
The Official TTC Thread!

Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Good luck ladies! I did a horrible job temping this month since I was in the hospital and then on vacation since CD1 so I'm mostly just going on my OPK. I'm in the TWW now so time will tell!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

just got my first positive OPK!! not great timing since we are in the middle of a fight.

so now I'm ovulating and need to concede the fight, make up and get him into bed or tell him I'm still upset but its time to BD.
hippi_pixi said:
just got my first positive OPK!! not great timing since we are in the middle of a fight. so now I'm ovulating and need to concede the fight, make up and get him into bed or tell him I'm still upset but its time to BD.

Well, you ovulate anywhere from 12-72 hours after your first positive, so you might have some time. Congrats on the positive!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

hippi_pixi|1420943237|3814768 said:
just got my first positive OPK!! not great timing since we are in the middle of a fight.

so now I'm ovulating and need to concede the fight, make up and get him into bed or tell him I'm still upset but its time to BD.

Congrats! You most likely have some time, it's usually 48 hours after a positive for me until I actually get a temp spike. BD might be a good way to end the fight :naughty: lol!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

hippi_pixi|1420943237|3814768 said:
just got my first positive OPK!! not great timing since we are in the middle of a fight.

so now I'm ovulating and need to concede the fight, make up and get him into bed or tell him I'm still upset but its time to BD.
Congrats on positive opk! Did you end up resolving the fight with DH?
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

haha we didn't so much resolve the fight so much as i went in for a cuddle and started the baby dance. somehow we weren't fighting after that :P so we were fighting saturday night, i got the positive OPK midday Sunday, BD that afternoon, negative OPK monday afternoon, Hubby too tired monday night. i felt a small short sudden stab LHS this afternoon, so i might try for another round of BD tonight in case that was ovulation and just in case the egg is still good. TMI! Hubby is currently leaving before dawn for a 1.5 hours commute and getting back at 9pm so weeknights are tough.

and then 2 weeks of waiting :) i stuffed up taking my temp the last few days so i wont really be able to see a temp spike ill just have to wait 2 weeks and then test :)
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

hippi_pixi|1421147545|3815616 said:
haha we didn't so much resolve the fight so much as i went in for a cuddle and started the baby dance. somehow we weren't fighting after that :P so we were fighting saturday night, i got the positive OPK midday Sunday, BD that afternoon, negative OPK monday afternoon, Hubby too tired monday night. i felt a small short sudden stab LHS this afternoon, so i might try for another round of BD tonight in case that was ovulation and just in case the egg is still good. TMI! Hubby is currently leaving before dawn for a 1.5 hours commute and getting back at 9pm so weeknights are tough.

and then 2 weeks of waiting :) i stuffed up taking my temp the last few days so i wont really be able to see a temp spike ill just have to wait 2 weeks and then test :)

I would still take your temps. Some temps are (usually) better than no temps! You will be able to see if your temps are in a higher range than before, and that is what is needed to confirm ovulation.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

I hate the TWW. I had a +OPK on CD11 but didn't confirm O until CD15. After this cycle (unless I don't need to) I'm not using OPKs anymore. They drive me nuts. We're just going to alternate days for BD and as much as we can when I see EWCM. Right now I'm 8DPO and symptom spotting like a crazy person. My temps are higher and more consistent post O this month than they have ever been and I had random EWCM on 6DPO and mild cramps on 7 and today. I tested this morning and it looked negative but I'm going to keep testing each morning until something happens. Basically I feel like asdvoindfvkubdfvkhsbdckwhdchsdvkhbsdvkhsdbc! :angryfire:

So how's everyone else :angel: ?
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

wow thats a long time between a positive OPK and ovulation! I feel you on the symptom spotting. going to sleep last night i suddenly felt really nauseous like i would have to get up and vomit, i forced myself to sleep instead. I know its impossible to have morning sickness this soon so i must have just eaten something bad. I've also been noticing every single possible symptom.

I got my positive OPK on CD18 and i felt a short sharp pain LHS on CD20 and we BD'd both days so now i'm waiting until at least CD28 to start testing. although if i did O on CD20 i wont be due for AF until CD34 I may have to buy an early detection pregnancy test since the ones i have came with my 100pack of OPK's so i don't know how sensitive they will be.

Fingers crossed Asscherhalo Lover!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Thanks HP, all negative so far so I'm pretty doubtful at this point. I know it's not over until the red lady sings but that should be Monday (12 day LP) so I'll know soon enough. I have 2 wondfo HCG tests left so I'll just use them up and order a new supply next month :(

I wish you better luck!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Hi, ladies. I took a break from talking about TTC online, because I was driving myself crazy with all the symptom-spotting. It has been a year of trying. Until this month, though, we were trying to sway for a girl by limiting fertility and timing. This month I went all out to try to conceive. I've had acupuncture, taken a fertility tincture with water every day, and we BDed every day through O. So there's a good chance. Unfortunately, my son has the flu and I feel as if I am getting it. I am 5 dpo. Any kind of illness can tell the body not to take on a pregnancy, and the flu, in particular, can cause problems, so I am trying to ward it off!!!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Best of luck Tourmaline! Next month I'm going to take Fertilitea again, it'll be month 4 for our first.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

I just got a message from my coworker (she's a para in my classroom) who was 28ish weeks with her first, she had the baby, a girl named Lyric, today. Magic PS dust for them please! Lyric was born at 2lbs 6oz and 15 1/2 inches. She said in the VM that so far all is well but this happened suddenly, it's not like she had time for steroids or anything else. I'm teary eyed now ever since and trying to figure out what to buy her for a baby gift!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

oh gosh 28 weeks is so early! I hope she and bub pull through. i don't know that she would appreciate baby gifts right now so much as support and maybe some homemade dinners to keep in her fridge or freezer? I imagine best case scenario she spends the next few months spending every day at the hospital.

Its sunday in Aus and I had a lot of free time today so i gave in and tested. negative of course because its just too early :P

Welcome back Tourmaline :) Hope you don't get the flu!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

I bought her some special clothes for preemie babies while they are in NICU. The clothes are designed to fit with any IV lines, feeding tubes, or breathing aids. And some special NICU snuggle wraps. I told her I bought a gift Lyric could use now and she seemed excited, she had me ship to her mother. I just hope Lyric does well.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

And CD1. This was a very stressful month for me and between the odd ovulation and super short LP I'm glad it's over. Starting the tea tonight!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

AHL that sounds lovely!! a perfect gift and one of the few things useful at this stage i think.

sorry about AF i bet the stress of the month didn't help with conception. maybe the stress you were under delayed or stopped your ovulation? but after a bad month it might be nice to try the tea and start fresh. sending you dust for this new cycle!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

hippi_pixi|1421659938|3818787 said:
AHL that sounds lovely!! a perfect gift and one of the few things useful at this stage i think.

sorry about AF i bet the stress of the month didn't help with conception. maybe the stress you were under delayed or stopped your ovulation? but after a bad month it might be nice to try the tea and start fresh. sending you dust for this new cycle!

Thanks HP, I def. ovulated (temps) but I had a very short LP (11 days). I know the stress has gotten to me, between being in the hospital and work stress it's been bad. This month won't be any better for stress (school wide quality review January 29th!) but at least after this month it should be. Hopefully the tea will help.

How about you? Have you been temping again?
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

i did see your thread about your hospital stay and tests. it does sound extremely stressful so I'm not surprised it had an effect on your cycle. maybe life will get less stressful after Jan then? in the meantime drink your tea and be spontaneous :naughty:

i have been trying to temp but i find it difficult because i have such restless night and i toss and turn in the mornings. by the time i think i should temp i realise i've been awake on and off for a while so i think ill try again tomorrow. when i have temped on those days its much higher than days when i wake suddenly and temp. but i did get enough for this cycle to get an avg temp before O, a big spike and then a higher avg afterwards. I'm now 10DPO and preg test negative but according to theres still a 33% chance its a false negative.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

well AF arrived this morning :(
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

hippi_pixi|1422139685|3821559 said:
well AF arrived this morning :(

So sorry HP but yay for a much better cycle length! :appl:
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Hello ladies! I used to be very active on PS, with engagement, wedding planning, etc, but stepped away the past few years while finishing up grad school. Buuuut, DH and I are just starting TTC, and I've quickly realized I missed having this place as an outlet for all the things (be it baubles or babies) that you just can't talk about "in real life" as much as you want to.

I'm 33, hubby is 32, and we're trying for baby #1. I've used FAM for years to avoid getting preggo, but after a point I stopped recording anything. So, i'm mid-cycle on chart #2 since about 2008, and my cycle is playing games. My last cycle was crazy short for me...only about 3 weeks, though I did ov. This cycle feels like an eternity by comparison. I'm on CD 19, no temp spike yet though by all other signs I thought it would show up this morning. On one hand it's worrying me (we have a friend about my age who discovered she wasn't ovulating, ended up on clomid, though she is 6-7 months now), and on the other hand I'm grateful for the extra BD days. Hubby was out of town until Wed this week, so originally we were expecting to miss this month as our first chance to start trying.

Anyway, I'll quit rambling. Short story: I'm joining you guys here in TTC (yay!), we're just a couple days into TTC, and if I'm having trouble being patient about when I ov, then I'm afraid the TWW is going to kill me. :wall: :boohoo:
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Oh my goodness ladyciel, welcome! So good to 'see' you again :bigsmile: Hope your stay on the TTC thread is short and sweet.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Thanks, DA! It amazes me how many people from "back in the day" are still here that I recognize! It is like visiting your home town and being fascinated at what has changed while realizing how much is the way you left it.

ETA: I haven't scrolled back to see... Does a short stay on TTC still earn you jerk-store status? I never understood where that came from, but I will admit I thought to myself the other day that I sure hope I get to be one (don't we all?).
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Welcome! :wavey: Nothing like a wacky cycle to start off with! Ugh!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

ladyciel|1422681199|3824827 said:
Thanks, DA! It amazes me how many people from "back in the day" are still here that I recognize! It is like visiting your home town and being fascinated at what has changed while realizing how much is the way you left it.

ETA: I haven't scrolled back to see... Does a short stay on TTC still earn you jerk-store status? I never understood where that came from, but I will admit I thought to myself the other day that I sure hope I get to be one (don't we all?).

I think jerk store status was more getting knocked up the first month trying. :D I haven't heard that term used in FOREVER around here. I hope your stay is short and sweet!!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

April20|1422730862|3825060 said:
ladyciel|1422681199|3824827 said:
Thanks, DA! It amazes me how many people from "back in the day" are still here that I recognize! It is like visiting your home town and being fascinated at what has changed while realizing how much is the way you left it.

ETA: I haven't scrolled back to see... Does a short stay on TTC still earn you jerk-store status? I never understood where that came from, but I will admit I thought to myself the other day that I sure hope I get to be one (don't we all?).

I think jerk store status was more getting knocked up the first month trying. :D I haven't heard that term used in FOREVER around here. I hope your stay is short and sweet!!

I seem to recall a discussion of people getting offended by the name, so perhaps it fell out of favor for that reason (that or the number of lucky few who are one and done has dwindled to nothing). Finally got my temp spike, I think (will be more sure tomorrow). Let the TWW begin! I have a few wal-mart cheapies at the early do you guys start testing?
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

ladyciel|1422733657|3825079 said:
April20|1422730862|3825060 said:
ladyciel|1422681199|3824827 said:
Thanks, DA! It amazes me how many people from "back in the day" are still here that I recognize! It is like visiting your home town and being fascinated at what has changed while realizing how much is the way you left it.

ETA: I haven't scrolled back to see... Does a short stay on TTC still earn you jerk-store status? I never understood where that came from, but I will admit I thought to myself the other day that I sure hope I get to be one (don't we all?).

I think jerk store status was more getting knocked up the first month trying. :D I haven't heard that term used in FOREVER around here. I hope your stay is short and sweet!!

I seem to recall a discussion of people getting offended by the name, so perhaps it fell out of favor for that reason (that or the number of lucky few who are one and done has dwindled to nothing). Finally got my temp spike, I think (will be more sure tomorrow). Let the TWW begin! I have a few wal-mart cheapies at the early do you guys start testing?

I always like it but I'm snarky like that. I think it went a away more because all the ladies TTC at the time had little ones and it's a completely new group. I lurked back then, so I remember.

I started testing at 8DPO but I'm a maniac. I did get a faint BFP on 8DPO though so YMMV. Ha ha. If you can hold out until 12 DPO you are much more likely to get an accurate result. I was never able to do this. I'm 12 + 4 now so I don't really "go" here anymore, but I still lurk to cheer everyone on.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

LOL, I had "Knowing myself, the most I can probably hold out to is 8..." in my head when I asked the question, so I'm glad to hear I'm not alone.

I wasn't even close to TTC and I still lurked here (and the preggo threads, and the baby and toddler threads...) back in the day. My baby fever is a decade old and only finally getting its way.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

I usually start at 8 just because I know it's possible to get a positive and I would wanna know ASAP. I use the wondfo so at least it's not an expensive hobby lol.