
The Value of PriceScope

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I stumbled here as a LIW. This forum was a great support system for me, as we don''t always have people to share these situations with around us in RL. I also would never have gotten such a great quality ring for the price we got it if it wasn''t for PS.

Right now I hang out in the BIW section a lot more, obviously, and agin the help and support I''ve gotten is tremendous. The sharing of ideas and the advice is great.

I love the bling too...

So, thanks everyone!
Date: 2/25/2008 2:21:22 PM
Author: Mara
I found PS in 2002 when we were researching e-rings. Actually then I had a specific question about an OEC that I liked. I found PS, it seemed like people were knowledgeable (and they were, they were experts in the trade!!) I asked a few Q''s.

I don''t know what possessed me to stick around after my purchase because the forum was so tiny then. From what I can recall, I liked the tight knit tiny community, getting to know the experts and Leonid was SO involved then, so getting to know him was awesome too. Then a few other people came or were there who I kind of clicked with (F&I; Alj; CandadianGrrl; PQ)...and the forum slowly started growing, and it was fun to watch. I loved helping people coming into RT who knew nothing find the stone of their dreams. Was fun to watch the small PS vendors grow too, when I got here I think WF was only like 2-3 people and now it''s huge!

Now it''s a little too big for me, a little too spread out, a few too many topics, a few too many personalities. I don''t participate as much as I used to just because I can''t keep up with as much of it as I used to be able to. I tend to just read FH&H, Shopping, Hangout mostly. Sometimes the SMTR but I hate to say it but I feel like I have almost ''seen it all'' thanks to all the baubles seen in the last 6 years on PS. I''m not as excited about jewelry stores as I used to be either! Buying a diamond is more like ''Oh that one looks good, good stats, lets get it'' than a big long drawn out thing.

But overall what keeps me here is habit I think...and the relationships I have made with some of the fabulous PS''ers. One thing that I really love right now is watching some of the gals who I have made friends with go through stages in life from afar. I remember when Tacori came to the forum originally. Now she has a daughter! And TG is preggo...who knew when she started making posts on here that I''d be around to see her get married after me and get preggo before! Hahha. I love hearing when someone is buying their first house, remembering looking at their wedding pictures just a few short months ago. It''s just so much fun to see people I have interest in living their lives through the forum. For me it is definitely not as much about diamonds anymore and more about the people and interest.

That said...though most of my interest is not about diamonds right now...I would totally support the forum going back to the ''old'' format of JUST being about diamonds, because I think that bodes better for Pricescope in the long-term. I sometimes wonder as PS gets farther and farther away from what it originally was, if that is what will eventually be it''s downfall.
On the first point, me too. I don''t have time to keep up with everything and everyone and I do better in smaller groups.

On the second point, I like the other forums because I''ve got my diamond and I''ve also seen just about everything. But it does seem that the bigger the group gets the more conflicts that arise. There is too much of a good thing.

I guess I come because I''ve made a few friends and want to see what they are up to. I usually get a good variety of perspectives and sometimes an awakening that my own view is not the only one (what, really??? I thought it was...). Most of the people here are intelligent and there''s a variety of life stages so there are a lot of shared experiences.
I came across PS when Googling for diamond settings and I wish I had found it sooner! I was never really a LIW because I was pretty much in the process of picking out my ring when I found PS, so I actually didn''t have too bad of a case of LIWitis.

I stuck around after I got my diamond ring because I love jewelry, especially diamonds, and I enjoy learning about them and seeing all the sparklies. I also enjoy the different personalities here on PS, and I almost always end up chuckling to myself because of a witty post. Lots of smart, funny women post here!

The different debates are fun for me too, although they do sometimes have a tendency to get out of hand and get shut down, but that''s probably a good thing, because I wouldn''t like PS much if it was just a bunch of fighting and negativity.

I check out most of the forums regularly-PS is a great way to procrastinate, and it''s my favorite way to waste time on the internet!
I also googled my way to PS because I love all things sparkly and wanted to become an educated consumer to make sure I spend my money well. Most of my time is spent on SMTR and Colored Stones but I also appreciate the educational threads in RT. Sometimes I click on Posted Today just to see the latest active threads and once in a while reply to threads in subforums I don''t ordinarily read like Hangout and LIW.

I''ve stayed on PS for eyecandy
I will keep it short (dodgy keyboard)
- love love all the sparkly diamond jewellery pictures
-l ove the friendly and helpful community on here
- love that there is also the home, Bride, hangout etc threads

arghhh, this keyboard is so annoying.

Oh, and where else can you go to and ask detailed nitty gritty diamond advice that no-one else would comprehend,or even cared about, or thought you were weirdly obsessed and materialistic. i love how PS everyone just love diamonds, but in a good way.

I came to PS to learn about the buying on line experience. I stayed because:

I enjoy the photos of awesome jewels
I love the celeb jewels posts, the royal jewels posts and thing like that
I found a group of people with whom I have many things in common. This the main reason I continue to check into this forum. The group is friendly, educated and travelled and altogether a great group that gives me a lot of pleasure to associate with.

By now, if it were only about diamonds, I would no longer look at it. I have learned so much from other members and way beyond just diamonds.
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