
The Official TTC for 6 Months or More Thread

Wahoo, Tbaus!! That's such a great line! :appl:

Mp, I am sorry you didn't have a great IUI experience. At least you know you did what you could this month and you found the infection; who knows, maybe it's the infection that's holding things up and now you know and can get rid of it!

And it doesn't sound ungrateful at all; I've always pictured myself with a whole houseful of kids. If that's not in the cards for us then I think I'll have to grieve for the loss of that dream. It won't make me, or you, any less grateful for the life and kids you do have, it's simply an adjustment- a sad one- that does have to be made in your own mind. Hopefully, no one here will have to make that adjustment! You never know what's in store for you, but I don't believe that your family is going to stop at 3.

I don't know about getting results; I assumed that I wouldn't get any results until after the second test. I did specifically ask about CD21 vs. DPO7 and the midwife said first they want actual CD21 because she's looking for a progression or change in the levels over a specific period of time. Or something like that. I probably will have O'd by then, but it probably won't be a full 7 days.

I'm waiting to hear back from the office about an SA appointment for DH. Hopefully we can get it out of the way in the next week or so before it gets too crazy closer to Christmas. Then I'll have my next bloodtest on Christmas Eve and we'll be all set to move forward with whatever steps are next in January!
Thank you BrightSpot, LV, MP and aviastar! I am definitely feeling the love.

BS- Thanks! I'll post an update below. In response to your question re:femara/letrozole- This was my first cycle on letrozole (I just used the pharmacy brand because no one near me had any of the Femara brand). Like I mentioned in my previous post I took 2.5mg for 10 days from CD6-CD16- I was late starting because the Dr and my schedule clashed, ideally she likes to do it CD2-CD12. I think MP mentioned though that her research showed it was usually only taken for 5 days? We're weird and all kinds of backwards down here in Australia :twirl: Anyway I was monitored for about 10 days afterwards and after my blood tests showed I was not responding, they called it quits on the cycle. And as you saw, sometime after that I decided to ovulate myself. As for symptoms, I had a headache for a few days, and I slept pretty bad too. That could have all been from the stress I was under at the time too. I'm not sure what I would do in your situation, but I will say after they called this cycle a dud and cancelled monitoring I was relieved to be having Christmas off.

LV- Thanks for sharing in my excitement! Yeah, I think I just wanted the nurse to give me some sort of confirmation, and she wasn't having a bar of it! She was much happier when she spoke to me today though. I've just gone back through the last few pages of the thread and caught up. I'm sorry to read your story :(sad Big hugs to you. And yes, we all forget about the extra hormones in our system, don't we? I understand your breakdown over going your RE's office 5 times- in one of my previous cycles because I was responding so slowly I think I had to have a blood test 8 or 9 days in a row?! Not fun! Fingers crossed your IUI is successful!

MP- I am still in shock that after everything I went and ovulated on my own! I can't even begin to comprehend it. I felt the same about all the road blocks and what they might be telling me- in my head I was already imagining life without kids and was pretty much set to not try again next year. I think in the end though I would have regretted it. I think in situations such as these we have to know in our hearts that we gave it a good try (and that may mean different things to different people) before we can let go. Do you feel like you have given it everything you've got?

aviastar- Sorry to hear about your painful welcome back into the world of no birth control! Fingers crossed all your tests come back normal.

SB- Fingers crossed for a successful IUI cycle.

dcg- thanks for popping in and keeping an eye on us :wavey:

RT- Welcome! Sorry to hear about your double whammy of PCOS and endo. I also have PCOS with insulin resistance and have found a good diet and exercise combined with the metformin have helped significantly. Just getting those first few weeks on the metformin was the worst though! I'm happy to answer any questions you may have. I hope now you have been diagnosed the problem can be corrected and your stay is short and sweet!

Hello to anyone else I missed! I apologise if I missed anyone, there was a lot to catch up on.

AFM, the nurse called back later yesterday evening and asked me to go for a QHCG blood test (which I think is what you guys call 'betas'). I went first thing this morning and then at about 2pm this afternoon got a very exciting phone call from the clinic. The nurse put me on speakerphone and announced that she, as well as my Doctor and my old Doctor had some very good news and that my results showed that I am 4 weeks pregnant. QHCG was in the 400's, which is about normal for where they think I am (about 18DPO). It was very sweet, they are a small clinic so I think every time they have good news they all want in on the celebrations. The nurse actually got a bit teary (very different from the way she reacted yesterday) and told me she was proud of me for being so active in my health. I forgot to mention this earlier but since I started this journey with you all in July I have lost 6kg, which google tells me is just over 14lbs? Not much, but enough for someone with PCOS to make a significant difference. The phone call got me excited, but I soon returned to the nervous mess I have been for the past 36 hours. I don't know how you ladies who have been pregnant before can relax! I feel like I am jumping at every twinge I feel and running to see if I am spotting. And I am already talking myself off the ledge and trying not to buy another pack of those cheap internet pregnancy tests so I can test every day. I am going to check my betas again on Friday, and after that I will move from the clinic back to my regular GP. Like I mentioned I am a bit nervous and told the nurse I was not ready for them to leave me just yet, and she told me I need to relax and stay positive. I know you ladies all know that that is not easy. I'm scared to think when I will start to relax. Please, I'll take all the sticky dust you can throw at me.

So since I will be kicked out from one support group on Friday, I hope you guys don't mind if I hang out here for a little while longer, maybe until I see if my numbers go up again on Friday? Maybe by then a few more of you will have some good news and we can jump to the next ship together.

I just want to thank all of you ladies for all your support and well wishes. I know that despite all the troubles I have had in the past I have felt nothing but happiness when any of my fellow PSers announced their good news, and today when I read your posts I felt the genuine excitement you had for me. I hope to very soon be passing on those well wishes to all of you.

*Group hug*
TB, of course you can keep posting here as long as you like. Those of us who have been pregnant before understand completely what you are going through right now. You're excited and relieved that you know you can get pregnant, but now you have all sorts of new worries and fears about keeping the baby baking. Unfortunately, the first part of pregnancy is just a nervous time. The good news is that your bloodtest came back with good levels, so that's the first step. As you get more and more information that things are progressing normally, I'm sure you will start to relax. Sending you loads of sticky dust and calm and peace!

Aviastar, it feels good to start the testing process, doesn't it? I mean it's a pain, but you at least feel like you are doing something proactive. I hope that you are able to get some answers, or at least rule out certain problems. I guess it depends on what they are planning to test for on CD21. Normally, they like to test for progesterone on 7dpo to make sure you ovulated. I'm sure there is still information they can get from the bloodwork though. Just don't freak out if your progesterone seems a bit low or something if they test for it.

And thank you both for your kind words. I don't think I've reached my limit quite yet, but if after a few more IUIs, we are not getting any answers and not conceiving, I'm not sure how much more I'm willing to do. I don't think IVF is for me, so I'm not sure how much more can be done beyond the IUIs. I guess I could always work with an RE to do a full workup and see if they have any better ideas than the NP. What TB said about losing weight made me think. After having Ev, I dropped my pregnancy weight pretty quickly and was back to my regular size, but since then, my weight has slowly creeped up again, and I'm probably 10-12 pounds heavier than I was while TTC the first time. I used to have much more free time to work out and make healthy food decisions, but that is one thing I have let go while trying to juggle parenting and work. I guess that is one thing I should be working on, although I'm not sure if that will make much of a difference since I do seem to be ovulating on my own.
tbaus, congrats! Wishing you a healthy, sticky bean and hoping you are the first of many in this thread to get good news this month.

mp, we all have to find our own limits in this process and i think you'll know when you get there. I think Aviastar is right about grieving for the loss of a dream. Fingers crossed that your IUI was successful even if the process was rough.

aviastar, that's great that you have the testing starting - hopefully you'll have answers and plan soon. Your current pain sounds so tough, so I hope they can treat it soon.

lv, fingers crossed for you too! Your emotional breakdown is completely normal with all the extra hormones on board - I have a hair trigger some days and it's always a roller coaster.

bright, i'm in the same situation with not being able to be monitored next cycle due to our holiday travel. i think i'm going to ask about doing an unmonitored femara cycle and see if that flies - i don't really want to sit out a month and i figure i can come in for an u/s when we return and trigger a few days later than usual if i still haven't ovulated on my own. i also get headaches from the femara and it makes me a bit drowsy, so i take it at night. for some reason, i had an easier time this month with less headaches compared to the prior two months, so i'm hoping that means something good.

afm, not much to report now that i'm in the TWW. I was feeling really good about things late last week, but yesterday I was super weepy and down. Hormones are rough! I am going in for a 7DPIUI progesterone test tomorrow - we've never tested my levels post-ovulation and i wanted to verify that they're not a problem. It's probably fine (see weepiness!) but i will feel better knowing for sure.

Weight-wise, I have also gained about 5 pounds since we started medicated cycles in April, but I've had a hard time finding the motivation to lose them - I'm wary of setting another goal to fail at in addition to failing to get pregnant. I'm trying to do moderate exercise most days, only eat when i'm truly hungry (not as stress relief) and make the best choices that I can. I'm also giving myself permission to be imperfect and kind to myself...which usually means chocolate :)
Hi Ladies,

I haven't posted in a long time, so I'm going to try and catch up.

random_thought - I'm sorry about the endometriosis and PCOS but glad that your new RE was able to identify the problems and treat them. I hope you're feeling better now that you've had the laproscopy and are taking Metformin.

dcgator - Thanks for checking in and supporting us. I hope you're enjoying pregnancy and that your morning sickness hasn't been too bad.

BrightSpot - I'm so sorry to hear about the two year anniversary of your first pregnancy/miscarriage. My husband recently told me that he still thinks about our first miscarriage everyday. It was over three years ago. The fertility treatments seem to take forever, but then you're reminded of how quickly time passes. I'm glad that the St. John's Wort has helped to improve your mood. I've never used Femara, so I don't know if they would allow you to do an unmonitored cycle. I would think that they wouldn't want the liability of prescribing you Femara without being able to monitor you. With or without the Femara, I think you should go ahead and try this month. You never know, right? I hope you do end up going on vacation and are able to relax and enjoy yourselves for a little bit. Good luck at your appt.

shortblonde - Please don't get down on yourself about your weight or think of yourself as a failure b/c you're not pregnant yet. It's easy to get down on ourselves, but you're taking the steps you have to in order to have a successful pregnancy. I hope your progesterone results come back normal. Good luck to you!

aviastar - Goodness, that must have been so scary to faint. Does that happen often? Please take care of yourself. I really like your great attitude through all this and hope your results come back normal.

Loves Vintage - I'm sorry things were so rough for you. It's completely understandable though. I hope you enjoy these two weeks off from visiting your RE's office and you get a BFP!

monkeyprincess - I'm so sorry your IUI experience was disappointing. 90% motility is fantastic though, and it's good that you found out about the infection. Did you happen to be dehydrated or have an empty bladder when you did your IUI. My RE had a difficult time getting in my cervix one time. It was really painful, and I started bleeding. She looked at my bladder, and it was empty. She had me drink some water to fill up my bladder, and there was no problem getting in my cervix. I didn't even feel it. The thought has also crossed my mind that maybe all these obstacles are trying to tell me that I should stop trying. Then, I read an article by this journalist who was dealing with infertility. Her priest had actually told her that the church did not approve of "science babies." She wrote about the thought that maybe the universe was trying to tell her that it wasn't meant to be. She thought about it differently. She believed that if things could be fixed, they should be fixed. This woman and her husband were wealthy and didn't have financial limitations like most of us do, but I started taking her perspective after that. Good luck to you!

tbaus - Congratulations! I remember you saying you were slow to respond to the medication. I guess you were right!

Afm, I got all but one of my results back. I'm still waiting for one that had to be mailed, because the pictures don't fax well. There were a couple issues that I didn't expect. I'm waiting until my consult with the doctor and his suggested treatment protocol before I get too upset about it. My husband and I have already discussed the results, and we've agreed on our next steps. Sorry to be so vague, but I don't really want to go into the details on-line. In the mean time, I'm looking into gestational carriers as a back up. While the thought of not being able to carry our baby myself is heartbreaking, I know the goal is to have a healthy baby. If someone else can help us do that, I'm ok with that. However, we probably will have to wait another year if we need a gestational carrier since we've had to pay for everything out of pocket, and we've already spent a significant amount of money this year.
Brightlight, that's interesting you say that about the full bladder because I did read something about how certain doctors prefer full bladders for better success rates. My bladder wasn't empty, but it probably wasn't full. Last time when it didn't hurt, my bladder was full, so there must be something to it. The first IUI I had when I conceived my son, the IUI was horrible. I almost passed out for some reason - I think I was nervous, it was super uncomfortable, and I hadn't eaten that morning, and I'm almost positive I used the restroom right before the procedure. If I have to another IUI, I will definitely have a full bladder!

I'm sorry to hear that you found out a few things you weren't expecting from your test results. I hope that you are able to find a solution that works for you, whatever that ends up being.

That article sounds interesting. That is definitely the struggle I'm going through right now. Initially, I worried about pursuing an IUI and wondering if it was too unnatural or interfering with God's role in conception, but I obviously got over that, and do not take an extreme non-intervention stance. I think we all have different religious beliefs and comfort levels of what level of intervention and procedures we are comfortable with, and I completely respect everyone's personal decisions. It just seems like last time, once I started getting treatment, everything fell into place, and we conceived three months after I first saw the NP. This time around, I feel like I encounter a new issue or problem each cycle (too many follicles, too thin lining, cycles starting and stopping, work travel, not enough follicles, infection, lower sperm counts), which is why I'm starting to wonder if the universe is telling me "Not now." I'm not ready to give up, but part of me wonders if I need to take a break and re-evaluate.

I'm off for another trip for work today, but I just wanted to say hi to everyone and let you know I'm thinking of you, especially those of you in the 2ww.
tbaus, aw, that's so sweet that your doc's office called you on speakerphone to deliver the good news. Early pregnancy is certainly a nervous time, but I hope that your strong hcg number makes you feel a bit more at ease. Keep us posted on your second number on Friday & please do stick around here as long as you like. I'm always happy to see ladies graduate to jbp, but a little sad not to have their lovely company anymore. :wink2:
Also, keep me posted on how your hair does during the pregnancy. I hear that it does wonders for PCOS hair loss--I hope that's an added benefit for you!
Sending you a truckload of dust!

LV, I'm so glad you're feeling better! Fingers crossed for you...

random, I hope you're doing well.

MP, yeah, I'm not sure doing clomid or femara alone (without trigger and IUI) would do me any good either. I've actually never tried that since our first medicated cycle included an IUI. But it did sound more appealing than taking another month off.

About my DH's infection--they discovered the infection when my DH did a routine SA the day before we were scheduled to travel to Africa. (We were planning to start IVF as soon as we returned.) My RE kind of freaked us out about it, saying he needed immediate treatment & that, after treatment, we should wait 3 months to do IVF. We had to wait until our return for treatment & my DH saw another doc who gave him a round of antibiotics. I took a round too (kind of on my own, just to be safe, though I wish my doc had offered a culture). The second doc said that once the infection had cleared, there was no reason to wait to TTC. So I was unclear what was going on. But the infection hasn't resurfaced to my knowledge.

Also, I've definitely had thoughts (many) that maybe we just weren't meant to be parents. I do like aviastar's thought that if something's wrong, it should be fixed. And you're still young. If you want to take some time off to enjoy Ev & not worry about fertility stuff for a while, you can do that, then come back refreshed & ready to try again. (Though I certainly understand that once you're on the TTC train, it's so hard to get off!)

It is so hard to let go of the dream you had for your perfect family. Maybe your family won't be as big as you'd hoped, but I don't think you're going to be a family of 3 though. :)

aviastar, very well put in your post to MP. I hope you & your DH can get all of your testing done before Christmas so you can hit the ground running in 2014.

SB, hugs, honey. I really hope you don't need to do another cycle. The hormones really are rough, aren't they? I hope you're feeling better soon. Also I hope you're not beating yourself up about the weight issue. Between the medications & the stress, it seems almost unavoidable. Do take care of yourself.

brightlight, thanks, dear. My DH has actually just recently started talking about how sad this all makes him too. Before, he felt he couldn't really express his sadness because he wanted to be strong for me, but I've told him that it's ok (& better) if he tells me how he feels. I think he is just coming to grips that our odds really aren't good & it breaks my heart to see him so sad.
Big hugs to you. I'm so sorry that you're results were not what you expected/hoped. That must be so heartbreaking to think about not being able to be the person who carries your child. I'm glad that you & your dh are open to different options that might bring a healthy baby into your lives though.

afm, thanks to everyone who shared femara experiences with me. It's really helpful to get a sense of what to expect.

I asked my doc if we could do an unmonitored femara cycle this month & he said no (it was unsafe.) That's a bit frustrating since I've never had more than 1 follie on clomid, but I guess it's better to be safe than risk my health. But he did say we could do OPK's & TIC. :roll: So it looks like it'll be another month of waiting for us.

Also, I think today is 8dpo & AF seems to be here. :angryfire: So I have no idea what's going on with my LP. I usually don't get AF until 11dpo. I was (and am still) feeling some progesterone symptoms, (skin breakout, sore bbs, insomnia, etc) so this is a surprise.

The upshot is that we've planned a little trip after Christmas, so at least we can enjoy our time off & hopefully relax a bit.

Also, talking about weight...I think I've gained a few pounds on the fertility meds too. It is so hard to get the motivation to try to lose them & I admit to doing some self-medicating with comfort food. I would tend to think a few pounds wouldn't make a big difference, but I have come across some research that indicates that a small weight loss for PCOS patients can actually have a positive impact. And it seems we might have an example here... :appl:

I'm not sure if this is only for PCOS patients or everyone. (And if only for PCOS patients, if weight loss is helpful regardless of your starting weight.)

Anyway, I'm sorry I ramble. I hope 2014 is a good year for all of us.
MP- Thanks so much for the dust. I hope your work travel keeps your mind occupied a little bit during this 2WW. I'm sending lots of luck your way. I understand how you are feeling, I was devastated when this cycle was cancelled. I felt like it was another year finishing with me still not being pregnant. I know it is going to happen for you, you just need to get over "the hump", so to speak.

SB- Good luck with your 2WW as well. How did your 7DPIUI prog test go?

Brightlight- I'm sorry the news was not what you were expecting. But I'm glad that you are already in a place where you and your DH are able to talk about a back up plan if you need it. Hugs to you, I know you must be hurting.

BS- Thank you for the dust! I am so excited about even the idea that my hair should grow back. When I first started being seen to at my clinic the Doc told me that I would never feel better than when I am pregnant, because my oestrogen levels will finally be higher than my testosterone levels. I'm starting to wonder if she is right, because I am feeling great! Mind you, in that same appointment she told me that getting pregnant would be the easy part, it was keeping it that I would struggle with. :rolleyes: Sorry to hear AF arrived early, what a bee-ach! Isn't it frustrating that just when you come to rely on something it goes and changes on you!? So annoying!

AFM, I hope I haven't made you all start worrying about your weight! Just a bit of background info that I don't know if I have shared before (sorry for the novel, I never realised how wordy I am before!): My PCOS and Insulin resistance went undiagnosed for about 6 years I think. At age 19 I all of a sudden started putting on weight, and every Dr would just turn me away telling me that I was either just 'becoming a woman' or that I was lying in my food/exercise diary and that I was sneaking in stuff that I wasn't writing down. When I mentioned that my sister had PCOS the only question I can recall them asking was if my cycles were regular. I was already on the pill by then so all I could say was that they were regular before I started the pill. And that was that. I was just left to gain weight slowly over the years. By my 23rd birthday I had given up and come to the conclusion that I was just going to be fat for the rest of my life. It was only when I finally went off the pill after I got married that my period didn't return and alarm bells started ringing for them. I was then put on metformin to help with the insulin resistance which I took on and off (I kept slipping because I had the very unfortunate side effect of constant diarrhea- no good for a teacher). It was only this year after I started taking it regularly (and the unfortunate side effect died off after 3 months) that I started to find that the weight could come off. I did gain a bit of weight from the meds in the first few months of TTC, and if you read back my posts from those first few months I was a super negative nelly, in a pretty bad place emotionally. At the time I was so busy/stressed that although I was doing ok diet wise, I was doing no exercise at all. My attitude actually changed on the first day of September (which is the first day of spring for us down here). I remember sitting in the passengers seat on the way to my parents and announcing to my husband that if I couldn't get pregnant, that I was going to have a hot body and enjoy it instead! It was like somebody flipped a switch in my head, and I was determined that if we were going to try for a baby I would do everything I could to be as healthy as possible to increase my chances. Since that day I have kept up the healthy eating and exercise for at least an hour a day, no excuses. I am lucky though in that besides work and my family obligations, my free time is mine. No kids etc. So we will see how I go after this pregnancy with the no excuse bit (ha!).

And yes Bright, you are correct. From the research I have done and from what the Doctors have drummed into my head: If you are PCOS patient who is overweight, losing even just a little bit of weight greatly increases your chances. For everyone else, as long as you are within a healthy weight range, you are doing fine. I am slightly scared to read that if this pregnancy reaches full term I could put on 10-15kg, if it is the higher of the two I will be back to my starting weight (from when I was first diagnosed back in 2010).

I had another blood test today, and the fill in nurse called while I was driving so I don't have exact numbers again. Betas have increased to around 1600 so if they are meant to double every 48-72 hours I think I am on track? First beta was Tuesday and that was in the 400's, today's Friday. My prog was twenty something (maybe 24?). Then she said the Dr wanted me to do betas again on Monday and I asked why. It wasn't the usual nurse so I think she said that the Dr thinks the prog may be a bit low and so she just wants to check again since I can only get an appointment with my GP later next week. I asked google and above 20 seems fine for 4-5 weeks? Anyone care to shed some light on this for me?

Lots of you in the 2WW- I have my fingers and toes crossed for you (and apparently my legs as well, since my DH refuses to disturb 'down there' until we are further along *sigh*)!
Tbaus, in early pregnancy, HCG should be doubling about every 48 hours, and it sounds like that is the case for you, so that's great news! I don't think your progesterone level is alarmingly low. I've heard much lower levels than that. If you are concerned you should ask if they will put you on progesterone suppositories. I know a lot of doctors aren't convinced they help, but they certainly don't harm anything, and I have heard stories of them helping people. My DH was also quite concerned about any activity once I got pregnant. He thought that if something bad were to happen, it would be his fault or something. And then once the baby and I grew, he felt weird about it. But everything I've ever read or heard says that it's completely fine unless you've had spotting or another condition that puts you in high risk. If I get pregnant again, he has said he will be more relaxed about it, but who knows.

Good job to you on your weight loss. I think I'm almost to that point where I'm ready to take the leap and decide to take some action to get my weight back down and focus more on taking care of myself and my health. I never had to think about my weight one bit until I got pregnant and after having the baby, so it's hard to see my body not as trim and fit as it used to be. I kept thinking there was no point in doing anything about it until after I had another baby, but if that isn't going to happen, I don't want to feel ashamed of my weight while I'm waiting. I'm probably exaggerating a bit because I'm still in the normal BMI category, but I just don't like the way I look or feel. Definitely going to start making some changes. It would be good for DH too because he's also put on a little bit of weight since our son was born.

Bright, darn, I'm sorry AF seems to have arrived early. That seems to be an issue for me too, and it's so annoying. Maybe your hormones are still regulating after your miscarriage. I'm also sorry that your doctor said no to the femara. The thought of waiting out another month must be so frustrating. I'll be keeping you in my thoughts that 2014 turns out to be a good year for you. We will all be celebrating when you finally get the good news you've been waiting for!

SB, any news for you? I can't remember exactly how many DPO you are, but I think you must be getting close. Lots of good thoughts headed your way.

Hi to everyone else. Hope you all have a great weekend!
Hey ladies,

I hope all is going well with you. Is everyone getting sucked into the speeding bullet that is Christmas and/or New Year's coming on. Seriously, where did this year get to? Anywho, it seems there has been some more good news, so let me get to it:

Tbaus - Super big congrats lady! Yeah for getting that elusive 2nd line! It sound slike your numbers are going in the right direction, but I second the prescription for Progesterone supplements. I used them too, and it can't hurt.I look forward to seeing you over on the JBP thread too!

Brightspot - How did the appt go yesterday? Any good news or at least a plan for the next cycle? As for your questions, I did a Clomid-only cycle with both of my first rounds of IUI. With this cycle, I only had monitoring just before ovulation to confirm timing, so the monitoring is def reduced from injectible cycles. That being said, everyone responds differently to the Clomid alone, but I never produced more than 1 follie with it. I remember some ladies saying they produced 3 or 4 follies with it, so I guess you will see how it works for you. Fingers crossed for you lady.

SB - On the cycle I conceived this time, I actually only had one 25 mm or so follicle, so it defintely can happen. Interestingly enough, it took 3 eggs with my daughter, so who knows. It only takes one, right?

MP - I am thinking lots of sticky thoughts for you sweetie! As to your question, just one follie this time, and it was the magic follie, lol. That was with Clomid and injectibles though, so I didn't seem to respond very well to the meds either this go round. As for your doc doubting doing the IUI, that's kinds wierd. When I asked my doc about doing the IUI with just one egg, she was like of course, so I guess every doc has a different school of thought. I'm sorry that the whole process was so frustrating, but hopefully you won't have to go through it again. I really hope that the one follie was the magic one for you!

Avistar - Good luck with all the tests. I hope everything goes well and that you are able to gleam some info from the process. I am also so sorry about the crazy menstrations, that sucks!

LV - I am so sorry for everything you are going through right now. I am really hoping that you can find some peace and quiet during these next two weeks and than at the end of it, you will be rewarded for all your stressing. Big hug sweetie and I am keeping my fingers crossed for you.

Brightlight - I am very sorry to hear that the testing did not bring positive news. There is never any pressue to share on here, so feel free to come and chat about it when you are ready, but we will be here for you. Super big hug dear!

I hope everyone else is hanging in there and may there be some good news for some of you ladies in the 2WW!
MP- It's good you are already in a healthy BMI range, but in my opinion there is no better excuse to lose weight than for you to feel good for yourself! Go for it, lady! DH says he will feel more comfortable DTD once we have had a scan and we see/hear something, so I am hoping to fit one in before Christmas! :Up_to_something: Hope you are hanging in there and the 2WW is not dragging along for you.

dcgator- Thanks! I hope to join you in the JBP thread sometime soon. Atm I am still to nervous that something is going to happen. Hopefully I get over it soon and start to enjoy this new ride I'm on! Hope you and your little bean are well!

Hi to everyone else, I hope you are all hanging in there and surviving the craziness before Christmas!

Just a quick update from me. Another blood test today and betas was 5934 today, but the prog is still in the 20's. Doctor has prescribed 400mg progesterone suppositories, it came in a pack of 14 so only 2 weeks atm. I am trying to tell myself that plenty of people have low prog numbers and still go on to healthy pregnancies, but given my body's history of taking one step forward and then two steps back I am still holding my breath on this one. That will be my last blood test with my RE, I have an appointment with my GP on Thursday and she will be taking over from here on in.
Tbaus, it sounds like your betas are moving up nicely, and your progesterone is holding steady. Hopefully, the supplements will help. It's hard not to worry, and I remember I was always waiting for something bad to happen in early pregnancy. I think that's what happens when you try for so long. It's hard to believe it when something actually goes right! Anyway, I'm still sending you lots of dust that everything continues to go well. I think you'll start to relax as time goes by and once you are able to have an ultrasound. Still so happy for you!

DC, thanks for checking in. It's reassuring to hear that your doctor was in favor of an IUI with just one follicle. I think my NP was just thinking about getting the most bang for our buck, since having 2 or 3 follicles gives you the best shot. Hope you and your bean are doing well!

AFM, this 2ww is DRAGGING more than usual. But only a few more days to go. In a way, I don't even want Friday to come because I don't want to feel disappointed. I'm trying to protect myself with low expectations, but I know that if I'm not pregnant, I'm going to feel disappointed no matter what. Wow, how's that for a cheerful Monday morning post?!

Keeping my fingers crossed for LV and SB!
DCG - :wavey: Hope you are doing well!

TB - I do think the worry is natural. Try your best to enjoy this time. Sounds like you are progressing well and the progesterone supplementation is just a precaution.

MP - Hang in there! Hope you have a busy work week! That always helps pass the 2ww time.

AFM - Uggggggggggggggggggh. I started testing yesterday at my standard 8DPO, even though I was going to try to hold out until this morning. Negative! Tested again this morning. Looking at the test objectively, there is only one line. Observing it closely under just the right light, there is maybe a shadow of a line OR I am crazy. AND, I am dragging my DH down with me. He said he thought he could see the start of a line. I think he is probably just part of my crazy now. I wouldn't even post a pic here because I know it doesn't look like anything is there! I picked up some dollar store tests, and just got a negative. With all of that said, I feel no symptoms. I do not have the tiredness that I had last cycle. Sorry for being such an early-tester-drama-queen, but that is where I am at.
Loves Vintage|1387215141|3575352 said:
I wouldn't even post a pic here because I know it doesn't look like anything is there!

Pretty please? It's amazing what you can see when it's blown up on a computer screen...
LV, what kind of HPT were you using? I used FRERs last time, and I kept thinking I was maybe seeing something too, but it turned out to be nothing. But in your case, if you didn't see anything yesterday, and you think you see something today, I'm really hoping it is the start of something for you.

My week is not super busy unfortunately, so I'm afraid these next few days will drag. I just feel in my gut that I'll get a BFN though. Thinking of maybe taking a little time off after this cycle, but we'll see how I feel about that next week.
amc80|1387215870|3575364 said:
Loves Vintage|1387215141|3575352 said:
I wouldn't even post a pic here because I know it doesn't look like anything is there!

Pretty please? It's amazing what you can see when it's blown up on a computer screen...

Ahh, someone to share in my crazy! There really is nothing there, but since you said "pretty please" . . . but, really I don't think you will be able to see anything. Trust me, if there were a visible-to-normal person line, I would not hesitate to post! Going to take a picture now.

MP - FRER. I will only buy FRERs now for first tests. AMC's posts about them here actually got me to convert. So, I basically get a double pack of FRERs to test, then will buy dollar store tests after I see (or think I see) something. I will no longer buy internet cheapies. The last thing someone like me needs is FIFTY pregnancy tests within easy reach!

Hmm, not a busy work week, huh? Pinterest???
I want to see the picture, too!
Loves Vintage|1387216946|3575382 said:
Ahh, someone to share in my crazy! There really is nothing there, but since you said "pretty please" . . . but, really I don't think you will be able to see anything. Trust me, if there were a visible-to-normal person line, I would not hesitate to post! Going to take a picture now.

MP - FRER. I will only buy FRERs now for first tests. AMC's posts about them here actually got me to convert. So, I basically get a double pack of FRERs to test, then will buy dollar store tests after I see (or think I see) something. I will no longer buy internet cheapies. The last thing someone like me needs is FIFTY pregnancy tests within easy reach!

Hmm, not a busy work week, huh? Pinterest???


And yay, another FRER convert :) I actually considered buying some of the 88 cent Walmart tests, but decided to hold strong. Okay, I didn't hold strong, they were out of stock. :)

Yeah, super busy at work :roll: I'm a senior financial analyst and a big part of my job is supporting sales people with data as they request it. But not a whole lot of selling going on this time of year. Pinterest is a good idea. Much healthier than examining my BFNs with photoshop.
Sooooo, when I went to take the photos, I saw definite color on the dollar store test! But, it was over the 2 minutes (by like an hour, lol) so maybe it's an evap. In any event, after I cropped all of the photos (crazy lady!!), I do not think you can see color in any of these, but will see what happens when I post. Maybe y'all have some magic monitors that will show color on these, and then somehow, I wind up pregnant as a result! :loopy:




I definitely see the line in the cheapie but wouldn't trust it if it the pic was at one hour.
amc80|1387218984|3575408 said:
Loves Vintage|1387216946|3575382 said:
Ahh, someone to share in my crazy! There really is nothing there, but since you said "pretty please" . . . but, really I don't think you will be able to see anything. Trust me, if there were a visible-to-normal person line, I would not hesitate to post! Going to take a picture now.

MP - FRER. I will only buy FRERs now for first tests. AMC's posts about them here actually got me to convert. So, I basically get a double pack of FRERs to test, then will buy dollar store tests after I see (or think I see) something. I will no longer buy internet cheapies. The last thing someone like me needs is FIFTY pregnancy tests within easy reach!

Hmm, not a busy work week, huh? Pinterest???


And yay, another FRER convert :) I actually considered buying some of the 88 cent Walmart tests, but decided to hold strong. Okay, I didn't hold strong, they were out of stock. :)

Yeah, super busy at work :roll: I'm a senior financial analyst and a big part of my job is supporting sales people with data as they request it. But not a whole lot of selling going on this time of year. Pinterest is a good idea. Much healthier than examining my BFNs with photoshop.

$.88 tests at Walmart? Really? Uhm, I gotta run out, be back in a little bit . . .

Oh, and just to clarify, I was responding to the MP about not having a super busy work week re: 2 ww time passing!! I was not implying that you were not busy today!!!! I need you here (a) to tell me you see a line, and (b) to tell me what to get my husband for Christmas! Haha!
amc80|1387219258|3575411 said:
I definitely see the line in the cheapie but wouldn't trust it if it the pic was at one hour.

Ruh-roh. Oh well, there's not much I can do about it now except wait anyway. I will have an HCG test tomorrow am.
Loves Vintage|1387219286|3575412 said:
amc80|1387218984|3575408 said:
Loves Vintage|1387216946|3575382 said:
Ahh, someone to share in my crazy! There really is nothing there, but since you said "pretty please" . . . but, really I don't think you will be able to see anything. Trust me, if there were a visible-to-normal person line, I would not hesitate to post! Going to take a picture now.

MP - FRER. I will only buy FRERs now for first tests. AMC's posts about them here actually got me to convert. So, I basically get a double pack of FRERs to test, then will buy dollar store tests after I see (or think I see) something. I will no longer buy internet cheapies. The last thing someone like me needs is FIFTY pregnancy tests within easy reach!

Hmm, not a busy work week, huh? Pinterest???


And yay, another FRER convert :) I actually considered buying some of the 88 cent Walmart tests, but decided to hold strong. Okay, I didn't hold strong, they were out of stock. :)

Yeah, super busy at work :roll: I'm a senior financial analyst and a big part of my job is supporting sales people with data as they request it. But not a whole lot of selling going on this time of year. Pinterest is a good idea. Much healthier than examining my BFNs with photoshop.

$.88 tests at Walmart? Really? Uhm, I gotta run out, be back in a little bit . . .

Oh, and just to clarify, I was responding to the MP about not having a super busy work week re: 2 ww time passing!! I was not implying that you were not busy today!!!! I need you here (a) to tell me you see a line, and (b) to tell me what to get my husband for Christmas! Haha!

That is hilarious. Don't worry, I'll be here for you :) I am obviously very busy at work, just not busy with work.

And yes! They look like this-

I found the empty slot where they should be- right with all of the other tests.

Also, have you heard of black dye tests? They are supposed to be awesome and really easy to see.
LV, I refuse to look at pinterest, it makes me feel way too inadequate! I actually do have quite a bit to do, but it is boring things like document review, so I find myself distracted far more easily. I almost wish I was traveling again this week because that makes time go so fast.

Anyway, I took like 5 FRERs last month, and none of them showed any color after the fact no matter how long they sat around (if anything they seemed to show less of a hint of line as time wore on), so who knows. I really hope that you will see a darker line tomorrow and get good news from your blood test.
Thanks for your support, AMC. I have never heard of that test. Funny about Walmart. Someone stocked up before you got there. The first time I tried to buy a test at a Dollar Store, they were all sold out, but they have had tons of them recently. I think they have quite a following! How can you beat a dollar? Unless, of course, you're Walmart!

MP - Document review -- yeah, that would have me wandering over to google Though it's probably about the same as my 44 page contract that I've been avoiding all day. Oh well, pays the bills, right? Funny about pinterest! I like it only because it helps me organize things I find, easily. I do like to obsess over details and options too, so will pin a ton of recipes for this thing or that and then it all just accumulates.

Good luck waiting til Friday. How many DPO will that be?
Y'all are funny with all the testing!

LV, I am keeping my fingers crossed for you.

MP, thanks for thinking of me. I am similar in putting off testing to delay the disappointment - after last cycle I actually decided that I wasn't going to test anymore until my period was late, since it usually takes several more days for AF to arrive after the RE tells me to test and I always feel super down in between - like I'm stuck in limbo between an unsuccessful cycle but not fully able to give up or move on yet. I hope this round is successful for you too!

tbaus, I hope the supplements help and you continue to get good news!

dcg, thanks for the good thoughts and i hope you are doing well.

bright, sorry about the early arrival of AF and having to take a month off. But at least you will have a nice vacation to hopefully relax and not worry about TTC for a bit. It is hard not to get wrapped up in it, but a month isn't so long in the grand scheme of things.

brightlight, I'm sorry that the tests didn't come back as you expected, but it sounds like you and your DH are handling it well and exploring your options. Interesting info about the full bladder with IUI - I have had a very easy time with it both times and I wonder if that's had something to do with it.

AFM, my progesterone came back at 28 so I am relived that isn't a concern. I will test tomorrow AM - it flies in the face of what I said above about not testing until AF is late, but I want to have time to either get betas/figure out a plan for next cycle before the holiday madness sets in. AF is due on my birthday, so I'm really hoping that I'm not going to get a terrible present. :((
MP: I'm sorry you are feeling so discouraged. It's hard when you are ready for something that hasn't happened yet. Try to think about thing one week at a time and maybe it won't feel so overwhelming.
LV: Fingers and toes crossed for you! When is your HCG?
AfM: I'm sorry because I know that I haven't been as active and supportive over here as I was last time. I got a BFP this morning and had a blood test this afternoon. My HCG was 225 and my progesterone is 22.5. I'm having another on Friday to make sure that my numbers go up.
Yay blackberry! Congrats. Lots of sticky dust to you.

Just quickly, Dr called today and even though I am booked in with my gp on Thursday she has ordered more bloods and an ultrasound tomorrow (Wednesday). Apparently she just wants to make sure 'it' is in the right place, not growing where it isn't supposed to be. Apparently that can happen when the prog doesn't go up. I keep telling myself she is just being overcautious. Which can be a good thing, but also quite nerve wracking for me!