Ha, I love that you teased him like that! I would have done the same thing if I were in your place!
Your ring is GORGEOUS and I can''t wait to see bigger pics! And I bet your immediate DSS will go away. I felt the same way when I got my ring. You look at giant pictures for months and once it comes it seems tiny! The finger coverage looks fantastic from what I can tell from the pic!
I hope that when you get a chance, you''ll post more pictures of the ring! I have always had my heart set on the princess cut, but my boyfriend''s family has an emerald cut diamond that we can use. I''m scouring around looking for settings that I like, and I think I want something like yours. I''d love to see more of it!
Again, congrats! That wait is just horrible, but I bet it''s all worth it now!
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