
The Official TTC for 6 Months or More Thread

MP: First of all good luck!!! Sending truck loads of sticky dust your way. :appl: I hope they both take for you and also Happy Anniversary!

random_thought: Hope AF comes for you soon so that you can move on with things for your next cycle.

JGator: I hope you are enjoying your lovely new earrings. Also, that your vacation is relaxing and stress free! Whatever your next steps are the ladies around here will be cheering you on.

AFM spent the last week dealing with some household craziness. We were thinking we were possibly moving 2000 miles away, but we decided it was too big of a risk on hubby's job alone. However now he is sitting down for a second interview with a company that has amazing health benefits. They cover 2 IVF's in full, as well as most fertility treatments, so it would be such a blessing if he got a position there. We also got all my blood work results back from last month and had a sit down with my OB. Unfortunately, as I suspected, she thinks I am having anovulatory cycles. She does not think I am ovulating regularly, or that with the Clomid I was able to ovulate at all last month. So hopefully this month I can ovulate.
MP, that's just wonderful news!! So happy for you. Sending tons of sticky dust your way for a healthy baby (or 2!!)
I hope you can relax & enjoy your anniversary tonight & that you have wonderful news for your birthday too.

Jgator, happy birthday to you! I hope you're enjoying your new bling & will have a new vacation soon. Good luck with the polyp removal & hoping you don't need to think about next steps.

RT & SB, thinking of you ladies.

LV, congrats on the weight loss! Thinking of you as your transfer date approaches. Dust!!

Huff, best of luck to your dh in the interview process. That health coverage would be amazing!
How are you tolerating the Metformin?
Often, it can help with ovulation, especially in combination with clomid. What's your clomid dose?
Good luck this cycle!
Thanks, ladies! I'm on bedrest until tomorrow morning, and DH is acting like quite a mother hen and enforcing it. Then it's life as usual other than the lovely PIO shots in the rear. I should know by the end of next week if our little blast(s) decided to join our family. DH and I are celebrating our anniversary this weekend.

NEL, other than the fact I know I'm able to get pregnant and carry a baby, I don't think it puts me at any advantage at this one sticking. There's still a chance it has an abnormality even though it looked good, and obviously even perfectly healthy ones just don't stick sometimes. I've kind of written off the lower quality one, but it's always possible that one will surprise us and end up working out better than the other. We'll never know for sure I guess unless they both take.
MP, how are you feeling today? Did they give you an update on the other embies? Hope all is well and you are baking away!
MP, I thought that was probably the case, but wasn't sure and didn't know if maybe your RE had an opinion. Are you back to work today after being on bedrest? Thinking of you tons!
Lots of thoughts to you MP. What is the next step? Just waiting 2 wks then getting betas drawn?
mp, I'm wishing so hard for you!!! dust dust dust!

I had my second D&C more than two weeks ago. I've been spotting/bleeding constantly (pretty much since the first d&C). Yesterday I was exhausted. I didn't have the strength to stand. I thought it was because of my busy schedule.
Then a few hours ago, I felt a huge warm gush like I broke my water. I rushed to the bathroom and my clothes were all soaked in blood. I passed more tissue and buckets of blood. I'm still bleeding on and off now like a heavy period. Thank goodness it was 5AM. I do NOT want to go through that in public! Also what's up with my body??? I specifically asked my doctor to give me an us during the d&c to make sure it's done. Why is my body acting like I'm having a miscarriage right now? It's as if I'm immune to d&c or something.
Choro, I am so sorry for what you are going through. I cannot fathom it. Hugs and prayers to you.

MP, thinking of you and your embies.
choro72|1407595168|3729171 said:
mp, I'm wishing so hard for you!!! dust dust dust!

I had my second D&C more than two weeks ago. I've been spotting/bleeding constantly (pretty much since the first d&C). Yesterday I was exhausted. I didn't have the strength to stand. I thought it was because of my busy schedule.
Then a few hours ago, I felt a huge warm gush like I broke my water. I rushed to the bathroom and my clothes were all soaked in blood. I passed more tissue and buckets of blood. I'm still bleeding on and off now like a heavy period. Thank goodness it was 5AM. I do NOT want to go through that in public! Also what's up with my body??? I specifically asked my doctor to give me an us during the d&c to make sure it's done. Why is my body acting like I'm having a miscarriage right now? It's as if I'm immune to d&c or something.

This sounds very concerning, please go to the Dr. and get checked, you don't want your own blood levels to drop so low that you risk your own health.
Asscherhalo_lover|1407636776|3729482 said:
choro72|1407595168|3729171 said:
mp, I'm wishing so hard for you!!! dust dust dust!

I had my second D&C more than two weeks ago. I've been spotting/bleeding constantly (pretty much since the first d&C). Yesterday I was exhausted. I didn't have the strength to stand. I thought it was because of my busy schedule.
Then a few hours ago, I felt a huge warm gush like I broke my water. I rushed to the bathroom and my clothes were all soaked in blood. I passed more tissue and buckets of blood. I'm still bleeding on and off now like a heavy period. Thank goodness it was 5AM. I do NOT want to go through that in public! Also what's up with my body??? I specifically asked my doctor to give me an us during the d&c to make sure it's done. Why is my body acting like I'm having a miscarriage right now? It's as if I'm immune to d&c or something.

This sounds very concerning, please go to the Dr. and get checked, you don't want your own blood levels to drop so low that you risk your own health.

I agree, I'm not sure how I missed this. I don't know what protocol is for a m/c d&c but I had my d&c for polyp removal about 3 weeks ago now and I only had spotting for a day or two afterwards....
Choro I'm thinking of you. That sounds really terrifying.
Choro, that's really concerning. Please get checked out by a doc. I'm worried about you.
Big hugs...I hope this awful ordeal is over soon.
Choro, thinking of you. I would go to urgent care or an ER if you didn't already. That's a lot of blood loss, and you really need to make sure you are okay. Thoughts and prayers headed your way.

I feel silly posting my concern now compared to Choro's, but just needed to vent. TMI, but after using the restroom this morning, I noticed a tiny bit of spotting on the toilet paper. I have checked again a few times, and I still have a really light reddish brown discharge when I wipe (not reaching a liner at this point). I am on PIO shots, and my progesterone was nice and high when they checked it on transfer day (like almost 2000, so I can't imagine that's the problem. It would be great if it were related to implantation, but I'm just feeling really negative about my chances now. DH had to work today because he has a bunch of things due next week, so I'm trying to lay on the couch while keeping my toddler occupied (he's in rare form today, so he's currently strapped into a chair watching cartoons. Great mom!)

ETA - This all happened 10 minutes after the clinic closed, and the sheet says call emergency line for heavy bleeding, so I don't feel like calling would do any good before tomorrow morning.
MP, sounds like it could totally be related to implantation! It's too early for your period.
Tourmaline, thanks. Yeah, I'm so hoping it's related to implantation or something, but I do have a history of early spotting even when I'm getting progesterone supplementation. So, it's hard for me not to panic. And I'm driving my poor husband insane with my text updates I'm sure. I'll be able to talk to a nurse tomorrow and know more. When it comes to fertility, I most definitely see the glass as half empty, so I am feeling like this was a bust.
MP: I am hoping and praying for you that it's implantation related. I hope the clinic alleviate some of your fears tomorrow as well. DUST!

Choro: I am so sorry for your loss and what you are going through. Your bleeding does not sound normal at all and although I mostly deal with pediatrics as a nurse, I can tell you that for any health care provider we worry about blood loss. It is possible that you lost a clot or are not clotting correctly to heal, so I would talk to a doctor asap. I really hope you feel better soon.

Bright Spot: The Metformin and I are not getting along. I have a 750mg dosage to start with at nights after dinner and my stomach is rebelling. I am on 50mg of Clomid 4-9 this cycle, with more testing to see if I ovulate this time. I am hoping that most of my issues were insulin related. And thank you for the well wishes for my husband! He actually has a second interview tomorrow and we are so so so hopeful.
MP - Sounds like you are right on target for implantation spotting! Let us know what your nurse says. I am feeling very optimistic for you!!
MP, keep us posted. I think it could be progesterone related or implantation spotting! Did you have implantation spotting with Ev?

Choro, how are you doing? Please post and let us know you are okay.

LV, where are you in the FET process?
MP- A friend of mine recently did IVF (as in 2 weeks ago) and she was telling me how she thought her cycle was a bust and also had the spotting. Guess what, she got her BFP yesterday :)) Thinking lots of good thoughts for you! :wavey:
Choro, I'm so sorry about what you're going through. Have you been
able to talk to your doctor? Sending healing thoughts your way.

MP, I really hope this is it for you! I hope that beautiful boy keeps you distracted (in a good way!) during this nerve wracking wait.
Choro, any updates for you? Keeping you in my thoughts. You've been through so much. I hope everything has resolved.

Huff, hope the metformin effects start to lessen and that it helps get you back on track. Good luck to your DH! The insurance coverage would be a God send!

LV, JGator, Pupp, and Random, thanks for so much for the support. Random, your friend's story is encouraging! I spoke with a nurse this morning, and they pretty much said that since it's not red, period-like bleeding, they are not overly concerned. It could be an irritated blood vessel or something or else it might mean I'm not pregnant and the hormones are dropping. They said to go ahead and bump up my PIO a bit and come in for the beta on Thursday unless the bleeding gets worse. My stomach has been a bit upset, so I have had to use the restroom more frequently, and I think I'm probably irritating everything down there by wiping extra hard and checking for spotting. Total TMI, sorry. I also probably pushed myself a bit too hard yesterday because I was just so pissed that I was like screw it, I'm going to clean the house and keep my mind off this. Taking it easier today and sitting at my computer as much as possible. But I must say, I'm not thinking I'm pregnant.

I did get a glimmer of good news though. Of the remaining embryos, four reached blast and are now frozen. So, six of 9 made it to blast. Not bad. I'm not sure if they are particularly good blasts because it took some of them an extra day to reach that point, and I think we transfered the one really good one, but I guess that means we still have a shot at a FET or two. I honestly don't know if I can emotionally take much more of this. As much as I want a baby, I'm ready to start leaving my life again and not focusing so much on this. I'm so tired of being so sad all the time. But I'm blessed I was at least able to give IVF a try.
monkeyprincess|1407769790|3730211 said:
As much as I want a baby, I'm ready to start leaving my life again and not focusing so much on this. I'm so tired of being so sad all the time.

This is me as well, the other day I was know...I could be putting this iui towards a very much needed honeymoon (yeah 5 years later and still havent gone lol). It's kind of hard to describe. I'm not upset about it but I am ready to not have ttc ruling over everything I do or don't do.
MP, good news on the 4 blasts. That has to be reassuring. I'm hoping you don't need to use them for a long time though. Good luck with the TWW - at least you already have some time ticked off against the TWW since you got them transferred after they were 5 days old. Here's hoping for a sticky, healthy bean!
mp, good news on the embryos! I can totally relate to your feelings about not being able to take much more emotionally...I'm there too after 2 years of TTC. I feel compelled to try all the embryos we have created, but I'm so tired of having this rule my life and be disappointed time and time again. I feel pretty hopeless, even though rationally I know there is still a reason to think that one of our other embryos might be good. Fingers crossed you have some sticky beans in there and don't have to worry about it.

choro, how scary. I hope you got checked by a doctor and are doing ok.

huff, sorry that the metformin is not agreeing with you - it can be rough at first. Two things that could help: Are you on the extended release formula? That's generally a bit easier. Also, my doc ramped me up on the dosage rather than starting 750mg all at once - I did 250mg for the first week, 500mg the next week, and then 750mg thereafter. Might be worth discussing with your doc if you're having trouble. Good luck with your cycle!

LV and jgator, hope you're both doing well.
mp, arrg, sorry about the spotting. It's so irritating! Are you temping? Does BBT work like normal when you have IVF? I'm sorry you're down. If this cycle doesn't work, can you take a break until you feel like using the frozen embryos? Or does it cost a lot to keep them frozen? Sorry for the questions.

Huff, how did your hubby's interview go? Ovulation dust!

AFM, thank you for the well wishes. I was more frustrated about it than worried, but now I think back that may not have been the best reaction :oops: The bleeding is light now, but hasn't stopped.
I had my follow up appointment today anyway, so I didn't call the ER. What I experienced looked exactly like any miscarriage stories I read online, so I've chalked it up to that. I've found some forums that talked about this too. Doctor said it's left over tissue passing, and wasn't concerned. My ultrasound came back perfectly normal (except that I'm still dilated). I had a 7mm of lining and some good follicles, so I got the green light to TTC after two cycles.

Again, thank you for your thoughts. I just want to move on now. My LMP was 3/25, so I basically wasted 5 months with this loss. For those who mc, how long did you wait? I'm willing to sit one cycle out to get my uterus back on track, but not 2!
Choro, ugh, I'm glad your ordeal is finally coming to an end. I know LC had to wait forever between her miscarriage and TTC again, but she did get pregnant again right away. Hopefully, the same will happen for you. I think storage of the embryos was included in our cost of the ivf for up to a year. I have to re-read the stuff again, but I think it's life $500 a year after that, maybe? I'm sure we'll use then in the coming months though. I am ready to put this behind me.

SB, yup, that's where I'm at as well. I feel so hopeless about my chances going forward. I feel like the universe has spoken loud and clear that I'm not going to have another baby no matter what I do, and I refuse to keep letting myself sink into this depression time and again. Sorry, I'm probably just letting myself get carried away in my sadness right now. By the way, when do you think you'll do another FET?

Random, I hear you. We have spent so much money with nothing to show for it, and I've lived my life so cautiously just in case for the past year and a half. I'm so over it!

I realize I sound bitter. And I am. The spotting continues and I'm feeling so like AF is on the way. There just can't be a positive outcome after this. Obviously, I knew this was a likely outcome. But I still can't believe I'm back here. But I'm a lucky one because I am a mom. My son is a true miracle, and I guess I need to stop being so greedy and just let him be enough.
MP - I am so sorry to hear that you are not feeling optimistic. I have not lost hope foryou, but I totally understand where you are coming from, and I am really sorry that you are feeling down. Continuing to think positive thoughts for you!!
Choro, when I had my MC in 2011, the OB said to wait to TTC but the RE said there was no reason to wait. I would do what you feel comfortable with, but I don't think you need to wait 2 cycles. Hope this resolves itself soon.

MP, sorry you are feeling negative. I am still holding out hope for you. I remember Ev was a BFN due a lab mixup so stranger things have happened. Sending hugs your way.

SB, hi :wavey: . What is your next step?

AFM, the polyp removal is Thursday. Not much else going on. My DD woke up at 5am with a leaky diaper and proceeded to stay awake and be cranky all morning so not a good day in my house!
Choro, I'm glad to hear your update, and hopefully your follow up today will be a-okay. For my miscarriage in March, I think I went 9 wks before having to take prometrium to start my cycle back again. After the D&C I started temping again and got an O spike, but no period after that. About 3 or 4 wks after the O spike, my midwife prescribed prometrium and I had a cycle and then tried again. We did get pregnant after that. I'm not sure if you temp, but my guess if you do, and you get an O spike it still might not be a good cycle to try since your lining is probably all messed up. After you have period your body should be back to normal again. I also feel like I wasted 6 months with my miscarriage so I get your frustration of waiting waiting waiting.

MP, I'm sorry you're feeling down. And yes, you have every right to be bitter. But I think in the grand scheme of things you have the right attitude, enjoying your beautiful son and really strengthening your marriage with your DH.

SB, will you plan on doing another FET this cycle? Or are you going to take a little break? I'm hopeful that one of your embies will yield the baby you so richly deserve.

AFM, I'm sorry I've been silent for so long, but I needed some time to recover. I'm joining this thread back again. Or I guess I'm not sure if I'm ready to TTC again. It's been a really hard year to have to stomach two losses, so I think I just need some time to feel right again. And judging by my experience with the March D&C, I'll likely won't be actually TTC (if we do) until the end of the year anyway.
LC, are you saying what I think you are saying? I am so sorry for your loss. My heart aches for you. I totally get needing some time to feel right again. You really have had a rough year. My thoughts and prayers are with you.