
The Official TTC for 6 Months or More Thread

Thank you, Lili! You're such a sweetheart. How are you doing these days?

AFM, AF showed up with a vengeance today. No spotting, just straight to CD1. I'm leaving early tomorrow morning for our trip to Reno for Thanksgiving, so now at least I can relax a little while I'm home visiting my family. Here's hoping we can get a BFP for Christmas.

Who is still in the 2WW? Anyone POAS over the weekend???? :Up_to_something:
LaurenThePartier|1290393868|2775087 said:
Who is still in the 2WW? Anyone POAS over the weekend???? :Up_to_something:

I just started the 2ww, and I'm ready to go nuts already. I'm convinced I'm already peeing like a maniac, but it has nothing to do with the fact that I'm downing water by the glass. Oh, the reason I'm downing water by the glass is bc I'm so thirsty, since that's what happened last time I got a BFP...but I'm not thirsty bc I had high sodium foods today. :rolleyes:

Oh, and to top it off...I went over to visit my 3 week old boyfriend today. He slept for about a half hour, then I watched him wake up and poop his diaper. Why are baby farts so cute? I mean, seriously. The faces this kid made as he tried to get it all out was precious. I don't find it nearly as amusing when DH farts and smiles at me.
Hello my favorite PS ladies (shh don't tell anyone, lol),

I hope everyone had a lovely weekend. My weekend was pretty nice, and now, DH and I are just winding down watching some Sunday night football.

Steal - Thanks for all the dust sweetie. I am 10DPIUI/DPO, and I am suddenly hopeful, so that is a plus. As for your DH's SA, I am really sorry to hear the results. I can only imagine how lost and upset he is feeling. I would check out what I said to Bella about your DH's feelings. And all the previous posters are also correct when the talk about this man drive to be a fixer, and make things right. As hard as we take this whole TTC business and our inability to get KU, they take it that much harder I feel like b/c they don't have a place to vent and when someone tells them they are the "reason" for our infertility, they often feel a sense of not being a man just like how we feel we are somehow "broken" when we as women, can't get pregnant. Compounding that is the idea that they are supposed to make everything ok. I'm sure your DH will get better with it all, but you just have to give him time to get there. Btw, I in no one condone his nasty remarks, b/c I know my DH can get a zinger in there once in a while, but do try to keep his current state in mind. PS I also do recommend the second SA. A lot of fertility clinics will do a 2nd SA before they proceed with something as drastic is ICSI. Just a thought...As for you, I know you may be hurt and upset, but I know you two will be able to get through this together. Just be the strong one for a little bit, and hopefully he will come around. SUPER HUGE (((((HUG)))))!

Parrot - That's great that you like your RE and that they listen to you and give you good advice. It's a wonder what a good doc can do, eh? As for the possible fibriod, at lot of people have them and would never know it (since we all don't go around getting pelvic ultrasounds) so I'm sure it will be fine. It also sounds like you have a great protocal. I wish you lots of luck in January, and until then, enjoy the holidays sans babymaking! PS It is pretty typical that when they do an IUI, they put you on daily double doses of progesterone suppositories, so that should take care of the LPD issue.

LTP - thanks for the happy thoughts. I just saw your message. Boo on AF, but I guess you will get to enjoy your Thanksgiving with wine, and maybe some margaritas...hehe :naughty: As for your fam, I can only imagine how annoying that must be. Arghh. Hopefully, you can finally show the ladies up soon, right? :wink2:

CDN - Thanks for the dust, I appreciate the love. Are you going to be testing soon too? I really do hope that your symptoms are a good omen, but if not this cycle, then you can at least look forward to your serindipitous trip next month. Fingers crossed lady!

MissJaxon - Yikes on the snow storm :errrr: ! I'm glad you got back in ok though. As for your temp drop, it could always be an implantation dip, right? I really hope that you are still in the game lady. LOADS of dust!

Po - Welcome to TTC 2.0 :wavey: Of course you can join. And no need to explain, we all love the appeal of 2.0 for our reasons :roll: As for the flu shot, my RE wants to get it if you are TTC, so I don't think you need to worry about being pregnant with it. And I know they say you can't get the flu, but I always do feel a little flu like when I do get the shot. You should be ok though. I got mine after my IUI. On the homefront, OMG, what a debacle with all the home appliances! I am so sorry for all the extra costs. Bad me, I have not done my shopping yet, but I intend to get on it for Black Friday (the crazy shopping day on the Friday after Thanksgiving) Watch out world, here I come!

Lili - Thanks for the happy thoughts! It might just be a Happy Thanksgiving indeed ;) How bout you, anything cooking over there?

I am feeling much better these past couple days. But, I guess we will find out tomorrow, right? I really, reallly, really, hope and pray that this is it for DH and me. He has already been talking to our little ninja turtle, so it better be listening, lol. For you ladies still kicking it in the 2WW with me, hang in there ladies, and please, let us know how it goes. Sweet dream ladies!
:appl: :appl: Glad to hear that your RE appt went well.
Sounds like you guys have a good plan starting the new year!
Hope your MRI comes back clean.

Good luck w/ the testing.
If not this cycle, next cycle would make a great story to tell your baby and the grandkids ^.^

:appl: :appl: I'm so excited for you.
I'm doing great over here. No cooking for Thanksgiving since we are going to my ILs and I'm not a cook.
Definitely doing some baking though ;))
Happy Monday morning to you all. Hopefully the day will fly by for you all!

Lili - OMG, baking, huh...Is there something you want to tell me? I really really hope that we can be BFP twins!

Charbie - You are too funny girl, your fart comments made me :lol: Btw, I totally hear you on the pee stuff. Whenever I start to drink more and pee, I'm like frequent urination, check! LOADS of jerkstore dust for you lady that you will get your early Christmas present!

Well, since I told you all I would test today, I thought I would pop in and let you know how it went. I don't want to say this too loud or totally alert the crowd yet, but I did get a slightly positive HPT. I actually had one yesterday too, but I thought I was going crazy, and didn't quite beleive it, so I waited until today to come out, so to speak. I apparently turned off my alarm yesterday, so I woke up an hour later than usual to test, and my temp had dipped close to cover line. I was a bit freaked out at first, b/c I thought I might be getting AF early. But, I decided that I was going to POAS anyway, b/c well, that's just what I do. I took the first test yesterday morning, and it was really faint at first, I was like maybe it an evap line. I decided to test again in the evening, so I held my sample for like 5 hours (OMG, it was painful, since I really do have to pee more) and that was just as faint positive as the first, esp when I gave it a couple minutes. I didn't want to tell my DH yet, since I wanted to make sure that it was not just a fluke. So, I took another test this morning, and again, my slight BFP. i did tell my DH this morning, and of course is super thrilled, but we are, as most ladies say, cautiously optimistic. :bigsmile:

I am actually happy I got this earlier, b/c I will be able to get 2 betas done, the one I took this morning, and one on Wednesday, before leaving for Thanksgiving. I should hear back from my doc about my HCG levels around 2 or 3. I am guessing it will be around 15 or 20 (based on my pee stick color), but this will also be good to know just how sensitive those things are. I will let you all know what they say once I hear. But, I ask that we all tread lightly, until I get a second beta with good levels. Thank you ladies again for all your dust, b/c I know that it really made the difference ;))
Hearty congratulations honey, a well deserved (if faint) BFP. I wish you all the sticky dust in the world.
:appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl:
sticky dust, sticky dust, sticky dust!!! :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl:
Eeee!!! :appl: :appl: :appl:
Greatest news!! I'm beyond thrilled for you and your hubby.
Loads and loads of sticky cement for your little one!
Fingers crossed for increasing betas!!
Eeekkk.....So happy.
ETA: You sneaky girl you.
Got your faint BFP yesterday and hold out until today to tell us.
^.^ I'm happy to be baking w/ you. I'll share my story later
DC: squeeeeeeeeee!!! :love:

Steal: I am so very sorry to hear about the SA results...must have felt like getting hit with a truck. I continue to send you love and support as you guys decide how you want to proceed at this point!!! Just take some time, let it sink in....see how you feel after a bit, then devise your plan of action (or non-action, as it may be). Loads of hugs and hopes for peace and comfort headed your way.

Not much time to send individual messages right now, but I'm sending a blanket of baby dust over all!!! :bigsmile:
Lili: Oh my! Wow it really is BFP November. Wonderful sticky sticky dust to you. Congratulations :appl: :appl: :appl:

I am so delighted for our BFP ladies, esp you DCgator and love that you got your BFP for Christmas. It has been a long time coming and my goodness do you deserve it. I am praying for your little bean that he/she/they can hold on tight. Good luck and wishing you a wonderfully healthy 9 months. You too Lili!
Steal, I'm very sorry to hear the SA results weren't good. ;( I was so hoping for positive news. Everyone here has already given you sound advice and I agree with it all. The only thing you can do is give your DH time to process this news. Do you think he'd be up for a second opinion? I really wish there was something I can do to help. Sending you lots of hugs and a virtual shoulder to cry on, 'J'.

DC and Lili, OMG, YES, YES, YES!!! :appl: :appl: :appl:
Wait. I am confuzzled. Did lili make an announcement?
I'm confused with all the baking and "baking" too:-)

But, DCG, tons of sticky sticky baby cement for your little ninja turtle!
Steal: Just a note to you to say I am so sorry about the results of your hubby's SA and the stress it has put the both of you through. As many others have so eloquently said, the news likely came as a surprise, despite the history of unfortunate events that cannot be undone. I imagine once he gets over his hurt, the two of you will be able to make a good plan for moving forward. I am also now remembering that despite all of the morphology and volume odds, you did likely have a chemical pregnancy last month which means that something happened. Lots of HUGS to you! Once the dust settles, you will be able to figure out the next steps and we will be here to listen.
Thanks to ModernS, CDN, Lili, HOU and all who have been supportive. I can't talk about it now, esp with the BFP's. I am not going to be a downer on the thread. As I said, these pregnancies are long prayed for and so wonderfully deserved.
Hey ladies,

Bella, Dreamer, Houie, and Parrot - Thank you ladies so much for the happy thougths. Please keep em coming!

CDN - Thanks for the shout out. How are things going on your end?

DD - You didn't miss anything, no one made any other announcements yet. Yes, someone may be "baking" but that is up to them as to when they decide to announce it.

Lili - Thanks for the sticky dust, I think I need it, lol. Big SQUUEEE to you to (in my quiet voice) That would be so very awesome if we can share our journey!

Steal - Thank you soooo much for your kind words. I can't imagine how frustrating this situation may be for you right now, but I do appreciate you donning the happy face for me. Chin up lady, and hopefully DH will get on board with this so you can get your IUI BFP too!

MissJaxon - Any news?

Well, I heard back from the doc today. My HCG level was 17.7. The nurse was really cautious when telling me the number, but she kinda eased up when I told her I was only 11DPIUI instead of 14. So, while this isn't super strong, I am going to hope and pray like Nobody's business that our little ninja turtle starts to really dig in to me and get a firm and solid grip in there. So, pretty please with a cherry on top continue those happy thoughts and hopefully my numbers will have doubled (or so) by Wednesday. As for me, I am going to walk around with my toes, fingers, arms, and legs crossed uber tight until I get that 2nd beta, lol.

Thanks again to all of you for your support and I hope that I can share some more positive news in the coming days!

Oh, btw, quick update on the insurance thing. So some of you might remember that my insurance denied my IUI claim based on thier slightly skewed not "medically necessary" ideas. Well, I put together some great research and a pretty convincing arguement, if I do say so myself. After reviewing it all, they agreed, that based on my documentation, that the IUI is in fact medically necessary. So, I will be getting my thousands of $ spent on those 2 IUI's back too, WOOHOO!
Congrats (again)! Such great news. Cautiously excited for you and hoping for a fantastic rise on Wed. :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
lili?????????????????????????????????????? Story please!!
Dcgator: I am very impressed at your negotiations with the insurance company. :praise: I don't believe there is better news than your BFP and to get those thousands of $$ back into your bank account. I hope you get the cash back soon so you can go wild buying all things baby. What a great decision that second IUI was! Fingers crossed for a great beta on Wednesday. Good luck honey.
Oh my gosh, DC and Lili - tons of super sticky dust coming your way! Happy Thanksgiving indeed, ladies!!!!! :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl:
Just a very quick drive by...

Steal - Sweetie, I am *so* sorry to hear about your unfavourable news. :(sad I am sending oodles and oodles of hugs your way and a *BIG* ((((hug)))) to your DH too! You are an amazing strong woman and I hope that once the news sets in and you both have more time to heal you will take the time to revisit TTC and perhaps ART might be just what you need to get your miracle.

DCG - CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: I will keep my fingers, toes, eyes, and knees crossed for you girlie! Sending an infinite amount of sticky bean *DUST* your way!!! I am so beyond happy for you.

Lili - Congratulations!! I too am interested in hearing your story! ;)) I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving, just a baking away! Truckloads of sticky sticky *DUST* :bigsmile:

AFM - Well AF showed up at the end of a very neat and tidy 28 day cycle... so it is CD 3 here for me and still suffering from painful cramps. ;( Thank you all for thinking of me and sorry to keep you all wondering. It has just been one of those weekends..... :(sad

Hello to everyone I missed :wavey: , I will be back to catch up later. I hope the rest of you are doing well and again YAY! for 2 BFP in TTC 2.0!!! :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: I will be having a nice big latte tomorrow to celebrate for you ladies (since I don't drink alcohol :cheeky: ).
DCG That is a great beta for 11 DPO if I do say so myself 8) I am positive things will all work out and your next beta will be 1000. The first trimester is really a time of blind faith for all of us, not matter the road to getting KU, so just *enjoy* the fact that you are officially pregnant! I am wishing you wild and crazy ms starting tonight as it can be a sign of a strong pregnancy ;))
lili!!!! Bake away! Are you making a little pumpkin roll??? ;) congrats sneaky, adoreable thing you. Tell us the story when you're ready!!
Lili I missed the magic white print. So happy m'dear, cannot wait for your story!! 8)
Dreamer_D|1290474863|2775994 said:
Lili I missed the magic white print. So happy m'dear, cannot wait for your story!! 8)

This :love:
steal, I'm so sorry the SA didn't go well. I meant to post this sooner and have been thinking of you a bunch. sending supportive vibrations your way!

lili- congratulations!!! :appl: I couldn't be more happy for you! sticky dust to you!!!

hugs everyone,
lili- the suspense is killing me....share your story ;))
Congrats to the newly baking! (Love the white print!!)

OMG, the emoties in this thread are KILLIN' me!! I love you STEEL!!
Congrats Lili and Steel!!!
tiffanytwisted|1290488684|2776202 said:
Congrats Lili and Steel!!!

Silly TT, you mean Dcgator & Lili. ;))

I'm not even in the race anymore, never mind getting the gold.