
thoughts on setting U-V ultra moody diamond

I haven't read this thread so excuse me if you have your answer already.

I have a mean and ultra moody diamond as well with strong fluor. My experience is that because it has fluor it can make picking a metal colour very very difficult.

If I were you I'd get some rose gold, white gold and yellow gold. Take photos of your diamond next to each one (or on your hand) in daylight, indoor during the daytime and then indoors at night time. I've attached a photo of the comparison between yellow and platinum (can't find the rose gold one). You'll be very surprised at how different it can look. I normally only wear white gold/platinum but my mean and moody really really really didn't look good with it. I've had exactly the same problem with my chameleon diamond.

Please take your time with this one because if you get it wrong you really won't like it. I had a yellow diamond with strong fluor that became almost white in sunlight and lost all yellow (it was horrible)!


LD, your diamond is amazing! Moody is right! I think that suggesting that fel take some time on this decision is sound advice. Although the fear of commitment can mean the stone sits in a box for longer than necessary (as in my case), too. It's a tough call!

(as a side note, the setting that is now on LT is no longer mine, and is not being sold by me, despite my picture being used - I did buy it for my tranny, but it wasn't blingy enough for me, so onward it went).
NKOTB-- are you keeping the rose gold halo, or still looking? I am so glad to see your diamond in it, because I think it gives me a good perspective on how mine would have looked. I find it perhaps a little bit more modern than I am looking for.

btw: Thank you all so much for engaging in this conversation tonight. I am sick with the flu and this is helping to keep my spirits up.

I actually have another question. Do any of you wear rose gold as your every day engagement/wedding ring set? If so, do you ever feel this creates a clash issue? I do have some RH rings I really love in 18k or higher yellow gold. I mix the high carat yellow with silver/white gold all the time, but not sure about mixing with rose gold.
fel|1383193644|3547971 said:
NKOTB-- are you keeping the rose gold halo, or still looking? I am so glad to see your diamond in it, because I think it gives me a good perspective on how mine would have looked. I find it perhaps a little bit more modern than I am looking for.

btw: Thank you all so much for engaging in this conversation tonight. I am sick with the flu and this is helping to keep my spirits up.

I actually have another question. Do any of you wear rose gold as your every day engagement/wedding ring set? If so, do you ever feel this creates a clash issue? I do have some RH rings I really love in 18k or higher yellow gold. I mix the high carat yellow with silver/white gold all the time, but not sure about mixing with rose gold.

Well, I don't have an "official e-ring" because it's a long story, but I mix and match my diamond and colored stone rings on my e-ring finger all the time, and many of them are in rose gold. I'm a huge fan of rose gold, and I have quite a bit of it with various stones. If you wear your rose gold on your e-finger, I don't think it would clash with rings in other metals on your right hand, but that's just me. Perhaps others would have an issue with it, but I do not. I mix metals on both hands as well.
Not sure if I'm keeping the rose gold halo or not, but my diamond won't be going into it. I originally bought it for a mint garnet, though I don't think the garnet is going to fit. :(

I think mixing metals is okay. I've seen it a lot, even in the same piece (with all three - white, rose, and yellow).
Fel I know you're keen on rose gold and others have suggested it BUT I would urge caution because of the strong fluor. Do you have a copper penny (not sure what you call them in the US). Can you sit the diamond on it and see what happens with the fluor? With my W yellow (strong blue fluor - I haven't posted pictures in this thread), the only metal that was right was unfortunately yellow gold (unfortunate for me as I very rarely wear yellow gold).
When you mean testing the fluorescence, do you mean shine a UV light on it while on a coin, or taking it out in sunlight which is mixed. I think some of my previous pictures show the mixed sunlight on copper or silver. If I shine my UV light on it, it just glows white or blue (blue if lights are on, whitish if it is a completely dark room), regardless of metal. I am attaching a picture of it looking blue on a quarter and a penny.

But, I will say I actually think a white metal like white gold or platinum) is probably overall best for this diamond, at least for the direct surround (bezel or prongs). Best of all worlds may be a white bezel in rose gold. With a rose gold surround, you get lovely teal moments but also some ugly muddy gray moments when direct light is lacking.

It is so interesting to me that all these people had secret moody greenish diamonds.


No definitely not with a UV pen shining on it. What I meant was in sunshine (which is when the fluor will be naturally evident). If it's an overcast day, the fluor won't be obvious. It will in sunshine though.
I'll do it next sunny day. Definitely not today -- we had quite a storm a few hours ago.
OK -- here are pictures on a sunny day. Note that the sun was still a bit low -- I didn't get outside until well after "peak" sunlight.

The first group will be on a dime. Then I will post another on a penny. Please tell me if I should go with rose gold, or a kind of platinum




And here it is on a penny. Which way to go?



Rose gold.
UPDATE. I ended up setting in platinum and 18k gold, but I do plan to have a ruby/rose gold eternity made to sit next to it to bring out the green. I am hoping to base the eternity/wedding ring on this one: Here's my ring as it is set. Thoughts?




Very nice! How have you found the choice of metals has affected the colour of the diamond, if at all?
Since it is a solitaire and the bezel is very thin, I don't think the setting ring affects the color. In this case I had to go with a thin shank because when my hands swell in the summer, thick rings are uncomfortable. The ring next to it -- my current eternity, is what decides appearance. Unfortunately that will be too tight as well once it gets hotter. That is why I am going for a ruby/rose gold eternity. The eternity will be thinner than my current one and I hope will be wearable in summer.

The diamond still has this green glow outside. Inside it can range from looking white to fiery dark yellow/olive.
NKOTB|1383151981|3547556 said:
I will be watching your progress closely, as I have a transitional cut, about the same size, that also has phosphorescence, that I bought from ForteKitty (she estimated it to be in the S-T range). Here are some pics of settings that I've popped it in, to give a bit of an idea on different metals. I realize these aren't the types of settings you're thinking of, but hope this helps!

I got to the party a little late, so I'm glad fel found a setting, but NKOTB, if you're still making decisions, the second setting in the bunch looks beautiful with your stone and really brings out a nice contrast with the diamond's color.

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