Well, it happened! It went as well as could be expected. She said yes! It was a little rainy when we got into town so the weather wasn't the best for the "park" I wanted to take her to. I quote park because it's more of a look out point than anything. I took her anyways despite the weather. She wasn't really impressed with the park and was ready to leave after about 5 minutes of looking out at the bay....I convinced her to stay a little longer and after I fumbled with what I wanted to say to her...and with the box stuck in my jacket pocket, she didn't figured it out until I got down on one knee, then she went hysterical. She had no clue, it was great! She kept saying, "I can't believe it". She loves her ring...when we got back to the room she couldn't stop staring at the dam thing...I was like, "hello, how about some attention for the guy that gave it to you". Unfortunately it's big so I have to get it resized. We put some yarn around the ring so she could wear it temporarily but we're hoping to take it to the jewlers this afternoon to get it sized. I hope to have some hand pics in a day or two. Overall it went very well. -david
I'm sure she will be counting every minute that beauty is away! Hopefully the sizing will be quick so she won't have to part with it for too long.
Best wishes to you both!