
The two week club!

These are getting set. 7-10 days

I haven't posted much, but have lurked for years off and on and am now part of the waiting club for 3 emerald/diamond/platinum vintage eternity rings I'm getting for my anniversary! I'm so excited and hope they look half as beautiful as some of the pieces displayed on this thread!
These are getting set. 7-10 days

They look beautiful. I love that shade of blue. Will you be able to wear them with your diamond earring jackets?
Thank you! I'm still waiting on your WF baby......:cool2::P2:kiss2:

:lol: I heard today that if everything goes according to plan I will get it the end of this month or first week in February!
waiting for Daniel M to create my white zircon ring. this thread is genius btw!
And it’s finally here! Actually, it arrived a few days ago, but it’s been a rather hectic week. There was a bit of a hang-up with customs that I wasn’t sure would get resolved. I was so close to dropping everything and making a road trip to liberate the package. :lol:

She’s an absolute dream... so fluid and flowy. While this may not everyone’s style, I find the cut and transparency of the stone reflects the underside of lush setting and makes the entire ring glow even more. It’s remarkably comfortable too.
Such a stunning piece. Is there a thread on this?
:lol: I heard today that if everything goes according to plan I will get it the end of this month or first week in February!

@MamaBee - the wait is killing me! Do you feel the same way? Hahaha. Can’t wait to see your new rock!
@MamaBee - the wait is killing me! Do you feel the same way? Hahaha. Can’t wait to see your new rock!

@Dmndsr4evr11 Yes! How long do you have now?
I asked for my previous 14k Valoria setting back. I may find a gem to fit in it at a later time. It’s a light setting but it makes the diamond stand out IMHO. I can’t wait for you to get it!
@Dmndsr4evr11 Yes! How long do you have now?
I asked for my previous 14k Valoria setting back. I may find a gem to fit in it at a later time. It’s a light setting but it makes the diamond stand out IMHO. I can’t wait for you to get it!

@MamaBee - 15 agonizing days! Estimated ship date is 1/28. Maybe we will get them the same day ;).

Now my friend is wafting for her perfectly matched ACA's for diamonds studs! Thanks to Becca @whiteflash for her help! Can't wait to see them IRL!

Looks like I am waiting on one of those VitaminLove traveller boxes lol. I ordered it on Monday night. No sign of it shipping yet but I can be patient. I'm sure they are pretty busy right now. I really love the small box I bought from them for Christmas. My daughter is going to have such a wealth of velvet boxes when she grows up lmao!

Now my friend is wafting for her perfectly matched ACA's for diamonds studs! Thanks to Becca @whiteflash for her help! Can't wait to see them IRL!


Becca is great!
My newly reset “Bee” cushion bangle bracelet will be here on Monday! :appl:
I’m hoping to get my Whiteflash upgrade within the next two weeks. The previous diamond went to the lab to be I guess I just have to wait for it to be back. I’m hoping the new diamond is set and they’re just waiting for the lab report on the trade in. I’m wearing diamond bands I haven’t worn in a long time because I’m going through withdrawal. I need a diamond on my
Thank you @Dmndsr4evr11! How are you holding up? Haha
Counting the days. So hard hahahaa. You must be in agony too especially that you are waiting for two. At least you’re getting one back on Monday ;).