
Thoughts on personalized License Plates

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Date: 7/4/2008 7:32:46 AM
Author: sna77

Date: 7/4/2008 2:48:02 AM
Author: Dancing Fire
must be a generation gap. i''m too old still couldn''t figure this one out.
HAHAHA!!! Thank you for explaining to our poor DancingFire.
Date: 7/4/2008 1:07:48 AM
Author: MINIMS
When I ordered my new car I was so excited about it -- and so totally smitten with the car I was about to get -- that I immediately went home and started exploring the personalized license plate options. In fact, the plates arrived before the car did! My plates reflect the make of the car so they aren''t particularly clever, but the car and plates both still bring a smile to my face when I see them. I had never really considered getting personalized plated before that.

BTW in California the extra revenues from personalized ''regular'' license plates help fund air pollution research.

The zoo in our town is soooo great, (don''t really want to get into a discussion about the ethics of keeping animals in zoos, but...) every time we go there, I want to donate money to the zoo!
They have personalised number plates you can buy! They start with ''ZOO...''
I really want a set!

One day!
Ninama: I wish I had thought of those, too! I told DH a few years ago that I wanted a bumper sticker that read "Everybody just shut the *&^$ up"!** Then I thought maybe my fellow Epscopalians might be just a bit askance when I drove up at church!

** Personally I think the world would be in a lot better shape if most people knew when it was their turn to just ''shut the *&^$ up''!!
I live outside of Boston, and one of my favorite things when I drive up to Maine and NH is to check out the vanities -- *everyone* up there has them! I think it''s because there''s not much else to do in the long cold winters other than to come up with ideas for vanity plates
I remember an ex''s stepbrother who was a very large guy had a plate that read DIETING (or DIETNG or however many letters fit), which I thought was SO bad. I mean, that''s just asking for everyone to check him out when they drive by!

My Dad always had our last name as his license plate until very recently. Here''s why he got rid of it: he was in temple and someone said to him, "Hey Carl, I saw your car at the Such-and-Such Hotel over the weekend ... " impying my Dad was up to somethin'' naughty when in reality he parks his car there when he rents a car to go on business trips. But it was enough to freak him out knowing that people could "watch" him that easily!

I would love to get one of the RS (Red Sox)/Jimmy Fund plates -- maybe someday!
Date: 7/4/2008 12:53:07 PM
Author: ellaila
I live outside of Boston, and one of my favorite things when I drive up to Maine and NH is to check out the vanities -- *everyone* up there has them! I think it''s because there''s not much else to do in the long cold winters other than to come up with ideas for vanity plates
I remember an ex''s stepbrother who was a very large guy had a plate that read DIETING (or DIETNG or however many letters fit), which I thought was SO bad. I mean, that''s just asking for everyone to check him out when they drive by!

My Dad always had our last name as his license plate until very recently. Here''s why he got rid of it: he was in temple and someone said to him, ''Hey Carl, I saw your car at the Such-and-Such Hotel over the weekend ... '' impying my Dad was up to somethin'' naughty when in reality he parks his car there when he rents a car to go on business trips. But it was enough to freak him out knowing that people could ''watch'' him that easily!

I would love to get one of the RS (Red Sox)/Jimmy Fund plates -- maybe someday!

There is also no extra charge for them in Maine... which is why everyone has them... ;)
Date: 7/4/2008 12:08:22 PM
Author: HollyS
Did you know that there are actual studies (who pays people for these ridiculous barometers of human behavior????) that show that:

1) People with vanity plates are more likely to speed, break the ''rules of the road'', have more road rage, cut people off, talk on their cell phones, eat while driving, etc.?

2) Take parking spaces for handicapped, or park in no parking zones?

3) Be more aggressive or overly confident in personal behavior outside the car as well?

I''m not making this up; a morning radio show was discussing this on my drive in to work one day. As they talked, at least two vanity plates sped by me! (I generally run 5 miles over the limit myself.)

Sounds like this study was ''done'' by someone who hated vanity plates to me! Anybody recognize themselves?

I had nothing to do with that study! I promise!!!!
Date: 7/4/2008 12:08:22 PM
Author: HollyS
Did you know that there are actual studies (who pays people for these ridiculous barometers of human behavior????) that show that:

1) People with vanity plates are more likely to speed, break the ''rules of the road'', have more road rage, cut people off, talk on their cell phones, eat while driving, etc.?
2) Take parking spaces for handicapped, or park in no parking zones?
3) Be more aggressive or overly confident in personal behavior outside the car as well?

I''m not making this up; a morning radio show was discussing this on my drive in to work one day. As they talked, at least two vanity plates sped by me! (I generally run 5 miles over the limit myself.)

Sounds like this study was ''done'' by someone who hated vanity plates to me! Anybody recognize themselves?

1) Check

2) I would never...check (not the handicapped parking spots though!)...

3) Sure, why not?
Date: 7/5/2008 3:50:57 PM
Author: littlelysser
Date: 7/4/2008 12:08:22 PM

Author: HollyS

Did you know that there are actual studies (who pays people for these ridiculous barometers of human behavior????) that show that:
1) People with vanity plates are more likely to speed, break the ''rules of the road'', have more road rage, cut people off, talk on their cell phones, eat while driving, etc.?
2) Take parking spaces for handicapped, or park in no parking zones?
3) Be more aggressive or overly confident in personal behavior outside the car as well?

I''m not making this up; a morning radio show was discussing this on my drive in to work one day. As they talked, at least two vanity plates sped by me! (I generally run 5 miles over the limit myself.)

Sounds like this study was ''done'' by someone who hated vanity plates to me! Anybody recognize themselves?

I had nothing to do with that study! I promise!!!!

but do you exhibit any of these qualities?
Elegant, your timing might be a little off to get the whale tail plate, unfortunately. There''s a flap going on right now over them, and that particular design might be changing soon. The artist, Robert Wyland (he''s done murals in many cities of marine life, and has galleries in many coastal tourist towns) is upset that his environmental foundation gets none of the money raised by the plates. It goes to the CA Coastal Commission and other groups. Well, he never made a formal agreement with the state, so I''m not sure why he''s surprised after 14 years that they aren''t giving him money, but that''s his prerogative, I guess. LA Times article. They''ll probably either discontinue the design altogether or find a new artist.
Date: 7/5/2008 4:47:49 PM
Author: Selkie
Elegant, your timing might be a little off to get the whale tail plate, unfortunately. There''s a flap going on right now over them, and that particular design might be changing soon. The artist, Robert Wyland (he''s done murals in many cities of marine life, and has galleries in many coastal tourist towns) is upset that his environmental foundation gets none of the money raised by the plates. It goes to the CA Coastal Commission and other groups. Well, he never made a formal agreement with the state, so I''m not sure why he''s surprised after 14 years that they aren''t giving him money, but that''s his prerogative, I guess. LA Times article. They''ll probably either discontinue the design altogether or find a new artist.
Wow, thanks for that information Selkie! About 10 minutes ago I just finished ordering the Yosemite National Park plate! Too bad the money isn''t going to that organization. I just took a look at each plate with the wording I wanted and I think the Yosemite plate is prettier and since I am now living near Yosemite, I thought that was the better choice. Thanks so much for that article.

By the way, I was trying different combos of lettering and phrases that I wanted and so many were already taken, but fortunately I go the phrasing that I am satisfied with! And no worries littlelysser, it isn''t too corney...
Date: 7/4/2008 11:17:21 AM
Author: princesss
I''ve rarely seen plates I thought were worth the money. If you want one of the specialty plates, I think those are kind of cool, but the personalization kind of drives me nuts. There have been a few I''ve wondered how they got through the censors (RXSHUN) but there was one that I loved. It was on a red sportscar, and it was ''RLADYED''. It took me a little bit, but once I got it, I loved it!
"RXSHUN" likely got through the sensors because the owner probably listed "reaction" in the explanation section of the plate application.

I work for a BMW dealership, so I do get to see some interesting ones that put the "vanity" in "vanity plates."
A few years back I got my first BMW (employee lease rates are great!) and I put a vanity plate on it.
ITSERND. (IT''S EARNED). I didn''t want anyone to think I got it the easy way!

One of my favorites, and I know you all here can appreciate this, is owned by a client of mine who owns jewelry stores:
GEMYY (GEM WISE). And the plate sported by another jeweler client: VVS1.
Haha, I like that theory on RXSHUN. I was thinking he probably claimed to be a pharmacist and said it meant "prescription".
That''s California for ya! Just like everyone bought into the BS that the revenue from the lottery was going to go to schools.

Ummmm, right....
To be fair, a portion of the money IS going to coastal and ocean conservation through the coastal commission and other agencies. However, the artist''s own environmental charity isn''t getting any of it.
I have to say I am not a big fan me, seeing a vanity license plate, I think, gives me permission to judge the person driving the car...and usually I end up not judging in a good way.

First off, I think, "What makes this person think they are so special that they should have a vanity plate?"

Then, I either look at the plate and think:

"hmm, that''s clever" <5% of the time

"yikes, that''s really cheesy and/or lame" about 30% of the time (such as USC ECON for an econ major at USC)

"ugh, that person is a jerk" about 40% of the time (old classmate had one that said 2GQ4U....he was, not surprisingly, the furthest you could be from a GQ model in terms of looks..)

"ummm I have no idea what that plate is trying to say" the rest of the time

I guess the issue I find is, what part of your personality is SO important that you have to broadcast it to the world on your license plate? And its not like you can really send a deep or profound message in 7 characters or less. My rule of thumb: If you wouldn''t put a sign on your front lawn with the same phrase, might want to think twice before putting it on your car.

In CA they do seem to be pretty common. I don''t mind the charity ones as much as the personalized ones, but I do think it is more noble to donate to a charity because you believe in it rather than because the plates are prettier =)
Date: 7/5/2008 8:09:45 PM
Author: rockzilla
I guess the issue I find is, what part of your personality is SO important that you have to broadcast it to the world on your license plate? And its not like you can really send a deep or profound message in 7 characters or less. My rule of thumb: If you wouldn''t put a sign on your front lawn with the same phrase, might want to think twice before putting it on your car.

In CA they do seem to be pretty common. I don''t mind the charity ones as much as the personalized ones, but I do think it is more noble to donate to a charity because you believe in it rather than because the plates are prettier =)
Hey Rockzilla!

Thanks for the breakdown. I don''t think there was any part of my personality that was so important I have to broadcast it. I basically have a number/letter combo that when you actually looked at it, it kind of looked like a personalized plate because of the arrangement (it has a popular female singer''s initials - which would be fine if I liked her, but I don''t), and I basically HATE it. So, I figured, I might as well get a license plate with the letter/number combo that I am happy with (I need to find happiness in my life, no matter how insignificant it might be to others), and the personalization that I chose and paid for today makes me happy. It basically reflects the model of my SUV and the fact that it is my car - I finally have a car for me and only me that my bf doesn''t touch!

Making decisions is a difficult thing for me to do, so I was stuck with two charities/orgs that I find I would like my money given to - so my choices were:

- The Whale Tail, which the DMV website states, "help protect and restore the priceless resources of California’s coast and ocean" (I''ve lived by the ocean/coast my entire life); OR
- The Yosemite National Park - which the DMV website states, "to manage wildlife, restore habitat, and repair trails in Yosemite National Park"

Now, both of these are great - so, my next choice is which one, since it is my money I will be spending/donating every year, do I think is best (best org and what I think looks best on my car since I am paying for it)? I chose Yosemite. It''s a win/win because I like the way the plate looks and I am choosing to donate some money, EVERY YEAR, to help manage wildlife and restore habitats - I LOVE animals and I think helping maintain/restore their environment is huge because humans take so much land away to constantly build.

I think me spending additional funds for ANY charitable org plates, in this economy, would actually broadcast a giving part of my personality considering many people aren''t willing to spend any of their income to do what I am doing. This is the first time I have ever done anything like this. I am way too serious and need some fun in my life. Thanks for your feedback!
Hey elegant-

When I referred to "you" I wasn''t specifically referring to "you, elegant, poster on PS" I mainly meant "you, personalized-license-plate-getter" I was more explaining my reaction to personalized license plates when I see them on the street, which I figured was part of the topic of the thread (Thoughts on personalized license plates).

Anyone is, of course, free to get whichever plate they want as long as it makes them happy. Glad you''ve found a way to do that and support a great cause as well!


PS I probably would have posted something similar if the thread title had been "thoughts on tattoos of ______" or "thoughts on hummers" - there is generally a reaction that I get when seeing people with both - different for the tattoos and the hummers of course! Obviously there are legitimate reasons and perfectly nice people who get both (actually, I''m still trying to come up with the legitimate reason for the Hummer...haven''t been able to think of one yet!) but regardless I get a certain reaction from seeing them. Its the same thing for the vanity license plate - so I was just sharing my perspective, as a more private person and someone who is not into big outward shows of my personality =)
Hey rockzilla - I didn''t take it personally and I am always happy to get the feedback/opinions/thoughts I was asking for. I am also not one to publicly display my personality - I am very low key and also very private. Because of the negativity vanity plates foster, that''s why I initially posted because I don''t want to be thought of in that light. I am essentially a good person, very caring and thoughtful (hate to toot my own horn but you get the picture). That''s why when I actually chose the personalization, I didn''t make it cheesy or lame...or at least I tried not to!
Date: 7/5/2008 8:09:45 PM
Author: rockzilla

I guess the issue I find is, what part of your personality is SO important that you have to broadcast it to the world on your license plate? And its not like you can really send a deep or profound message in 7 characters or less. My rule of thumb: If you wouldn''t put a sign on your front lawn with the same phrase, might want to think twice before putting it on your car.
Speaking for myself... there''s nothing about me that is so important that I need to broadcast it to the world on my license plate, but I have a personalized plate anyway. I like it and I can afford it. That''s it. I don''t think a personalized plate is any different than being particular about clothes, jewelry, or hairstyle. Intentionally or not, all of those things send some sort of message to others. I don''t sport a single tattoo, I wear very little jewelry (although I love and collect colored stones), I do most of my shopping at Marshall''s, I don''t own a single pair of Manolo''s (
) and very few of my tee shirts have any sort of writing on them. I don''t even own a cell phone!

I used to react to personalized plates myself, so I sort of understand. But really, They''re so common now that most can hardly be called "vanity plates." I got my plates for me... I guess you could say I just wanted to accessorize my car!
rockzilla: You crack me up!!

You suffer from the same thing I do. I always say "why do you" or "when you" instead of "why does one" or "when one"....
I get in trouble all the time at work for this. I never mean "YOU", sometimes I am paraphrasing...

I have made a conscious effort on this forum to remember to do the "one" thing, because as in real life, I get misunderstood and I hate to be misunderstood.

Having said that...I think the same thing you do about plates. I saw a car in the underground parking lot at a former employer that said "2DeepNU" and I thought
And then when I mentioned to some co-workers about the doofus who would have that plate, the guy who owned the car was one of said co-workers. D'oH....

elegant and MiniMS: Please...just don't make them too cheesy.
I am a fan of the 5% of the clever ones.
I like the ones that make me think, and I like ones that are funny. Do NOT put ADONIS on your car if you look like George from Seinfeld. Though it is funny to try to get up next to someone and try to sneak a look at them if you are intrigued by their plate...
Date: 7/5/2008 8:09:45 PM
Author: rockzilla
I have to say I am not a big fan me, seeing a vanity license plate, I think, gives me permission to judge the person driving the car...and usually I end up not judging in a good way.

First off, I think, 'What makes this person think they are so special that they should have a vanity plate?'

Then, I either look at the plate and think:

'hmm, that's clever'
'yikes, that's really cheesy and/or lame' about 30% of the time (such as USC ECON for an econ major at USC)

'ugh, that person is a jerk' about 40% of the time (old classmate had one that said 2GQ4U....he was, not surprisingly, the furthest you could be from a GQ model in terms of looks..)

'ummm I have no idea what that plate is trying to say' the rest of the time

I guess the issue I find is, what part of your personality is SO important that you have to broadcast it to the world on your license plate? And its not like you can really send a deep or profound message in 7 characters or less. My rule of thumb: If you wouldn't put a sign on your front lawn with the same phrase, might want to think twice before putting it on your car.
Oh my gosh, this made me laugh because I wonder about 50% of the plates too and most of the time I don't get their plates. hehe Some are pretty good, but I think with some you would have to know the person. Like SDL's; I love that hers is mystars. hehe

I had an old classmate have a plate where he advertised he was good. . . hmmm
There have been a few clever ones but a lot of goofy ones like Wildchl, then I have seen ones that tell people what they do for a living. I guess for me I don't want to be spotted around town. I like to do things without people saying "oh that is Skippy's car because her plate says Skippy." Or I could just see people telling me they saw me eating Italian on Wed; I just wouldn't want that. haha When I was younger I wanted a personalized plate but now that I am older I see more cons to it.
I was going to choose a specialty plate with a duck on it. We spend time regularly on the Outer Banks of N.C and stay in the town of Duck. My husband pointed out to me that this plate supports duck hunting
I ended up with autumn leaves, instead. No offense to hunters, but that doesn't work for me! I did get vanity plates, for the first time, with my new car. "She" insisted. It's not very clever, but descriptive. As she is a bright red, two seater, convertible, she is known as ROADSTR. Believe me, the car made me do it
i saw one that said....36 24 38
Hmmm.... must be her lucky #'s
I''d rather see personalized plates than bumper stickers. I hate bumper stickers.

I saw plates once that read "OPNWID" We assumed it was a dentist (although I could think of at least one other profession)
I am too cheap to buy a vanity plate
and (apparently!) too dense to "get" a lot of them!
I end up scratching my head most of the time thinking, "What does THAT MEAN???!"

Date: 7/6/2008 9:34:56 PM
Author: Lynn B
I am too cheap to buy a vanity plate
and (apparently!) too dense to 'get' a lot of them!
I end up scratching my head most of the time thinking, 'What does THAT MEAN???!'

you don't want to know
but i think you're playing dumb.
Date: 7/6/2008 9:16:51 PM
Author: Dancing Fire
i saw one that said....36 24 38
Hmmm.... must be her lucky #''s

ha ha ha ha ha, ummmm yea, I bet!!! tee hee
I think personalized plates are a great idea! And if it''s promoting a good cause...even better!
i saw "PAY CASH" on a brand new MB.
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