
The Pricescope Pin

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On 3/18/2004 9:33:02 PM winyan wrote:

I had mine turned into a beautiful little pendant. I'm terrible w/pins, forget which article of clothing I pinned it to, and end up washing it.

I'll post pics of it real soon now. (I finally got the skiing pics' downloaded (see the winyan bio) and can now use the digi cam for other good stuff!!)


Oops, meant to say, thanks so much leonid and Irina!

I LOVE this idea. Mine hasn't gotten as much use as I'd like because I'm a scatterbrain, and I'm afraid I'd leave it on clothing and forget it.

Oh, I have to get to the jewelers this weekend, now!

Thanks, Win!
You are all very welcome, it makes a wonderful necklace, I rarely take it off!

I had lunch with a director of a major lab the other day and he noticed it and said "What is that nice lapel pin? Where have I seen it before?" - I said on the front page of Prcisecope - he replied "Oh yes, you are right!"

Thanks Leonid and Irena

I am a lucky boy!
On 3/19/2004 8:41:58 PM winyan wrote:

it makes a wonderful necklace, I rarely take it off!


What a great idea! I'll have to check it out. (I think the pin idea is great, but I'll wear a necklace more in these days of casual clothes.....)
Oooh Garry, Pscope gets major lab press!
"heh heh heh" (as you would say)....let us know how it comes out

On 3/20/2004 7:36:57 PM Richard Sherwood wrote:

I'm having mine independently appraised by RocDoc.


HA - I'll bet $10 you find out your pin has strain!


LMAO - yanno, I wish you've have asked me first. I know someone who's REALLY good in Sarasota!

Amateurs! hehehehehee
Rich you always have a left of field comment

You crack me up !!!!
Winyan, I like what you did to yours as a pendant. Unique and exclusively Pricescope.
Is everyone else's a lapel/blouse pin still?

Leonid, what a nice way to recognize your prize posters. Just curious, am I imagining or is Lawgem "Mike something" now? I was looking for his Mrs. Lawgem is pregnant thread and couldn't find it tonight. I was wondering how she's feeling lately...... I have a couple of good girlfriends who are expecting also, it's always nice when they have girlfriends to share their pregnant stories with. LG, what would you prefer to be called here now? Sorry, I digressed...
Leonid, I DID get my pin, when I got back from Vacation last week, and have worn it serveral times since. Compliments abounded. My boss saw it and noticed how pretty it was. He asked if perhaps he's paying me too much for me to be wearing diamond pins...

I explained, if he paid me more I would have bigger diamonds on my ears, lapels, and fingers so he's still safe... LOL

Thanks to you and Irina AGAIN!!! So absolutely sweet to be so generous, and what an honor!!! Thanks again, and I love the fact that it's a pin, so I can out it on anything...I had a shirt with a keyhole neckline, and I placed it just on top of the keyhole, and people thought it was part of the shirt..Makes for an inventive accesorizing of drab diamondless shirts and blouses!
Yeah, it's lovely, isn't it?
I really like the pendant idea, Win!
Makes for an inventive accesorizing of drab diamondless shirts and blouses!

It does, doesn't it? I love dressing up clothes with it. Usually, I dress fairly simply because investing in expensive clothes while having kids poor grape juice over my shoulder and down my back isn't all that fashionable (lol), so having this pin adds a nice touch to my outfits.

Oh, and my kids love my pin too. They always press their finger on the diamond like it's a button needing to be pushed! They do the same to my diamond pendant - so usually, every stone I have has toddler sized finger prints on it

Here is hopefully a better pic of the Pricescope diamond in the web pendant.


web diamond.jpg

The chain you used with the PS pendant is cute! Where did you get it? Do you know what the name of that style is?

Hi Michelle

I'm not sure of the name, but I know the chain is a standard available type. I got it from my AI jeweler friend, Thom. It's WG but the balls are YG. I also wear it with the 16 mm black SS pearl I won from our beloved Mercier.

I am very honored to say that I received a Pricescope pendant this week. It's beautiful.

Thanks so much Leonid. Like I said before, WE should be thanking YOU for creating this place for diamond lovers to share our passion.
Hey -- congrats Sumi! I always knew you were Ideal

I'm still thinking about having mine made into a pendant, but the jeweler I would take it to (the only one in town here) is sooooo angry at Internet vendors, if he recognized it, he might melt it down!
Like Sumi, I also received my pendant last week.

I'm so grateful to you, Leonid...thank you!

I've already received several compliments on it and people are amazed when I say where I got it. ("Some guy I know from the internet sent it to me.")
On 7/2/2004 9:34:06 PM lop wrote:

Hey -- congrats Sumi! I always knew you were Ideal


Well, since we're all coming out of the closet...

I received my pendant last week too...and I have gotten 10 comments/compliments on it everyday....People are so intrigued by it and the Pricescope story, and my husband thinks it is so cool!

I love it and am honored to have it--many thanks again, Leonid!!!
Ya know - all you pin holders. One of the fashion pundints on Today Show said pins are really coming on strong for the fall. I'm glad because I have always worn pins. They really catch people's eye......

...just something to think about.
congrates too all the new members of the club :}
Wow! What a great thing to do Leonid!

Congratulations to all of you who have earned your pins!

Welcome all you new guys!

And I still feel humble and honored to possess such a great piece of art. (that's exactly how I feel about it!)

I got mine too and I'm amazed at how it sparkles!!!!!! I love really is such an honor!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks so much Leonid!!!!!!!
I, too, was very excited to get mine... since I was having diamond separation anxiety after presenting the rock to the future wife.
hehe..okee..i received mine last week too! thank you so much again leonid for creating such a wonderful home for all us wandering diamond-addicts that have no place else to go!
i owe so much to this site!
i love my pendant..i will acutally be wearing mine as a charm on a bracelet! i just need to find a complimentary chain..any ideas.
WHAT a great ideas!!!!
I haven't been around here much lately, but just caught this and wanted to congratulate all of you newly pinned. Way to go. Leonid, what a great way to make them feel special.
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