
The Official TTC for 6 Months or More Thread

Interesting! I just looked at the SART reports for my new practice (not great) vs. others in my state. I am quite surprised by the differences. I wonder what accounts for the differences, and if there is really any statistical significance given some of the low numbers of attempts involved. Perhaps a conversation for my appointment tomorrow!?
Bright, I hope your leg is feeling better. Good luck at your appt on Tuesday. I think they should give you a free procedure for that embryo, and apologize up and down for their blatant lack of communication with you. I also don't think you should give up hope yet on becoming a mother. You are young. I became a mom for the first time at 41, and I can relate to how you feel now, but I really see a baby for you in your future. You will be an amazing mommy one way or another. You have endured a lot to become a Mom, and my heart goes out to you.
Bright, I hope your appointment goes okay today and you are able to get answers to all of your questions. I’m sad this has all taken such a toll on you emotionally as well as physically. I continue to send thoughts your way that somehow someway, you will become a mother. I just hope you do not give up on your dream unless and until you are confident that is the best decision for you and your husband. Let us know how the appointment goes.

LV, SB, tbaus and anyone else, I’m also keeping you all in my thoughts!

AFM, I wrote about this on the other thread, but I’m 10dpo and had some spotting, so I know AF is again around the corner. Not the end of the world I know, but I’m feeling a bit bummed about it all today and just coming to terms with the reality that we really can’t do this thing on our own without some help. I called to make an appointment with the NP, but I cannot get in until late September, so I guess we’ll just keep doing what we’re doing until then and be thankful for our healthy little guy.
JGator, thank you so much for your post. It gave me a lot of confidence for my appointment yesterday & hope for the future. I guess I'm not quite out of the game yet, but my RE did mention yesterday that I don't seem to be doing quite as well in this process as most women of my age.

Skippy, thanks!

MP, thanks, dear. I've been thinking a lot lately about other ways to approach parenthood. I haven't quite given up on the idea of a biological child (& DH really hasn't), but starting to focus on other options tends to make me more optimistic than spending all of my time thinking about something that may or may not happen.

I'm sorry about the spotting, but I'm glad to hear you made an appointment with your NP. It always feels good to take action! I hope you can enjoy the rest of the summer, knowing that help is on the way next month.

LV, thanks for your thoughtful post. This has taken longer than I expected to write, so I'm going to have to come back & respond to you in depth later. (Hopefully later today.)

Hi to everyone else!

afm, my appointment went well yesterday. My doc apologized about what happened this cycle in regards to the frozen embryo & lack of communication about the transfer options. All of this happened after he left for vacation & he said it would not have happened this way on his watch. He said he would ensure that we were not charged for any costs related to the frozen embryo (freezing, storage, etc.) & that they would keep it for us as long as we liked. He also offered to do a frozen transfer of the embryo for us & said he thought he should be able to do that with no cost to us as well. I asked about the possibility of doing that transfer in conjunction with an IUI cycle (either clomid or injectables) to give us a slightly better shot & he said that would absolutely be possible. So I think that will be our next step, assuming we can bill the IUI to our insurance & that my RE's office will assume all costs related to the embryo thaw & transfer. I don't think there are good odds of success with this plan, but I can't in good conscience just give up on that embryo. At least this will be less invasive for my body & wallet than jumping into another IVF cycle. (However, my doc confirmed what I was feeling about this embryo. He said it's unlikely that it's normal since it didn't expand to blastocyst stage until day 6.)

My doc also said that it's unlikely that I have nerve damage from the progesterone shots & that the issues I've been having with my leg should heal in time. He also said that we can use progesterone cream rather than the PIO shots for future cycles, which is really a relief. He said the shots have just been around a lot longer & many RE's just go with the tried & true protocol, but studies have shown the cream is just as effective as the shots.

My doc also said if we were to do another IVF cycle in the future, he would recommend a different protocol starting with a lupron suppression stage. He said that we only retrieved about half of the follicles that could've been viable because they were growing at such different rates.He thought that adding the lupron to the cycle would help them all mature at the same rate.

So, that's the news. I feel relieved about my leg and that my feelings about the cycle have been validated. I'm also happy that we have a plan to move forward in a less invasive way.
Bright - I'm liking your RE more now! It's great that he took ownership of the situation. Everything you mentioned sounds very reasonable. I'm glad to hear that it sounds like your leg issue is not as severe as you thought, and also that there's an alternative you can use. Also, good to hear that he would change the protocol, if you were to do another IVF cycle.

I'm really not one who should be giving advice about dr's anyway! I've decided to switch back to my prior RE, after all. I really liked him. I just wasn't too keen on the nurse situation, and thought it would be better to go to a place with multiple doctors. I've concluded that more doctors is not really better if you do not like the one you have to see!! So, that's that. (Oh, and turns out he has an email/records system now too.)

MP - Sorry to hear about AF. How many months will you have been trying before you see the NP? Do you think you will have to go through any repeat testing? I half-regret that I consented to a sono-HSG (which was normal), because I really questioned whether it was necessary, but was advised that it was. I say half-regret because I suppose it could have turned up something . . . just because it didn't doesn't mean it wasn't necessary. Sigh.
Hi Ladies,

Mind if I jump in the pool? For those of you who don't know me, I am an "unexplained infertility" one who is also an IUI graduate, having done two procedures, the first with Clomid only and the second with Clomid and FSH to get my beautiful daughter (who will be 2 on Sunday :love: ) For those who I do know, (hi LV :wavey: ), its nice to see/talk to you again, but sorry we have to meet here.

At any rate, we are 4 months in to trying for a second, and seeing as how we aren't having much luck, I think the unexplained fertility thing is a safe bet, so we are back to ART methods. So, I had a consult with my old RE practice and after a very nice conversation, she recommend using the protocal that worked for me again (IUI w/ Clomid and FSH) and we should be good to go. That being said, I have since moved from where I used to live and my AWESOME RE practice, so she said although it's possible to do it, its pretty cost prohibitive to do the monitoring here and procedure there, so she recommended finding a local practice to do it :(( . So DH and I went to a consult with another practice yesterday. Unfortunately, all I can say is, what an a**hole. OMG, I feel like I had to defend my decision to have IUI years back, and he made me feel awful. At one point when I was disucssing my reasons for going IUI with injectibles, and the stress with the whole situation when we were struggling, he made some comment about how "stressful" it would be to come home with triplets, and how would it make my daughter feel. What a jerk, I mean ok, you obviously feel strongly about not using injectibles, but seriously, do you need to make me feel like a bad parent too? That whole experience just shook me up and I felt awful after. The worse part it, where I am, this is the biggest RE practice, and the other ones are kinda small/not really great, so I feel like I have to stay here. Despite the cost, I am almost tempted to just say screw it, and go back to my other practice, flights and all.

Anywho, so that's where I am now. I know we want to go back to ART since it worked, but I don't know what to do about the situation. Also, the guy was recommending we do Femera instead of Clomid. Does anyone have experience with Femera and/or know anything about how it compares to Clomid.

Thanks for listening ladies and I look forward to getting to know you all more as we all move forward in our journeys.
LV, yeah, I was pleased with how the meeting went. My RE totally took ownership of the situation & basically offered everything I wanted before I asked for it. (Also, he didn't charge me for the appointment, which was nice.) I was also really relieved to know that I wouldn't have to use the PIO shots again. Yikes! I think liking your doctor & the overall efficiency of the practice makes a big difference in the your experience. And that's great that your old RE has an email records system.

And from your last post...

Yes, I'm still seeing an acupuncturist. (Though I had to take a few weeks off during my IVF cycle because I was on a blood thinner & bruised too much with the needles.) I don't know if it's making a big difference in my health or not, but I find it relaxing & I like chatting with my acupuncturist, so that's probably reason enough to keep going.

And regarding the SART reports, I did check them out at several clinics in my area. My clinic posts their stats online, but doesn't report to SART. (I too have heard that the stats might not be that valuable since they're self reported & not verified in any way.)

As for parenthood in general, I think we could make it happen for us in some way, but I'm becoming less & less confident that a biological child is possible. I probably have another cycle or 2 in me, but beyond that, I might start to look at other options. I've had a number of health issues crop up since going off the pill/starting TTC, so time is of the essence.

I hope you get more clarity on the TB situation soon.

dcgator, welcome back! Your daughter is just adorable!
It seems like repeating the protocol that worked last time is a very reasonable thing to do. I'm so sorry your first visit with the new RE went so poorly. If this is the only practice in your area that's an option, could you see a different doc in the practice? This is such a stressful & emotional process that it really helps to be seeing a compassionate doctor & this guy doesn't sound like he fits the bill at all.
I have no personal experience with femara, but I have a friend who tried it with a trigger & timed BD & got PG the first time. I think femara doesn't think the lining like clomid can & some report fewer side effects when compared to clomid.

Good luck & keep us posted on your journey!

MP, tbaus, SB, I hope you guys are well.

afm, I'm wondering about egg quality & if there's anything I can really do to increase it. Also I'm wondering how the fertility meds affect egg quality. I'm taking royal jelly already & have virtually eliminated gluten, diet coke & milk & greatly reduced sugar in my diet & I usually exercise 5x a week (or at least 3). I'm 38, though, and apparently not doing great in this department even for my age. :blackeye:
Hi all! Sorry to have disappeared for a while, the move kept me busy. But we're mostly settled back in now and I'm enjoying being back in the USA and seeing family and friends.

Bright, I am so glad that your doctor is making things right. I don't know much about egg quality, unfortunately, but it sounds like you are already doing quite a bit. How is your leg feeling?

DCgator, welcome! Sorry that your doctor was such a jerk - how can a RE not understand that injectibles are necessary for some women who don't respond to other drugs? I second Bright's suggestion of trying to find another doc in the practice. I also don't have personal experience with Femara, but it's something that I plan to ask my RE about when we have our follow-up appointment in a few weeks.

MP, sorry that you are feeling bummed about AF. It is hard to realize that you can't just have timed BD like a regular person. I will keep my fingers crossed that the NP can get you on track quickly, and that you can relax and enjoy the next couple of months without worrying about it.

tbaus and LV, hope you're both doing well.

AFM, I had my first appointments with my RE this week. I really like him so far, he seems very caring, joked around with me during the sonohysterogram to help me relax (and said my DH owed me jewelry for not coming along to hold my hand - he must know about PS!), and clearly explained what he was doing and seeing at each step. He confirmed I have PCOS, but everything else looks anatomically normal. Now we're waiting on the testosterone and AMH results for me and the semen analysis for my DH, and we have a follow-up appointment in a few weeks to get our treatment plan. Barring any unforseen findings, the RE said he expects to go with injectibles again, but in higher doses because I was underdosed by my previous gyn (which I already suspected). I also want to ask him about Femara.

Question for those of you who have taken injectibles - what did you tell work when you needed to be out for all the appointments and monitoring? I have always been pretty healthy, so I don't think it will go unnoticed that I'm ducking out frequently. I've been planning to tell my boss that I'm having some health issues that require the doctor's appointments, but I'm curious how others have handled this.
DCG - It's nice to "see" you again, though of course not the circumstances that bring you here. Gosh, I will third the suggestion to find a new dr in that practice. Either that, or I would look into the other local practices. What's with all the mean REs lately??? I mean, is it really that hard to at least pretend to have a little empathy? I don't even expect genuine empathy any longer, so fake empathy would be enough for me at this point! I think it probably happens with some frequency that patients switch from one practitioner to another in the same practice, so I would just explain that you want to schedule with a different doctor when you schedule your next appointment. I wouldn't even go into detail re: why. Oh, quick question -- did this RE tell you that he would do any repeat testing like the sono-HSG?

Oh, and my the second RE I went to (the one I am now switching from) was critical of one of my IUI cycles. She said that she would have reduced the follistim dose because I had too many large follicles (it was 3!) So I asked, pointedly, if she was saying she would cancel an IUI cycle with 3 dominant follicles. She said no, absolutely not, but that she would tell me about the risks of multiples and mark my chart that she had that discussion with me. What is the point of even criticizing my prior doctor if she would do the same thing anyway? And the irony of it all is that I didn't conceive that cycle anyway! Uggh.

Bright - I was doing acupuncture the first time around. I LOVED going. I really liked her too, and also liked talking to her. I do not think I will go again this time, at least not yet, because I had a less than pleasant experience when I went to her prior to being induced. I went in hopes that the acupuncture would bring on labor when I was like 7 and 8 days past my due date. It didn't work, haha. She also hooked me up to some electrical machine, so I could feel the little currents that were attached to the needles, which completely freaked me out. Never had that before, and wondered whether it was safe for the baby! Anyway, I was really disappointed it didn't work because I did not want to be induced.

With all of that said, I did notice some very real changes physically when I had the acupuncture while TTC'g. I kind of hate to even write about this because it's so TMI, but I used to have a lot of clotting during AF. A Lot. After 3 months of acupuncture, one day per week, there was virtually no clotting. And, it hasn't returned, so I take that as a good sign. Anyway, I really and truly believe that it helps, though it may not work for everything (i.e. inducing labor!)

Can I ask -- were they able to do any testing when you had your m/cs? I guess I'm asking in relation to what you said about egg quality. Is there any reason to think there is an egg quality issue? I know what you are saying -- it's best to do everything you can to improve your chances wherever possible, but was just wondering if there was anything specific to cause you concern.

Did your dr ever comment on what are the chances of success for IUI vs. IVF? I know IVF odds are better, but by how much?

SB - Glad to hear that you like your RE! As far as work, I was able to go to most of my appointments before work. I think the office I just left also had appointments (for blood work and maybe u/s) starting at 7 am. Even when I had my IUIs, I was able to go to the dr's office and make it to work on time. I personally wouldn't tell anyone anything. I would just say I have an appointment tomorrow morning and may be in a little late. Every work place is different though, so more details might be necessary where you work?
Bright, good to hear from you. I'm glad your RE was apologetic. How is your leg feeling? When do you think you might try IUI/IVF again? I think we probably all have a combination of good and bad eggs stored in our bodies as we get older, and you just need to get lucky that a good one is ovulated or retrieved by an RE. I wonder if an RE can do any further testing on the eggs or do they just test embryos? I am hopeful for you.

SB, when I saw an RE for the monitoring with Clomid, they had office hours early in the AM where you just dropped in and it was first come, first served so I was able to do that before work.
Hi ladies! It's been almost 2 weeks since I last posted. Forgive me as I go back....

MP- Thanks for the hugs! I also questioned why I was starting clomid in the middle of a cycle. Basically they told me that my hormone levels were about the same as if I was in the menstrual phase of my cycle (just without the fun bleeding part) so that's why they got me to start straight away instead of waiting for CD1. I'm actually CD4 today (unfortunately with the fun bleeding part this time) so we'll see how it goes this month. Also, I'm sorry to hear AF is on her way! September isn't too far away, I hope you can find some peace knowing that you will get all the help you need soon.

SB- I know the frustration of irregular cycles. Big hugs to you! I'm glad your move went well. It seems like your RE is on the ball, so I have my fingers crossed that it is a short ride for you from here on out. Did you already know you had PCOS? I hope you have a milder form, with less side effects than I (or Bright) has had.

Lv- Thanks for the info re: TB and Vitamin D. I'm pretty sure they tested for my Vitamin D recently so that shouldn't be a problem. I might ask the nurse tomorrow about TB though. My leg has been worrying me for almost 3 weeks now, the GP thought it may have been a pinched nerve, and told me to come back in a month if it was still causing trouble. The only real relief I have had from it was when I saw my acupuncturist last week, it was pain free for a few hours after. But last week AF came and miraculously it has been much better (but still a little painful)! I can't help but feel that is too coincidental and it must have been caused by all the changes going on in my body atm. Also, yay for a good AMH result! I hope this is your month.

Bright- I'm so glad your Dr apologised to you, and that you have come up with a plan moving forward. You are still in my thoughts every day. I'm glad to hear you say that somehow, someway, you will become a parent. I feel that way too. To answer your question: yes, I am on metformin. I will add a question about B12 to my list of things to ask the Dr next time. I know you said your Doc doesn't think it is nerve damage, but if you are still in a lot of pain (like me) I have found sleeping with a pillow in between my legs (if I'm on my side) or underneath my knees if I am on my back helps to relieve the pain. Also, your acupuncturist should be able to help relieve the pain, even if it is only for a little while. I also don't know how much acupuncture is actually helping me as yet, but I do feel good afterwards and I also enjoy talking to her. She usually explains to me what is going on in my body, something I find my RE and clinic nurse don't have a lot of time for. So I'll keep going, if only to have someone to talk about this experience with!

dcgator- welcome back! I echo everyone else, I would try and find another Dr at the same practice. I have no experience with Femera, sorry!

Hi to anyone else I missed! I hope you are all well.

So, like I mentioned above, I am now on CD4. AF arrived on Thursday, no spotting or anything in the days prior to indicate she was on her way. I did however have some breast tenderness that started about 5 days before that, so at least now I know that is one my pre-AF symptoms. Though to be honest I just felt horrible for the two weeks prior to AF- tired (in bed by 8.30pm every night), nauseous, hot flushes at night. I did take one pregnancy test the day before AF arrived, and it was clearly negative.

I used an online calculator to figure out that my last cycle (real cycle, from when AF last turned up) was 159 days. I started taking clomid on 9th July, which was CD130 (that's cycle day ONE HUNDRED and THIRTY). We never got a set O day from the blood tests, but AF arrived 30 days after taking my first dose of clomid. I'm hoping that's a good sign, and that maybe I did ovulate but we just missed it.

But now that I have started a new cycle, my RE has instructed me to start taking 50mg clomid again tomorrow (CD5-CD9). My first blood test will be the following Monday (8/19). I will be monitored using blood tests only, UNLESS my estrogen levels go way above normal, in which case I will then get an ultrasound so they can check to see that there are not too many follicles. We are also adding a trigger this time since I didn't have a proper LH surge last time.

Oh, but I also bought some OPKs after Bright asked me about them so I might give them a go this time as well. When do you ladies suggest I start using them? I know it's not really worth it since I am triggering this time but it might be worth it just to try it out. And it may be good to see 2 lines on a stick for once (even if it is the wrong stick)!!
Bright - I am glad your RE took ownership of that situation. If it is possible to do the frozen embryo transfer with an IUI that might be your best option. Sometimes the frozen embroys do not survive the thawing process, and if that happens, not all is lost and you have another shot. Also, my clinic did the a protocol similar to what you are on and the Lupron protocol. The Lupron protocol is the more "traditional" method. But it also has more side effects. However, a majority of the patients in my clinic seemed to be on that one (I only know because you have to take a class to lean the injections and my class was REALLY small, only 2 people). So I know of people who were on my protocol, and if they had an egg quality problem, were changed to the Lupron protocol for the next cycle. For some, egg quality improved just enough for success (which I guess is all that matters). So I would consider giving that a try before you give up IVF all together. Also, i just wanted to let you know, when it was embryo transfer day for me, my doctor came out with a list of my embryos. It was a quick and dirty list written on note book paper, but it had all my embyos, the number of cells, the grade, and they starred the 2 they were thinking of putting in. I didn't get to keep the list, but at least I knew what was going on. I would ask your doc if he could do that for you. Regardless, I hope you are feeling better.

dcgator - that doctor sounds like a jerk!!! I would try to get a different one for sure. I don't think injectables are unreasonable at all as long as you are monitoring and making sure too many eggs are not being made. I don't know anything about femera so I can't help you there. I just hope you find a different doctor who is willing to work with your situation.

shortblonde - depending on how early in the morning your RE does ultrasounds, you may not need to say anything. I am in the medical field, and we have a lot of people struggling with infertility in our group, so I just told them. I kind of had to because I have appointments myself, and I had to block a whole 2 weeks, and than reopen my schedule as my appointments were scheduled. I would just say you have a medical issue that you need to attend to. Good luck with your next cycle.

tbaus - good luck with the clomid. I did an HCG trigger with all my clomid cycles. But I never worried about doing an OPK. Once the shot is given, that is the same as having a positive OPK. We were given the shot in the morning, and usually told to BD that night and the next night. Hope this helps!

AFM - I just took my last step in the process. We did the contract to put my frozen embryos in long term storage. They ask some pretty hard questions (what do you want to do with your eggs if your divorce...) so that was a fun discussion. But we got through it ok. We don't even know if we want any more children, but we are going to store them, and I gave myself 3 years to decide what to do with them.
Bright, I'm glad to hear your appointment was productive and that your doctor took responsibility for the mistakes that happened and lack of information you were given. I'm also glad to hear that you have a couple of different options going forward and that the doctor has ideas about how to change the protocol. I continue to stay hopeful that one of these days, all of the pieces are going to fall in place for you and you will conceive a healthy baby. Keep us posted.

LV, I need to figure out how long we have been trying. I think it has been 4-5 cycles now, and I will probably have another two cycles before the appointment. I have no idea whether they are going to make me go through all of the testing again. It would seem a bit unnecessary since it has only been about 1.5 years since I got pregnant and 10 months since Ev was born, but who knows. I may put a call into the nurse for my NP to find out if there is anything I should try to schedule before seeing her in about 1.5 months. (I may also use that as an opportunity to see if I can somehow get in sooner, although I doubt it). What's the next step for you?

DC, hi. Sounds like we are in a similar boat. I conceived my son on my first cycle of clomid/IUI, and I seem to be having the same unexplained fertility issues again. Sorry to hear you are struggling to conceive again, and sorry to hear your RE was so abrasive. I hope you are able to find a workable solution.

Hello to everyone else!
Thanks all for the feedback about work - I would rather do my monitoring in the morning before going in to the office, so I hope that's an option.

tbaus, good luck with the Clomid this cycle! I've never been officially diagnosed with PCOS before, but I've always suspected that I had it. But I do think I have a milder form.

MP, LV, dcgator, Bright, hope you're all hanging in there.

AFM, not much new to report, we're just waiting for our follow-up appointment. I've been working remotely for the past 9 months and now that I'm back in the office, four people have commented about checking out my tummy to find out if I came back pregnant...which has been a little depressing. People just don't think when they say these things. But on a happier note, we had some friends over tonight and my DH was so cute playing with their toddler all night. My heart melted a little and I hope he gets to be a dad soon!
Hi ladies,
I've decided to make nest here. I hope you have room for one more! AF is here yet again and she made an entrance with two things:
1. A hammer - she's pounding on my back!
2. A bag of sugar - mega sugar cravings this month.

I will now familiarize myself with you gals. I feel a bit strange.
What you need to know about me is that we are trying for baby no.2. Just like last time it is a challenge. I am 36 & hubby is 44.
No.1 is a cute toddler of 1.8 months (actual age), 1.5 corrected age. He was born 3 months prematurily at 26 weeks. My miracle baby boy! At first I was too scared to go down the path again, as my 1st pregnancy experience was horrible but I have been blessed with a gorgeous baby boy and tremendous support from the NICU so I've decided to put all bad experiences behind me and have faith that our second pregnancy will be easier. It's worth it!

I wish you all luck! We're hopeful together.

Hi Ello, That's an amazing photo. Such a miracle little boy. We've been chatting in the other thread, and I forgot to ask. How many months before you conceived your son? I do think like you said, it's just a matter of time, and waiting it out. I am not patient at all, but really trying to go with the flow this time around. Hope your stay here is super-short!

ShortBlonde, Yes, people really have no clue! They will be all over you to have a second after you have your first too! I have become more skilled in changing the subject FAST. When is your follow-up apptmt?

MP, Re: follow-up testing. I was really annoyed at the repeat sono-HSG that the other (I'll start calling it the hospital RE for clarity!) RE ordered. When I met with my current/former RE, he said he orders ALL new testing, including the HSG. Huh. I guess it's possible for there to be issues, so they just want to make sure everything is a-ok before proceeding with treatments, but yeesh, so I will be curious what happens when you go to your appointment. My RE did say he would skip the HSG for me (it would mean delaying another cycle), but that if nothing happens after two or three iuis, he's going to order one.

tbaus - How are you doing? It must be very frustrating to have such long cycles. I'm glad that you are getting treatment, and the monitoring you are receiving sounds very reasonable. I hope this is your month!

DCG - You updated your avatar! Soooooo cute! What did you decide to do re: your RE?

Bright - I had a conversation with my RE about egg quality. I do not know whether I knew or fully understood this before, but I do not think I knew at all! Anyway, there was a recent news report about a local news reporter who had been TTC'g for 3 years (I think) and had multiple IVF attempts, never conceived, and then conceived naturally. The news went to a fertility doctor (one of the drs at the hospital RE, actually) for a one liner quote. He said, for women under 35, on AVERAGE one out of every four eggs is capable of resulting in pregnancy. I asked my RE about this, and he said, yes, on average, that's about right, and that most people do not realize that by age 40, that number is more like 1 or 2 out of every 10 eggs. I *knew* the idea with taking fertility meds was to produce more follicles, to produce more eggs, to improve chances of fertilization, but I don't think I ever really understood that some or all of those eggs might not be of sufficient quality. I have no idea how I never understood this, and am kind of embarrassed to admit it! :oops: Anyway, I am mentioning all of this in response to your point about re: improving egg quality. Curious whether you ever asked your RE about that?

How is your leg feeling?

A me update. I had an apptmt with my prior RE. He is so nice. We talked about the hospital RE. He suggested that they may not be entirely patient focused because they are also doing research and teaching. Makes sense, and may work for some people, particularly those that have never been to another practice or who have a lot of free time to sit around and wait for their dr to show up. Anyway, we talked about the TB. Apparently, I had a screening test, so now they need to determine whether I have just been exposed to TB, or if I have the potential to develop it. So, he sent me to my general physician to have a skin test, which I had yesterday. Results in two days. I may have to go for an x-ray (not happy about, but it is what it is) after this. If I have it, then I have to receive a round of antibiotics over the course of several months. Not happy about this prospect either. We delayed TTC'g because I had sinus issues that required surgery earlier this year. And, recovery was not a breeze. Lots of antibiotics, and steroids, and I still have sinus issues. So, the prospect of waiting another several months, at age 39, is not ideal. My RE also thought it was unlikely that I was exposed at the nursing home.

Assuming no TB, we will do an IUI next cycle (which will start in a few days, another negative this am), with a combo of clomid 50mg and follistim. RE said I had a slight lining issue on 100 mg of clomid (so he's reducing that) and the fact that I had residual cysts was a sign that I was on too high a dose of follistim, so we will do a combo cycle. Not sure how or when I take each, but I look forward to this very much! They do back to back IUIs, and I feel confident that I will conceive via IUI, if not this cycle, then eventually.
LV, you know, I had never really heard that about eggs either and how few of them are capable of producing babies. Makes it all seem very daunting! I hope you get good news about the TB thing, so you can just go ahead and do an IUI rather than waiting it out for a few months.

Thinking of everyone else!
MP, Yes, I know, and I truly hesitated to post that because it does seem very depressing, doesn't it? I was going to post about it way back when I first heard the news story, but kind of wanted to run it past a professional first! The last thing I want to do is give out misinformation on the internet!!! Definitely talk to your NP about it. For me, at least it explains why I didn't conceive that cycle where I had back to back IUIs and three eggs. And, I really wanted to emphasize on AVERAGE because we all know there are those girls who conceive every cycle they try!!
Loves Vintage|1376997932|3506419 said:
Bright - I had a conversation with my RE about egg quality. I do not know whether I knew or fully understood this before, but I do not think I knew at all! Anyway, there was a recent news report about a local news reporter who had been TTC'g for 3 years (I think) and had multiple IVF attempts, never conceived, and then conceived naturally. The news went to a fertility doctor (one of the drs at the hospital RE, actually) for a one liner quote. He said, for women under 35, on AVERAGE one out of every four eggs is capable of resulting in pregnancy.

Hi LV! Wow, that seems crazy! I don't know if I believe that, because why do so many lucky women seem to get pregnant on the first try? Seems like only a select few of us unlucky ones run into trouble. :(

Wishing you lots of luck TTC baby number 2! I hope it happens very soon for you. S would be a wonderful big sister!

DUST to everyone!!!
Oh my goodness LVintage if I lived closer to you I would definitely run over with a huge box of homemade chocolate chip cookies. Do you have milk? I can't believe you have so much on your mind. You poor thing!!! Huge hugs! I hope everything will work out just right for you and the sooner the better. You know I must say that I'm so happy that I decided to reach out for support & chat. I was hesitant because it's such a private matter. It helps me to stay grounded & chipper.
Thank you ALL!
Laila619 - my point exactly. I've never really understood or dare I say believe, that some woman claim they got pregnant on the first try randomly & accidentally without planning it or knowing anything about their cycles. I mean come on!!! :rolleyes:
Ello - You're so sweet! You'll be happy to know that I just had a Talenti Dark Chocolate Sea Salt Caramel pop. Hee-hee! I'm glad you are feeling good about chatting with us.

Laila - I probably should have clarified that they were referring to the 30-35 age bracket. I know I said under 35, but I should have said over 30 and under 35. Thanks for the TTC luck!
LV- almost answer your question.

Baby No.1 was 8 months in the "making" BUT I was never on birth control since I met my then boyfriend/fiancé and now husband of 11 years. We never focused on having children at the time, we were having fun - I did not realize that I had difficulties in the area until we were ready-ready to have children about 8 years into our relationship. I should have known that it was many years of "winging it". I had a ferility clinic in mind but just before I could make the appointment, it worked for us. I was elated! So in reality even though it was only 8 months I should have known something was up prior if that makes sense. NOW, giving birth at 26 weeks is an entirely different scary situation. They don't know why I went into labour so early. I will be watched more carefully (high risk pregnancy) the next time. I am nervous to carry again but I adore my baby boy and feel ready to try again. After I had my baby had thought that I would never have the strength to try again but it is amazing how time & love can strengthen your heart & mind.
SB- Hugs to you, lady! I've been there. DH and I went travelling last year/early this year and everyone expected me to come back pregnant. But the funny/sad thing was no one said anything to us for months because they thought we were waiting to be in the 'safe zone' before announcing it. Turns out my 'baby belly' and 'pregnancy glow' was just from being on holidays for 8 months. :tongue:

Welcome Ello! You photo really warms my heart- you look so happy. I hope your stay here is short. How long have you been trying this time around? I don't read the other threads so forgive me if you have already covered this.

LV- One in four, wow, those are scary numbers! It sound like you are going through a lot at the moment. I hope you get good news and are able to move forward with IUI next cycle.

MP, Bright, and anyone else I missed- I hope you are all well.

AFM, CD14 today. Had bloods taken this morning and my E2 was 519, which the nurse didn't sound too happy about. But I went back a few pages in this thread and last cycle four days after my last dose of clomid my E2 was 600, so I think my body may just be a tad slow to respond. I think I read somewhere too that clomid can delay ovulation, has anybody else heard that? I go for another blood test on Friday, hopefully it has increased by then. I think at around 1000 I will get the trigger. Really wish they did ultrasounds instead of relying solely on the blood tests!
tbaus, I can't help you on the bloodwork because I don't have any experience with that, but I do remember reading that most people ovulate about 5-9 days after the last dose of clomid.I wonder why they don't just do an ultrasound to see how many follicles you have and how big they are. I hope you hear good news on Friday!

ello, wow, that must have been scary to have your son born so early, but I'm so glad to hear he is doing well.

LV, the month I conceived Ev, I had 3-4 large follicles, but only ended up with one baby. It makes sense when you think about why most doctors want you do medicated v. unmedicated IUIs. I'm sure those of us who have trouble conceiving have more than our fair share of "bad eggs" and bring the average down.

Bright, how are you holding up these days? Sending good thoughts your way my friend!

SB, argh, it stings when you are TTC and people ask you about babies. I'm sure they mean well, but that doesn't make it any easier. I'm lucky that I can usually sneak out of work for an appointment without giving too much information about where I'm going, but it does make it easier if you can plan appointments for early morning.

AFM, I called the NP's office to see if there were any tests I could get out of the way before my appointment in late September, and I'm so glad I did. Her nurse called me this morning and said that I should come in for CD3 bloodwork next cycle (which is less than two weeks away) and possibly start clomid at the same time. So, it looks like we are going to get started back with all of this sooner rather than later. In the back of my mind, I worry that we might not be as lucky as we were last time around, but trying to be optimistic.

I wanted to let you know I check in from time to time, but not as often as I once did. I still think of you often and continue to pray those who want to parent and who would do so well will be blessed with children.

The wait is hard, I will remember the heartache of cycles come and gone forever. BUT, more than that is the joy that comes with meeting your baby, then getting to know her, then learning what it means to love with all you are. It is truly amazing and I would do the wait all over again for my darling daughter. No doubt!

So ladies, keep the faith. :)
Truer words couldn't be put on a onesie (worth the wait)! :bigsmile:

Ah, she's cute sideways, too. :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
She is so adorable - pure joy!!!!
Hey Ladies,

Thanks so much for your kind words and advice. I really appreciate the moral support :bigsmile:

Bright - Thanks for the support, thankfully I am happy with a new doc, so that is a relief. I'm sorry to hear about your issues, but hopefully this next cycle could be it for you. Big hugs and please let us know hwo it goes.

Shortblonde - Nice to meet you. I apologize for not getting up to date on your background, but it sounds like you are in good hands with your RE, even with the PCOS. I have done injectibles before (Follistm) and found that at least with my old practice, they had great hours, so you could come in at 7:00, do you blood and monitoring, and be on your way before work. Hopefully your office has some convenient before work scheduling too. I am so sorry about the colleagues. Ugh, I know people don't mean it, but everytime I heard, oh you aren't pregnant yet, well just keep trying, it will happen, I wanted to slap someone, lol. :devil:

LV - Hello my dear, lovely to see you again. Thanks for the hints and sharing your story. And thanks for the pic comment, she has gotten so big, eh? How is your little one doing? So sorry about the possible TB issue, but I will send lots of dust that you don't have it and won't have to loose any more time :halo: Assuming everything is all good, I wish you lots of luck on your upcoming IUI cycle. I'm not sure what your exact protocal calls for, but when I did Clomid and Follistm, I was Clomid on days 3-8 and Follistm on days 10 and 12 ( I think). I also triggered very soon after that. The injectibles seemed to do the trick for me, so I wish you lots of luck! Btw, I think we may be cycling very close to each other this time :bigsmile: , yeah for IUI buddies!

Tbaus - Hi there, nice to meet you as well. Sorry to hear about the less than stellar E2 levels, but hang in there. And yes, I do believe Clomid can delay O in some people. I wish you luck at your appt on Friday and hope you get the green light for triggering! Are you doing IUI too or just meds? Good luck with everything and let me know if you have any questions :wavey:

LtlFirecracker - Thanks for the words of advice. Excuse my ignorance, but you said you froze some eggs, so did you just get done with some IVF and had leftovers, or were you storing for a procedure yet to come?

Monkeyprincess - Nice to see you again, but so sorry that we are in the infertility boat. Glad to have such wonderful shipmates though, lol. Glad to hear that you called your doc and got the green lights for pre-testing, so that hopefully you will be spared another month of waiting. Are you plans eventually to go back the IUI route?

Ello - Welcome to the bunch. We are more than happy to help out a follow TTC'er in need of some support :wavey: . Regarding your first baby, WOW, that is amazing. I would definitely be scared too, but seeing as how you have a beautiful little baby, I can't imagine you wouldn't want another one. So are you guys going to try the ART route, or are you still trying au nautural for a bit more? Either way, lots of luck to you!

Fisher - How lovely to see you my dear! I often do think of you too, and the wonderful gift you were finally blessed with (She is too cute!). You are truly an inspiration to all of us and a model of hope and perserverence. All the best to you and your family!

AFM - So after my awful meeting, I called the nurse from my old practice and told her what happened, and also asked about Femera. She was awesome and told me not to listen to the mean Dr. and have some wine (which was very cool of her), but also told me that they don't use Femera, except for its prescribed use (for Cancer patients), so I think I am going to avoid it. I also scheduled an appointment with another doctor in the practice with Dr. J*rk. I am happy to report that the other doctor in that practice, thank God, was very sweet and nice. She didn't try to push one drug or the other (Clomid vs Femera), though she prefers Femera, she said Clomid was fine. She was also ok with me doing injectibles on my second IUI, if needed, and didn't give me any slack. As opposed to the other doctor, she recommended that I get an HSG done this cycle, but as long as I don't have any abnormalities, I can still do the IUI with this cycle too. So, I am all set to start with an IUI cycle with Clomid only, probably next week (awaiting AF in the next couple days). Wish me luck and I will keep you all updated ;))