
They think they found Caylee

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I just read that the remains found are indeed Caylee. I''m so sad for that little girl.
And I also read that they are not going to want to fry the mother??? What has this country become???
Date: 12/20/2008 8:57:03 AM
Author: rob09
And I also read that they are not going to want to fry the mother??? What has this country become???
So you don''t like the idea of "frying" Casey. Hmm, then I think a better punishment would be to take her, chlorform her, tie her up possibly drug her some other way as well, bind her mouth and head with duct tape, put her in the trunk of a car. Then, go out and party, forget her in the trunk until she is dead. Freak out, tell no one what has happened, pretend nothing happend, and leave her body in the trunk. Then, possible bury her in the backyard, until you find out that the backyard may be paved with concrete and you don''t want anyone to find the you borrow a shovel from the neighbor to dig up the body, put it BACK into the trunk for a few weeks. Dispose of the body, then abandon the car with the dead body smell at a public place, with no gas in it. When you finally report her missing, it is a month later, and "someone" took her.

Gee, how about that?
Date: 12/20/2008 10:56:38 AM
Author: starsapphire
Date: 12/20/2008 8:57:03 AM

Author: rob09

And I also read that they are not going to want to fry the mother??? What has this country become???

So you don''t like the idea of ''frying'' Casey. Hmm, then I think a better punishment would be to take her, chlorform her, tie her up possibly drug her some other way as well, bind her mouth and head with duct tape, put her in the trunk of a car. Then, go out and party, forget her in the trunk until she is dead. Freak out, tell no one what has happened, pretend nothing happend, and leave her body in the trunk. Then, possible bury her in the backyard, until you find out that the backyard may be paved with concrete and you don''t want anyone to find the you borrow a shovel from the neighbor to dig up the body, put it BACK into the trunk for a few weeks. Dispose of the body, then abandon the car with the dead body smell at a public place, with no gas in it. When you finally report her missing, it is a month later, and ''someone'' took her.

Gee, how about that?

Happy holidays star - wonder why we are the only industrialized western democracy who believes that killing someone is the right way to punish - eye for an eye I guess. Very telling - and the hypocrisy is always a blast!
I don''t want her to get the death penalty. I want all of the mothers in there who haven''t been able to see their babies in years to do the job for us.
Date: 12/20/2008 2:10:19 PM
Author: rob09

Date: 12/20/2008 10:56:38 AM
Author: starsapphire

Date: 12/20/2008 8:57:03 AM

Author: rob09

And I also read that they are not going to want to fry the mother??? What has this country become???

So you don''t like the idea of ''frying'' Casey. Hmm, then I think a better punishment would be to take her, chlorform her, tie her up possibly drug her some other way as well, bind her mouth and head with duct tape, put her in the trunk of a car. Then, go out and party, forget her in the trunk until she is dead. Freak out, tell no one what has happened, pretend nothing happend, and leave her body in the trunk. Then, possible bury her in the backyard, until you find out that the backyard may be paved with concrete and you don''t want anyone to find the you borrow a shovel from the neighbor to dig up the body, put it BACK into the trunk for a few weeks. Dispose of the body, then abandon the car with the dead body smell at a public place, with no gas in it. When you finally report her missing, it is a month later, and ''someone'' took her.

Gee, how about that?

Happy holidays star - wonder why we are the only industrialized western democracy who believes that killing someone is the right way to punish - eye for an eye I guess. Very telling - and the hypocrisy is always a blast!
Do you KNOW anything about this case, and do you have anything to contribute other than anti-death penalty tripe? I really don''t care what happens to Casey, as long as she is never going to spend one more day of her life in freedom. I think she should spend the rest of her days in a dark damp hole.
Just my take on the matter...

I am conflicted on the death penalty. Honestly. Sometimes I think it is pointless, and other times I want monsters such as this woman, extinguished. However, my understanding of law tells me that if we do have a death penalty, if we as a society deem this "just", it is NOT so we can indulge our outrage against the person who is convicted of the crime, but as a small form of justice for the person wronged - in this case, murdered. It is also to protect against this person committing the same crime against others. The danger with our wanting to "fry" someone, is that by indulging our rage, we are in danger of becoming monsters ourselves. Justice needs to be as devoid of passion and the thirst for revenge as it can, or it ceases to be justice, and becomes something else, evil in itself. If this woman is tried, convicted and sentenced to death, it should be swift and DONE. We don''t get to cut her heart out, show it to her while she still breathes, then draw and quarter her, even though we might wish it...
I think that we both agree that she should spend the rest of her life behind bars. And I certainly know as much about this case as anybody else on this forum. About the contribution - I hope that the following will fit right in:

"They have apparently found Caylee. Hopefully now we can fry that monster of a mother who killed her own child for no reason. Personally I would want to do the same to the mother as she did to her child. No life (except for that of the mother) should end so early - and hopefully those lying grandparents will also get their just punishment"

This case just makes me so sad. I live about 10 minutes from the Anthony's so I have been following the case very closely. After just going through a miscarriage where I wanted that baby so badly, it literally makes me sick to think about her killing that poor innocent little girl. I think she should get a life sentence, the death penalty just seems too easy...
I have to agree with Karen on this one. I have gone over this in my mind and my heart for years. I try to imagine how I could forgive someone if they murdered my daughter. Every mother can appreciate this neverending level of anxiety that occurs the moment you give birth...well, most psychologically healthy mothers anyway. I think of Lacy Peterson''s mom and I imagine that the loss of one''s child is compounded by the anxiety that are thoughts are always imagining that our child suffered. That they were tormented with fear and pain from the realization that they were being killed. I even feel that level of anxiety if I imagine her death by accident. I have to immediately say out loud, or silently..."cancel thought" and replace it with another vision.

It''s only then that I realize that killing a murderer out of revenge, or even a negligent driver perhaps (whether drunk or searching for a cell phone), would not bring me closure, happiness, or any degree of satisfaction whatsoever. I believe that revenge is best suited for sports. Like the Chargers this past weekend. We deserved revenge against the Broncos. But nobody is dying.

I don''t believe that non-violent offenders belong in jail for any extended period of time. I believe that people who steal should be punished as well. But I believe that the person who steals a car stereo worth $1000 should receive a longer sentence than those that have the public trust. Bankers, lawyers, politicians who have and are capable of ripping off people and institutions of gazillions of dollars. I don''t believe that drug users and/or abusers belong in jail (especially when I know far worse people who abuse pharmaceutical and prescribed medication...Rush Limbaugh, oh yeah, they weren''t prescribed for him either).

I believe that jail is intended for people like Casey, who is a psychopath. I read all the transcripts, all her text messages to her friend and I listened to her interview recordings even after I read them. It''s sad really. This case was a failure of her environment as much as it was about Casey. She didn''t want to be a mom. From all accounts, she made it clear that she wanted to get rid of the baby, but her mother had so much power and influence over her that wouldn''t "let" Casey abort or give up the baby. Casey was too immature and completely at the mercy of her mother. It''s a very sad, sad, case. Could her mother have predicted that her daughter was capable of this type of action? Who knows. I find it hard to believe that her mother didn''t know Casey was a pathological liar, but a killer? That''s just not built into the mother gene, unless the mother teaches the child how to kill, as in some psycho Soprano like family.

Charles Manson, Hitler, Scott Peterson, especially those people who cannot even be human enough to finally admit what they did and beg for the mercy of the court...those people deserve never to see the light of day. The father who imprisoned his daughter and fathered how many kids and kept them locked up? Oh yeah...shouldn''t see the light of day. But murdering them?

I think it would make me feel like a monster. I don''t want their blood on my hands. I just want them quarantined (?) for life.
Date: 12/30/2008 11:13:53 PM
Author: miraclesrule
I believe that jail is intended for people like Casey, who is a psychopath. I read all the transcripts, all her text messages to her friend and I listened to her interview recordings even after I read them. It''s sad really. This case was a failure of her environment as much as it was about Casey. She didn''t want to be a mom. From all accounts, she made it clear that she wanted to get rid of the baby, but her mother had so much power and influence over her that wouldn''t ''let'' Casey abort or give up the baby. Casey was too immature and completely at the mercy of her mother. It''s a very sad, sad, case. Could her mother have predicted that her daughter was capable of this type of action? Who knows. I find it hard to believe that her mother didn''t know Casey was a pathological liar, but a killer? That''s just not built into the mother gene, unless the mother teaches the child how to kill, as in some psycho Soprano like family.

I think it would make me feel like a monster. I don''t want their blood on my hands. I just want them quarantined (?) for life.

Thank you for trying to tackle the true complexity of such a terrible event - "frying that crazy b*tch" is unfortunately the easy way out, both in characterizing the mother as well as in finding a solution to prevent future crimes of this type.
She deserves a lifetime of solitude to think about what she did to her daughter. She deserves to be tortured by the other moms in prison that are in jail for other crimes and who will torture her once they found out she killed her own daughter. She deserves to go insane with thoughts of her daughter and hallucinations of seeing her little girl which almost always happens in cases like this.

She does not deserve an easy way out. Death is an easy way out. If they give her "the chair" she will come to peace with what she did, ask whoever she prays to for forgiveness, and she will most likely die in peace. She doesn''t deserve that priviledge. Caylee didn''t get that priviledge.
I honestly hope they don''t give her the death penalty. I''d rather see her in solitary confinement, with pictures of her daughter all over the room, and on the ceiling, to remind her of her little girl. I want her to have to think about it every single day. I feel so sad for that little girl.
i agree that she should be in solitary to think about what she has done, however, i don''t think that she has ANY remorse for what she did. she was out partying it up and sleeping with her boyfriend while her baby girl was dead in the trunk of her car.
Date: 1/2/2009 9:21:38 AM
Author: cbs102
i agree that she should be in solitary to think about what she has done, however, i don''t think that she has ANY remorse for what she did. she was out partying it up and sleeping with her boyfriend while her baby girl was dead in the trunk of her car.
If she is a psychopath, then she will not have remorse because she is not capable of it. The only remorse she would have is in being caught.
Date: 1/2/2009 12:21:54 PM
Author: diamondsrock

Date: 1/2/2009 9:21:38 AM
Author: cbs102
i agree that she should be in solitary to think about what she has done, however, i don''t think that she has ANY remorse for what she did. she was out partying it up and sleeping with her boyfriend while her baby girl was dead in the trunk of her car.
If she is a psychopath, then she will not have remorse because she is not capable of it. The only remorse she would have is in being caught.
yes, that is what i was trying to say..but i was on my way to a meeting and did not think it our clearly!! thank you for clarifying!!!!!
I believe one of the main purposes of the death penalty is to deter murder and other terrible crimes. I think it is just in certain circumstances, and I am not one who seeks revenge.

I have a lot of the same thoughts as Miraclesrule because that girl did not want to have that baby. Either the mother should have allowed her to give it up or else the grandparents should have taken full custody. I hate to say it, but the grandmother bears some responsibility for forcing her daughter to keep the child. And I also agree with MR that no mother could ever believe their child is capable of murder before it happens. So that part I cannot blame her for. The grandparents will suffer for the rest of their lives, sadly.

I don''t wonder what this country is coming to when we seek the death penalty for a henious crime, but I do wonder how we as a society are producing people such as this mother who apparently have no conscience whatsoever.
I''m curious as to what the grandparents are thinking now. If they are accepting the idea of her daughter being guilty, or if they are going to say that someone else is responsible. Such a horrible tragedy for everyone invovled, but especially that sweet little girl. There are so many families out there who would have given their right arm to adopt a little one like her.
I am neither for or against the death penalty. It all depends on the circumstances and the crime. But sometimes I wonder if I want my tax money to support some of these criminals, and yes, they are ciminals, for the rest of their lives. I would rather that it goes to help the survivors somehow.
Just such a tragedy for all involved. The poor grandparents not only lost a granddaughter but also their daughter. So so sad.
Date: 1/2/2009 9:48:28 PM
Author: mochi
I am neither for or against the death penalty. It all depends on the circumstances and the crime. But sometimes I wonder if I want my tax money to support some of these criminals, and yes, they are ciminals, for the rest of their lives. I would rather that it goes to help the survivors somehow.

Reminds me of something I heard once. Whether or not one is for the death penalty - executions go on every day in this country. Carried out by executioners, (like Scott Peterson, Drew Peterson, or Casey Anthony) who choose to administer the death penalty for whatever reason. Yet the innocent have no "stay of execution", choice of last meal or candle light vigils before being killed.
Date: 1/2/2009 9:48:28 PM
Author: mochi
I am neither for or against the death penalty. It all depends on the circumstances and the crime. But sometimes I wonder if I want my tax money to support some of these criminals, and yes, they are ciminals, for the rest of their lives. I would rather that it goes to help the survivors somehow.
I believe it is more expensive to execute a criminal than to keep them alive until they die naturally. I also wish that tax dollars would go to help victims families, but money can only do so much, unfortunately.

I don''t think that Casey would have killed anyone if these circumstances had not arisen. I cannot say that she is a psychopath. I think she is a girl whose choices were limited to what her mother wanted, and this crime happened because she couldn''t deal and didn''t want to deal with her mother''s choice. I highly doubt that Casey is a person who would murder someone in a random act of violence, say in a drive-by shooting. I hear her story of going out to party afterwards and I don''t hear celebration in her actions, I hear a girl going back to the life she had before her life was drastically changed because of her pregnancy. Relief, if you will.

I''m assuming she felt like she didn''t have a choice because she wasn''t able to handle having responsibility of the child. I feel sorry for Casey. I feel so sorry for Caylee. But in reality, I think this crime was ultimately caused by the grandmother and her actions.

Don''t get me wrong, I''m not defending any of them, I think it''s an absolutely disgusting crime. I''m so grateful that my bio mother was able to give me up for adoption and I didn''t have an interfering grandmother that tried to make my mother''s choice for me. Ultimately that gave me a better life than I probably would have had otherwise.

This situation is so so sad. My heart just breaks for the life that little girl should have had.
Date: 1/3/2009 12:55:56 AM
Author: FrekeChild

Date: 1/2/2009 9:48:28 PM
Author: mochi
I am neither for or against the death penalty. It all depends on the circumstances and the crime. But sometimes I wonder if I want my tax money to support some of these criminals, and yes, they are ciminals, for the rest of their lives. I would rather that it goes to help the survivors somehow.
I believe it is more expensive to execute a criminal than to keep them alive until they die naturally. I also wish that tax dollars would go to help victims families, but money can only do so much, unfortunately.

I don't think that Casey would have killed anyone if these circumstances had not arisen. I cannot say that she is a psychopath. I think she is a girl whose choices were limited to what her mother wanted, and this crime happened because she couldn't deal and didn't want to deal with her mother's choice. I highly doubt that Casey is a person who would murder someone in a random act of violence, say in a drive-by shooting. I hear her story of going out to party afterwards and I don't hear celebration in her actions, I hear a girl going back to the life she had before her life was drastically changed because of her pregnancy. Relief, if you will.

I'm assuming she felt like she didn't have a choice because she wasn't able to handle having responsibility of the child. I feel sorry for Casey. I feel so sorry for Caylee. But in reality, I think this crime was ultimately caused by the grandmother and her actions.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not defending any of them, I think it's an absolutely disgusting crime. I'm so grateful that my bio mother was able to give me up for adoption and I didn't have an interfering grandmother that tried to make my mother's choice for me. Ultimately that gave me a better life than I probably would have had otherwise.

This situation is so so sad. My heart just breaks for the life that little girl should have had.
not all psychopaths go on murder sprees. They lack a conscience (thus lack remorse), are effective and convincing liars (creating new lies efffortlessly to cover old lies), are manipulative, but are usually charming and likeable upon first impression. I don't think anyone would really be able to say she is a psychopath without diagnosing her first and only a psychologist could do that. She appears to have some of the traits, however.
Death was caused by Casey. She can easily blame her circumstances to others, but ultimately the blame and the action is hers.

For example, I was molested by my uncle and my stepfather. If I molest a child, can we say that because of my past, I am not 100% to blame? We all make the decision to act the way we do regardless of our past. It''s just a easy way out if we all start to blame what happened in our lifes or what our circumstances are for harming others or destroying lives.

I have always told others that I am who I am because I chose to be this way, despite what my parents or family members did to me. I could have easily gone the the other way and probably the road to self destruction was readily there for me and easier to travel because of my childhood. But I chose the other path, to better myself.

It''s all a choice.
Date: 1/3/2009 9:58:17 AM
Author: mochi
Death was caused by Casey. She can easily blame her circumstances to others, but ultimately the blame and the action is hers.

For example, I was molested by my uncle and my stepfather. If I molest a child, can we say that because of my past, I am not 100% to blame? We all make the decision to act the way we do regardless of our past. It''s just a easy way out if we all start to blame what happened in our lifes or what our circumstances are for harming others or destroying lives.

I have always told others that I am who I am because I chose to be this way, despite what my parents or family members did to me. I could have easily gone the the other way and probably the road to self destruction was readily there for me and easier to travel because of my childhood. But I chose the other path, to better myself.

It''s all a choice.
Amen to that. At some point a person, no matter what has gone before, reaches a point where their actions can only be their own. You can''t blame mom. You can''t blame dad. YOU make the choices. And from the standpoint of the law, straying from that principle has created quite a few problems. We are each the product of our experiences. How we react to them belongs only to us.

It all boils down to whether you prefer accepting determinism as a defining paradigm, or free will. The battle is certainly on in the scientific world in the fields of genetics and evolutionary biology. In any case, I come down on the side of free will, in spite of being seen as hopelessly provincial in the eyes of many scientists. I find believing the other to be demoralizing and ultimately dehumanizing.

Bully for you mochi, for taking your power back. Thoughtful and admirable. And I bet it took alot of work to get there.
I know her lawyers are going to try to use the "Casey didn''t want the baby but her mommy made her have it" defense and I just think that is such a crock of bull. Casey wasn''t some scared 16 year old when she became pregnant. She was legally an adult. I''d be much more inclined to believe a postpartum depression defense. But really, I think that she is just a heartless psychopath and a pathological liar.
Date: 1/3/2009 11:09:37 AM
Author: luckystar112
I know her lawyers are going to try to use the ''Casey didn''t want the baby but her mommy made her have it'' defense and I just think that is such a crock of bull. Casey wasn''t some scared 16 year old when she became pregnant. She was legally an adult. I''d be much more inclined to believe a postpartum depression defense. But really, I think that she is just a heartless psychopath and a pathological liar.

Exactly. There is NO excuse for murder. She could have left the child with her grandparents and left town knowing they would care for her. She could have left the child at a hospital (Florida has a law where you can drop a child off with no penalties to the parents-a law made for babies, but still applies to older children). There would have been ways to get out of being a parent without murder. And what happened to the father, does anyone know that story?
Well from what I know about the case, I think that Cindy had said that if Casey did not want her, that they would adopt her from Casey or something. She actually threatened to take Caylee away because of Casey''s lack of responsibility. She stole from just about everyone she knew. She rarely worked. She was man crazy. Party crazy. I think she killed Caylee to spite Cindy. I think they said the day Caylee was probably killed was the day of the big fight with Cindy. Just my 2 cents.
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