
The race is on...

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Right, it''s back to work for me. BF is ringing Leon this week to finalise the details of our ring (Leon already has the stone!) - very exciting. Someone hum Eye of the Tiger for me, I gotta keep the motivation levels up....!
Date: 4/8/2008 10:45:31 AM
Author: Delster
Right, it's back to work for me. BF is ringing Leon this week to finalise the details of our ring (Leon already has the stone!) - very exciting. Someone hum Eye of the Tiger for me, I gotta keep the motivation levels up....!

luvverly earrings!
Leon has the stone already?!!! HOLY COW THAT IS AWESOME!!!
Lorelei - can you do that in Louboutins too?

Gwendolyn - yep, it's super awesome! Now BF just has to get a chance to ring the States and finalise the design... and then I officially have only EIGHT WEEKS to finish a thesis!!!
Date: 4/8/2008 11:00:19 AM
Author: Delster
Lorelei - can you do that in Louboutins too?
Absolutely! And with Tabac Blond wafting all around me...
Ohhhh how exciting!!!

I don''t know how the heck you are going to be able to concentrate on your thesis
Date: 4/8/2008 11:11:46 AM
Author: Keepingthefaith21
Ohhhh how exciting!!!

I don't know how the heck you are going to be able to concentrate on your thesis
Me neither!!! Hence I need you all humming... come on now all the LIWs... loud enough so I can hear you all the way over here!!!

"It's the.... EYE OF THE TIIIIIIGER......"
Date: 4/8/2008 11:30:57 AM
Author: Delster

Date: 4/8/2008 11:11:46 AM
Author: Keepingthefaith21
Ohhhh how exciting!!!

I don''t know how the heck you are going to be able to concentrate on your thesis
Me neither!!! Hence I need you all humming... come on now all the LIWs... loud enough so I can hear you all the way over here!!!

''It''s the.... EYE OF THE TIIIIIIGER......''
Risin up, back on the de do, something glory...

I don''t know the words!!!

It''s the will to survive!!!! (ringless and with thesis!!!)
oh wow sunnyd, i think i heard you!!! YAY!
But let''s hope the ringless won''t be for too long after the thesis bit, eh?

Stephanie - I LOVE THAT AD! I''m going to bookmark it and play it to myself every morning! "DEL! Del, Del, Del!"
WAAAAH! How on earth is a LIW supposed to concentrate when this just arrived in the post????

I thought you were going to say your Leon was there already!!! LOL That package is a close second!! (off to see if i got an original...hmmm)
Being a LIW is not easy!!
Date: 4/9/2008 10:15:01 AM
Author: Delster
WAAAAH! How on earth is a LIW supposed to concentrate when this just arrived in the post????
No peekin'' Mrs Retsled!
Oh gosh no CrookedRock! The design details aren''t even finalised yet - it''s hard to do this from so far away you know?

Lorelei - I promise I''s a good girl
Package is back out in the hallway. Away from me at my desk. Out of sight. Definitely not out of mind!!!
Date: 4/9/2008 8:06:43 AM
Author: Delster

Stephanie - I LOVE THAT AD! I'm going to bookmark it and play it to myself every morning! 'DEL! Del, Del, Del!'
That's exactly how I was singing it! I began to write an entire parody, but got busy at work. I'll try to get to it later. Does Mr. know about the package that has arrived?
Date: 4/9/2008 10:24:26 AM
Author: Delster
Oh gosh no CrookedRock! The design details aren''t even finalised yet - it''s hard to do this from so far away you know?
Well don''t feel bad, it''s hard enough being in the states. I sat for 3 hours with him and he has had my stone for over a month and we are still ironing things out. It''s tough over the phone isn''t it...
Oh my goodness, my very own parody!!! Wow!!! Now we just need to organise a choir of LIWs to sing it...

MrDelster does indeed know about the package - I texted him virtually the second it plopped in the letterbox! I don't think he's as jazzed as I am - I suppose he woudln't be cos he already knows all the details of what's in it. As you do of course. But not me!

CrookedRock - mine's going to be a fairly simple design (like Harriet's, only flush-fit) so it should be finalised in another couple of conversations we think. We just want his suggestions on one little thing and then we'll decide on that and it's GO!
Congrats, Delster! Nothing like a whole lotta sparkle (and the ensuing paperwork) as an incentive.

Now type, type, type away!
Date: 4/9/2008 10:37:58 AM
Author: Delster
Oh my goodness, my very own parody!!! Wow!!! Now we just need to organise a choir of LIWs to sing it...
It is still a little rough, but I thought that it might urge you on a bit more to see a glimpse.

(Del, Del, Del, Del, Del, Del, Del, Del, Del, Dellllllllllll...)
Risin’ up, Del’s writing daily
Workin’ hard on her thesis.
Trying to finish before the ring is complete.
Just a woman and her doctorate degree.
So Del toils, time passes fast.
She trades her PS time to study.
Leon’s got the stone and designing a cast.
She must work to keep her mind occupied.
It''s the final hour, it’s the rush of her life.
Her man hides all the details for the e-ring.
Burning the candle at both ends, on her way to the top,
She knows that one day she will have…awesome bling!

Date: 4/9/2008 12:57:04 PM
Author: Stephanie

Date: 4/9/2008 10:37:58 AM
Author: Delster
Oh my goodness, my very own parody!!! Wow!!! Now we just need to organise a choir of LIWs to sing it...

It is still a little rough, but I thought that it might urge you on a bit more to see a glimpse.

(Del, Del, Del, Del, Del, Del, Del, Del, Del, Dellllllllllll...)
Risin’ up, Del’s writing daily
Workin’ hard on her thesis.
Trying to finish before the ring is complete.
Just a woman and her doctorate degree.
So Del toils, time passes fast.
She trades her PS time to study.
Leon’s got the stone and designing a cast.
She must work to keep her mind occupied.

It''s the final hour, it’s the rush of her life.
Her man hides all the details for the e-ring.
Burning the candle at both ends, on her way to the top,
She knows that one day she will have…awesome bling!

That is hilarious, well done Stephanie!
Date: 4/9/2008 12:58:24 PM
Author: Lorelei
That is hilarious, well done Stephanie!
Thanks! Let''s hope that it works for our Delster!
Oh my goodness Stephanie you are a genius!!!!!!!!!! My very own parody, I am soooo chuffed!!!


Now I've just gotta make BF sing it...
Date: 4/9/2008 12:57:04 PM
Author: Stephanie

Date: 4/9/2008 10:37:58 AM
Author: Delster
Oh my goodness, my very own parody!!! Wow!!! Now we just need to organise a choir of LIWs to sing it...

It is still a little rough, but I thought that it might urge you on a bit more to see a glimpse.

(Del, Del, Del, Del, Del, Del, Del, Del, Del, Dellllllllllll...)
Risin’ up, Del’s writing daily
Workin’ hard on her thesis.
Trying to finish before the ring is complete.
Just a woman and her doctorate degree.
So Del toils, time passes fast.
She trades her PS time to study.
Leon’s got the stone and designing a cast.
She must work to keep her mind occupied.

It''s the final hour, it’s the rush of her life.
Her man hides all the details for the e-ring.
Burning the candle at both ends, on her way to the top,
She knows that one day she will have…awesome bling!

This? Is awesome!! You rock, Stephanie!

Delster, I think when your ring is safely on your hand and you''ve posted lots and LOTS of pictures, all of PS is going to give you a standing ovation. It''s been so fun to read! I can''t imagine trying to write the thesis for my PhD with so much excitement going on! Bravo to you (and your FF, of course!)
As a Clemson University Tiger... may I say that I love that song! You ladies are awesome. Hey Delster... I have a flag routine to that song if you would like. Teehee.
Date: 4/9/2008 1:36:06 PM
Author: redfaerythinker
As a Clemson University Tiger... may I say that I love that song! You ladies are awesome. Hey Delster... I have a flag routine to that song if you would like. Teehee.
Ha! I was an Auburn Tiger so yeah - the song is just imbedded.

Delster - You're welcome! I think that if he could carry a tune, it shouldn't be too hard. At least he could hum it.

NEL - Thanks!
Hmmmm, NEL, a standing ovation, I reckon I really could hear that over here! If all of PS all at once started clapping - that could be dangerous!

redfaerythinker, is there such a thing as instructions to a flag routine? I would have always thought they''d have to be demonstrated? We don''t have cheering squads over here. Well, not the organised variety anyway!

So BF rang Leon last night and came home absolutely hyyyyyyyyper. He proceeded to open the letter from Wink right in front of me and cackle with delight at all the goodies inside. Then he made me hold the folder so I could ''feel it''. But I wasn''t allowed open it. I was in the middle of cooking dinner - he''s lucky I didn''t go on strike! The conversation with Leon apparently was fantastic. BF really likes him, seems they nattered for ages about design aspects and why things work and other things don''t and BF loved it all. Leon took him through the work order and he made all the final decisions about the ring (and the matching band) and then Leon told BF this:

he''s already started working on the ring!!!!!!!!!!!!!


What''s more, he told BF he''ll have it finished in 4 - 6 weeks. Exciting exciting exciting!

So, back to work for me! Doo doo doo DEL DEL DEL DEL!!! DEL DEL DEL DELLLLLL!!!!!!!

Stephanie I am actually going to buy the sheet music for that song now so I can play my own parody. Seriously girl, THANK YOU!
That''s so cool Delster! Roll on those weeks-I cannot wait to see pics of that baby!
Date: 4/10/2008 7:10:16 AM
Author: Delster

Hmmmm, NEL, a standing ovation, I reckon I really could hear that over here! If all of PS all at once started clapping - that could be dangerous!

redfaerythinker, is there such a thing as instructions to a flag routine? I would have always thought they''d have to be demonstrated? We don''t have cheering squads over here. Well, not the organised variety anyway!

So BF rang Leon last night and came home absolutely hyyyyyyyyper. He proceeded to open the letter from Wink right in front of me and cackle with delight at all the goodies inside. Then he made me hold the folder so I could ''feel it''. But I wasn''t allowed open it.


Oooh..I don''t know how you did it Miss Del....Was he really cackling with delight????
I couldn''t have contained meself!
4-6 weeks! Wow!! That''s so exciting!

I wouldn''t have had the will power to not take that envelope right out of his hands! So can we start a countdown for you??
Lorelei, believe me, I came *this* close to 'containing' him. He nearly had his head implanted in the spag bol!

I'll admit though, I'm an unnaturally patient person when it comes to surprises. I love them so much it's absolutely zero trouble to me to refrain from all snooping. It even annoyed BF in the beginning cos he interpreted it as my not being interested cos I wasn't trying to dig info out of him. Now I know to make sure he knows how psyched I am, even though I'm not snooping!

It's a bit of a problem actually cos if I do even the teensiest bit of digging I usually work the surprise out. BF sometimes wants to play this way and asks me to dig. I have already on the first try guessed the colour, clarity, and branding of the diamond. I also guessed the surprise element he was going to put into it for me (which is super sweet, and I'm going to let you ladies wait to either see that in the photos, or hear it from him). I guessed all these things first time. I have an idea of the size but I absolutely refuse to talk to him on that one as I want to reserve some element of the unknown!!!

The one thing I haven't a clue about is the proposal. He is being awfully pushy about my passport though. It expires next year and there's not enough wiggle room there for me to be able to go to the States this year without getting a new passport first. I keep teasing him about why he's being so pushy and telling him I'm on to him and then yesterday he went to the police station and got me a passport renewal form, brought it home, put it on the table and said 'no questions, no arguing, just bloody well get it done, OK?' Um, well, OK then!

Stephanie of course you can start a countdown! I already have one on my email account and I'd love one here too
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