@iluvshinythings. Hello there! Your entire ring is beautiful and the diamond is uh-mazing. I say that from experience lol
I especially like that picture in the Target parking lot. I’m pretty sure I’ve done the exact same thing (and in Costco, Home Depot, the list goes on.)
I know you were concerned about the SI1, but it is off to the side and kind of clear colored (I’m sure there is some professional term for it that I don’t know!) even the jewelers were surprised at its rating.
I’m a bit O/C so I kinda liked having a “beauty mark” to orient the diamond, because I always wore it in a certain direction on my hand. My eyes are bad, so I needed to loupe her to do so.
I’m not royalty but am the “queen” in my family lol, I feel related to you in some cosmic way! Enjoy your beautiful ring!![]()
She is beautiful! Congrats!
Such a beautiful stone and the size is amazing on you!!! Congratulations on a wonderful upgrade!
Simply beautiful. Congratulations and enjoy.
Whoa. She’s gorgeous and flashy and certainly makes her presence known. Congratulations on finding your HG. Wear and enjoy her in good health.
Beautiful ring and I love the simplicity of the setting that lets the diamond speak! Enjoy that beauty!
Gorgeous!!!! Beautiful stone! (Now to go see what @mol42's upgrade is!)
Wow! So gorgeous! Congrats!
WOW! What a beauty! She’s glorioushuge and sparkly af! Thank you for all the lovely pictures
Gorgeous! She’s a keeper for sure!
Your stone is stunning!! Big and beautiful
Love the setting and band you have chosen for it. What a perfect look
Driven out of lurkerdom to comment on how lovely your stone is! So gorgeous. And may I ask the model number of your Stuller setting? I think it's honestly one of my favorites I've ever encountered, so fluid and elegant.
Wow! Utterly drool worthy & just amazing! And I love the setting you’ve chosen, prongs & all. Simple, classy perfection![]()
Beautiful ring! congrats!![]()
I'm usually a MRB fan, but your ring is stunning and totally envy worthy! May you look at it with happiness every time it catches your eye!
I make up stories in my head for my own amusement, but I swear I look just like I'm thinking about an important work issue while I do so.
Wow. What a stunner! I love the setting too! Stullers really knocking it out of the park these days.
Congrats! Wear her in good health!
WOW WOW WOW.. this is perfect! congratulations and a beautiful setting for this monster of a stone!!! LOVE IT.
Oh my goodness... so I actually had my eye on this stone — I found it when it was already on hold, and I begged Grace to let me know if it was ever released. I’d never such a beautiful diamond before.
When she told me it was officially sold, I almost cried lol. But I am so happy it’s in good hands! Congratulations @iluvshinythings ! It looks gorgeous on you!
Gorgeous OEC!!! Congrats on your new ring!!
What a beauty! Love the simple elegance of the split shank. You should add her to the Stuller thread!
An absolute stunner of a diamond. I adore the simplicity of the setting, and the band you chose as a mate. This is a perfect example of what can be achieved when we resist the urge to gild the lily. (haha!)
Enjoy your beauty!![]()
Gorgeous stone, congrats!!!
What a beauty! I absolutely love your stone, and the setting you chose is timeless and just lets that gorgeous stone sing!Congratulations and enjoy your new treasure!
@iluvshinythings, what is the diameter and what is your finger size? This looks HUGE!!
@iluvshinythings can you post a photo that shows the fluorescence? I loved the photo that Grace took of your stone here:
I snapped a couple of pics using a UV flashlight this morning.@iluvshinythings can you post a photo that shows the fluorescence? I loved the photo that Grace took of your stone here: