
The Running Thread

Wow VC you've done so much racing!! awesome work =) im training for my first race, a 10k. I fancy trying a half marathon but i just dont know if i enjoy it enough.

Golden, i can understand your interest starting to waiver - im no expert but i dont think walking would have the same affect. If you can i would definitely try to get out to run - i find it much easier than the treadmill. In fact, when winter comes here ill stop running altogether because i just dont like to run on the treadmill...

Im doing pretty good - a week and a half til my 10k! today i did 10k in an hour and either 1 minute or 2 :praise: im pleased, as im hoping to do the race in under an hour and 5...the race course has a bit more variation than where i ran today, but i feel like thats a pretty good set-up for myself.

So im going to do shorter runs the next couple of days, then do a long run on Sunday (hopefully ill do the actual race course),then im into race week. the race is on the saturday, and i had planned to do a long run (9-10k) on the wednesday, a short run/walk on the Thursday then rest friday - is the long run overkill? i dont want to wreck myself the week before :bigsmile:
Thanks, Blackpaw! Half marathons for me are great because I have to train for them, but they don't completely destroy my body, and I only need the rest of the day to recouperate instead of, say a week to two weeks for a marathon. But a full is on my bucket list. Just not yet. ETA: As far as your race goes, you know your body best. For a 10K I'd say ideally you would want to do your longest run 2 weeks prior to the race. A week and a half out might still be just depends on how you recover!!!

EricaR, I just read about your half marathon! Congratulations!!! :appl: I LOVE the races where they put your name on your bib! The jolt of energy you get when you hear people call your name is extremely helpful! And Rock'n'Roll races are really fun...enjoy Vegas! But beware of the Cytomax (on course sports drink) if you don't do well with crystalline fructose. I didn't train with it in advance and drank some during the San Antonio Rock'n'Roll Half Marathon and I had stomach issues for the rest of the weekend.

Golden, you burn roughly the same calories per mile walking and running. Not quite the same, especially if you run at a pretty good clip, but roughly the same. So, if you walk the same *distance* as you were to run, you will probably see the same results in terms of weight maintenance that you would by running. But running outside and running inside are WAY different. I hate the treadmill but see it as a necessary evil sometimes...but I run outside whenever I can.

Oh...and I'm headed to REI this weekend to get fitted for Vibrams! SO excited! :appl:
I officially drank the Vibrams Kool-Aid.

Introducing my brand-spankin-new Sprints!

vc10um - have you taken them for a run yet? I'm curious to know how they feel, particularly outside!

As for my news, I ran another 5k yesterday. It had rained all night and was very warm and humid at the time. Although I ran very slow (for me), due to overheating caused by a poor choice in shirts, I still came in 1st place for my age group! :appl: Here's a pic with me and my gold medal!

I haven't taken them for a run yet...I'm still getting use to how they feel and reading up on proper barefoot running form. It's certainly clear, however, that a heel-first strike is *out* in these shoes. I'll definitely report back after the first run!

And congrats on winning your age group! That's awesome!!! :appl: I'm a slowpoke... :wacko:
How are the vibrams, vc?? They look so cute!!

Congrats on winning your age group Imp! I'm a total slow poke, so I'm really impressed :appl:

Has anyone seen BeachRunner around this thread???

ImpatientOne congrats on an amazing run :appl: :wavey:

vc10um - those things scare me! i'll be interested to hear how you go in them, i think for me im a long way off trying something like that - i need to get orthotics first, i have a terrible lean-to on one ankle (cant recall the exact term...)

My first 10k is on Saturday. I did a long run on SUnday which felt good, but im still a bit sore in the shins/ankles from it. So while i did do a short run yesterday i might give it a rest today (the sudden snow storm isnt helping my motivation!!), then do a semi-long one on Wednesday, followed by a walk Thursday and rest Friday.... Sound like a plan?

Im super excited for it :bigsmile:
One word of warning on the vibrams - do NOT wear them when it is super hot outside. A friend wore hers at a 5k and the pavement was so hot she ended up with blisters on the bottoms of her feet! The more experienced vibram-ers told her that they never wear them on the pavement when it is super hot.

I saw her blisters FOUR weeks later and all I could think was :shock: :shock: :shock: .
I'm so glad to see the running thread hoppin!

vc- Good luck with those Vibrams. I've read little about bf running, but I do know that you have to "relearn" to run. Good luck, and please report back!

ImpatientOne- Congrats! Huge accomplishment! You look awesome too! I can't wait to wear long sleeves running. I haven't been able to do that for a long time!

I guess it's my turn; my marathon is Oct. 17th and I'm due for my final LR of my training; 20 miles. After this week, it's taper! Yay!

Happy running!
BR...which Marathon are you doing??? And best of luck with your last LR!!! As for "relearning" to run, I'm taking it really slowly, and starting with walking! Breaking the habit of heel-first is really really hard! So I don't want to take the Vibrams out for a running spin until I'm confident in my form. So I'll continue to just walk as well as use them on the elliptical trainer in the meantime. I'm starting to get the hang of it, though!

EricaR, thanks for the heads up re: hot pavement!!! I'll be sure to be extra careful!!!
Great job impatient one! I am a slowpoke too, so no gold medals in my future.

I am running my first 5k race in the beginning of Oct and am really excited! Problem is that I have a nasty chest cold right now and have not run for 12 days and probably won't for another 2-3 -- I have no lung capacity at all with this nastyness! Oh well, 5k is not very far and I don't need to win!
Hey! I just finished the couch potato to 5k program last night, so I'm running 30 minutes now. I'm still only running 2.4-2.5 miles in the 30 minutes. I guess this week I will concentrate on running 3 full miles. My mom and I are running our first 5k October 2nd!
Dreamer, I hope you feel better soon! Hopefully you'll be back to full speed in the days to come! Bes ure to let us know how your race goes :appl:

Golden, CONGRATS on finishing the Couch to 5k Program! That's fantastic and you should give yourself a pat on the back! Now that you can run the full 30 minutes, it won't take you long to get to 3 miles. Let us know how the race goes :bigsmile:
Hi! I thought the cp25k program was to teach one to run a 5k, so am I just running too slow? What should I do now to get to 3.1 miles?
Golden, go to the website and research 5k running programs. You need to just keep running! The more you run, the easier that 30 minutes will become and the farther you'll go. You can also add some speed workouts in there. There is some good info online as far as to how to increase your speed. and are a couple of other good sites. All three have Facebook pages if you have FB, and they put out helpful tips every day there.

As I said, just keep running and the speed and distance will come!
Thanks to a lovely bit of pneumonia it looks like I'm taking a few weeks off running. My half in December won't be happening and I'm super bummed about it. Actually, I'm pretty worried about starting up again. It's been two weeks since my last real training run and after another two or three weeks off I know I'll have lost quite a bit of condition. I think I'll hop back to Hal Higdon's 5k training program and start really small.
Just wanted to pop in here and wish BeachRunner a happy marathon on Sunday! Good luck Beach!!! I'll be thinking about you :) Oh and trim your toe nails! Oh and I found packing some Motrin and taking it around mile 17 helped me, but it's totally up to you!!!
:appl: :appl: :appl:

lliang_chi said:
Just wanted to pop in here and wish BeachRunner a happy marathon on Sunday! Good luck Beach!!! I'll be thinking about you :) Oh and trim your toe nails! Oh and I found packing some Motrin and taking it around mile 17 helped me, but it's totally up to you!!!
:appl: :appl: :appl:


Thanks Lisa! Congrats on your MARATHON FINISH!!
My toenails are already all trimmed up. Both my big toes are already black so the damage is already done. Let's hope I keep my toenails for the whole race!

I've read that taking an anti-inflammatory is bad, esp during endurance running. Your kidneys break down the drug so you can become more prone to dehydration and kidney failure. But, many people do it! During my training runs I'll stop and stretch which makes it a little more tolerable ;))
So all told I was knocked out for 4 weeks with a chest cold and subsequent sinus infection :nono: Got back on the wagon and now I have a cold!!

What is everyone's take on running when you are ill? How do you decide whether to go or not?
Ooh, beach, that's crazy I didn't know about that anti-inflamatory stuff! Whoops. Well, it helped me stop and start better. Good thing I'm not doing anymore marathons... :) Are you all excited about your race? Lots of running good vibes going your way!

Dreamer, sorry you were knocked out with the chest cold. For me, if I have any fever I totally don't run. I rest up, drink fluids and play the sick card. If it's just congestion, headache, no fever, I still run. I figure fever is the body's way of telling you it's fighting off something. Everything else is general discomfort. Also I don't run as far as I would if I was healthy. If I'm wiped 2 miles in, that's all I'm doing for the day... Hope you're getting better.

Dreamer - I have heard a good rule of thumb for running while sick is if your sickness is above your neck (head congestion, sneezing, etc), it's just fine to keep running. If your sickness is below the neck (really in your chest), then you shouldn't run. If you are feeling like you want to go running, I don't think there's any harm in trying though. I'm sure you'd know less than a mile in whether it was a good idea or not.

Liang - congrats on the Chicago Marathon! I heard it was brutally hot in the last half.

Beach - good luck at your marathon this Sunday!

As for me, trying to get back into running. At least I have the weather on my side right now as we're having a lot of 50 degree days which are just perfect and comfortable for running. Too bad there is so little sunlight! I am rushing home from work trying to get 30 minutes of daylight and it is tough! I am supposed to run a 5 mile race in November and I am definitely not prepared at this point. 5 weeks out, that is a pretty scary thought. Hopefully this will be the motivation to get me back into it.
Hi runners!
Well, I'm a marathoner! Woo hoo. The experience was wonderful and I'll likely do another one! Those last 6 miles were extremely difficult, but you just have to get it done!
I didn't finish in a time I would have liked, but being my first, my ultimate goal was to finish. I hit mile 20 at 3:40 and finished at 4:59. Again, not great, but I struggled with the last 10k.

Re: running while sick: I'll get out and run unless I'm seriously ill (flu, fever, stomach ailments). If I can't finish, I can't finish.

Danielle- You'll be fine with your 5 mile race! I know I keep worrying about the diminishing sunlight too. I'll have to figure something out. I love running in the chilly weather. There is just something about running in the cold crisp air that I just love!

I'm going to hype up compression socks now. WOW! I know the number one rule is not to wear new gear but I got a pair of compression socks at the expo, took them for a quick run on Saturday and wore them for my race on Sunday. Let me just tell you how wonderful they are! My calves usually get tight and give me problems. While my thighs are still very sore, I have not one blister on my feet or ANY calf issues. They seriously work and I highly recommend them!

And there I am, holding myself up after finishing!

Congratulations on your marathons, BeachRunner and Lisa!!! :appl: :D :appl:

I haven't run in weeks. I still haven't gotten up the courage to go running the Vibrams...and the one time I did, it decided to rain, and it was already chilly out and I already had a runny I bailed.

I can report, though, that they've done wonders while I'm on the cross-training machines. My ankles use to stiffen up after I got off the elliptical or other machines...after wearing the Vibrams I have no such issues. Let's hope that continues!

After not running for an entire month (Vibrams or not!) I decided since I knew I could walk and finish to do the Army Ten Miler this morning, since I was already registered.

I finished in 2:17:11, which is only about 1:45 slower than the past two years, when I've actually been well-trained and un-injured. I'm pretty impressed and excited with my results!

Goal for next year: to have a predicted finish time that doesn't seed me in the last corral! I'm tired of having a purple bib (even if it IS my favorite color)!
Congrats on the 10 miler Vc10um! Get yourself a proper training schedule and you'll meet your goals for next yr!

For me, I got 4.2 miles in yesterday in a little under 40min. It felt good, but I'm not back to 100%, but it's still early. I'm still running at an easy pace. I'm looking forward to next week and hopefully I can get back to the swing of things. I'm thinking I'll train for another marathon in May.

It doesn't hurt that it's perfect running weather and absolutely beautiful in my neighborhood with all the trees changing color!

Happy running!
BeachRunner said:
Congrats on the 10 miler Vc10um! Get yourself a proper training schedule and you'll meet your goals for next yr!

For me, I got 4.2 miles in yesterday in a little under 40min. It felt good, but I'm not back to 100%, but it's still early. I'm still running at an easy pace. I'm looking forward to next week and hopefully I can get back to the swing of things. I'm thinking I'll train for another marathon in May.

It doesn't hurt that it's perfect running weather and absolutely beautiful in my neighborhood with all the trees changing color!

Happy running!

It IS perfect running weather!

BR...I was on a training schedule that I was holding to with about 95% success for a half marathon I was suppose to run in September, with the intent of just maintaining my endurance during the 5 weeks between the races. I ended up having some knee issues before the half marathon and didn't run. I had tried a few short runs a few weeks back and was still having issues so I stuck to non-impact exercises in the meantime.
Congrats on your race, vc10um!

I'm still running about 5 days per week and am registered for three more 5k's this year - two in Nov and one in Dec. I've gotten a little more serious about training properly, so several weeks ago I downloaded and app onto my iPhone called Run Coach Pro. I know there are a lot of running plans on the web, but I prefer to have something on my phone where I can track things. Anyway, I am happy to say that over the past month, I have cut over a minute off my training pace :appl: I ran a practice 5k about a week ago (mapped a course out in my neighborhood) and I actually cut about a minute and a half off my fastest 5k race time without really pushing myself, so I am totally stoked for my next race!!!

Running is my therapy! Nothing like putting on my running shoes, grabbing my iPhone and heading out the door for a nice run. Talk about a stress reliever! My friends all think I am nuts, but I feel FABULOUS! :D
Hey everyone, I'm going to start popping in here when I can. I ran a 5k last year (the race for the cure in central FL) but had a back injury early this year and haven't been able to run. I think I am FINALLY back to where I can though, and plan to start this week. I'll probably start with two milers for now, and work my way back up. I've continued to walk, but the impact with running wasn't working with my back, but I'm finally getting to where impact doesn't seem to bother it anymore. HOORAY.
Glad to hear you're healed up, Dragonfly! Taking it slow is a good idea and I'm sure you'll be up to the longer distances in no time! :))
ImpatientOne-You cut a 1.5 minutes off your 5k time? WOW! Huge accomplishment, congrats! :appl: A minute off of training runs is pretty substantial too. I used to run a 10min/mi; now I comfortably run 9:30min/miles. But, I work on distance, not speed. I think next training series I will add a speed work day.

dragonfly- Best of luck getting back into running! I hope your runs are pain free!

I had a chilly 5 mile run today. I had on running pants, tank, long sleeve top, running sleeves under my SL top, and a vest. I got a little warm, but for the most part, was OK. I love cold weather running so I don't mind. It's just been soo windy here the past couple days, so that is less than fun. Wednesdays are my "semi long run" day. I'm not sure what I'll run tomorrow as I am still being cautious after the marathon. I'll probably try 6-8 miles.

Happy running!