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- Nov 22, 2007
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I can officially be removed from the list ... I''m engaged!

Click if you would like to read our story and see the pics in the Show Me the Ring forum.
If not ... I''ve pasted the story I shared here for you to read as well.
We''ve been dating for almost 14 years so this has been a long time coming! We have been looking at rings for years but just got serious this past year. Long story short ... My setting has been finished since DECEMBER ... and he just proposed!
I had a sneaky suspicion that my FI.AN.CE (love it! ) was going to propose this weekend, however, wasn''t positive. Saturday we went out to a concert and had a great time but still no proposal so I figured that it just wasn''t going to happen. No big deal right? ...
Well, we got back to our hotel room and I decided to be a bit of a brat and rib him a little bit ... Inside our room, I start teasing him. I say, like the horrible person that I am ...
"HEY, I wore my proposal outfit tonight and now, IF YOU EVER DECIDE TO ASK ME TO MARRY YOU, I WON''T HAVE ANYTHING TO WEAR! ... Hmmpf! " It sounded just like that too except for with a smirk on my face and if I recall correctly some sticking out of tongue so he knew I was just giving him a hard time. I proceed to take off my proposal outfit, for dramatic effect, of course, and change into jammies (yeah, you heard it here ... jammies ) and he says, "Here. I have a letter for you" ...
He then proceeds to hand me this letter .... It was all I could do not to grab it!
Once in my possession, I clung to it like a crack fiend and flopped on the bed to read it. I was engrossed completely right from the start! It was INCREDIBLE! The most beautiful letter ever! Just incredible! I really lost track of time and everything. I was completely taken with his words.
The letter ended basically suggesting that he wants to marry me yet still rather vague and not directly asking those ever important words "Will you marry me?" ....
I''ll quote you a snippet from the end just b/c I can''t help myself and the beauty and meaning behind his letter touched me so deeply. I want to share so that maybe, just maybe you can have a glimpse into what a wonderful man I have ... The letter ends as follows:
"I want to spend the rest of my life with you, marry you, love you and do all that I can to take care of you and make you happy. You just need to say yes and allow me to try. I love you."
I know it''s horrible but despite all of that and everything leading up to it I still was clueless ... What does that mean??! Is this it?! Do I say yes or is he asking or not??! I turned around to ask him and ...
He actually got down on BOTH knees to tell me what he was feeling and then got on one knee to actually propose. Unfortunately, I don''t remember what he said exactly b/c I was so blown away (let me tell you I was never so glad that there was nothing to capture a picture of me in that moment in time). I just know that my mouth was wide open and I looked ridiculous just staring at him with glazed over, excitement riddled eyes ...
I couldn''t be more pleased with his proposal. It was PERFECTION! I''m so, so, so HAPPY!
He says that he wrote the letter so that it could be kept as a keepsake, of sorts.. He wanted me to have a memento to keep as a part of our memory of this special day.
I''m really happy. I have an incredible man and I am truly blessed, honored and humbled that he has thought it fit to ask me to be his wife and partner in life. I love him so much. I think we''ll be a great team!