
Things you''ve done on a dare

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Date: 6/24/2007 9:16:58 PM
Author: justjulia

Date: 6/24/2007 9:11:02 PM
Author: Ellen
Oh julia! yuck
Hey, it was salty and crunchy, and well, yeah- yuck.
Date: 6/24/2007 9:05:15 PM
Author: justjulia
Ate a fried termite overseas. Kept thinking to self, ''it''s just protein, it''s just protein.''
I''ve eaten a rat and snails...the rat was actually pretty good, sad to say. It was the snails I had a hard time with!

Other dares....hmmm...I''m going to plead the fifth. But I was famous with my friends for almost always following through on one, and ALWAYS doing them sober (my friends usually had to be drunk to do some of the things they dared each other to do). I guess I just have a higher tolerance for remembering what a fool I can be!
Date: 6/25/2007 9:56:17 AM
Author: princesss

I've eaten a rat and snails...the rat was actually pretty good, sad to say. It was the snails I had a hard time with!

Other dares....hmmm...I'm going to plead the fifth. But I was famous with my friends for almost always following through on one, and ALWAYS doing them sober (my friends usually had to be drunk to do some of the things they dared each other to do). I guess I just have a higher tolerance for remembering what a fool I can be!


I don't think I could ever do that. Was this at a restaurant???
The rat was on a river cruise in Thailand when I was 12 or 13. The snails were in October while I was in Spain. It was a famous dish from a town in the Basque Country, and the group presenting brought in a big bowl of what was basically snail stew! My friend''s host mom made it, and I was kind of the adventuresome intrepid traveler of the group so my friend clearly expected me to eat it. And what can I say...I find it very difficult to turn down any sort of interesting experience!
hehehe. I imagined it happening at the same time; I just saw you being served a rat and a snail in one dish!
I forgot snails are a delicacy and in the US too. I have a friend who went to some french restaurant and loved them. I don't know if I could try either. One of my family memebers whould have to be w/me and taste if 1st before I did. The craziest thing I tried was Gator, and "it tastes like chicken!"
Date: 6/25/2007 10:46:42 AM
Author: Skippy123
hehehe. I imagined it happening at the same time; I just saw you being served a rat and a snail in one dish!
I forgot snails are a delicacy and in the US too. I have a friend who went to some french restaurant and loved them. I don''t know if I could try either. One of my family memebers whould have to be w/me and taste if 1st before I did. The craziest thing I tried was Gator, and ''it tastes like chicken!''
Oh man, wouldn''t that be a meal!
Date: 6/25/2007 11:20:47 AM
Author: princesss

Date: 6/25/2007 10:46:42 AM
Author: Skippy123
hehehe. I imagined it happening at the same time; I just saw you being served a rat and a snail in one dish!
I forgot snails are a delicacy and in the US too. I have a friend who went to some french restaurant and loved them. I don't know if I could try either. One of my family memebers whould have to be w/me and taste if 1st before I did. The craziest thing I tried was Gator, and 'it tastes like chicken!'
Oh man, wouldn't that be a meal!
LOL, I know!!!
I thought the title of this thread was "Things you''ve done on a DATE" and I thought, "huh? I dont think I can list that here...!"
LOL! I loved reading this thread! I have done stupid things, but not on dares as much! LOL!

A variety of stupid and odd hand...

I ate live octopus, freshly cut...I was abroad, it was a dare and I won a steak dinner...
I dance on the bar at Hogs' and Heffers' (the one that inspired the whole Coyote Ugly movie), but years BEFORE the movie came out...
I threw money into a fireplace. That was a BAD BAD dare.
Got up on stage at a concert in the Bowery Ballroom, and sang along with a band.

and at least a billion times went to talk to someone at a bar or restaurant to get their number for a friend (that actually happened this weekend again). I'm not shy, can you tell?
My friends and I have done tons of ridiculous things on a dare, the most dangerous I would say was as a teenager it was driving while we all were on acid. Stupid I know, but one of those thigns you kind of don''t think about when you are young.

My top, sober dare? Bungee jumping. My friend dared me. We went up in the crane, the guy supervising started the countdown for us and when I jumped, he chickened out. To this day I tease him.

It was great, by the way.
Date: 6/24/2007 8:57:31 PM
Author: Ellen

Yes Harriet, it was moi.

Trust me, I was quite the wild child in my day. I could tell you stories that would curl your hair, curled mine.
More, please!
Date: 6/21/2007 2:57:36 PM
Author: treysar
my story also involves a fountain.. that''s so weird!

I was drunk (this was pre-sobriety, long ago!!) and my friend dared me to go in a fountain. So I asked the taxi to pull over, took of my pants and got in the fountain. Then I tried to put my hand up the butt of a horse statue and my friend took a picture. I still have it - it makes me CRACK UP with laughter every time I see it!

This was in front of a nice building in Dallas TExas, during the state fair.
Dang, I wish I''d thought of that. The mental picture is just too, too funny!
Date: 6/25/2007 2:09:33 PM
Author: Harriet

Date: 6/24/2007 8:57:31 PM
Author: Ellen

Yes Harriet, it was moi.

Trust me, I was quite the wild child in my day. I could tell you stories that would curl your hair, curled mine.
More, please!
Sorry miss, this is where I plead the 5th.
Time: the early '80s, before Everyone got a 4WD SUV. Indeed, it was back before the term Sport Utility was even coined.

I used to live in a hilly city. A big ice & snow storm overwhelmed the city's ability to clear the streets, so the city just gave up and told people to all stay home. Local police had only Chevy Caprices with all-season tires so they were going to be pretty limited in where and what they could chase, meaning they'd have to stay on the flat ground.

So, we got a friend's 4-wheel-drive SUV, removed the license plate, hitched up one of those closed-bottomed innertubes to it, the kind that you'd normally pull in the water behind a boat, and took turns getting "tubed" all over town. If the cops came after us, the driver would just head up the nearest hill, hehehehe. Then one of the skiers got the idea to try getting towed on some snow skis behind the truck. That worked pretty well, but we decided that was too dangerous if we had to outrun the cops. As if the rubber innertube was any safer, LOL.
Date: 6/25/2007 7:25:23 PM
Author: Ellen

Date: 6/25/2007 2:09:33 PM
Author: Harriet

Date: 6/24/2007 8:57:31 PM
Author: Ellen

Yes Harriet, it was moi.

Trust me, I was quite the wild child in my day. I could tell you stories that would curl your hair, curled mine.
More, please!
Sorry miss, this is where I plead the 5th.
But I''m not a prosecutor!
Date: 6/25/2007 7:46:56 PM
Author: Harriet

Date: 6/25/2007 7:25:23 PM
Author: Ellen

Sorry miss, this is where I plead the 5th.
But I''m not a prosecutor!

Date: 6/25/2007 7:46:56 PM
Author: Harriet

Date: 6/25/2007 7:25:23 PM
Author: Ellen

Date: 6/25/2007 2:09:33 PM
Author: Harriet

Date: 6/24/2007 8:57:31 PM
Author: Ellen

Yes Harriet, it was moi.

Trust me, I was quite the wild child in my day. I could tell you stories that would curl your hair, curled mine.
More, please!
Sorry miss, this is where I plead the 5th.
But I''m not a prosecutor!

I just love Harriet. She cracks me up and so do you Ellen.
I need a laughing smiley face.
Thank you! But there are way funnier people than me around -- Cehra, Dee*Jay, Door Knob. Who else is there?
Cehra, Ellen, Door Knob and DeeJay are funny.

What have you done on a dare Harriet?
Nothing I can remember. Really!
One of my guy friends from high school, had a special project in mind to complete his photography class. No one wanted to do it. I got dared to do it, and did. It involved me standing on a roof in a long dress with sunglasses on. He got the money shot with the sun hitting my sunglasses and the silouhette of me standing in that long dress. Thing is I am deathly afraid of heights.

He ended up getting an A on his project, and the pic was really cool. Wish I had a copy of it.

I know that''s pretty tame as dares go, but most of the crazy stuff I did, happened without being dared, hehe.
hmmm I just thought of one but its more of a bet you cant do that so I dont think I will post it :}
Oh my, I never needed a dare. A mere suggestion was always enough for me. I''m MUCH MUCH MUCH less daring now. My sister recently dared me to walk down the middle aisle of the mall with my HUGE dog in DD''s stroller like some people do with their little dogs. I told her I''d do it for $100. She won''t pony up.
Date: 6/26/2007 1:49:41 AM
Author: Miranda
Oh my, I never needed a dare. A mere suggestion was always enough for me. I''m MUCH MUCH MUCH less daring now. My sister recently dared me to walk down the middle aisle of the mall with my HUGE dog in DD''s stroller like some people do with their little dogs. I told her I''d do it for $100. She won''t pony up.
Miranda, if you ever do it PLEASE post pictures.
Sang "Penny Lane" in Chicago at an upscale Chinese restaurant turned karaoke bar at 11:00pm- only Chinese businessmen were there. The only two people not Chinese were my friend and I. PS they thought I was great and I think they requested more...

Wet T-shirt contest on spring break in Myrtle Beach at a place called Zanadus (alcohol)

Gave a striptease lapdance on stage at a nightclub because that was the contest that night (alcohol)

I''m sure there were more - I never won anything - I''d never do those things again.

Ah, youth and a fearless figure.... both fading away anyway....
If you guys pony up, you can dare me to do something in Tiffany.
Date: 6/26/2007 9:31:02 PM
Author: Harriet
If you guys pony up, you can dare me to do something in Tiffany.
I''ll send you 5 dolla and the farting flip flops....

Date: 6/26/2007 9:31:02 PM
Author: Harriet
If you guys pony up, you can dare me to do something in Tiffany.
dare ya to visit 3 times and not buy anything or try anything on!

Well you know how according to hollywierd they used to have shooting contests in the old days....
Well one of em was too split a bullet on the edge of an axe blade and hit an apple on both sides with one bullet.... splitting the bullet on the axe...
Well one day on the range when we were shooting balloons when I was 18...
We found an old rusted axe head.
Well one thing led to another and the guys I was shooting with said I couldn''t split a bullet on the blade and pop 2 balloons with one shot with my 22lr rifle....
Well I just set them up and did just that 3 times sorta....
I had some 22lr shot shells(shoots 50+ tiny pellets instead of a single bullet).
Did it twice in a row using the only shot shells I had.
This of course freaked them out and they had to try and of course they didn''t know I was using shot shells so they were trying it with regular bullets.
Well a couple hours later none of them had done it and well the accusations of cheating were getting a little too much.... so....
Grabbed my rifle, set it up, one regular bullet, snapped the gun up, FIRE, pop goes 2 balloons,,,
I have never tried it again because I know id never do it again but that day everything just clicked and it worked!
oh and the bet? They had to jump into the ice cold lake :}
Date: 6/26/2007 9:56:34 PM
Author: strmrdr

Date: 6/26/2007 9:31:02 PM
Author: Harriet
If you guys pony up, you can dare me to do something in Tiffany.
dare ya to visit 3 times and not buy anything or try anything on!

Well you know how according to hollywierd they used to have shooting contests in the old days....
Well one of em was too split a bullet on the edge of an axe blade and hit an apple on both sides with one bullet.... splitting the bullet on the axe...
Well one day on the range when we were shooting balloons when I was 18...
We found an old rusted axe head.
Well one thing led to another and the guys I was shooting with said I couldn't split a bullet on the blade and pop 2 balloons with one shot with my 22lr rifle....
Well I just set them up and did just that 3 times sorta....
I had some 22lr shot shells(shoots 50+ tiny pellets instead of a single bullet).
Did it twice in a row using the only shot shells I had.
This of course freaked them out and they had to try and of course they didn't know I was using shot shells so they were trying it with regular bullets.
Well a couple hours later none of them had done it and well the accusations of cheating were getting a little too much.... so....
Grabbed my rifle, set it up, one regular bullet, snapped the gun up, FIRE, pop goes 2 balloons,,,
I have never tried it again because I know id never do it again but that day everything just clicked and it worked!
oh and the bet? They had to jump into the ice cold lake :}
Wow, that is so cool Storm! I am dying to learn how to shot. Hubby won't let me because he think I will accidentally shot me or him; I am not very coordinated.
Date: 6/26/2007 9:56:34 PM
Author: strmrdr

Date: 6/26/2007 9:31:02 PM
Author: Harriet
If you guys pony up, you can dare me to do something in Tiffany.
dare ya to visit 3 times and not buy anything or try anything on!

Well you know how according to hollywierd they used to have shooting contests in the old days....
Well one of em was too split a bullet on the edge of an axe blade and hit an apple on both sides with one bullet.... splitting the bullet on the axe...
Well one day on the range when we were shooting balloons when I was 18...
We found an old rusted axe head.
Well one thing led to another and the guys I was shooting with said I couldn''t split a bullet on the blade and pop 2 balloons with one shot with my 22lr rifle....
Well I just set them up and did just that 3 times sorta....
I had some 22lr shot shells(shoots 50+ tiny pellets instead of a single bullet).
Did it twice in a row using the only shot shells I had.
This of course freaked them out and they had to try and of course they didn''t know I was using shot shells so they were trying it with regular bullets.
Well a couple hours later none of them had done it and well the accusations of cheating were getting a little too much.... so....
Grabbed my rifle, set it up, one regular bullet, snapped the gun up, FIRE, pop goes 2 balloons,,,
I have never tried it again because I know id never do it again but that day everything just clicked and it worked!
oh and the bet? They had to jump into the ice cold lake :}
lol Don''tcha love those days?
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