchen? JenWill?) very soon

Happy weekend, ladies!

eta: AmberGretchen!!!! Was I prophetic, or what?! Hooray!!!
Hello girls, I LOVE this site, it has been my OBSESSION for the past year, i think its finally time to put myself on the waiting list ( since its taking longer than originally expected ). I''ve been with my honey for 3 1/2 yrs and, um, I think my proposal is gonna be sometime before July-- hopefully!
Anyway, can''t wait for that day so i can take tons of pics and share with my " pricescope family"
may i please be added to THE LIST???
Welcome HelloKitty!! (Love the name!)

You are in good company here at PS (and w/ the LIW) so we are so happy to have you!

Our esteemed secretary GoldenGirl is working her tail off at her fab new job, so she''s not on as much....but I''m sure she''ll get you on the list soon! (GG, we miss you!
Hello, kitty!
Welcome and I hope you are pleasantly surprised by July-ish!

blue, I know, bad, bad secretary...
between my new job and my newfound determination to burn off some excess weight, I''m not spending much time on the computer at ALL... it''s so weird to have a job that actually keeps me BUSY at work, I''m used to spending the whole work day on my forums!!
Please add me...I was hoping I wouldn''t be waiting much longer, but after a conversation with my BF last night, it looks like I wont be getting a proposal until after I return from my vacation to the Dominican in April (which is soon enough, but the anticipation is KILLING me!!!).

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