
The Value of PriceScope

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Sep 19, 2004
Ellen''s recent post about the need for people to say Thank You (which is locked so I cannot respond) - raised a question in my mind that I have not seen directly addressed in a few years.

Why do people come to, and why do people stay, on the PriceScope Forums. Why do people Value PriceScope.

Obviously, for someone just learning about diamonds PriceScope (PS) offeres a wealth of knowledge, advice, and support.

That is why I showed up years ago; and I learned everything I wanted to know at that time.

Others like helping other people - for various reasons. Myself, I felt that if I get help I should help - and I helped out on RT fairly extensively years ago...

Others need support. Where would we be without the LIW forum. Occasionally, even guys joined the list for support - and to give support (and for a while I was a GIW).

However, when it was all over - I and many others stick arround becasue of the community and for various personal reasons. For example. I believe that this is one of the best run forums on the internet - and tends to be very civil.

Others enjoy various other PS Forums. I myself commonly post on the ATW (Arround the Wold) forum.

For each of us - there is a Value to PriceScope. Like any other community of people you have a variety of different presonalities and people with needs.

We all have our ups and downs too. Sometimes we are at our best - and sometimes at our worst - and it shows.

Also, though an internet forum is different than a personal relationship. To - in part - answer Ellen''s now locked post. I tend to say please and thank you more in person than I do in electronic communications - or on forums. Which I beieve is also true of many other people. Most of my participation these days is mainly on discussing or debating an issue. I believe my responding is an acknowlegement, and believe that when other people resond to me (or the thread) that they are acknowleding. For me, specific thanks has never been an issue - but I know for some it would be. I am not upset about what other people do - and I understand the ups and downs and how people react differently at different times.

In the end - though - I believe the bigger question is what is the value of PriceScope. The value we place on it also drives our expectations as well.

For me, after I learned what I know about diamonds, and dabbled in colored jemstones - and after it appeared that I would not be getting engaged and married (several years ago) it has overall been a great community of support when I have needed it; and I try to support back. More importantly, its a place I can participate in - and be accepted; even when I know that I may be presenting a different position. Unfortunately, I do have limited time - and can''t follow everything (and sometimes am not here for days).

But, a key part is the concept of a dream of what may be - and of nice jewelry for that special person....

What, is your reasons for valueing PriceScope?

I came to Pricescope as a BIW, so I think the biggest value I find in the community is INSPIRATION!!! I''m inspired by all the wonderful ideas shared on the BIW board, but recently I''ve been just as inspired by the personal successes and hardships shared on the other boards as well, inspired to be a better person, a better friend, a better daughter, and even a better poster (haha, and a special thanks to anyone I''ve forgotten to thank!)
Like most people, I came here to research diamonds.

The reason I stay is simple: I work from home and have no regular office interaction. Therefore PS is my water cooler.

There are definitely places on PS where I''ve surprisingly found support - the preggo thread being the biggest one. But for the most past, I just like to read and contribute wherever strikes my fancy. I have rarely, if ever, needed to start a thread to vent about serious issues in my own personal life here. I like a more lighthearted PS, but I certainly understand why people do come to vent or ask for help with serious issues as PS is one of the most supportive communities around. Just FAB people.

I also like PS because there really is no way for anyone to contact me personally. I don''t want to debate the topic of PMs because that will get this thread locked, but for me personally I had a bad experience with a forum once that really surprised me. I was invited to a private forum from another public forum I participated in and it was really great. We did all have each other''s email addresses but I never emailed anyone "behind the scenes" and naively thought that people just posted on the forum. To find out 3 years later how much cattiness was going on behind the scenes disgusted me. It was beyond "I don''t like this person" but instead there was scheming on how to get people to leave the forum/club. Long story short, I found out about this when one person was threatened to be kicked out, and I was like, "Whoa whoa! We can''t do that without a vote! How did this happen?" People who I thought were really sweet were actually very mean spirited. I was surprised to find out how many of the ladies grew to not like one another, and I was totally clueless about it all.

I will never join a private forum again, nor will I ever join one that has PM. I LOVE all the PS personalities here but have not a whole lot of interest in meeting people IRL. Mostly because I''d like to maintain my naivete, if that makes any sense! I still don''t know what possessed me to meet Mara. But even she knows that I don''t really have any interest in offside chat and we only email once every other month or so to see what''s going on in our personal lives since I have stopped reading WWT and she doesn''t read the preggo thread.

I guess that was a roundabout way of me saying that after my last icky forum experience, I am glad to have PS as my watercooler, and that I love the innocence about it.
I love Pricescope! Why?!

1. Eyecandy-lots of jewels to ogle over. I love the variety of styles.
2. Bridal Forum-so much advice, inspiration, and wonderful people to help me search for accessories, etc
3. Family Home and Health Forum-more advice, access to people who have experience with various topics (e.g. excercise, nutrition, health issues). We commiserate and also encourage and support each other.
4. Easy to post, easy to search for topics, easy to use overall!
5. Super nice people
6. Super funny people
7. Access to lots of opinions and advice
8. Educational-not just about diamonds!
9. Threads are well moderated
10.Very entertaining!!!!
This is only the second forum I''ve posted on extensively. The first was a religious forum where we discussed an array of religious themes. Any off-topic conversation was immediately removed.

I came to PS to study diamonds and gems, and that''s what I''m still doing.
But, I love that there are multiple topics going on at once. You can easily find something that interests you.
Also, the people here are amazing. We have so many funny, helpful and really intelligent people. And, most of the time, they are well-behaved!
You can find support for every area of your life!

It''s a comraderie that''s hard to find face to face. Most people don''t understand the "diamond" thing, so being here is being amongst friends.
I found PS during my search for a replacement engagement ring. I have stayed ever since. I like that there are lots of different topics to read and of course the lovely jewellery.

There are quite a few people here that I really like, and feel that I would get on well with in real life. Unfortunately that is unlikely due to the necessary lack of PM. I understand why the PM facility isn't here. It keeps the place safer.

I suppose on the whole PS is a safe environment to hang out in and the people are nice.
I initially came here to look at pictures of lucidas. I stuck around because everyone seems to be so helpful and there is so much support amongst people here. I think that out of all the boards I''ve ever been on, this one is definitely the nicest and friendliest. It has become part of my day now.
Date: 2/25/2008 11:52:14 AM
Author: TravelingGal
Like most people, I came here to research diamonds.

The reason I stay is simple: I work from home and have no regular office interaction. Therefore PS is my water cooler.

heh heh that's good...PS has recently become my water cooler. I work from home as well, and apart from my hubby(who also works from home)who else can I chat with on my long (ahem) extended breaks.

I came to PS looking for info on ovals.

It's funny how quickly the habit sprung to life. Sometimes, I actually find myself jonesing a bit for PS.
On the flip side, I definitely need to take breaks, especially because I am prone to the horrid DSS, and getting away seems to be the only cure

I find PS to be very friendly and civilized. *Sometimes much more so than in physical life.* Tiffs are usually worked out. Honesty is welcomed. And the advice is top notch.

A virtual community is a very strange phenomenon indeed. I think that's where people are moving as we get into this century. PS is like the Matrix. When I leave it, I wonder if in fact it exists at all, and then I punch a button, and it comes to life again.

Isn't it interesting too that some threads can be so "noisy?" I mean, the voices are loud and clear on the screen. Like, the SMTR threads are so happy and excited. The Rocky Talky threads are a bit quieter more analytical, though they have their loud moments as well. I don't venture into Brides that often, because I eloped, and I feel I have nothing to offer. LIW is fun, and I've started venturing over there. Hangout too.

I don't visit any other forums. Who knew a diamond forum would have it all?
For many years, I was the only person I knew who collected jewelry. It was a joy to find a place where other collectors could ''talk'' to each other and meet in person sometimes. I''ve learned a lot about gemstones since I''ve been here.
I found PS because I wanted to see pictures/learn more about ECs. I began posting more than a year later, almost a week after we returned from the honeymoon. I teach, so I had nothing to do until August, and to be honest, I had a case of the post-bridal blues. Posting on the brides board (even though my wedding was over) helped me relive the wedding experience a little bit (with lovely brides-to-be who seemed to be interested in hearing about the things we did/planned) and eventually helped wean me off of being a bride.

I love PS for the jewelry and I looooove learning about diamonds (and now, my latest obsession, gemstones) and ogling others'' amazing pieces, but right now, there is no extra income for new jewelry, so honestly, sometimes I jump right to the hangout and family,home, and health threads. This is such an interesting slice of the world - (mostly) women and men who are professional, it''s a pretty-well educated group and well spoken crowd, and everyone has such interesting insights coming from a wide range of vocations and experiences living in cities, towns, rural, remote places - I love how varied this group is.

Also, after moving away from my friends and family a couple months ago, I''ve really begun to rely on the PS community for odds and ends of every day life. Reading about people''s different reactions and interactions with co-workers, spouses/partners, children, parents, etc. helps me navigate some of my real-life experiences and also think critically about the way I act and treat others. And, there''s so much every day stuff that is almost too mundane to call up a friend about (for example, I posted about dry skin and got a huge range of responses - that''s certainly not worth calling a friend to talk about), but PSers will come and share insight no matter how small the question.

I think T-gal said it best - this is my watercooler, too. I post because I want to help others if I can, but I know sometimes I post just because I have the urge to say something after spending (most) of my day in silence. I figure that when work picks up and I''m interacting with real-life people more often, my participation with PS will probably become less, but for right now, this community kinda helps me "keep it real" (even if it IS a virtual space). I really don''t have an urge to join any other virtual community (even the IDEA of something like second-life kinda freaks me out) because I don''t think there are many internet communities that are like this one. So often in other forums, people think that because a post is (sort-of) anonymous, it doesn''t need to be geared toward a real reader - and for many, the internet is an anonymous space where people can be their worst selves. Here, I think we tend to be very aware of each other and actually post FOR each other rather than AT each other. That''s refreshing.
I started reading PS to learn about diamonds. I stay because 1) I would have had NO CLUE how to plan a wedding otherwise.
I suppose I could have read books about it, but this was definitely more fun and 2) I enjoy the supportive and stimulating chatter and the mutual support people give to each other. I am grateful for the advice I get and I hope I''m sometimes helpful to others too. 3) I love jewelry, and, like Madame Bijoux, don''t know anyone else who does. So it''s a joy to be able to see peoples'' gorgeous gems and share that pleasure with like minded folks.

Honestly? I didn''t even know what a ''forum'' was before I found PS and have never sought out or read any other.
I found PS years ago during my e-ring search....I think I googled EC's and it brought me here...and I never left!! The first few years I was more of a lurker than a poster, but I think now I definitely contribute more! I visit PS everyday, even after working 13 hrs, I always log on for at least a few mins to catch up on things. I, like Maisie, feel like I have made many good friends here...people that I know I would really get along with IRL.... I have shared some of the most important moments of my life with you guys...which is pretty awesome, if you think about it!!!

I love PS b/c I can maintain the friendships I've made, and also learn new things everyday about diamonds/jewelry, which are really one of my biggest hobbies. I dont think many people IRL understand my diamond obsession, but I know everyone here does!!!!
I just stumbled across PS late at night, just looking for some eye candy. Not for any particular reason, I already had a ring and was married, I just love diamonds. Pricescope is a place where I''m not alone in my hunger for sparkle. Its a place where I can show off a new purchase, without feeling like I''m bragging, or trying to one up someone. Which I''m not, but if I were to take a half dozen pieces of jewelry to work to just play show and tell....well, I''m sure that wouldn''t be percieved in the right way. Its nice to have people share in your joy of all things beautiful and especially to share in their joys as well! I love seeing the different styles and tastes that everyone has. While I have my own particular style, and might not choose certain pieces for myself, I love to see that everyone''s different and can come up with the most creative things! And too, in respect to the fact that all the posters here are all at different places in life. I guess to me, pricescope is a way of celebrating everyone''s differences, both in personality and in jewelry!

Thank you perry, for the thought-provoking thread!
I found PS while I was researching diamond quality and pricing. I was looking for an ering with my bf for a long time and wanted to be certain that we were getting the best quality for the best price and wanted to determine how we could best achieve this goal. I value PS because it facilitated the accomplishment of this objective. I spent endless amts of time researching diamonds and kept being drawn back to PS as a resource for the unbiased, "real-deal" consumer perspective. There were too many snakes in the grass both online and in person at B&M''s. We were seeking assistance with sussing them out so that we could discern what was truth and what was fallacy or pure "sales pitch" and, by doing so, make an informed and confident purchasing decision.

I am incredibly appreciative of the resource that PS provides and am now proud to be a part of the "giving back" ... I am passionate about diamonds/jewelry and equally as passionate about helping others out. The diamond/jewelry purchasing process can be arduous and confusing, to say the least, as everyone has a "story" - true or not. Given that I was so thankful for the helping hand to assist with guiding me through the diamond purchasing process, I want to return the favor. I want to be there to help people with their diamond dilemma''s and share the joys of their successes and, while doing so, pass on any knowledge I have gained throughout my process. Feeling as though I am able to make a difference and assist others or just plain old make something easier for them is satisfying and yet another reason that PS is a value laden resource.

Getting to see all the great bling pics and engage in thought-provoking or simply "fun" conversation are also nice perks.
I found PS in 2002 when we were researching e-rings. Actually then I had a specific question about an OEC that I liked. I found PS, it seemed like people were knowledgeable (and they were, they were experts in the trade!!) I asked a few Q''s.

I don''t know what possessed me to stick around after my purchase because the forum was so tiny then. From what I can recall, I liked the tight knit tiny community, getting to know the experts and Leonid was SO involved then, so getting to know him was awesome too. Then a few other people came or were there who I kind of clicked with (F&I; Alj; CandadianGrrl; PQ)...and the forum slowly started growing, and it was fun to watch. I loved helping people coming into RT who knew nothing find the stone of their dreams. Was fun to watch the small PS vendors grow too, when I got here I think WF was only like 2-3 people and now it''s huge!

Now it''s a little too big for me, a little too spread out, a few too many topics, a few too many personalities. I don''t participate as much as I used to just because I can''t keep up with as much of it as I used to be able to. I tend to just read FH&H, Shopping, Hangout mostly. Sometimes the SMTR but I hate to say it but I feel like I have almost ''seen it all'' thanks to all the baubles seen in the last 6 years on PS. I''m not as excited about jewelry stores as I used to be either! Buying a diamond is more like ''Oh that one looks good, good stats, lets get it'' than a big long drawn out thing.

But overall what keeps me here is habit I think...and the relationships I have made with some of the fabulous PS''ers. One thing that I really love right now is watching some of the gals who I have made friends with go through stages in life from afar. I remember when Tacori came to the forum originally. Now she has a daughter! And TG is preggo...who knew when she started making posts on here that I''d be around to see her get married after me and get preggo before! Hahha. I love hearing when someone is buying their first house, remembering looking at their wedding pictures just a few short months ago. It''s just so much fun to see people I have interest in living their lives through the forum. For me it is definitely not as much about diamonds anymore and more about the people and interest.

That said...though most of my interest is not about diamonds right now...I would totally support the forum going back to the ''old'' format of JUST being about diamonds, because I think that bodes better for Pricescope in the long-term. I sometimes wonder as PS gets farther and farther away from what it originally was, if that is what will eventually be it''s downfall.
Date: 2/25/2008 2:21:22 PM
Author: Mara

That said...though most of my interest is not about diamonds right now...I would totally support the forum going back to the ''old'' format of JUST being about diamonds, because I think that bodes better for Pricescope in the long-term. I sometimes wonder as PS gets farther and farther away from what it originally was, if that is what will eventually be it''s downfall.
I disagree. (See, told ya it happens!)

I think the diversification of PS is what makes it great! Longtimers have pretty much seen it what keeps them around? Other interesting topics and subforums. And they will still venture over to RT to help newbies, which IS what is it is all about. It helps to have some other entertainment around though.

Yes, the dynamics of the forum has changed, but that is what keeps it engaging. I''m not sure that PS would have thrived as well as it has without the evolvement.

And btw, I can''t wait to see you go through your pregnancy, which I am betting will be in the next two years.
3.gif dare you disagree with me! Aren''t you SCARED of me? I''m so mean, GRRRR! Darn...where''s my horns, that ''retractable'' button is broken again.

Actually, I am torn sometimes. But I always come back to ''the beginning'' mentally. Mostly because it was all just so SIMPLE then. I guess only time will tell what will be best. I won''t be going anywhere either way...PS is just too interesting. Greg always says that it would make a really interesting psychology study for someone writing a thesis or something. Maybe we have some lurkers who are doing just that. hehee.
I really love what T-Gal said and that''s part of why I''m here. I love talking to people but I find on forums that get too personal a lot of fighting and drama goes on which I just cannot stand. I left a forum where I had a lot of friends because of that. I''ve seen this same forum ruin a marriage (all the husband ever does is chat on this forum and it looks like he has met someone else and has left his wife). Sad sad stuff. I came for the diamond info but I stay because I really like the way this place is run.
Mara, can you believe it?!? I was only just engaged when I joined. Oh, time flies....but I think that is what is great about PS. I love watching people''s life evolve from picking out engagement rings to a wedding band to anniversary presents or baby baubles. It''s fun. MsFlutter was getting married the same time I was and now I love seeing pictures of her little boy. Same with Ella and CurlyGirl. I was drooling over their wedding photos and now I can smile at their beautiful babies. It makes me feel "connected" to all these people because life changes. Everything changes.

I do disagree with you about having PS only be about diamonds. I love that it is about a community of people who all share one main interest (diamonds/jewelry) but find support and advice on other things as well. That is the value of pricescope to me. Okay, I gotta go clean up poop now

TGal I am counting down the days until Mara announces her pregnancy! Does a car seat fit in the back of your mini?
Hi all.
I am fairly new here unlike some of you.
I am here b/c I love diamonds. I learned lots here when we bought my other diamond (EC cut) and I think you all are real nice folks. It''s like I know some of you "a little" through your posts. PS has become a daily routine for me....
Date: 2/25/2008 11:20:55 AM
Ellen''s recent post about the need for people to say Thank You (which is locked so I cannot respond) - ....
Same here - wow, you''re gone for the weekend and look what you miss!


Why do people come to, and why do people stay, on the PriceScope Forums. Why do people Value PriceScope.

Others like helping other people - for various reasons. Myself, I felt that if I get help I should help - and I helped out on RT fairly extensively years ago...
I came totally for my e-diamond setting. I hated the one I had, and first was looking for a setting to match my wedding band, but in the end got another ring and then started looking for a stand-alone setting. One reason I am still here is because it has taken WAY longer to get my setting than I ever imagined! But I also feel like you - if I get help I should help. As others have said, I don''t know much about diamonds so I''ve never been able to help on those types of threads, but for setting opinions etc. I try to help where I can in my limited time on here. Also, IRL people aren''t very helpful about this stuff, either because they don''t care about jewelry, or for so many reasons, while Pricescopers so often can relate to things much better, and often will see details etc. about settings that I would miss, for example.

Unfortunately, I do have limited time - and can''t follow everything (and sometimes am not here for days).
Same here. Sometimes I''ll see an interesting topic and make a comment, but I don''t have time to get into the controversial threads, etc.. Mainly I am here and probably will continue to be primarily for the jewelry. I will say, that although I am not on other forums much either, from what I''ve seen PS is for sure one of the most user-friendly!
I stumbled upon PS a long time ago while scoping out bling pics. I never posted for a long time but lurked more than I''d like to admit. One day someone''s ring caught my eye and I just had to join so I did and I''ve been here ever since. I like to post mainly in Family, Home & Health and also Hangout because I really don''t know that much about diamonds so I don''t feel qualified to answer questions about that. Now that I''m pregnant I''ve found amazing support from the ladies in the preggo thread can still get my eye candy fix in SMTR so it''s the best of both worlds for me.

I feel like a "bad" ps''er in that I guess I don''t place much value on the most ideal of ideal diamonds although I will admit that if I am ever in the position to get an upgrade I''ll be seeking out the advice of the experts here - after all this would be the best place to get advice on diamonds!

I must have googled my way here at some point. I lurked for some time before I registered. I wouldn''t have my upgrade diamond if it wasn''t for the existence of PS. I would still be waiting.
I don''t know how long I''ll stay either, to be perfectly honest. I''ve learned a long time ago that forums evolve, and I try to be neutral and even anonymous because otherwise I may find myself investing too much time in a "virtual" place. BTDT. This is really a great place. I''ve been around far more drama on other hobby/lifestyle forums. People here are courteous. I don''t get involved in the politics of any place if I can help it. Just not me. In real life I''m terribly easygoing, but being over 45, I''m also set in some of my ways and just go with the flow other times. Bleah. I''m pretty sick right now, so I don''t think I''m making any sense.
Date: 2/25/2008 4:57:58 PM
Author: DivaDiamond007

I feel like a ''bad'' ps''er in that I guess I don''t place much value on the most ideal of ideal diamonds although I will admit that if I am ever in the position to get an upgrade I''ll be seeking out the advice of the experts here - after all this would be the best place to get advice on diamonds!

Just wanted to respond to this Jess. This is my way of thinking too. I''m just not all up and bothered about statistics these days. I appreciate and understand them, know the looks, and all that, but personally I''m happy with what I have which is only "near ideal". But I''m older, and less picky in general. I really only ever wanted an OEC but couldn''t find one. Just can''t get myself too worked up over material possessions when it comes right down to it. I mean, who else in the family gets this kind of $$$ luxury? I''m not worth it!!
Lyra, hope you''ll be feeling better soon! I was so sick all last week, so I can sympathize!

I came here like most others when I began searching for a diamond for our anniversary. I totally disagree that the variety of forum topics will be the downfall. I think it is a large part of the success of the forum! If people are searching for a stone, PS always will come up in their search engine. You stay in Rocky Talky the whole time you are shopping for a stone. By then, you get to know a few people and even enjoy helping others choose diamonds and settings. Then there are so many other boards to chat on about other topics. It is to the vendors'' advantage to have us stick around. We can give a personal testimony to our experiences with them. And as we stick around, we are probably more likely to buy more ourselves! So what is good for business is very good for PS!!! I would have never hung out on any of the diamond forums because they don''t have the variety that this forum offers!!! I think it is perfect as it is!
I came across PS in its infancy, in mid-2002. The whole internet diamond thing was just starting to take off, and there wasn''t much of anything else like it out there. I was fascinated by the discussions going on between consumers and industry folks, and just stuck around. That''s really what''s kept me here--the opportunity to see consumers and experts interacting and exchanging views on various issues in this business. Of course, there are now a number of other such forums, but I came here first, so that''s where I''ve stayed.

Other than Garry and a few of the other trade folks, I may be one of the longest-surviving members. (I had a previous SN that I killed for various reasons.) It''s certainly changed in some ways--the biggest being Leonid''s departure
--but that''s inevitable.
What originally brought me to PS is the simple fact that I have a weakness for all things sparkly...especially sparkly carbon
! I have been this way since childhood, so this is a longtime love for me...well, not that long, lol.

Then DH and I were looking into a three stone for out tenth anniversary last May, so that kept me busy searching PS for different style settings.

I am not currently planning anything, no new bling on the horizon, but I still love diamonds and I love looking at all the lovely bling that members post here...and I like the people!
Date: 2/25/2008 2:52:02 PM
Author: Mara

I had to smile when I read this Mara as I have often found myself thinking the same thing. I''m currently working on a proposal for a PhD Thesis in Literary Studies and my supervisor was telling me that there is much more freedom in Literary and Cultural Studies these days with regards to what is considered a literary ''text'', although I think forums such as these are probably best suited to study by psychology students as your husband has suggested.

But getting back to the topic at hand, I must confess to being primarily enraptured by the eye candy on display. Looking at beautiful jewellery, the likes of which I never see in my daily life, is for me a sort of escapism. I also think it is wonderful that people seem genuinely interested in helping others, and I feel as though I have been given access to an wealth of information on diamonds and jewellery. I''m ashamed to admit that before I found this site I thought cut referred only to the shape of a diamond. At least I''ve got that one well sorted now...
Thanks all.

I have to agree in part with Mara about how PriceScope has changed and the number of forums - and the long term future related to the number of forums.

Is PriceScope drifting somewhat from its focus with all the different forums? That is a great question. Yet, people need support in more than just diamonds; and people who hang arround will be exposed to the advertising and buy more jewelry (and better jewelery) down the road.

So, what is best long term? There is also a ballance on how many different forums can be effectively maintained.

I do not think that PS should just be restricted to only discussions about diamonds. Afterall, BWW and LIW are totally natural extensions; and many of the others are worthwhile.

Also, would PS and the community really wish to loose people once they have bought the ring and done the deed... (or not as in my case); or should PS have somewhere else for these people?

In the end - I would not be surprised if long term that PS had about 10 different forums instead of the current 15. But, I am in no rush to change things now... and I suspect that they will change as a natural progression (although I could be wrong and perhaps PS ends up with 57 different forums in the future. I am sure Storm and a few others of us could have fun with a Personal Protection/firearm forum. But, I doubt that PS should go down the path of being everything for everyone.

Date: 2/26/2008 8:49:48 AM
Author: perry
I am sure Storm and a few others of us could have fun with a Personal Protection/firearm forum. But, I doubt that PS should go down the path of being everything for everyone.

Ha ha - that would be one my DH could get into!!
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