
The Official TTC Thread!

Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Random, sorry you are out :( MP, thanks for checking in. I did end up testing this morning and I don't see much of anything. It's only 9dpo, but still, I can't help feel that I'm out. My temps look good but they are getting closer to what's normal. It looks like I often have a bit of a temp drop at 10dpo so I'm curious to see what tomorrow brings. If it doesn't work I at least know I have a plan in place...CD3 testing, SA for DH, and HSG fun for me. Having a game plan removes some of the sting.
Here's my test. See something? Neither do I.

Re: The Official TTC Thread!

amc, sorry about the bfn today. For some reason, I thought you were a little further along than 9dpo though. I got a really faint bfp with Ev at 12dpo, but I didn't take a test before that, so I'll never know how early it would have shown up. In my mind when I don't get a positive by 12dpo, that's pretty definitive (and I had a stark white FRER this morning at 12dpo). But at 9dpo, I think you need a few more days before you can count yourself out. Fingers crossed a line shows up for you in the next day or two, but I agree that it does help to have a plan in place in the event you don't get a bfp this month.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

monkeyprincess|1392231814|3613706 said:
amc, sorry about the bfn today. For some reason, I thought you were a little further along than 9dpo though. I got a really faint bfp with Ev at 12dpo, but I didn't take a test before that, so I'll never know how early it would have shown up. In my mind when I don't get a positive by 12dpo, that's pretty definitive (and I had a stark white FRER this morning at 12dpo). But at 9dpo, I think you need a few more days before you can count yourself out. Fingers crossed a line shows up for you in the next day or two, but I agree that it does help to have a plan in place in the event you don't get a bfp this month.

I know, I know. 9dpo is super early. I got a decent line with B at 9dpo so in my mind that's when I should test positive. Yes, I realize that doesn't make sense. I was going to wait until the 15th to test (12dpo) but then i got the idea of testing the morning of the 14th, so I could give the news to DH as part of his V Day present.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

And on top of being out this month, I just found out that they had put the wrong number in my salary proposal document online which means my raise is hardly anything. I know I should be grateful for a raise at all but I was so excited to pay off all these stupid infertility bills finally, ugh, this is not my week, I'm ready for some wine :(

amc- sorry about the bfn but you're not out yet!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

AMC- sorry for the BFN, but it's early yet. What did your temp look like today? I hope you won't need to spring into action with your BFN-plan and that an egg is implanting right this moment!

RT- Next cycle, then! Thanks for the chuckle with your post. Sorry for the not-as-substantial raise. That stuff does suck, and it's hard to feel happy about it when you find out the reality is different from what you were expecting- and that it's THEIR fault!

MP- If you don't mind my asking, how long have you been TTC #2? Was there any reason/explanation for your fertility struggles? I am going to look back over some old threads tonight to catch up on your TTC journey for Ev.

My temp is pretty stagnant, slight increases. Tomorrow marks 6 dpo. I'm happy I'm consistently temping this cycle, but the days are just draaagging on.

Re: The Official TTC Thread!

AMC- I'm not a line-spotter, or try to avoid the practice... But i'm not willing to say your test is 100% stark white. I think with enough manipulation one can always see something on an HPT... but... I don't know... I'm not counting you out 'til I see a white test at 14 dpo! Let's just say that!
PPM- holy temp shift! That's beautiful. And thanks for the line spot :) I guess I can see a bit of something but with my line eye it's hard to know what's real.

RT- that really sucks about the raise. Ugh.

Here is my chart-

So, I have a story for you. My temp went way up this morning (like .25 degrees). I had gotten up with B 90 minutes before so I knew it was likely artificially high. Then I looked at the cheapie I took last night and there was a definite line. But the line wasn't there last night so I knew it was an indent/evap line. I busted out my last good test (Answer, not a FRER). OMG.

Re: The Official TTC Thread!

AMC, I'm the worst line spotter ever and I can even see that line! Get some FRERs, looks like you can do your Valentine's Day announcement after all :appl:
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Congrats, amc! That's wonderful news!
lliang_chi said:
AMC, I'm the worst line spotter ever and I can even see that line! Get some FRERs, looks like you can do your Valentine's Day announcement after all :appl:

Yeah I might have stopped at Walmart on my way to work. I'm shaking!!

monkeyprincess said:
Congrats, amc! That's wonderful news!
Thank you! Now I just need it to STICK.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Congrats AMC! I knew this was going to be your month with the RE appointment scheduled and your great chart.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

JGator|1392309188|3614394 said:
Congrats AMC! I knew this was going to be your month with the RE appointment scheduled and your great chart.

Thank you :) I'm so glad/lucky that I don't have to go the RE route. And glad my body felt the same way.
I wanted to show you the test from last night. I didn't see anything at the time but it dried with a pink line.

Re: The Official TTC Thread!

I KNEW I saw something on that earlier test!!!! Even when I tried *not* to see it, there was something there. EEEE!! AMC! I'm so happy for you!!! All the sticky dust in the world. That's actually a pretty hefty line for being so early, esp. from an Answer (which aren't as sensitive as FRER, generally). YAYAYAY!

Here's my chart from this AM. Temp shift, but it was around 4 AM when I usually temp between 5:30-6:30. I took it again at 6:30 when Ellie got up a second time, and it was 97.9, but I didn't mark it, 'cause I had less than three hours of sleep so it was artificially high. Trying not to read into it. Not wanting to get hopes up, but send some temp-rising dust my way, mamas and mamas-to-be!

Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Yay!!! Congrats AMC!!! I always thought it would be so fun to give dh a box of chocolates on v-day with a note that says something like you're gonna be a daddy! on the inside. Did you tell him yet?

PPM your chart looks freaking amazing! Man, I picked the wrong month to not drink the water over at pricescope!!

AF is showing up for me today but no biggie, it's not like I didn't know it would be coming this month anyways ;)

Ready to start next month already, I have a phone consultation on Friday next week with the new RE so hopefully she is a bazillion times better than the one I currently have!

Re: The Official TTC Thread!

*waits patiently for more tests* :loopy: :loopy: :loopy:
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

I've decided that if I get a BFP by St. Patrick's Day that I'm going to give dh a 6 pack of Guinness and a card that says "drink up, you're drinking for 2 now!" or something like that. Ya know, just thinking ahead because I'm absolutely, positively sure I'll get a bfp next month lol
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

PPM- Thanks! Yeah looking back now I kinda sorta saw something but I kinda sorta see something every month. Your chart looks great! Actually it's very pretty. Hopefully those temps keep rising!

RT- I haven't told him! I need a good idea. My brilliant plan is to put my lab results in his card...but anything more creative would be super.

Just took a FRER and CBE digi. (With the same pee! mid stream! I'm a champ.) Digi still negative but FRER looks good. The line is definitely more pink than on the Answer. I'll post it from my phone.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

That looks more pink to me than the earlier Answer test, but it could just be the picture... I'd say that's a pretty strong line, esp b/c your'e pre 12-dpo, which is when lines generally start to show! YAY! Give the next digi a day or so,.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

PilsnPinkysMom|1392313199|3614455 said:
That looks more pink to me than the earlier Answer test, but it could just be the picture... I'd say that's a pretty strong line, esp b/c your'e pre 12-dpo, which is when lines generally start to show! YAY! Give the next digi a day or so,.

The answer test barely looked pink so I was a bit skeptical, this one is definitely more pink. I just looked at my 9DPO test with B and it is just about the same as this one, maybe a bit darker. Called my OB who is going to have lab slips ready for me to pick up.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

"I created a label that read "We're Prego" and placed it on a jar of pasta sauce. That night, I suggested we make spaghetti for dinner. After handing my husband the jar, I watched him carefully. Within seconds, he was grinning from ear to ear!"

"Many people don't catch hints easily. But it’s worth a shot to see how quickly your husband catches on to the secret before you are ready to blurt out the news. Draw a circle on the front of a T-shirt with a small dot in the center and a conversation bubble that says, “Hi, Dad!” and wear it to bed or dinner."

"Every baby deserves a special celebration at some point in the pregnancy. So celebrate your news. Bring home a balloon bouquet with one balloon that says, “It’s a Baby!” or “We’re Pregnant!” and place the bouquet near the door where your husband usually enters the house or make them the centerpiece on the table with a special dinner. Circle the likely conception date on the calendar and place the calendar near his spot at the table. Decorate a cake with baby items such as diaper pins and pacifiers and add as many candles as the unborn baby is in weeks or months."

"Next time you and your husband are out at the mall or the movie theater drag him into the photobooth. He will assume you just want cute kissing photos but you can surprise him with your positive pregnancy test and let the photobooth do the work of capturing his reaction on film. Later, you can copy the strip of photos and send them to out of town relatives and friends as your pregnancy announcement."

"Do you and your man do the grocery shopping together? Fill your grocery cart with prenatal vitamins and parenting magazines and see just how long it takes him to realize what you are doing."

Something like those could be fun!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

amc, no doubt about those lines. What a relief that you didn't need to undergo additional testing or anything. Very happy for you.

ppm, I just saw your question to me from last night. I've written ad nauseum on here about my struggles, so I'll save you a little time and give you the summary version. With Ev, I tried for almost a year and ended up getting pregnant on our first IUI with clomid. This time around we've been trying about 10 months, we've tried 4 IUIs, and it still hasn't worked. Based on my FSH and AMH results, I appear to have prematurely aging ovaries and I might also be dealing with some tubal issues. Basically, we have a lot of things working against us, so my next step is to see the RE (I had been seeing an NP) to see if something like injectables might help. Anyway, good luck to you. I feel confident it is only a matter of time for you, and maybe even this cycle.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

AMC!!! I thought I saw something on your test from yesterday too (and on my phone!), but didn't get a chance to comment. Today's tests for sure show pink lines, so congrats! What a great Valentine's Day! And awesome that you don't need your RE appt anymore. Have you decided how you're going to tell your DH?

PPM, your chart is looking great! When are you going to test?

RT, sorry about AF. Good luck this cycle! Any plans to do anything differently?

Anybody else waiting to test?

AFM, I think we're ready to officially try for #2! CD14 today and still waiting to O. I've been using the Wondfo LH sticks since CD10 just like my first time TTC. I finally got a not-so-faint line this morning, but it wasn't until way later. Are you only supposed to read them within a certain time limit like HCG sticks? I'll test again when I get home tonight to see if it's any darker. I feel like my batch of tests don't have as much dye as my first batch from when I conceived A.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

S&I|1392319627|3614545 said:
RT, sorry about AF. Good luck this cycle! Any plans to do anything differently?

Yup, I plan to not get the flu and also to have sex this month lol :cheeky: But in all seriousness, just gonna keep temping and taking the metformin. This is only my third normal cycle since having surgery and last month we didn't even get to try so just gonna see if maybe a sperm wants to rent out my uterus this month (with a 9 month lease of course). :)
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Thank you to everyone for the congrats! I'm so excited. Just picked up lab slips from the doctor and will get my beta done tomorrow. Sort of a bummer because I will have to wait until Monday to get the second draw, since the labs are closed on Sunday around here.

RT- those are really cute ideas! The hard part is my mom is in town so I can't do anything to obvious, since we've already talked about not telling anyone until after the first u/s. It will have to be something I do when it's just the two of us, so likely on our way to dinner tomorrow. If my mom wasn't here I would just put B in a "big brother" shirt and wait for DH to notice.