
The Official TTC Thread!

Lauren, I think we are a bit behind some of the others who were LIW''s/BIW''s then...but that''s OK. We can get started now that we''re good and ready.

I have my appt. with my doc tomorrow, and I''m due to remove my NuvaRing on Friday, so I may not put a new one back in. Gonna talk with my doc about it, we''ll see!!
I had forgotten how fast this thread can move when we get good news (yay again for vesper!!) and when we have more people on board. Hard to keep up, but I welcome it over the slow weeks we've had in the past....

Welcome to all the new people and the lurkers coming out of hiding!
It is quite funny how so many of us have moved from simply charting to more aggressive means to TTC, but I find comfort in knowing others are here with me as the struggle to parenthood is taken on. For any of those newer ones here, it isn't like this for everyone, but for some, it is. It's not uncommon for people to come around for a couple months and then be off to the preggo thread. My own theory is that all of us long-timers around here are about to bounce to preggo thread together, what with all our interventions going on and such. Yeah buddy, movin on!

I don't remember who asked about Clomid and cycle day 2, 3, or 5 to begin (maybe it was Blushing??), but after asking about it here and doing some researching, I was still curious so I called my Dr. to see why I was put on CD 3-7, when so many of the others here were 5-9. They said that my Dr. tends to base it off of why the medication is prescribed. In my case, it was because I ovulate SO late, not because I don't at all, so the theory was the earlier I take it, the sooner I'd ovulate, hopefully catching that optimal time right around CD 12-16. (They say that you should ovulate between 5-10 days after taking the last dose of Clomid; this has been true for me on two of my clomid cycles, and on one it was a day or so later... but the medication was taken slightly off the regular schedule that time around.) I think a lot of it is about whatever the Dr's preference is, though.

I think Cara had asked about the HSG test (that's the dye test to see if tubes are blocked); I will be getting that in October if a baby's not growing before then. The reason it's been put off is because my Dr. said a lot of times once you have that test, insurance sees it as a red flag for "infertility," and given that Paul and I are okay with taking a few more months of trying before getting more aggressive in treatment/testing, he thought waiting until we'd had 5-6 cycles on Clomid would be worth it, since we (and he) still think it's just a matter of time for us, as nothing definitive has been found as an issue (other than late ovulation, which Clomid is correcting). Even though there is an opinion out there that if not pregnant after three cycles of Clomid, you may not get pregnant that way, my Dr. described it like this: pretty much my cycles previous to clomid were hit or miss with the timing because the cycles were SO long and unpredictable, and if you add in that the older the egg (over ripe, if you will), the less attractive it is to the sperm and the less likely to be penetrated by the sperm, so those cycles held much less of a chance of pregnancy than the typical 25%, but the last three with clomid have had a 25% chance (taking us back up to "normal" range) and an average couple takes about 3-6 months to conceive. So we're hoping that theory is true. I can't even express how much we're hoping that!


I had no idea Femera held a possibility of birth defects; haven't seen that in the research I've been doing. Definitely a reason to try Clomid first, for sure!

Side note: are you having any morning sickness, weird aversions to food, or smelling issues?

Blushing, glad to know you're on to a new cycle, lady! Clomid's gonna be your magic, I just know it!!

Festy, regarding family members knowing about medications/interventions. This has been a very sensitive topic for us, too. My mom knows about Clomid, but no one else. Not because I think anyone would judge the choice we've made, but more because I don't want the whole world to know I'm needing help with growing a baby, you know? It's been really hard for me to deal with the issue of needing medication to do something my body is supposed to do on its own. Something natural, something generations and generations of women have done before me... it's like a piece of my "womanhood" has been shaken, to a degree. I feel okay about it now (most the time, anyway), but it was a very, very emotional time for me when I was finally confronted with the facts that things weren't quite right on their own. This is likely a big part of why I remain so optimistic that we'll conceive on Clomid, because I'm not sure how I'll process any other means that may be necessary. I try to be rational and think about how people sometimes need medications for heart issues, organ malfunctions, etc., but when it's connected to such a deep aspect of my life, a dream I've held for so many years, something teenagers can do but I need help with it--- well, it's just rough sometimes. Part of my stubborn side, I think. I want to do everything myself for myself. Grr. Swimmer's post stating "There is something so unusual about if. It isn't life threatening, but to not function properly as a female member of the species is very difficult," is so, so true...

I also called the Dr. today (I am *so* glad they're so patient with all my questions) about the SA results; they said that 12% is a great score and we have not a thing to worry about on the part of Paul at this time. So yay! It does make me wonder why over 80% of the swimmers are goofy, though. The Dr. said even if the percent for morph was lower, it wouldn't be too, too bad because the volume and count was so high, which can make up for having a higher number of deformed ones. Anyway, just information for anyone waiting to get their results back or anyone who's about to have the testing done. Paul was *so* nervous about the results, and I'm very, very, very glad that the "problem" (if there is one) is apparently mine. I think that while we take this stuff hard, for whatever reason, it guts men to the core.

Good luck to all with the ultrasounds tomorrow!! (Melanie, the first time I saw my follicles on the screen, I about fainted, thinking they were cysts. Scary looking things when blown up!!)
Fisher - no real symptoms, other than being really tired, constipated, and hungrier more often than normal. I think I occasionally get a little icky feeling in the tummy, but that''s usually taken care of with a little food. And smells bug me a little more than usual. Not a heck of a lot to hang my hat on! I don''t personally believe that there''s any correlation between femara and birth defects based on my research. It was just something my RE felt obliged to tell me, since it''s an off-label use.
Interesting article, Laila! I like how it highlights the importance of a physician taking care to do a thoughtful and complete history and physical exam, as well as the importance of careful consideration of all possibilities that may be contributing to difficulty conceiving.
Date: 8/12/2009 4:10:09 PM
Author: Festy
Blushing - CD1 is usually the first day of full (red) flow. So today may in fact be 1 for you.
Actually, I was wrong - my flow is still light and brown. It''s just been a few times when I''ve wiped it''s been redder, but looks like CD1 for me was Tues., not yesterday. Also, I have an appt. with my doc next Thurs. for monitoring so, she''ll be giving me an ultrasound to see what follies I have!
Very exciting!!!
Laila, thank you for the article. Interesting, esp the bit about husbands and laptops...

Blushing, glad you are getting to see what is going on soon.

Fisher, why would it matter if your insurance knows you are working on having a baby? Your MD could always code it as searching for cysts or endometriosis since you already have long/irregular cycles?

Sooooo, at cd9 this morning I have 10 follicles from 10-15mm, my endometrium is in great shape, and estradiol level is over 200..which is good, but should probably be higher with that many follies...that really needs to go up for quality. This is huge, last cycle the clomid diminished the lining to nothing so there was no way anything was going to implant. We are psyched. The nurse told me to dial down the gonal-f to .5 of what I have been doing as they are now concerned with not getting multiples. soooo, psyched but nervous about the estradiol level.

Festy, Mel, what is the situation?
Lauren, welcome! You''re such a familiar PS "face." Great to see you here.

Swimmer - gah, well good news and my fingers are crossed that your estradiol levels go up. My US is at 2 so I''m about to head out. Took my first Clomid today and feel mildly crampy. Can I ask how much Clomid you were on and for how long? I don''t think for this first cycle that they will be monitoring how my lining looks and such. In fact, we are relying on OPKs to know when to squirt the turkey baster which makes me VERY nervous. I''ve always questioned my ability to get those things right! Since they are monitoring your follicles I assume they''ll have it down to more of a science to know when to inseminate? Forgive the ignorant questions.
Good luck in Kenmore! No idea where you are going then...bumc is not over there. hmmm, still thinking!

wow, are you serious about a baster? you aren''t, you are going in for the iui. Why wouldn''t they give you a blood test? OK, i am going in every day till we do the iui. Will you be doing a trigger shot? Probably not if you are going by opks. When I was on clomid i did a few cycles on 100mg at night, I tried it at 50am 50pm and did not feel so hot, so taking it all at night was way better. The last cycle I did was 150 at night. But that was perhaps too much. Good luck, hope it is going great!
LTP! I didn't see the end of last page, nice to have you joining this party!

Festy, well, i now know who you are not. getting back to work now...grrrr.

If anyone wants to know more about female hormones, a handy guide: link
Ditto on missing Lauren''s post - welcome to the club!

Quick update - I''m going in to get monitored tomorrow. I was still concerned about my clomid start date with my AF not being it''s usual fierce self so, I called my doc again. They want to see where I''m at in this cycle before I start clomid (which I''m supposed to start on Sat.) - YAY for the extra monitoring at NY Pres! Where''s NYbrkgirl when I need her to cheer me on!

Swimmer - YAY for 10 follies!!!! Sounds like you had a great appt! Very psyched for you!!

Festy and Melanie - GOOD LUCK!
Just a quick update, my u/s this morning went well, the nurse who called me said the cycle was going very nicely but didn''t give me specifics this time. I have at least 8 large-ish follicles according to the technician that did the u/s, and I am going in tomorrow morning for another u/s (which is a change from the usual every other day).

Swimmer WOW 10 follicles, that strikes me as very good at this stage. And if you are doing iui (I''m sorry, I could have sworn it was ivf) maybe that explains the lower Gonal F dosage. They can pull out my eggs and control how many embryos will be implanted (2), but if you are having iui they wouldn''t want 20 eggs, I would think.

Festy how did your 2pm go?
Girls, sorry for the selfish post, but I just got my DH's semen analysis test results back. Everything is 'excellent' according to the doctor. Apparently he has super sperm in every category. That's good news and bad news. It's bad because that means we're not getting pregnant because of ME.
My poor DH thought it was his fault all along. I feel so guilty.
Date: 8/13/2009 4:19:34 PM
Author: Laila619
Girls, sorry for the selfish post, but I just got my DH''s semen analysis test results back. Everything is ''excellent'' according to the doctor. Apparently he has super sperm in every category. That''s good news and bad news. It''s bad because that means we''re not getting pregnant because of ME.
My poor DH thought it was his fault all along. I feel so guilty.
no no no don''t feel this way! sometimes it just doesn''t work. the sperm can be fine, and you can be fine. it can be absolutely no one''s "fault." honestly. and i''ve been told by a doctor friend that even tho the sperm tests come back "super," (my DF''s did as well) that doesn''t mean it''s not the fault of the sperm either.

now, if you are very unfortunate like me, your husband will tell all his friends about his super sperm. repeatedly. at dinner.
Date: 8/13/2009 2:53:30 PM
Author: blushingbride
Ditto on missing Lauren''s post - welcome to the club!

Quick update - I''m going in to get monitored tomorrow. I was still concerned about my clomid start date with my AF not being it''s usual fierce self so, I called my doc again. They want to see where I''m at in this cycle before I start clomid (which I''m supposed to start on Sat.) - YAY for the extra monitoring at NY Pres! Where''s NYbrkgirl when I need her to cheer me on!

Swimmer - YAY for 10 follies!!!! Sounds like you had a great appt! Very psyched for you!!

Festy and Melanie - GOOD LUCK!
..i am allllways here and allllways cheering for u
....i want details, details details!....plz
HMG and Lauren, what an exciting fun time! So glad you are starting!

Blushing thanks for the encouragement! I am so glad to hear you are getting checked out tomorrow. It''s good they are monitoring you so closely.

Laila, that was a very interesting article. It was certainly my experience that after the basic tests were done, we didn''t spend too much time figuring out what was wrong. My doc''s view was, if there is something wrong with your tubes, we''re going to bypass that with ivf anyway. Part of me thinks it would have been better to slow down, do more tests, try it naturally for awhile longer. It seems the healthier way for body and mind. And spirit. But, at 37 yo the other part didn''t want to waste any more time.

I did go to my acupuncturist yesterday, and she was amazing. Not only is she working on my fertility points, but we also talked about the weight I''ve gained (20 pounds in two years!) and the change in my eating habits since moving in with DF. She recommended lots of water, walking, and keeping a food journal. And she tells me we''ll have 7 pounds off in 3 1/2 weeks. She also read my energy. I''m totally into that stuff, so it was very cool.
Date: 8/13/2009 4:47:57 PM
Author: melanie987123

Date: 8/13/2009 4:19:34 PM
Author: Laila619
Girls, sorry for the selfish post, but I just got my DH's semen analysis test results back. Everything is 'excellent' according to the doctor. Apparently he has super sperm in every category. That's good news and bad news. It's bad because that means we're not getting pregnant because of ME.
My poor DH thought it was his fault all along. I feel so guilty.
no no no don't feel this way! sometimes it just doesn't work. the sperm can be fine, and you can be fine. it can be absolutely no one's 'fault.' honestly. and i've been told by a doctor friend that even tho the sperm tests come back 'super,' (my DF's did as well) that doesn't mean it's not the fault of the sperm either.

now, if you are very unfortunate like me, your husband will tell all his friends about his super sperm. repeatedly. at dinner.
LOL thanks melanie.
Cute about your DF. Men are funny!

Thanks NYbkgirl!!!!!
Melanie, How funny about your fiance! And here I thought Paul was special! He has been very hush hush about this whole TTC process with everyone, and he didn't want anyone to know about the SA test. Then we get the good word, and next thing I know, he's on the phone with his dad talking about his "impressive numbers." Aye. Men are hilarious.

Congrats to your husband with his results! I know where you're coming from with the thoughts that the problem must be with you, but try to remember that for so many people, it just takes *time.* That's all.

Swimmer, I don't know why the Dr. said what he did about insurance and the HSG testing. I actually thought when we went in for the three month check up after starting Clomid I'd be getting the HSG, but I didn't. I'm also a little timid about additional testing because infertility isn't covered in this state, so that's something to take into consideration, too.

I admit I'm a little in the dark about all the ultrasounds with IUI; how many follicles are ideal to have? I think I just really never realized that each cycle, you have multiple follicles building up to drop, but then only one (without meds) will fully develop. I remember when I had my ultrasound and I saw all these little black spots in my ovaries, I was so freaked out, because to me, it was only supposed to be one little egg, not a ton of them.

Another thing I've been wondering about is how Clomid effects a person's FSH levels, in the long run. I know for a particular cycle on Clomid, the FSH levels rise because of the blocked estrogen, but when you're not on Clomid anymore, does your FSH level drop back down? My FSH level was higher than I would have liked when I had my blood work, so this is why I ask.

Festy, hope your appt. went well!
Date: 8/13/2009 4:19:34 PM
Author: Laila619
Girls, sorry for the selfish post, but I just got my DH''s semen analysis test results back. Everything is ''excellent'' according to the doctor. Apparently he has super sperm in every category. That''s good news and bad news. It''s bad because that means we''re not getting pregnant because of ME.
My poor DH thought it was his fault all along. I feel so guilty.

Oh Laila, There is no fault in this game. Down that path lies madness. We ladies just have more equipment, (finely calibrated baby making machines if you will) hence more can go wrong. I personally was afraid that DH would have an issue and then there aren''t many options before donor sperm...and since we knew I had issues (dontcha know it) that then it would just be insane complications. So happy to not have to deal with any stuff like that...or the wounded psyche of a male with poor swimmers.
If you can, try to be happy for him (you married him so he must be perfect in other ways), and know that it really is easier to fix issues with the female bod than the procedures/hormones out there for men to improve sperm quality.

Melanie, ah yes, that explains our diff in dosage. Good luck tomorrow morning, I have to go in at 6am! Do they take your blood every time plus u/s? I''m inspired by DrK and am asking for all numbers now. Yeah, i am not interested in qualifying for a reality tv show. That is awesome that your acupuncturist is great. Wow, a good plan, yeah, water is so key, but hard to remember! Fantastic! please keep us updated tomorrow.

Festy, how did it go? thinking about you! -have you tried Toscanini''s burnt brown sugar ice cream? almost like Freddo...

BB, good luck tomorrow!
Fisher: Too funny about the hubby being excited about the "impressive numbers". Hahaha!

Swimmer: "Finely calibrated baby making machines"... love it!

Recently I''ve been having these relatively short bursts (maybe five to ten minutes) of front and back cramps. They feel a lot like bad PMS cramps, but they''re obviously not. I''m not sure if this is a side effect of recenty coming off the pill or what. Have any of you experienced this?
Okay, so had my u/s this morning (usually it's blood plus u/s, but today just u/s) and had several mature follicles -- 22 mm, 21 mm, 19mm and two 17's. Not sure if that's all but that's what she told me. I am doing my trigger shot of ovidrel tonight, and then going in for retrieval Sunday morning!

Getting really nervous, I think it's a combination of fear over Sunday's procedure and freaking out that after all this time I might actually get KTFU. I'm going to search some past threads, but Drk if you read this what was the retrieval like?

Swimmer, how did your 6am go? (eek! mine was 730, that was early enough). And Festy, how about yours from yesterday?

ETA: Drk found your thread and experience, reading it now.

Oh. Dear. Nervous. Think I will be definitely opting for the iv anesthetic.

Just popping in to give my update! I went to the doctor''s this morning - they drew blood and gave me an ultrasound. During the ultrasound, I was told that both ovaries had approx. 10 follicals each and that I didn''t have any cysts which is great. My lining was still a good thickness so, they said they could call this afternoon to let me know if I should start clomind tomorrow or not. I''ve been bleeding red blood (sorry TMI) pretty heavily between yesterday and today. Anyway, I just got a phone call from the doctor''s office saying I am to start clomid tomorrow night between 5 and 9pm!
I will then need to go back to the doctor next Thurs. for more monitoring and I already have an appt. set up for that.

Very exciting! However, I am cautiously optomistic...this is my first cycle on clomid AND my first cycle after my miscarriage so, who knows what will happen. I''m just happy to be in such good hands.

Melanie, Festy and Swimmer....I am root''n for you gals!!!!! SOOOO EXCITING!!!
Melanie, don''t be nervous (although I can understand) probably seems surreal to you, but cherish this time. I long for the excitement I felt when I first got KTFU and I only wish to be able to feel that again soon!
Hi guys, sorry to be MIA, but I just talked to the nurse around noon. She told me everything looked fine on the U/S. What I didn''t realize was that I was supposed to call them on CD 1 (didn''t) AND I was supposed to wait to take the Clomid until I''d gotten the all-clear following the U/S. Didn''t do that either! Frankly, I''m VERY good at following directions and I''m pretty sure no one ever told me this stuff. So anyway, the nurse said it''s fine and I can continue to take it. I don''t talk to them again until I see a surge on the OPK. No blood work, no more U/S. I think they monitor you more closely when you''re doing the other stuff (Femara? Gonal F?) to make sure the ovaries aren''t over-stimulated. Is that right?

Anyhoo, I''m a little worried about their totally chill attitude toward OPKs. I asked the nurse how often I should POAS, and she said once in the morning! That''s it! I was under the impression that you could miss the surge if you test only every 24 hrs. That means if I see the surge in the morning, the first IUI doesn''t happen until the next morning. The nurse assured me that a + OPK just means that things are starting to get going and that you have 18-36 hours or some such after the positive. This makes me think we''ve just been timing the BDing all wrong! I don''t know what to think. I should probably just turn my brain off and trust them.

Laila, so glad to hear that the SA came back good! I wouldn''t worry yet. It''s only been 5 months, right?

April - it''s hard to know what you might be feeling without knowing where you are in your cycle. Do you know where you are? Pre or post ovulation?

Blushing, great news! I''m so excited for you!

Melanie - sending you tons of dust for Sunday. I say go for the drugs. And then come back and tell us about it!

Swimmer - I haven''t, but I believe I''ve had their caramel ice cream which was t.d.f. I guess burnt sugar IS caramel, isn''t it?
Date: 8/14/2009 2:36:25 PM
Author: blushingbride

Just popping in to give my update! I went to the doctor''s this morning - they drew blood and gave me an ultrasound. During the ultrasound, I was told that both ovaries had approx. 10 follicals each and that I didn''t have any cysts which is great. My lining was still a good thickness so, they said they could call this afternoon to let me know if I should start clomind tomorrow or not. I''ve been bleeding red blood (sorry TMI) pretty heavily between yesterday and today. Anyway, I just got a phone call from the doctor''s office saying I am to start clomid tomorrow night between 5 and 9pm!
I will then need to go back to the doctor next Thurs. for more monitoring and I already have an appt. set up for that.

Very exciting! However, I am cautiously optomistic...this is my first cycle on clomid AND my first cycle after my miscarriage so, who knows what will happen. I''m just happy to be in such good hands.

Melanie, Festy and Swimmer....I am root''n for you gals!!!!! SOOOO EXCITING!!!
Melanie, don''t be nervous (although I can understand) probably seems surreal to you, but cherish this time. I long for the excitement I felt when I first got KTFU and I only wish to be able to feel that again soon!
Oh Blushing Yay that''s great news!!! So this is just a clomid cycle, no iui etc, right? How fabulous.

So I tried to edit that last post but it wouldn''t let me, what a child I am worrying about Sunday''s procedure! I should be greatful I am having it.

That''s exactly it, it feels surreal. Great advice, I will try very hard to cherish. I think I''ve gotten so in the mode of thinking about the process - how many follicles, giving myself injections, what''s my estrodial level, blah blah blah that I''ve lost touch with the reality of what we are trying to do here. Anyhoo ... told DF to make sure his pipes are clean and no alcohol tomorrow before he makes his donation on Sunday! Guys have it so easy ......
yay BB- it feels good starting a cycle...its like no more waiting! prayin all the time!

Melanie- retrieval for me was very scary...esp the wait....but its really a breeze (bc i take anesthesia well) and its really in and out and they warned of somecramping afterwards but i had none. good luck!
Date: 8/14/2009 3:08:17 PM
Author: Festy
Hi guys, sorry to be MIA, but I just talked to the nurse around noon. She told me everything looked fine on the U/S. What I didn't realize was that I was supposed to call them on CD 1 (didn't) AND I was supposed to wait to take the Clomid until I'd gotten the all-clear following the U/S. Didn't do that either! Frankly, I'm VERY good at following directions and I'm pretty sure no one ever told me this stuff. So anyway, the nurse said it's fine and I can continue to take it. I don't talk to them again until I see a surge on the OPK. No blood work, no more U/S. I think they monitor you more closely when you're doing the other stuff (Femara? Gonal F?) to make sure the ovaries aren't over-stimulated. Is that right?

Anyhoo, I'm a little worried about their totally chill attitude toward OPKs. I asked the nurse how often I should POAS, and she said once in the morning! That's it! I was under the impression that you could miss the surge if you test only every 24 hrs. That means if I see the surge in the morning, the first IUI doesn't happen until the next morning. The nurse assured me that a + OPK just means that things are starting to get going and that you have 18-36 hours or some such after the positive. This makes me think we've just been timing the BDing all wrong! I don't know what to think. I should probably just turn my brain off and trust them.
Yes, I started to be monitored closely once I started the Gonal F. And not at all when I was doing the Clomid for an iui cycle and nothing else. My place also told me once per day regarding the ovulation tests. They didn't even know anything about the clearblue easy digital monitor, which I thought was weird, but anyway it was definiitely just once per day. That said, do it twice if you are more comfortable with that. I have heard there is a chance you could miss your surge, although it did not happen to me.

I'm sorry to hear they are not giving you good instructions. It is all so confusing that they really need to be good about that.

ETA: nycbkgirl thanks. that makes me feel a lot better.
Thanks, Mels. (New name for a lazy Friday). That makes me feel better. I''m not sure there''d be much point to testing in the evening, since I wouldn''t be able to set up the appointment until the next day anyway. Do you prefer the monitor? It''s so spendy but it might give me peace of mind.
Hey Festy. You''re welcome. And as long as you don''t try to call me "Melzo" I''m good.

Not sure I''d suggest the clearblue. It was so long ago I bought it now ... I think I was having trouble deciphering the tests with the lines. And the one with the smiley face is so expensive, I figured I might as well just get the clearblue. But if you have no problem telilng when a positive is a positive via the lines, probably not worth it. Especially if you are a fairly regular ovulator.

One thing I found slightly annoying is that once you get a positive, it won''t let you keep testing. Once you get a positive, you''re done for the month. I like to keep using the sticks so I can see how early I caught the surge. And come to think of it, so I could test twice per day .... this was like three months ago, not sure why I''m having a brain lapse.

Anyhoo burnt sugar ice cream yum!!! This may be dinner as I deserve a little special treat this weekend.
Blushing, that''s great news!

Festy, I should technically have either started ovulating yesterday or begin today. I just got off BC after being on it for roughly nine years, though, so whether I''ll actually ovulate right off the bat is up in the air.